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2. We have to get up early for our _______classes.

* 1/1
English Usage Test. FORM "K"
Puntos totales 44/100
(nine o'clocks)

(nine o'clock)

Correo * (nines o'clock)

3.John is very strong, he _______easily move those boxes for you. * 1/1
0 de 0 puntos

Write your last name. * (can)

Rosales Limachi (has to)


Write your first name. *

Victor Andres
4. We wanted to make some sandwiches, but we didn't have ______bread. * 1/1

For Non-Native Speakers of English 44 de 100 puntos


1.How many letters ______? * 0/1


(you wrote)

(did you wrote)

(did you write)?

Respuesta correcta

(did you write)?

5. Does he ______many mistakes when he speaks English? * 1/1 8.How ______does the trip take? * 0/1

(make) (long time)

(do) (longer)

(give) (long)

Respuesta correcta

6. We were expecting _______ your parents yesterday. * 1/1

(to meeting)
9. This is very good cake. May I have _______please? * 0/1
(of meeting)

(to meet) (some more)

(any more)

(some other),
7. Paul shouldn't have _____angry with George. * 1/1
Respuesta correcta

(some more)


10. When you go to the store, please buy ______ * 1/1

(three pounds meat)

(three pounds of meat)

(three pound of meat).

11. Do you know _______it means? * 0/1 14. Before you start your trip, you'd better get some better _______. * 0/1

(roads maps)
(roads map)
(that which)
(road maps)

Respuesta correcta
Respuesta correcta
(road maps)

12. * 1/1
15. They walk ________. * 1/1

(Have you studied ever English before?)

(every afternoon home at tour)
(Have ever you studied English before?)
(every afternoon at four home)
(Have you ever studied English before?)
(home every afternoon at four)

13. It's not time ________leave yet. * 0/1

16.The taxi is waiting __________the theater. * 0/1

(for to)
(in front of)
(in front)
(in front to)

Respuesta correcta
Respuesta correcta
(in front of)
17._________Paul take his vacation next month? * 1/1 20. That was the most amusing movie _______. * 0/1

(Is going) (I did ever see)

(Will) (ever I saw)

(Is) (I ever saw)

Respuesta correcta

(I ever saw)
18. Has Mary been here today? I don't think ______. * 0/1

21. Would you like _______? * 1/1

(that). (ones of)

Respuesta correcta (some ones of)

(so) (some of)

19. Doesn't she _______a gen? * 0/1 22 * 1/1

(has) (Has John yet told his father about it?)

(have) (Has John told his father about it yet?)

(to have) (Has John told yet his father about it?)

Respuesta correcta

23. We'll go for a little walk after ______. * 1/1 26. Must we really ______ back by noon? * 0/1

(a while) (be)

(the while) (been)

(some while). (being)

Respuesta correcta

24. I'll stay home today until the mail ______. * 0/1

(will come)
27. Tom asked Helen to ______a walk with him after dinner. * 1/1

(came). (take)

Respuesta correcta (do)

(comes) (make)

25. That was the first time that ______to the hospital. * 1/1 28. There are many places of _______ interest in the United States. * 1/1

(he has to go) (historical)

(he have to go) (historious)

(he had to go) (historial)

29. We were all _______to hear the news. * 1/1 32. Do the boys ________ wear coats and ties tonight? * 0/1

(have to)
(ought to)

Respuesta correcta

(have to)
30. Here's a new dictionary, but I don't know _______it is. * 0/1

(of whom)
33. Does everyone in the English class ______ a dictionary? * 1/1

(of who)

Respuesta correcta

31. Where _______to go this evening? * 0/1

34. My apartment is ________the third floor. * 0/1

(would Arthur like)

(Arthur would like)
(would like Arthur)
Respuesta correcta
Respuesta correcta
(would Arthur like)
35. This store doesn't have many new paintings, but some of _______are *0/1 37.________she been waiting very long * 0/1
quite interesting,


(the olds)

(the old ones)


(the olds ones)

Respuesta correcta
Respuesta correcta (Has)

(the old ones)

38. I wasn't sure his answer _______ correct. * 0/1

36. They don't know ________. * 0/1


(when begins the show)


(when does the show begin)

(would be)

(when the show begins).

Respuesta correcta
Respuesta correcta (would be)

(when the show begins).

39. Every _______to get good grades. * 0/1

(student want)

(students want)

(student wants)

Respuesta correcta

(student wants)
40. Why __________her lesson? * 1/1 43. That was _______movie I've ever seen. * 1/1

(she didn't do) (the worst)

(didn't she do) (most bad)

(she didn't) (worse)

41. Janet's coat is ______mine. * 0/1 44. We waited _______ while he made a telephone call. * 0/1

(the same color as) (during a few minutes)

(as color as) (few minutes)

(the same color than) (for a few minutes)

Respuesta correcta Respuesta correcta

(the same color as) (for a few minutes)

42. If the boys studied a little harder, they probably ________get such low *0/1 45.______some more ice cream, please. * 1/1

(We'll like)
(We'd like)
(We like)


Respuesta correcta

46. Everyone should _______about the change in the schedule * 0/1 49. That car looks very much like ____. * 0/1

(have been told) (our)

(had been told) (that of us)

(been told) (ours).

Respuesta correcta Respuesta correcta

(have been told) (ours).

47.John tried to lift that heavy box without ______. * 1/1 50. The children ______new shoes. * 0/1

(help) (are needing)

(the help) (need)

(a help). (needs)

Respuesta correcta

48. You should do this work before Monday, but you _______. * 0/1

(don't must to)

51. Why _____answer the telephone? * 1/1
(don't must)

(don't have to). (he didn't)

Respuesta correcta (he not)

(don't have to). (didn't he)

52. Will Paul _____to go to the doctor again? * 0/1 55. The little boy wouldn't _______Paul his name. * 0/1

(needs) (say)

(have) (tell)

(must) (speak)

Respuesta correcta Respuesta correcta

(have) (tell)

53. A great deal of money was ______on the new bridge. * 0/1 56. Most of my friends go home at Christmas, but ______remain at *1/1

(a few)
(some fews)
Respuesta correcta


57. This is the camera ______to buy. * 1/1

54. If Jack had needed more money, I'm sure he would _______us for it. * 0/1 (what I would like)

(I'll like)
(have asked)
(I'd like)
(must ask)

(will have asked)

Respuesta correcta

(have asked)
58. Since 1940 Professor Duncan ________in four universities. * 0/1 61. John doesn't write to us very often and Martha doesn't _____. * 0/1

(taught) (also)

(has taught) (too)

(was teaching) (either)

Respuesta correcta Respuesta correcta

(has taught) (either)

59._____to go see Mr. Brown today? 1/1 62. I don't understand how the meeting could have ______so long. * 1/1

(Won't you) (lasted)

(Aren't you going) (last)

(Wouldn't you) (lasting)

60. Did you help John? No, there was really _____ I could do for him. * 0/1 63. Those letters _________written by Helen. * 1/1

(anything) (have)

(nothing) (were)

(something) (were been)

Respuesta correcta

64. A new school will be _____ on that corner. * 0/1 67.The blue car isn't mine; I think it's * 0/1

(build) (of Mr. Cook)

(built) (Mr. Cook)

(builded) (Mr. Cook's),

Respuesta correcta Respuesta correcta

(built) (Mr. Cook's),

65. I've been sleepy all day; I _______have gone to bed earlier last night. * 1/1 68. Your answer to the problem is very different ______mine. * 0/1

(must) (of)

(would) (from)

(should) (as)

Respuesta correcta

66. I haven't seen him ______a year. * 0/1

69. Paul is going to the library this evening, and so ______we. * 0/1

(during) (are)

Respuesta correcta (do)

(for) (go)

Respuesta correcta

70.________if George had been there? * 0/1 73. The little boy wouldn't tell us _______. * 1/1

(Will you go) (why was he crying)

(Would you go) (why did he cry)

(Would you have gone) (why he was crying).

Respuesta correcta

(Would you have gone)

74. It's been raining______. * 0/1

(all long day)

71.______ I don't like Bill's new car. * 0/1
(all through day)

(To tell a truth) (all day long).

(To say the truth) Respuesta correcta

(To tell the truth), (all day long).

Respuesta correcta

(To tell the truth),

75. Peter is _______us at the corner. * 1/1

(to meet)
72. Mr. Brown won't attend the meeting and________Dr. Jones. * 1/1

(neither will) (meet)

(either won't)

(either will)
76. Arthur knows your friend, and _______. 1/1 79. The man in the office wouldn't let the boy ______the package for his *1/1

(so does Dick)

(to leave)
(Dick does so)
(so Dick does).

77. Could Charles _______the one who left this book? * 0/1
80. That scientist made a very great ______. * 1/1

(had been)
(have been)
Respuesta correcta

(have been)

81. When it's time to eat, they'll ring the _______. * 0/1

78. My sister and I are very fond _______ each other. * 0/1 (dinner's bell)

(bell of dinner)
(dinner bell)
Respuesta correcta
(dinner bell)
Respuesta correcta

82. * 1/1 85. Mr. Brown asked the boys ______ so noisy. * 0/1

(Mr. Mansdeld sometimes arrives here early.) (not to be)

(Mr. Mansfield arrives sometimes. early here.) (don't be)

(Mr. Man neid arrives here sometimes early.) (not being)

Respuesta correcta

(not to be)
83. Charles wants to see your new house, and __________ * 0/1

(we do so)
86. The Smith's new house is ______ smaller than their old one: * 1/1
(so do we)

(we so do), (more)

Respuesta correcta (much)

(so do we) (very)

84. You must not forget to ________ Louise about her appointment. 1/1 87. I am very tired ______ his excuses. * 0/1

(remember) (of hearing)

(recall) (to hear)

(remind) (by hearing)

Respuesta correcta

(of hearing)
88 * 0/1 91. Would you mind ______ your books on the table, please? * 0/1

(I still don't know the answer) (not leave)

(I don't still know the answer.) (not to leave)

(I don't know still the answsr.) (not leaving)

Respuesta correcta Respuesta correcta

(I still don't know the answer) (not leaving)

89. You should _______an effort to find out George's address. * 1/1 92. Tom's been quite ill, ________? * 1/1

(do) (hasn't he)

(make) (isn't be)

(take) (wasn't he)

90. I wish we ______help you, but we're very busy today. * 0/1 93. Were you successful _______ a new shade for the lamp? * 1/1

(can) (in finding)

(would) (to find)

(could) (on finding)

Respuesta correcta

94. He asked _________. * 0/1 97. I would go to bed early if I ___________have to study, * 1/1

(to his professor) (don't)

(his professor the question) (didn't)

(to his professor the question). (won't)

Respuesta correcta

(his professor the question)

98. The grass is very high; it needs _______ very badly. * 0/1

95. I was afraid you _______agree to the plan. * 1/1
(that it be cut)

(won't) (to cut)

(might not) Respuesta correcta

(can't) (cutting)

96. The clock had just ______eight when Martha arrived. * 1/1 99. Before you rent the house, you _______ better paint these rooms. * 0/1

(struck) (have)

(struked) (would)

(strucked) (had)

Respuesta correcta

100. How _______ do the Johnsons expect to be here? * 0/1


(much longer)

(longer time)

Respuesta correcta

(much longer)

Este formulario se creó en Centro Boliviano Americano.


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