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Daisy Chi English A 3S2-2

How did Puberty affect my relationship with my mom?

Puberty did not affect my relationship with my mother, it brought me closer to her. I haven’t
really experienced anything terrible with my mom, she is the best hardworking and single parent
in the world, she has always been there for me and for others. I would want to be like her when I
grow up, she’s my role model. “Okay”, Back to the question, here are some changes that impact
my relationship with my mom. Firstly, I have a bad attitude which gets me in trouble, such as
disrespecting her by yelling at her in a bad mood, resulting to getting punished or lectured.
Secondly, I’m very open minded, like I literally don’t hide anything from my mom. My mother
knows all my secrets, she even knows that I have a boyfriend. Which is very surprising because I
told her, although I did get lectured, sadly, “but”, there’s a but, she allowed me to have a
boyfriend because, she wants me to experience great things in life. Lastly, is my bond with her,
is very unique. It's true we do have our ups and downs, but I love her dearly, she’s the only one I
can count on with my mistakes and achievements. I have learnt that not all daughters have this
kind of bond with their parents, so I appreciate it to the max. A pointer is that me and my mom
have a type of relationship that no one can understand, it’s confusing but I’m very used to it. She
is a strict parent and I do try my best to make her proud. One more thing is, I’m still not sure why
doesn’t my mom let me go out. She says she doesn’t want me to get kidnapped, but she let’s me
walk down after classes all by myself. I’ve told her multiple times that I want to experience
being a teen and socializing with people. I just have to live like this until I’m fully grown and
ready to be free.

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