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Senior High School

Organization & Management

Quarter I
Module 2

Functions, Roles and Skills of a


MT-I Sta. Maria HS, Macabebe
JANE P. VALENCIA, EdD – Math/ABM Supervisor
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the Function, Roles and Skills of a Manager. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with
the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain the function, roles and skills of a manager.

What I Know

Before you start studying this module, take this test to find out what you already know
about the topic.

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answers on your notebook.

1. Enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex problems.

a. Conceptual Skills
b. Human Skills
c. Top Management
d. Middle Management
2. They are also concerned with the organization’s inter-relationship with their
external environment.
a. Top-level Managers
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Frontline
d. Lower-level Managers
3. Their traditional role is to act as a go between higher and lower levels of the
a. Top-level Managers
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Frontline
d. Lower-level Managers
4. It is important for managers to perform their task with proficiency with the use
of their expertise.
a. Conceptual Skills
b. Human Skills
c. Top Management
d. Technical Skills
5. They are controlled and instructed by top- and middle-level manager to follow
their orders in support of the organization’s major strategy.
a. Top-level Managers
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Frontline and Lower-level Managers
d. Technical Skills
6. Communicating, leading, inspiring, and motivating people is easy with the help
of ________________.
a. Conceptual Skills
b. Human Skills
c. Top Management
d. Technical Skills
7. An individual who supervise and manage the team and responsible for the
assuring the work of others.
a. Executive Director
b. President
c. Board of Directors
d. Manager
8. Leader, Liason and Figurehead are categories of managerial roles as
a. Interpersonal
b. Informational
c. Decisional or Decision-making
d. Monitor
9. Spokesperson, monitor, disseminator are categories of managerial roles as
a. Interpersonal
b. Informational
c. Decisional or Decision-making
d. Handler
10. Disturbance handler, Resource allocator, Negotiator and Entrepreneur are
categories of managerial roles as ______________.
a. Interpersonal
b. Informational
c. Decisional or Decision-making
d. Monitor
11. Enable managers in all levels to relate well with people.
a. Conceptual Skills
b. Human Skills
c. Top Management
d. Technical Skills
12. Important for managers for them to perform their task with proficiency with the
use of this expertise.
a. Conceptual Skills
b. Human Skills
c. Top Management
d. Technical Skills
13. Chief executive officers (CEOs), chief operating officers (COOs),
presidents, and vice presidents are example of __________________ in big
a. Top-level Managers
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Frontline and Lower-level Managers
d. Technical Skills
14. Tactical manager also known as _______________.
a. Top-level Managers
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Frontline and Lower-level Managers
d. Technical Skills
15. Operational managers also known as ______________.
a. Top-level Managers
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Frontline and Lower-level Managers
d. Technical Skills

Well, how was it? Do you think you did well? Compare your answers with those in the
Answer Key

If all your answers are correct, very good! This goes to show that you already know much
about the topics in this module. You may still study the module to review what you
already know. Who knows? You might learn a few new things as well.

If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This means that this module is for you. It will help
you to understand important concepts that you can apply in your daily life. If you study
this module carefully, you will learn the answers to all of the items in the test and a lot
more! Are you ready?

You may go now to the next page to begin Lesson 1.

Functions, Role and Skills
1 of Manager
In this lesson, you will explore that all manager have different obligation in the
organization. Manager has own duties and responsibilities, job description and job
qualification. Manager has its own role, function and skills.

Non-business executive sometimes say that the aim of business managers is simple-to
make a profit. But profit is really only a measure of a surplus of sales. In a very real
sense, in all kinds of organizations, whether business or non-business, the logical and
publicly desirable aim of all managers should be a surplus.

What’s In

Before we start our lesson, let us review the lesson from the previous module.

1. Define organization and management and Explain the five function of

2. What are the different management theories and explain? What are the
uses of these theories in your business?

What’s New

Let’s do an Activity. Go the mirror and reflect. As a student/child: What are your
function, roles and skills?

As a student
As a Student

As a child

As a Child

What is It

Let’s start the lesson with this brief discussion and discover new thoughts and expertise.

1. Write one statement about your reflection in answering the activity above.
As a student and as a child: What are your meaningful experiences in everyday
living about your role, function and skills in your school and at the house?

Mini Discussion
Let’ begin with the lesson and learn new things.

What are the functions of a manager?

Manager – an individual engaged in management activities such as supervising,
sustaining, upholding, and assuring responsibilities for the work of others in his/her
work group, team, department, on the organization in general.
Managerial Level

Top-level Managers. The general or strategic managers who focus on long-term

organizational concerns and emphasize the organization stability, development,
progress, and overall efficiency and effectiveness. They are also concerned with the
organization’s inter-relationship with their external environment. Chief executive
officers (CEOs), chief operating officers (COOs), presidents, and vice presidents are
example of top level manager in big corporation; they have authority over all other
human resources of their organization.

Middle-level Managers. The tactical managers in charge of the organization’s middle

level or departments. They formulate specific objectives and activities based on the
strategic or general goals and objective developed by top-level managers. Their
traditional role is to act as go between higher and lower levels of the organization; they
announce and interpret top management priorities to human resources in the middle
hierarchical level of the company.
Frontline or Lower-level Managers. Also known as operational managers and are
responsible for supervising the organizational managers and are responsible for
supervising the organization’s day-to-day activities; they are the bridges between
management and nonmanagement employees. Traditionally, they are controlled and
instructed by top- and middle-level manager to follow their orders in support of the
organization’s major strategy.

What are the roles of a manager?

Caregories of Managerial Roles according to Mintzberg

• Leader
• Liason
• Figurehead
• Spokesperson
• Monitor
• Disseminator
Decisional or Decision-making
• Disturbance handler
• Resource allocator
• Negotiator
• Entrepreneur

What are the skills of a manager?

Managerial Skills

Managerial Skills may be classified as conceptual, human, and technical.

Conceptual Skills. Enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex

problems. Through their ability to visualize abstract situations, they develop a holistic
view of their organization and its relation to the wider external environment surrounding
it. Top- level managers must have these conceptual skills in order to be successful in
their work.

Human Skills. Enable managers in all levels to relate well with people. Communicating,
leading, inspiring, and motivating them become easy with the help of human skills.
Dealing with people, both in the organization internal and external environment, is
inevitable, so it is necessary for managers to develop these human skills.

Technical Skills. Also important for managers for them to perform their task with
proficiency with the use of their expertise. Lower-level managers find these skills very
important because they are the ones who manage the non-management workers who
employ varied techniques and tools to be able to yield good quality products and services
for their company.

For additional Information watch the video Functions of Management and the Roles of
Managers PPM/MOD 1 (Part-2)

What’s More
Let’s check if you understood the discussion provided. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write your answer on your notebook.

1. Top- level managers must have these _________________in order to be successful

in their work.
a. Human Skills
b. Technical Skills
c. Conceptual Skills
d. Managerial Skills
2. Enable managers in all levels to relate well with people. Communicating, leading,
inspiring, and motivating them become easy with the help of _______________.
a. Human Skills
b. Technical Skills
c. Conceptual Skills
d. Managerial Skills
3. Lower-level managers find these _______________ very important because they are
the ones who manage the non-management workers who employ varied
techniques and tools to be able to yield good quality products and services for
their company.
a. Human Skills
b. Technical Skills
c. Conceptual Skills
d. Managerial Skills
4. ____________ is the general or strategic managers who focus on long-term
organizational concerns and emphasize the organization stability, development,
progress, and overall efficiency and effectiveness.
a. Top-level Managers
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Frontline
d. Lower-level Managers
5. _____________ also known as operational managers and are responsible for
supervising the organizational managers and are responsible for supervising the
organization’s day-to-day activities; they are the bridges between management
and non- management employees.
a. Top-level Managers
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Frontline
d. Lower-level Managers

What I Have Learned

Let’s find out what you have learned.

Direction. Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing
the chart below in 2-3 sentences

What were your I thought…

thoughts or ideas
about the functions,
roles and skills of a
manager prior to the
discussion of the

I learned that…
What new or
additional ideas did
you learn after taking
up this lesson?

How are you going to I am going to…

apply the things you
have learned about
the functions, roles
and skills of a

Well, this is almost the end of the module! Congratulations for having gone this far. You
have been a very hardworking and patient learner. Did you like the module? Did you
learn something useful from it?

What I Can Do

A. Let’s make an online interview of one manager of any business enterprise in your
place. What are their Function, Roles and skill as a manager? How do they
perform their duties and responsibilities as employee?
Function Roles Skills

How do they perform their duties and responsibilities as

C. For additional insights and learning. Search on the internet about the Roles,
Function and skills of a manager.


You will find out how much you learned from the module by taking this test.

A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answers
on your notebook.

1. Which of the following is NOT categories in a Managerial Level?

a. Top-level Manager
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Lower-Level Manager
d. Flexible
2. An individual engaged in management activities such as supervising, sustaining,
upholding, and assuring responsibilities for the work of others in his/her work
group, team, department, on the organization in general.
a. Manager
b. Liason
c. Negotiator
d. Entrepreneur
3. The following are Categories of Managerial Roles according to Mintzberg,
Informational categories EXCEPT:
a. Spokesperson
b. Monitor
c. Disseminator
d. Disturbance handler
4. Also known as operational managers and are responsible for supervising the
organizational managers and are responsible for supervising the organization’s day-
to-day activities; they are the bridges between management and non-management
a. Top-level Manager
b. Middle-level Manager
c. Frontline or Lower-Level Manager
d. Flexible
5. Which of the following best describes Conceptual Skills?
a. Enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex problems.
b. Enable managers in all levels to relate well with people.
c. It is important for managers for them to perform their task with proficiency with
the use of their expertise.
d. Chief executive officers (CEOs), chief operating officers (COOs), presidents, and
vice presidents are example of top level manager in big corporation; they have
authority over all other human resources of their organization.
6. Which of the following is NOT skills of a manager?
a. Managerial Skills
b. Conceptual Skills
c. Human Skills
d. Top Level Manager
7. Which of the following best describes Technical Skills?
a. Enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex problems.
b. Enable managers in all levels to relate well with people.
c. It is important for managers for them to perform their task with proficiency with
the use of their expertise.
d. Chief executive officers (CEOs), chief operating officers (COOs), presidents, and
vice presidents are example of top level manager in big corporation; they have
authority over all other human resources of their organization.
8. The managers who focus on long-term organizational concerns and
emphasize the organization stability, development, progress, and overall
efficiency and effectiveness.
a. Top-level Manager
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Lower-Level Manager
d. Flexible
9. They formulate specific objectives and activities based on the strategic or
general goals and objective developed by top-level managers.
a. Top-level Manager
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Lower-Level Manager
d. Flexible
10. Ms. Gabriel is a manager that is responsible for supervising the business day to
day activities. She acts as the middleman between the management and non-
management. What managerial level does Ms. Gabriel belong?
a. Top-level Manager
b. Middle-level Managers
c. Lower-Level Manager
d. Flexible

B. Matching Type : Choose from the letter below. Write the letter of the correct
answer on your notebook.
________1. Top Level Managers
________2. Middle Managers
________3. Frontline or Lower Level Managers
________4. Interpersonal
________5.Decisional and Decision Making

A. General or Strategic Managers

B. Tactical Managers
C. Disturbance handler, Resource Allocator, Negotiable, Entrepreneurs
D. Leader, Liason, Figurehead
E. Operational Manager

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key.

Additional Activities

A. Explain the function, roles and skills of a manager?


B. Direction. Write T before each number if the statement is true and F if the
statement is false.

1. Manager is an individual engaged in management activities such as supervising,

sustaining, upholding, and assuring responsibilities for the work of others in
his/her work group, team, department, on the organization in general.
2. Human Skills focus on long-term organizational concerns and emphasize the
organization stability, development, progress, and overall efficiency and
3. Middle-level Managers are tactical managers in charge of the organization’s
middle level or departments.
4. Frontline or Lower-level Managers are known as operational managers.
5. Categories of Managerial Roles according to Mintzberg:
Interpersonal is categorized as Leader, Liason and Figurehead; Informational is
categorized as Spokesperson, Monitor and Disseminator; Decisional or Decision-
making is categorized as Disturbance handler, Resource allocator, Negotiator and
6. Conceptual Skills enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex
7. Human Skills enable managers in all levels to relate well with people.
8. Top management is also important for managers in order to perform their task
with proficiency through their expertise.

Congratulations for the job well done. You can now move on to the next module. Thank
Criteria for Activities
What I Know What's More Assessment
1. A 1. C A.
2. A 2. A
3. B 1. D
3. B 2. A
4. D 4. A
5. D 3. D
5. C 4. C
6. B 5. A
7. D Additional Activities 6. D
8. A B. 7. C
9. B 8. A
10. C 1. T 9. B
11. B 2. F 10. C
3. T
12. D
4. T B.
13. A
5. T
14. B 1. A
6. T
15. C 7. T 2. B
16. 8. F 3. E
4. D
5. C
Answer Key
Helena Ma. F. Cabrera, Anthony DC Altarejos and Riaz Benjamin (2016). Organization
and Management

Minakshi Jain, A Manager: Functions, Skills and Role,

Functions of Management and the Roles of Managers PPM/MOD 1 (Part-2)

Development Team of the Module

Writer: JONER G. MAGLALANG – MT-I Sta. Maria HS, Macabebe

Editor: JANE P. VALENCIA, EdD – EPS – Mathematics
Reviewer: JANE P. VALENCIA, EdD – EPS – Mathematics
LUCIO B. GOMEZ – MT-I San Matias High School
Layout Artist:
Language Reviewer:

Management Team

ZENIA G. MOSTOLES, EdD, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent

LEONARDO C. CANLAS, EdD, CESE. Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
ROWENA T. QUIAMBAO, CESE, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
JANE P. VALENCIA, EdD, Education Program Supervisor, Mathematics
JUNE E. CUNANAN, Education Program Supervisor/ Language Editor
RUBY M. JIMENEZ, PhD., Education Program Supervisor, LRMDS

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