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Associate Editor: A. STONE FREEDBERG, M.D.

The Heart in Anemia


T HAT reduction in the oxygen carrying seen in its most classic form in some parasitic
capacity of the blood has important anemias.
effects on the normal as well as the Four principle mechanisms may operate
diseased heart is not fully appreciated by in anemia to maintain a normal or near normal
many. This discussion will be concerned not oxygen supply to the tissues. These processes
only with the effect of anemia on the normal never function singly; the importance of each
and the diseased heart but also with its effects in a particular case depends upon the severity
on respiration and the metabolism of the and the duration of the anemia. The four
tissues. mechanisms are indicated by the following
Many comprehensive discussions of the facts:
pathologic physiology of the cardiovascular 1. The cardiac minute volume output is
and respiratory systems in anemia have ap- increased.
peared in current medical literature during 2. The velocity of blood flow is increased.
the past years.' 2, 8 These are excellent sources 3. The removal of a greater percentage of
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of basic information for those interested in oxygen from each gram of circulating hemo-
the complex problems of the physiologic globin results in increased oxygen delivery to
adjustment to diminished oxygen-carrying the tissues without burdening the heart.
capacity of the blood. In the present discus- 4. Selective shunting of blood to vital organs
sion, a less formal pattern will be adopted. from areas of lesser importance is a process
At times statements will be made in the spirit which operates in normal individuals but is
of expressed personal opinion, obviously not developed more selectively and in greater
based upon documented data. This is pre- magnitude during the stress of chronic anemia.
meditated, for, convinced that many aspects An increase in cardiac output in patients
of the total problem need additional study, with anemia has been consistently demont-
we wish to be provocative. strated by most investigators, but the magni-
Much of the obvious inconsistency in the tude of the increase is not well correlated with
great mass of published data stems from the either the degree or duration of anemia. The
failure of observers to be sufficiently critical cardiac output is usually increased when the
of the type of patient selected for study. It is hemoglobin is 7 Gm per 100 cc. or less3-8;
our conviction that any patient who has a nevertheless, there are many exceptions. The
varying degree of anemia, regardless of its predictable cardiac output in anemic patients
duration, is not chronic from the standpoint is more consistently related to pulse rate and
of physiologic adjustment; acute stresses from velocity flow than to the hemoglobin level.8
a varying intensity of anemia introduce emer- This, however, is true only in anemias of vary-
gency reactions which do not operate in the ing degree or of short duration. When one
investigates patients with parasitic anemia
fully acclimatized true "chronic anemia" with relatively constant hemoglobin levels
From the Department of M\edicine, School of over periods of years, an increased cardiac
Medicine, Mledical College of Virginia, Richmond, Va. output at rest is not indicated either by tachy-
ill Circulation, Volume VIII, July, 1.953

cardia or by increased rate of velocity flow. The increased cardiac output results from an
Data obtained under basal conditions in five increased pulse rate, acceleration of cardiac
patients of 23 to 49 years of age with hook- filling, and increased stroke volume with no
worm anemia illustrate the point in question increase in peripheral resistance.
(table 1). The subjects in table 1 were selected We suggest that tachycardia and increased
for study because of their ability to work as velocity flow are not physiologically adapted
laborers without distress. to prolonged strain but rather are mechanisms
A review of the data in table 1 indicates to meet acute bodily stresses such as fever,
that these individuals under resting conditions exercise, hypermetabolism, and acute anemia.
very likely did not have an increase in cardiac A review of our accumulated clinical material
output, but were able to meet basal oxygen impresses us with the significant difference in
requirements by other mechanisms. The pulse the state of the heart in the ambulatory,
rate averaged 70 per minute. The diastolic physically active, anemic patient, and the
blood pressure was low, averaging 56 mm. patient who is inactive and as a rule confined
The circulation time, sodium cyanide method, to bed with essentially the same degree of
basilic vein-carotid sinus, averaged 19 seconds. anemia. We have studied many ambulatory
patients with severe anemia and gross cardiac
TABLE 1. Physiologic Data in Hookworm Anemia enlargement who show rapid reduction in
cardiac size following bed rest without signifi-
B.P. Cir. Time
Age, Ht. (mm. Hg) (sec.) Hgb. (Gm./
cant change in the degree of anemia. We have
Yrs. Rate/
Min .
100 cc.) (mm.
not seen unequivocal myocardial hypertrophy,
Syst. Diast. Pul.t post mortem or by reliable clinical technics,
23 62 95 45 19 10 6.9 40
in an anemic patient unless he had been phys-
30 82 110 55 16 11 3.7 55 ically active during most of the period of the
40 74 105 50 19 11 3.8 38 anemic state, or unless some intrinsic cardiac
45 56 118 65 22 15 4.9 45 disease or hypertension coexisted.
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49 76 120 65 19 14 4.4 72 The most frequent symptom is dyspnea on

* Arm to carotid sinus circulation time, sodium effort. The vital capacity of the lungs is a
cyanide method. simple, sensitive index of the pulmonary reserve
t Crude pulmonary circulation time. available for augmented respiratory function.
The greater the vital capacity, the greater the
If the volume of cardiac output per minute is margin of reserve between comfortable and
determined by rate of cardiac filling and pulse uncomfortable breathing when increased pul-
rate, it is improbable that these patients had monary function is necessitated by an aug-
an increased cardiac output under resting mented volume of pulmonary blood flow. We
conditions. However, when they were subjected have found pulmonary ventilation consistently
to physical stress in the form of standardized increased on exercise in anemic patients with
exercise, the cardiac rate increased from 70 hemoglobin of 7 Gm. per 100 cc. or less. This
to 97 per minute. The diastolic pressure was occurs in normal individuals, but the differ-
unchanged, while the average systolic pressure ence between the anemic and normal person
increased from 110 mm. to 132 mm. Hg and is in the greater magnitude of increase in
the average circulation time decreased from anemic individuals with an equivalent amount
19 seconds to 11.8 seconds. Even though no of work. This encroachment on respiratory
cardiac output studies were done, we conclude reserve predisposes to dyspnea.
that under basal conditions of rest no cardiac It is not surprising that a lowered vital lung
stress was caused by the anemia in these com- capacity has been observed in many anemic
pensated individuals, but when they were subjects.9' 10 With the passage of time in the
subjected to physical stress, increased cardiac completely acclimatized individual, ventilating
output operated jointly with other mechanisms capacity may be definitely increased beyond
to supply the increased demand for oxygen. normal, approaching that of the athlete.1'
Patients of this type are capable of much happen, there is little doubt, but direct ob-
physical work even in a tropical climate in the servations on the volume of coronary blood
presence of high degrees of anemia. To discuss flow in anemic patients both at rest and during
the many biochemical and biophysical factors stress of physical work are needed.
which operate in the dyspnea of the anemic Numerous electrocardiographic studies in
patient is beyond the scope of this paper. A acute and chronic anemia indicate minor
review of published data emphasizes the need changes in1 approximately 20 per cent of the
for much additional work with special emphasis subjects. The changes are not specific for
on the physiologic state of the adequately anemia and are usually minor in degree. Our
acclimatized anemic patient who, by virtue observations and those of Hunter'6 reveal that
of the perfection of compensatory mechanism, in the few patients showing gross abnormalities,
can accomplish much physical work. no improvement in the electrocardiogram
Individuals with parasitic and other chronic occurred ill spite of successful treatment of the
anemias may exhibit more intense pallor than anemia. A review of our cases of chronic
the hemoglobin levels indicate. This is similar parasitic anemia shows the interesting fact
to the pallor of myxedema which is due not that of those patients with irreducible cardiac
only to the changes in the quality of the skin enlargement, 86 per cent showed electro-
but to a reduced peripheral circulation. cardiographic changes indicating left ventricu-
Plethysmographic measurements of the ex- lar preponderance. This is not conclusive
tremities show diminished blood flows in the evidence of iticrease in muscle mass, but it is
hands.'12 13 Direct observations on the capil- highly suggestive when correlated with ir-
laries of the finger-nail fold in anemic patients reducible enlargement.
show marked iasoconistrictionll4; the flow is The heart is the one organ wdlhich shows
slow. Our unpublished data are similar. The significant physical changes in chronic aniemia.
observations of Bradley and Bradleyl5 indicate Bambergerl7 in 1857 cotcluded that cardiac
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greatly diminished renal blood flow in chronic enlargement w-as a frequeit result of chronic
anemia consequent to localized vasoconstric- anemia. Irvtiille8 itl 1877 and Barrs"9 inl 1891
tion of the afferent arterioles supplying the attributed the bruits in chloroti( aisemia to
nephron. The renal blood flow in anemia may cardiac dilatation. Gautier20 ill 1899 recorded
be reduced to a third or a half; yet the amount his observations in 22 cases of chlorotic anemia
of plasma presented for filtration per unit of and found cardiac enlargement by percussion
time is almost normal because of the low hema- in 20. Cabot and Richards2' in 1919 observed
tocrit values. Nitrogen retention is conse- cardiac hypertrophy ins a patient dying of
quently uncommon unless primary renal disease pernicious anlemia ins whom no other factor
coexists; however, some impairment of tubular existed to account for the enlargement. Ill
function is usual, probably as a result of anoxia. 1927, wN-e studied a patient with hookworm
These observations indicate that the state anemia with hemoglobin of 2.9 Gm. per 100
of the vascular bed is not constant but varies cc. and a cardiothoracic ratio of 62 per cetst.
according to the need for oxygen in different The heart size returned to a cardiothoracic
areas of the body. The selective shunting of ratio of 49 per cent when the hemoglobin
blood from areas of lesser physiologic impor- increased to 14.6 Gm. per 100 (c. Ball22 ill
tance to more vital ones is effective in main- 1931 was the first to report a case of severe
taining physical fitness. Since there is normally anemia studied with the aid of a teleroent-
abstraction of 90 per cent or more of the genogram recording a reduction in heart size
oxygen from the coronary blood during its pas- with the relief of anemia. Ellis and Faulkner23
sage through the myocardium, serious degrees in 1939 studied 47 patients with varyitsg types
of myocardial anoxia can be prevented in and degrees of anemia. Of the 38 cases studied
anemia only by great increases in the volume by x-ray, 20 showed cardiac enlargement.
of coroitary blood flow by the shuntittg of Later observations in 26 of these patients
blood to this vital organ. That this does showted decrease in heart size its 18, with im-

provement in the hemoglobin level. In 1937 arteries are abnormal. Six of the seven patients
one" of us reported the results of detailed were carefully followed. Four have died from
studies on 18 cases of chronic parasitic anemia. coronary artery occlusion, one has had myo-
It is significant to note that all of these pa- cardial infarction, and one is of particular
tients were ambulatory and many were doing interest. This patient had pernicious anemia;
physical work. This study showed increased he was temporarily symptom-free when the
cardiac size in all these patients. The data hemoglobin was 8 or more Gm., but for the
indicated that the increase in heart size in a past 14 months he has been unable to walk
few patients was due to reversible dilatation; even slowly on a slight incline unless the hemo-
in others it was due to reducible dilatation and globin is 15 or 16 Gm. per 100 cc.; this suggests
hypertrophy, and in a third group, to definite progressing coronary artery disease. Our con-
hypertrophy unassociated with reducible dila- clusion is that in the few patients who have the
tation. anginal syndrome associated with anemia and
The potential ill effect of anemia on the are rendered free of symptoms by relief of
diseased heart or on the heart laboring under anemia, the complete diagnosis should be
the stress of hypertension, hyperthyroidism, angina pectoris resulting from coronary in-
valvular heart disease, pregnancy, arteriove- sufficiency.
nous fistula, or on the senile heart is a clinical It is generally appreciated that a systolic
problem of major importance. In many of murmur is frequently heard at the mitral area
these conditions high output failure is the rule. in anemic patients. Such murmurs occasionally
It is recognized that in these patients, relief are heard over the base of the heart at the
of the failure is rarely satisfactorily accom- aortic area, but more frequently over the sec-
plished until the condition responsible for the ond and third left intercostal areas. These
increased cardiac output is eliminated. The murmurs are rarely accompanied by signifi-
relief of anemia may be a deciding factor be- cant thrills, are best heard in the recumbent
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tween recovery or intractable failure. position, are increased in intensity by exercise

Many observers have reported the occur- or amyl nitrite inhalation, and are frequently
rence of angina of effort in patients with associated with a snapping quality of the first
anemia.16' 23-31 Complete relief of angina pec- cardiac sound quite suggestive of mitral steno-
toris by appropriate treatment of the anemia sis. These elusive apical phenomena are found
has been observed. Such patients are ad- in their most significant form following the
mittedly rare and are invariably in the age hemolytic crises of sickle cell anemia. Joint
group in which coronary arteriosclerosis is pains and fever frequently accompany the
common. There have been several case reports crises, resulting in a clinical syndrome quite
of angina and anemia in which no evidence of similar to rheumatic fever and rheumatic
coronary artery disease was found at post- heart disease. It is our impression that these
mortem examination. It is our conviction that signs are more closely related to the accelerated
in such patients the lumen of a small twig of circulation and tachycardia than to the degree
a coronary artery wNas lessened by arterio- of anemia. The mitral signs are best heard
sclerosis, which is difficult to demonstrate when the bell of the stethoscope straddles the
post mortem. As previously mentioned, the intercostal space and is lightly applied to the
normally large utilization of arterial oxygen chest wall. As a rule the snapping quality of the
by the heart predisposes to ischemic muscle first sound will disappear if the bell of the
pain in the area supplied by an artery with a stethoscope is pressed firmly to the chest wall
narrowed lumen and inelastic wall. The three and against the lower margin of the rib rather
patients reported by one of us in 1932 and than over the intercostal muscles; this is not
four additional patients observed since then observed iii mitral stenosis.
support our belief that angina of effort occurs Aortic diastolic murmurs accompanied by
in patients with anemia only when the coronary the peripheral phenomena of aortic regurgita-

tion are uncommon. Of the 34 anemic patients There are four mechanisms operating in the
studied by Hunter,16 only one had an early anemic patient which may increase the supply
diastolic murmur. We have observed a dias- of oxygen to the tissues when the oxygen
tolic aortic murmur with the vascular phenom- carrying capacity of the blood is reduced.
ena of aortic regurgitation only twice since Under conditions of rest, a rapid velocity flow
our interest in the heart in anemia became and tachycardia with an increase in minute
intense about 1925. In both of these patients, volume of cardiac output is the first response
the anemia was severe with hemoglobin values to anemia. As compensation develops, tachy-
of 2.6 and 3.1 Gm. per 100 cc. In each case cardia and increased velocity flow are largely
there was gross cardiac dilatation; the aortic replaced by selective shunting of blood and the
phenomena disappeared with bed rest and removal of an increasing percentage of oxygen
reduction in cardiac size before there was in the tissue capillaries from each gram of
significant change in the degree of anemia. circulating hemoglobin.
The diastolic murmur and fever which fre- These later physiologic mechanisms are best
quently accompany severe anemia may sug- illustrated by patients with chronic parasitic
gest bacterial endocarditis or active rheumatic anemias. Under conditions of physical stress
heart disease. Prompt change in the cardiac each of the four physiologic mechanisms con-
phenomena following bed rest and appropriate tribute in meeting the demands for increased
treatment of the anemia simplifies the differ- oxygen requirements. Compensation is, how-
ential diagnosis. ever, never perfect; the status of the patient
We agree with Hunter16 that with the excep- is determined by the reduction in hemoglobin,
tion of aortic diastolic murmurs, there is no the tissue oxygen requirements, the presence
constant relationship between the degree of of physical changes in the cardiovascular and
cardiac enlargement and systolic murmurs. pulmonary systems, degree of oxygen abstrac-
It is our impression that the murmurs are tion from the blood, and the selective shunting
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more related to cardiac rate and velocity of of blood.

blood flow than to either cardiac size or re- In relatively acute anemia, dyspnea readily
duced oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. occurs on physical exercise. Reduction in the
In many anemic patients the physical signs ventilatory capacity of the lung occurring in
and symptoms, including edema, strongly some anemic patients results from an over-all
indicate heart failure of the congestive type. reduction in physical fitness due to the anemic
A detailed study of many such individuals state rather than to physical changes in the
has convinced us that congestive failure does lung. In well compensated, chronic anemia,
not result from anemia in patients whose the vital capacity of the lungs is frequently
hearts are otherwise normal. If true conges- above normal and similar to that observed in
tive failure occurs with elevated venous pres- athletes and completely acclimatized, high
sure, hepatomegaly, orthopnea, and paroxys- altitude inhabitants.
mal dyspnea, the coexistence of intrinsic In the absence of cardiovascular disease or
cardiovascular disease is almost certain. The physical or metabolic factors requiring in-
prognosis of congestive heart failure in the creased cardiac output, true congestive heart
anemic patient is good, however, if the anemia failure rarely results from the anemic state.
can be successfully corrected. Effort angina is uncommon in anemic
patients and when present is usually related
SUMMARY to underlying coronary artery disease.
Cardiac hypertrophy under certain condi-
The following brief summary seems justified tions results from prolonged anemia. Since
from the large volume of accumulated data cardiac hypertrophy is rightly placed in the
dealing with the reaction of the cardiovascular category of organic heart disease, one is justi-
system in the anemic patient. fied in classifying chronic anemia as one of the

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