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Supporting Documents

Updated WBS
Supporting Documents

Updated Critical Path Duration

15 days 5 days 2 days 22 days 8 days 8 days 15 days

23/24 Door
18 Lobby and
13 Drywall 16 Hard Tile 17 Wood 19 Carpeting Inspection
Floor Hardware
Installation in Lobby Treatment in Lobby and
Installation Installation/

15+5+2+22+8+8+15= 75 days

81-75= 6 Float days

Task Most Likely Estimation Optimistic Estimation Difference

Drywall 15 15 0 days
Hard Tile in Lobby 5 5 0 days
Wood Treatment 10 2 +8 days
Lobby Floor 25 22 +3 days
Lobby Carpeting 9 8 +1 day
Door Hardware/ M.E.P 10 8 +2 days
Subcontractors- 9 tasks
Laborers- 11 tasks
Supporting Documents
Unassigned/ unclarified tasks- 4

9/24 = 37.5%
11/24 = 45.83%
Yellow- Subcontractors
4/24 = 16.67
Blue- Laborers
Purple- Unassigned
Supporting Documents

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