Friends of WIN Belize

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Working to improve the lives of women since 1993

The Womens Issues Network of Belize (WIN-Belize) was established in 1993 when several organizations working on various womens issues decided to consolidate and strengthen their voices on gender issues and advocate for women and their families. Since then, WIN-Belize has become a legally registered limited liability company under the Companies Act of Belize. In 2001, WIN-Belize was also formally registered as a non-government organization under the NGO Act. The Network is MEMBER AGENCIESgoverned by its Articles of Association (2006), Memorandum of Understanding (2006) and Policy and Operations Manual (2006). A Board of Directors is elected annually from among its 19 registered Alliance Against AIDS member organizations. The Secretariat is led by an Executive Director who coordinates the day-today activities of the Network.
Barzakh Falah Children

These 19 Civil Society Organizations are located throughout the country and address the needs of women and girls from various socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds. These include women and children living with HIV, victims of commercial sexual exploitation, victims of other forms of genderBelize Enterprise for Sustainable Technology based violence, adolescents seeking sexual and reproductive health services, and women organized to address their need for sustainable livelihoods. Belize Family Life Association
Belize Audubon Society CARE Belize

The WIN Belize Secretariat has several ongoing programs:

CottonTree Womens Group Fajina Chairladies Haven House

Legal, Medical and Psychosocial Program for Victims of Domestic Violence and Commercial Sexual Exploitation

Poverty has led to an increased vulnerability to sexual exploitation. There has been an emergence of Commercial Sexual Activity and Exploitation amongst children who use these means to pay school Leading & Empowering fees and provide the basic needs of their family. Essentially under age sexual activity has seen an increase. Others in Action & Principle
Womens Group Mary Open Doors Pan American Social Marketing Organization Plenty Belize

WIN Belize with aid from the US Department of State, provides professional legal, medical and psycho-social services for 60 victims of either domestic violence or sexual exploitation.

Junior Winners

The Junior Winners program engages girls ages 10-14 in positive leadership and character building activities. Life skills development opportunities are promoted through the use of the Self-esteem Progressive OrganizationConflict Resolution Anger Management and Independent Living Skills (SCAIS) manual. Currently we for Women in Action have 42 young girls enrolled in this program.
Sazani Associates United Belize Advocacy Movement

Young Womens Mentorship Program

WIN Belize is currently providing one-on-one mentorship to guide 10 young women ages 15 - 18 along a positive path for self-development. This program will be expanded shortly to the Youth Womens Circle of Belize Hostel where it is expected that 16 more young women will build their self esteem and be introduced to alternative ways of coping with gender-based violence and other forms of violence in their lives.
Youth Enhancement Services Young Womens Christian Association

Community Sessions
With the assistance of our Winners Womens Group, the Staff of WIN Belize conduct community based sessions on Sexuality & Reproductive Health, HIV and Gender Issues.

Womens Issues Network of Belize

28 Dean Street P.O Box 2471 Phone: (501) 227-1069 Fax: (501)-227-1069

Do You Want To Become a Friend of WIN Belize and Support One of these much Needed Programs?

Donations: $10/monthly- Friend of WIN Belize

$50/monthly International Friend $20/monthly Friend and volunteer time $40/monthly- Business Friend of WIN Belize Businesses in kind donation

Benefits Of Being A Friend

Discount Belize Health Care Partners Ltd Discount Santiago Castillo Group of Companies Invitations to attend Quarterly Meetings Invitations to attend Annual General Meetings Frequent emails on (scholarship/training opportunities) Opportunity to represent WIN Belize at meetings, symposiums etc

If you would like to become a friend please fill out and submit form below if you have any questions please feel free to contact Agatha Gordon at telephone # 227-1069 or email ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to be a: ___ Friend of WIN Belize ___ International Friend ___ Friend and Volunteer ___ Business Friend of WIN Belize ___ Business Friend (In-Kind donation)

Email:_________________________ Donation can be collected on the 15th/30th of every month at _____________.



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