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The enslaved Moors of North America in 1776

were prohibited from playing drums, but in the
Afro- latin American music
Congo Square in New Orleans, Caribbean slaves
WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF AFRO-LATIN were free to play their drums for recreation and
AMERICAN MUSIC? entertainment and also for communication.

The Afro-Latin American music can be traced These were their “talking” drums, so called
during the European colonization and slave because they can somewhat imitate the human
trade in Africa. European countries contributed voice, relaying current and timeless messages
religions and languages like Spanish and which are their history, struggle and revolving
Portuguese. Latin America is comprised of joy.
different regions such as the Caribbean Islands,
3. The development of unique musical culture in
Mexico, and Central and South Americas, which
Caribbean countries, and influences include
are of diversified cultures of the Europeans,
Latin rhythms and dances like habanera and
Moors, Mexicans, and other tribes in Africa.
bolero in Cuba, samba and bossa nova in Brazil,
OTHER IMPORTANT EVENTS HAPPEN: and tango in Argentina. And the existence of

1. Their music is identified by their rhythms , rich music and dance-like jazz, tango, cha cha,

which they adapted from the elements of rumba, foxtrot, and paso doble.

Moorish music and other African and Caribbean WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF
music in the slave trade from 1550-1880. AFRO-LATIN AMERICAN MUSIC?

Claves are a percussion instrument consisting of 1. Conversation ( Call and Response) – a

a pair of short, wooden sticks about 20-25 performance of voice interaction as an
centimeters long and about 2.5 centimeters in answer to the first chant.
diameter. A percussion instrument, consisting of
2. Improvisation- Nonscripted ways of
two sticks or blocks, in which one is struck
singing which allow for sincere
against the other in order to produce a sound.
conversations. It is a framework where
the artist has freedom in creating the
musical mood.

3. The voice as an instrument- it is the

manipulation of freely controlled piece
where they can change the tone of the
voice, its tempo, creation of moods and
even changing the range and voice
4. The instrument as a voice- the LATIN AMERICAN MUSIC
instrument serves as a “singer” along
Factors that were combined to
with the performer.
create Latin American Music:
African music
• musical styles
• Always has the technique of “call and
• cultural backgrounds
• language
• Used percussion instruments played by
hands or with sticks, drums, and others • geography
and they use them also for WHAT ARE THE INSTRUMENTS USED
communication, to convey news, to IN LATIN AMERICAN MUSIC?
teach, to tell a story, and for religious
purposes, this includes the Maracatu. BOMBO

Maracatu - is a dual- headed drum

made from a deep tree
• The ceremony of the Coronation of the trunk with patches made
Black Kings in 1674 in Recife. up of calf or goat skin; is
• The designation of the king is called played using two sticks.
Maracatu, Nacao. CHAJCHAS
• The baque or toque is considered as the - is a rattle made up of
rhythmic pattern used in maracatu. dried hooves from
Other vocal forms of African music sheep, llama or goat and
is worn with a wrist cloth
1. Blues- this is a gloomy folk music of
African American origin, which is
naturally in a twelve- bar order.

2. Soul- this is a kind of music that ZAMPOŇAS

combines the basics of rhythm and blues - it is a panpipe- type of
and gospel music, which was popularized reed made of pieces of
by the African Americans. bamboo that are tied
3. Spiritual – the kind of music always has together.
a Christian or religious theme.

4. Call and Response- this is a sequence of

two different phases usually played by
two or more musicians.

- is a 10- string guitar a type of dance and music similar to salsa and
made from the shell of uses instruments like accordions, guitars and
an armadillo. percussions.


QUENA is a lively and spirited dance of two people. It is

passionate kind of dance that shows expression
- is a flute made of bones or
and connection, and is performed in a traditional
bamboo that has a vertical
or modern style.
notched reed.

is a Latin American ballroom dance with a fast

basic patterns of three steps with a shuttle. It
- is a rectangular box also has a fast rhythmic pattern.
made of wood and
played and used as a
drum. It is used by is a style of music that was derived from samba,
tapping its front part which is an original Brazilian music. It gives
while the musician sits on it. Also known as more emphasis on percussion and melody.
it is Spain's traditional couple dance. It uses
- instruments made of music that is traditionally played in bull fighting.
gourd-like coconut
shells with beans, seeds
or small pebbles placed is a Jamaican form of music and dance with
inside; they are played strong accented and supplementary beats. In
by shaking. the 1960s, it was known as ska and is a variation
of rhythm and blues. The most popular artist of
this genre was Bob Marley.
- are a pair of hardwood
sticks played by striking
them together. is a kind of song and dance which originated
from Cuba. It has a percussive rhythm and a
combination of Cuba's musical and dance
is a ballroom dance of two quick slow steps and - has a steady syncopation and melody
two quick steps and is executed alternately in with a two four time signature
4/4 time signature.
- has a cardinal trait is its syncopated or
JAZZ AND POPULAR MUSIC "ragged" rhythm

What is Jazz music? Big band jazz

• originated late 19th and early 20th century - became popular in the late 19th century
in the African-American communities of
- commonly uses ragged rhythm, which is
New Orleans, United States
syncopated in beat and also performed in
• its roots in blues and ragtime a target group

• Was recognized as a major form of - is a type of musical ensemble of jazz

musical expression in traditional and music that usually consists of ten or more
popular music in 1920 in Jazz age musicians with four sections:
saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and a
Characteristics of Jazz music:
rhythm section
• developed partially from ragtime and
• It also called bop, the first kind of modern
• syncopated rhythms
jazz, which split jazz into two opposing
• polyphonic ensemble playing camps in the last half of the 1940s.

• varying degrees of improvisation • the focus of this kind of music is for the

• often deliberate deviations of pitch solo musician to show brilliance and

harmonic knowledge
• use of original timbres
Jazz rock
• regular and forceful rhythmic pattern
- sometimes called jazz fusion
What are the different types of jazz?
- is a popular musical form in which
• Ragtime Jazz modern jazz improvisation is
• Big band Jazz accompanied by the bass lines,
drumming styles, and instrumentation of
• Bebop
rock music, with a strong emphasis on
• Jazz Rock electronic instruments and dance
Ragtime jazz
- is the music that produced when funk
- a popular American music in 1890-1915
and RNB are combined
What is Popular music? - It can be described as a do it yourself
type of music of different musical bands.
- sometimes called as “pop music”
- Its definition refers to its distinction from
- is any commercially oriented music
typical rock music, which is expressed by
principally intended to be received and
distorting the guitar sound in a different
appreciated by a wide audience
and defiant attitude.
- is written by known individuals, usually
professionals, and does not evolve
through the process of oral transmission - is music dancing or for encouraging the
art. The word “disco” is derived from the
- age bracket and location are the factors
word “discotheque” which refers to
that determine the type of music is
nightclubs people frequent the 1960s and
popular among certain people
1970s. Its music is usually played and
What are the different types of popular enjoyed in nightclubs where songs are
music? mixed by DJ's.

• Ballad ARTS
• Rock and Roll 21st – Century technology-based art

• Alternative music TECHNOLOGY- BASED ART

• Disco - Is essentially computer- generated or

Ballad manipulated visual arts. Modern digital

artists employ the ever-expanding
• is a music that can be describe as a light powers of image manipulation programs
simple narrative poem of folk origin and applications to create their
composed of short stanzas and adapted masterpieces which can appear in an
for singing. entire range of media- whether as
• It is a simple song especially one of physical output or virtual experience.
sentimental character having two or Nam June Paik
more stanzas to the same melody.
- He is one of the first artists to
Rock and roll devote time and work with new
• -It is considered a combination of white technology. Paik was fascinated by
country rhythm and blues and it is of television sets-their styles and designs
twelve-bar structure music of guitar and their impact on people.
drums and bass. Computer/digital art
Alternative music
• Art that makes use of a computer is - Digital photography (point and shoot and
called digital art. DSLR cameras) in creating photo art
- Digital Painting and imaging
• It is used as an essential part of the
- Computer-generated images
creative and/or presentation process.
- Videos (TV and Film) – in making
• It make use of electronic and mechanical advertisements, films, documentaries
devises, rather than the artist’s own hand and games

Special effects that you can use in Pixel

technology based art:
• Any one of the very small dots that
- Morphing - it can show the interspaced together form the picture on a television
steps between two images-for example, screen, computer monitor, etc.
a person's head changes into the head of
What is mobile phone art (photos and
a tikbalang or an alien. Using the
computer as a design tool enables the
artist to see design operations that • Mobile phone art is a kind of art that is
involve repeating and varying images in a digital art that makes use of the
fascinating and unbelievable ways. modern technology. It can also be called
- Fractalizing a technology art because the traditional
• Fractal art developed from the mid- art use traditional paint and brush to in
1980s onwards. Fractal is a never- order to draw and create any kinds of art.
ending pattern. This kind of art is popular nowadays and
• It is a genre of computer usage is highly appreciated by users.
art and digital art which are part
What are computer generated images?
of new media art. The mathematical
beauty of fractals lies at the • In its broadest sense, a computer
intersection of generative generated image (CGI) can be defined as
art and computer art. They combine any image that is created with the use of
to produce a type of abstract art. a computer based processor or program.
- Spherizing - in technology based art it
is a form of art used to cause an image
to appear as if on the surface of a sphere.

Where is computer/digital art used?

- Mobile phone- photos and videos

DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY camera sensor. The faster the subject is
moving, the faster the shutter speed
should be.

• The aperture, also referred to as f/stop,

is the setting that controls the size of the
opening of the lens that allows light into
the camera. The smaller the aperture
number, the larger the opening.


PHOTOGRAPHY • Another important thing to learn in
1. Train on the use of the digital photography is the picture's depth of
camera. field or the area of the image that
appears sharp.
- The camera’s metering modes are for
calculating the proper lighting and
exposure. ISO settings refer to the REMEMBER!
camera’s sensitivity to light.
• A large f-number, such as f/32, (which
- Shutter is a part of the camera that means a smaller aperture) will bring both
regulates the length of time or exposure foreground and background objects in
the light is allowed to fall on a digital focus. On the other hand, small f-
camera sensor. The faster the subject is number, such as f/1.4, will isolate the
moving, the faster the shutter speed foreground from the background (which
should be. makes the foreground objects sharp and
MATRIX METERING the background blurry).

CENTER-WEIGHTED METERING 2. Proper handling of digital camera.

- Always ensure a steady camera before
taking any shot.
• The camera’s metering modes are for 3. Pay attention to the subject.
calculating the proper lighting and - Making pleasing pictures has to do with
exposure. ISO settings refer to the composing or working on the frame and
camera’s sensitivity to light. knowing how the “rule of thirds” works.
4. Capture photos from unique angles.
• Shutter is a part of the camera that
- The photographer’s visual technique
regulates the length of time or exposure
involves camera work- the kind of
the light is allowed to fall on a digital
camera placement, movement, focus
and timing. He or she may choose to Captures fast movement using ordinary
make these shots from a wide array of camera or video gear. This shot reveals
techniques, or other kinds and interesting structures not visible to the naked
combinations of shots. eye.


TILT SHOT A shot that looks down the subject.

Is a shot in which the camera angle is BIRD'S EYE SHOT

deliberately slanted and to one side. This is
Is an elevated view on an object from
commonly used for dramatic effects and to
above, with a perspective as thought the
portray feelings of uneasiness, blemishes,
observer were a bird.
and, in general, produces a disorientation,
intoxication, etc. ZOOM SHOT

SOFT FOCUS SHOT Is where the camera moves in on the

Is a shot that gives the appearance of
blurring while retaining sharp edges. It is used CLOSE-UP OR MACRO SHOT
as an effect to eliminate blemishes, and in A shot that helps you see really close to
general, produces a dreamlike image. the subject.
Focuses on the image where you, the Also referred to as panoramic shot makes
photographer want it. for some amazing shots that capture a sweeping
BACKLIGHTING SHOT view of your subject.

Refers to a shot where the source of the 5. Be Active

light used to exposed the film comes from - Try doing creative shots.
behind the subject.
- Keep watching the ever-changing activity
EYE LEVEL SHOT in the street, market, park etc.
Is where you are in the same height and - Read photography books.
angle as the subject.
- Visit camera stores.
- Observe how professional photographers
Refers to where the camera follows the do their craft.
subject from left to right or right to left,
blurring the backgrounds and shows speed. - Discover how pictures unexpectedly
present themselves.
6. Join a photography club • Other games- Spend time
searching and looking for other
- A photographer must not only learn
artist works so you can process
through his or her own experiences.
new ideas and approaches to
Learning from others would also help
develop your own game.
improve one’s skills as photographer.
Consider joining a photography How are video games designed?
workshop, club or online class.
The basic sequence of a game design:
• Conceptualize the story of the game.
What is a video game?
• Create a storyboard, rough sketches of
• A video game is a kind of digital, all the characters, as well as the
visual, and interactive experience. To dialogue, action, and movement.
make it simple, a video game is an
• Attend to the details of the game, and
interactive activity that can be played
everything else about its “universe”
individually or in groups to spend leisure
(color, architectural spaces, virtual
environments, etc.).
• It is played through the use of electronic
• Finally, organize these concepts into
devices like mobile phones, tablet
something like a program or script that
computers, gaming consoles, arcade
contains everything about your game.
machines, or a personal digital assistant.
What is a video game storyboard?
How are video game ideas developed?
Storyboards create a sequence of drawings that
• Videos, movies, and comics-
shows the different levels, scenes, and goals of
Journaling and watching all kinds
the video game. It has 18 frames of different
of sci-fi, animation and cartoon
levels and scenes of the game.
films can be very stimulating in
making creative ideas flow. PHYSICAL EDUCATION

• Sports- Observe interesting Lifestyle and Weight Management

plays, tactics and strategies that Part II
you can apply in your game plan. Fitness Activities
• Myths, legends, tales, and - Physical activity is any form of
dreams- Heroes, demons, spirits, exercise or movement of the body that
monsters, gods and demigods can uses energy.
bring about the imaginary - Exercise is a structured program of
characters and environments. activity geared toward achieving or
maintaining physical fitness. It is actually 1. Eat Slow - When you have taken the
a sub-category of physical activity. right the amount of food, it gives you the
feeling of being full and it helps you to
What are some Fitness Activities that can
eat less
promote a Healthful lifestyle?

- Walking 2. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

- Running 3. Start your meal with broth-based soup to
- Yoga help you feel fuller
- Strength Training 4. Make use of smaller plates to moderate

How much physical activity is needed to the portion of your food

promote and maintain good fitness and 5. Drink at least 8 glasses of non-caloric

health status? beverages everyday.

6. Avoid over eating by having smaller
The amount of physical activity depends on packages of snacks
one’s lifestyle.
Guidelines to Weight Management
Children aged 6-17 years old should be
encouraged to do at least 60 minutes of Recognized your eating pattern by

everyday physical activities which include either maintaining a food diary to record your daily

Moderate-intensity, aerobic activity or vigorous- food intake and what you felt while eating

intensity activity. and after eating.

The table bellow shows a description of What are the different walking style?

the level of physical intensity and physical 1. Power walking–

this means adding more power and
increasing speed in your walk. It is one of
the most effective cardiovascular exercises
for those are recommended a low impact

2.Half Marathon Walking- executing

power walking to the extent that longer time
is needed for more endurance.

3. Race Walking- It is a competitive form

What should go with proper physical
of walking and does not require greater
activities in order to be physically fit?
Here are some tips in developing healthful
4. Treadmill Walking– It is an alternative
eating habits:
way of walking exercise if the weather
condition is not good. You can continue the
walking exercise program indoor with the Rest-massage-sleep
use of treadmill.
- Enough rest help your body to recover
Different procedure to minimize the between workouts which can be a great
risk injury in walking aid to prevent injuries.

Warm up and Cooldown

- This help your body to:

➢ Increase core temperature, heart rate

and flow of the blood to skeletal tissues

➢ Stimulate the central nervous system,

helping coordination, reaction time, and
skills accuracy.

➢ Have less incidence of musculotendinous

Did you know:
- Exercise is a form of physical activity,
- But physical activity does not require
- This help to improve flexibility and
reduces muscle injuries and soreness.
Begin slowly
- When starting the training program do
not try to push yourself too hard. - It stimulate the bones and as muscles
become stronger and bigger, the bones
Vary your workout
become stronger and denser
- Do not concentrate in one exercise
routine because it can lead you to
overuse and repetitive use of your

Listen to your body

- “no pain , no gain”

Fuel your Body

- Do not forget to fuel your body with

plenty of water before, during and after
your workout.
What are the common problems in running • Inverted poses: Help intensity energy
techniques ? calmness and sense of well -being.
• Forward Bend : Promotes calmness
HEEL STRIKING - It is mostly the problem
and has cooling effect
encountered by runners where some factors like
• Backbend :Serves as anti –depressant
body weight, incorrect body form, the kind of
and helps in elevating the mood.
shoe, overrunning, and stride length contribute
to the problem. Flexibility is defined as the ability of the
joints ,muscles, and surrounding tendons to
LEANING BACKWARD and too far forward
move freely and comfortably as intended for
produces a greater impact and overly strong
a full range of motion.
strides landing heavily on the heels which may
result in giving too much stress on the knees Classifications of stretches that nurture
and strain on your lower back of your body. flexibility

LATERAL ARMS - Your arms should not swing 1. Static- this type of stretching involves the
across your body; if you continue doing this, movement of a joint in a full range of
there is a tendency that you would intensify the motion.
twisting and rotation of your body from your 2. Dynamic-It is mostly appropriate in sport
shoulders, resulting to some difficulty into your ,moving quickly or slowly in a full range
joints. of motion.
3. Ballistic - Quick and brief bouncing and
PENDULUM LEGS - Lifting your feet far from the
rebounding of joints in Rom and it is
floor which may result in giving more stress on
common to sports mimic movement.
the hamstring
4. PNF-Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
What is Asana in Yoga? Facilitation - This type of stretching
It is a body position that literally means posture allows the body reflexes to relax a muscle
which is seat usually related to the practice of before stretching so it can be stretched
yoga where the purpose is to establish and farther.
promote well – being and develop flexibility. It
is more than just stretching because it is about
purifying and strengthen the body.

Advantages of engaging in yoga

Some of the positions of Asana yoga have

various effects not only through the body but
also in mind and emotions.

• Standing poses: Promote emotional

stability and strength.


 Team handball originated from Europe in

the 1900s and over 140 countries are
recognized as members of the
International Handball Federation (HIF).

 Handball First appeared in the Olympics

in the 1936 Berlin Games as an outdoor
sport, with 11 players on a side.

 It was not played again in the Olympic

game util 1972, where it was played
indoors with 7 players on each side.

 Women’s handball was added to the

Olympic Games in 1976.

What is the Objective of the Game?

 Handball is a combination of the

elements of football and basketball.

 It almost has the dimensions of a

basketball court and the rules of football
except that it is the other way around.
That the players are not allowed to use
their feet in controlling the ball instead
players must use the skills like passing,
dribbling and shooting almost just like in

 It consist of six players (and 1 goalie).

 The ball is moved down and up on the

floor that is larger than a basketball court
and the goal is to score by throwing the
ball into the net past a goal keeper.

 A successful scoring attempt results into

a single point.
 The goalie is the only player that allowed • The start is awarded to the team that
to step in the goal area. wins the coin toss.

 The team who will start the game with a • A match begins with both teams in their
throw off is determined through a coin own half.
• A goal can be scored from any type of
 The game is played in halves. throw.

 Each half is played within 30 minutes. Penalty Spot

 Each team is given one timeout call per It is the spot where the penalty shot take
half. place.

 Referee’s discretion, timeouts, or injuries The Shot

stop the clock.
 All players can take the shot behind the
free throw line during a live play.

The Goal

 It is where the players try to score a point

by putting the ball in it. The goal
measures 2 meters high and 3 meters

The Penalty Shot

 The goalie tries top prevent the ball from

getting in the goal, while the opposing
player tries to score. During the penalty
shot, all players must stay behind the
goal area except the goalie and the
penalty shooter.


 Free Throw-if a foul or violation is

committed, a free throw is given to the
Five Basic Rules
offended team at the exact spot it took
• A competitive game consists of equal 30- place, if the foul happens between the
minute halves with a 10-15 minute break. goal area line and the free throw line.

• A team cannot keep possession of the  Before the penalty shot is taken, all
ball without attempting to attack. players must be outside the free throw
line; only the goalie and the player taking  2-minute Suspension this sanction is
the throw are allowed inside the goal given if a player commits three
area. Successive violations such as
unsportsmanlike behavior, illegal
 The player taking the throw is given 3
substitution, etc.
seconds to shoot after the referee blows
the whistle.  Disqualification - if the player is
penalized for a 2-minute suspension, a
7-meter penalty shot is awarded when:
red card or expulsion is given to a player
1. A foul destroys a clear chance of scoring and he/she must leave the playing area
a goal; this usually occurs if the defender and the bench. The disqualified player
challenges the possible scorer from can only be replaced by the team after 2
behind or there was a rough challenge on minutes.
a possible scoring opportunity.
 Exclusion - it is given to a player if
2. The goalie carries the ball back into the
he/she assaults an opponent, and in this
goal area.
case, the team must play even if it loses
3. A court player intentionally passes the
one of its team players. The organizing
ball back to the goalie and the goalie is
committee may give sanctions to the
in their own goal area.
player depending on the situation.
Note that any player can take the 7-meter throw
 Offensive behavior stems from
or penalty shot except the keeper.
confidence and provocation, while
Progressive Punishments defensive behavior draws mainly

 These are the fouls committed that from fear and self-preservation. A

should be given serious sanction, for person’s offensive behavior might be

example, if a player has the intention to done on purpose (depending on the

hurt an opponent, this could be situation), while defensive behavior is

considered an unsportsmanlike foul. purely an instinctive response.

 Other fouls that may be included are  So basically, the difference

tripping, hitting, pushing, and any other between defensive and offensive is that

contact that may inflict danger to the defensive individuals try to stay out of

opponent. trouble while offensive individuals look

for opportunities to get into fights.
 Warning -a yellow card is given to a
player who commits three consecutive  Eluded- evade or escape
warnings, and if the player receives a
yellow card and he/she commits another
violation, he/she will be given a 2-minute
HEALTH Problem with illegal drugs, particularly
how it affects the youth.
What is the purpose of the Tobacco Regulation
Act of 2003? - The policy covers different drug-related
situations such as Trafficking ,
- The purpose of RA 9211 is generally to
possession, usage, and even the
promote a healthful environment. It
rehabilitation of previous drug users
informs the public of the health risks
associated with cigarette smoking and - Introducing a dangerous drug into a
tobacco use as well as regulate and persons body by injection, inhalation, or
subsequently ban all tobacco any other method. This exception is if it
advertisements and sponsorship. is done by a licensed practitioner (doctor,
- The law also provides minimum age Nurse , etc.) for medication purposes.
requirements for the sale, purchase, and
- Passing a dangerous drug to another. It
use of tobacco by a minor (below 18
may be personally or using another
years old). In case of doubt as to the age
person or means.
of the buyer, the retailer must verify by
asking for an identification card with a - Giving away or selling Dangerous drugs.
photo and date of birth. - Illegal trafficking, delivery,
- Selling tobacco is also prohibited within administration, dispensation,
100 meters away from a school, public manufacture, sale, trading,
playground or the facilities frequented by transportation, distribution, importation,
minors. export and possession of any dangerous
- Stores selling tobacco products must also drug, and/or controlled precursor and
post a notice that “Sale/distribution to or essential chemical.
purchase by minors of tobacco products
is unlawful” or “It is unlawful for tobacco - Trading- Transaction involving the

products to be sold/distributed to or illegal trafficking of dangerous drugs

purchased by persons under 18 years of and/or controlled precursor and essential

age” chemicals using electronic devices. This

includes e-mails, text messages, cellular
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs phones, landlines, 2-way radios, the
What is the dangerous and Drugs Act of internet, instant messages and chat
2002 (RA 9165) ?
- Drug syndicate who functions in any
- The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs
one of these.
Act Of 2002 is a policy imposed by the
Government to deal with the state’s - A. Financier- Any person who pays
for, raises , supplies money for, or
underwrites any of the illegal activities dangerous drugs on their Physical and
under the Dangerous Drug act. Mental well-being

- B. Protector/Coddler- Any person 2. It Pursues serious and an intensive

who knowingly and willfully consents to campaign against the trafficking and use
the violation of the Dangerous Drug Act of dangerous drugs And other similar
and uses his/her power, influence, or substances.
position to shield, harbor, screen, or
3. It makes sure that people with legitimate
facilitate the escape of any person he/she
medical needs, including the use of
knows, suspects, or has reason to believe
dangerous drugs, Are not adversely
has violated the Dangerous Drugs A
affected by this program.
- Pusher- any person who sells, trades,
4. It provides effective mechanism or
administer, dispenses, give away or
measures to re-integrate into society the
whatever terms, distributed, dispatches
individuals who have fallen victims to
in transit, transport dangerous drugs, or
drug abuse or dangerous drugs-
acts as a broker in ant transaction that
dependence through sustainable
violates the Dangerous Drugs Act.
programs of treatment and rehabilitation.
National Environmental Awareness and
The penalty for any of the given situations Education Act 2008 (RA 9512)
rangers from 6 months for possession of
 It is important to know and be fully aware
drug paraphernalia to life sentence or
on how to take care of the natural
even death sentence for maintaining a
environment of our country.
drug den.
 Knowledge on how to conserve, protect
1. Fast destruction of dangerous drugs that
and rehabilitate of our forests,
are seized.
mountains, seas and rivers would help all
2. Punishment for policeman and law
Filipino citizens to live in a healthful and
enforcers who delay drug cases.
safe environment.
3. Mandatory drug test for drivers.
4. Random drug tests for students and What is Environmental Education?
government and private workers. Environmental education includes the following:
5. Compulsory education on dangerous
drugs in all school levels. 1. Environmental concepts and principles.

Why should this law be obeyed? 2. Environmental laws

1. This law protects the integrity of all 3. The state of international and local

Filipinos from harmful effects of environmental

4. Local environmental best practices

5. The threats of environmental  This law sees to it that the government
degradation and its impact on human fulfills its responsibility in providing
well being. quality health care options to every
Filipino through developing traditional
6. The responsibility of the citizenry to the
and alternative medicinal methods and
integrating them into existing national
7. The value of conservation, protection, health care system.
and rehabilitation of natural resources
The Objectives of the Act are as follows:
8. The environment in the context of
sustainable development 1. To encourage scientific research on
traditional and alternative health care
Who shall implement the said Act?
systems that have direct impact on public
1. The Department of Education (DepEd) health care.

2. The Commission on Higher Education 2. To promote and advocate the use of

(CHEd) traditional, alternative, preventive, and

3. The Technical Education and Skills curative health care that have been

Development Authority (TESDA) proven safe, effective, cost-effective and

consistent with government standards on
4. The Department of Social Welfare and medical practice.
Development (DSWD), in coordination
with the Department of Environment and 3. To develop and coordinate skills training

Natural Resources ( DENR) courses for various forms of traditional

and alternative health acre modalities.
5. The Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) and other relevant 4. To formulate standards, guidelines, and

agencies. codes of ethical practice appropriate for

the practice of traditional and alternative
Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act health care as well as in the manufacture,
of 1997 quality control, and marketing of
What is the Traditional and Alternative Medicine different traditional and alternative
Act (TAMA) of 1997? health care materials, natural and
organic products, for approval and
 It is a health care law which aims to
adoption by the appropriate agencies.
promote and provide affordable and
effective traditional and alternative 5. To formulate policies for the protection of
medicinal methods to Filipinos. indigenous and natural health resources
and technology from unwarranted
 The creation of the Philippine Institute of
exploitation, for approval and adoption
Traditional and Alternative Health Care
by the appropriate government agencies.
was mandated by the very same law.
6. To formulate policies to strengthen the 3. Its consequences
role of traditional and alternative health
4. Its means of prevention and control
care delivery system and;
In addition, the law also includes nation wide
7. To promote traditional and alternative
educational and information campaign to
health care in international and national
promote values formation and to employ
conventions, seminars, and meeting in
scientifically proven approaches to combat the
coordination with the Department of
Tourism; Duty Free Philippines,
Incorporated; Philippine Convention and What is acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Visitors Corporation; and other tourism (AIDS)?
related agencies as well as non  It is a condition characterized by a
government and local government units. combination of signs and symptoms,
What is Traditional and Alternative health care? caused by HIV contracted from another
person. AIDS attacks and weakens the
 Traditional and alternative health care
body’s immune system, making the
refer to knowledge, skills and practices
person who contracted the disease
on health care that are not included on
susceptible to other life- threatening
the regular practice of many doctors, but
are also used to prevent and treat
physical illnesses. What are the other provisions of this law?

1. The Department of Education and other

government agencies should work hand
in hand so that information on AIDS are
included in the classroom.

There should be teaching on the causes,

modes of transmission, and ways of preventing
HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases in subjects taught in public and private
schools at intermediate grades, secondary and
tertiary levels, including non formal and
What is this law about?
indigenous learning systems.
This law was created to promote public
2. All teachers and instructors of said HIV/AIDS
awareness about the following issues related to
courses should undergo a seminar or training on
HIV/Aids prevention and control to be
1. Its causes supervised by DepED, CHED, and TESDA, in
coordination with the Department of Health
2. Its modes of transmission
(DOH), before they are allowed to teach the



It is a law in the Philippines that guarantees

universal access to methods and contraception,
fertility control, sexual education, and maternal
care. It is also Informally known as the
Reproductive Health Law or RH Law.

What is Reproductive Health?

It refers to the state of complete physical,

mental, and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease relating to the reproductive
system and to its function and processes. This
implies that people are able to have a
responsible, safe, and consensual sex life.

What is Family Planning?

It is a program that provides information and

a means for couples and individuals to have the
de sire number of children that they can
responsibly raise.

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