Argument - Law-WPS Office

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Argument : law dealing with tax collection

paying taxes is part of our efforts as a good society to participate together in helping the government in
developing Indonesia to become a better and more advanced country. besides that, the provision of
taxes that are given benefits will return to us through public facilities and public services that will be
given again to us.

Tax submissions are not immediately charged without clear calculations, so all of you don't need to
worry about unclear tax impositions. At least, there are five types of taxes in Indonesia, namely Income
Tax (PPh), Value Added Tax (PPN), Land and Building Tax (PBB), Stamp Duty, and Sales Tax on Luxury
Goods (PPnBM).

so isn't there nothing wrong with us as good citizens participating in developing this country by paying
taxes. Because besides that, we also get feedback from the taxes that we have given to the state.


If we do not make tax payments according to the calculations given by the tax office, it can be a violation
of the law and in the end can be prosecuted by the authorities. Because it means we are not carrying
out our obligations as part of Indonesian citizens.

Tax charges are also given with detailed consideration, so all of you don't need to worry about tax
charges that can exceed your limits. Because the true purpose of giving taxes is for the welfare of the

In my opinion, the imposition of taxes also has a positive impact on several things, for example the
imposition of taxes on motorized vehicles will certainly be able to help our country in reducing the
number of traffic jams in Indonesia. Things like this can certainly help the country in tackling problems
that exist in the surrounding environment. Of course, broader social problems can also be addressed
with taxes.


Based on the website, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is a legal state
based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which upholds the rights and obligations of everyone,
therefore placing taxation as a form of state obligation in national mutual cooperation as community
participation in development financing .

Quoted from In accordance with the provisions of Article 23 paragraph (2) of the 1945
Constitution, tax provisions which form the basis for tax collection are regulated by law. Law Number 12
of 1985 concerning Land and Building Tax, which has been in effect since 1986, is the legal basis for
imposing taxes in relation to land rights and/or obtaining benefits from land and/or ownership,
controlling and/or obtaining benefits from buildings.

As discussed in Law number. 28 of 2007 concerning General Provisions and Procedures for Taxation
(KUP), taxes are mandatory contributions to the state owed by individuals or entities that are coercive
by law, by not getting compensation directly and used for the needs of the state for the greatest extent
people's prosperity.

Quoted from, pursuant to Article 8 LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA

NUMBER 28 OF 2009, Motor Vehicle Tax is imposed for a Tax Period of 12 (twelve) consecutive months
starting from the registration of Motor Vehicles. Motorized Vehicle Tax is paid in advance.


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