Trabajo Grupal Soya

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Caisaguano Adriana 100%

Gavilanes Johana 100%
Guerrero Oscar 100%
Lozada Jonathan 100%
Puente Jesenia 100%
Rosas Darwin 100%
Soria Bryan 100%
Tenelema Cristian 100%
Titisunta Pamela 100%
Asignatura: Biología
Molecular Ciclo:
Séptimo A

Ingeniería Agronómica

Ing. Boada Eliana

Tema: La soya (Glycine max L.)

It is estimated that the world demand for food will exceed the supply, this due to the extreme

climatic changes that occur, an option for this problem is the use of HaHB4 which is a

transcription factor belonging to the sunflower. “The expression of the gene that encodes

HaHB4 is regulated at the transcriptional level by external factors such as water availability,

abscisic acid and soil salinity” Manavella. (2008).

There are several varieties of soybean that have been developed using biotechnology. Some of

the more common varieties are: Herbicide-resistant soybeans: These soybean varieties have

been genetically modified to be resistant to certain herbicides, allowing farmers to control

weeds without harming the soybeans.

Pest resistant soybean:

Some soybean varieties have been genetically modified to be resistant to pests such as fall

armyworm, reducing the need for pesticides. Soy with improved nutritional quality: Soy is an

important source of protein and essential fatty acids, but some varieties have been genetically

modified to have a higher amount of these nutrients. Better-yielding soybeans: Some varieties

of soybeans have been genetically modified to have better yields, with a higher number of

kernels per plant and greater resistance to extreme weather conditions. It is important to

mention that some of these genetically modified varieties have been the subject of controversy

due to their possible impacts on the environment and human health, as well as the ethical and

social implications of their use.

Transgenics is a biotechnology technique that consists of introducing one or more genes from

one organism into a different organism. In the case of soybeans, transgenic varieties have been

developed that are resistant to certain herbicides and pests.

One of the most common varieties of GM soybeans is called "Roundup Ready," which is

resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, allowing farmers to use this product to control weeds

without harming the soybeans. This has allowed for greater efficiency in weed control, but has

also raised concerns about the increased use of glyphosate and its potential impact on the

environment and human health.

Another transgenic soybean variety is called Bt-soya, which is resistant to pests thanks to the

presence of a gene from a bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis. This variety has been

developed to reduce the use of pesticides, but it has also raised concerns about its impact on

biodiversity. In summary, GM soybeans have improved yield and efficiency in the field, but

have generated controversy due to concerns about their environmental impact and human



Soybean (Glycine max L.) is one of the four most important crops worldwide, and together
with corn, rice and wheat, it contributes close to two thirds of the calories in the human diet
(Vásquez & Vázquez Garcia, 2019)

Starting in 1996, indeterminate growth material and GM-RG soybean seed were introduced,
which together with direct sowing, constituted the technological package with the greatest
adoption in the history of the crop (Centurión Mereles, 2011).

Biotechnology is very important because 81% of the world's soja are biotech and can be

produced more profitably for farmers, by producing them with special frying oils and by using

modern methods to protect agricultural practices from Earth. 85% of the soja is processed into

meal and oil. Soybean meal is commonly used in animal feed concentrates due to its high

protein content. Biotechnology has been widely adopted by soybean-producing countries.

Adoption in the United States according to the State Department of Agriculture is 94%, the

percentage is similar in Brazil with 93.2% of the 31.2 million hectares planted and in Argentina

it is practically 100%, while worldwide is 81%. The most common trait is herbicide tolerance,

as it was the first variety introduced in the 1990s. Today, there are a variety of soy supplements

on the market, including soybeans with a higher number of seeds per pod FAO (2015).

Recent studies predict that global food demand for major crops will not keep pace with the

necessary yield increases. As current estimates estimate that the impact of climate change on

agriculture will present yield losses of 8% to 43%, mainly due to a combination of drought and

constant heat. Second-generation transgenic crops (SGTC) are expected to mitigate these

constraints. China is the world's largest consumer of soybeans and the largest importer of

Argentine soybeans. China's decision paves the way for the entry of HaHb4 soybeans into a

key market. In 2020, results from twenty-seven field trials in different environments in

Argentina were published, showing that HaHB4 was able to confer drought tolerance to plants,

improve water use efficiency and biomass production, and increase crop yields. (Montero et al,


Acidic soils are prevalent in tropical and subtropical countries worldwide. Their pH in these

soils solubilizes the ionic forms of aluminum in the soil solution, making this element toxic to

plants, inhibiting growth and root function, resulting in severe losses in crop production . A

problem is that very acidic subsoils are difficult to control and that reduces plant root depth,

increases susceptibility to drought and decreases the utilization of subsoil nutrients (Rout, G.


According to the genetic improvement has been given to develop new soybean varieties

according to the socioeconomic and environmental environment, strengthening as a new

alternative to reduce dependence on the Soyica P-34 variety.

This variety has a high adoption rate, with more than 80% of the planted area, due to its high

genetic potential, and the presence of susceptibility to aluminum, which has been one of the

major problems for the production of this crop. The generation and impact of new varieties

adapted to the acid soils of the highlands have allowed the expansion of the raw material

production area in this agroecosystem. The commercial yield of soybean increased from 1.5 t

ha to 2.6 t ha, integrating the genetic potential of the new varieties and soil management, with

productive systems with different rotations (Fenavi, 2009).

In the Culiacán Valley was born the variety of soybean Guayparime S-10 crossing Nainari

(Hector) and PI-171 3 in experimental field. Using the SSD simple seed offspring method, two

generations per year were transferred to F4 where individual plants were harvested to establish

lines. As a result of the evaluations appeared the variety of soy Guayparime S-10, which is

resistant to whitefly and geminivirus. During the performance evaluations in established

experimental batches, Guayparime S-10 and Balbuena S-9 and Nainari (Héctor) averaged

2,921, 2,79 and 2,597 tons, respectively. Guayparime S-10 was released for summer planting

in agricultural areas and similar agro-ecological conditions under irrigation conditions.

Guayparime S-10 offers a wide range of soybean production areas under irrigation conditions,

in areas where it has been evaluated, stands out for its high tolerance to whitefly damage,

geminivirus resistance and performance (2901 t ha-1 on average of five cycles, surpassing on

average the cultivars Balbuena S-9 and Nainari,(Rodríguez et al, 2017).

Consequently, biotechnology has been one of the most profitable applications to produce a

strong and durable species from its planting, development and as well as its processing, that is,

we can have tons of good grain for food and we can also say that the species is one of the

Which more have received a modification with biotechnology which seeks better agricultural

In addition, this grain has been a fundamental pillar for livestock in the production of feed with

soybean content and other derivatives that have improved the quality of animal production,

while this study of a food that can also produce oil is the basis of world nutrition.

Soybean is a crop of great global importance, biotechnology plays an important role because it

allows producing this crop in a profitable way for the farmer, generating oils and having

modern agricultural practices that allow soil conservation by reducing erosion, in addition the

crop manages to protect itself against pests, reducing the use of chemical pesticides and

herbicides, thus being a low-cost, efficient and profitable source. The new generation of

soybeans will be resistant to nematodes, diseases, resistant to fungi and a greater contribution

of nutritional value in the period of five years. Soybeans will have a greater amount of omega



FAO (2015). FAO, Retrieved from


Montero Bulacio, E., Romagnoli, M., Otegui, M. E., Chan, R. L., & Portapila, M. (2023).

OSTRICH-CROPGRO multi-objective optimization methodology for calibration of the

growing dynamics of a second-generation transgenic soybean tolerant to high temperatures and

dry growing conditions. Agricultural Systems, 205, 103583.

El factor de transcripción HAHB4 modula la comunicación entre distintas vías de respuesta a

factores bióticos y abióticos en plantas de girasol, Manavella. (2008).
Soto Pérez, N., Enríquez Obregón, G. A., Hernández Avera, Y., Delgado Abad, C., Rosabal

Ayan, Y., Ortiz Pérez, R., ... & Hernández Velázquez, A. (2022). Evento de modificación de

soya transgénica para mayor resistencia a la roya asiática. Anales de la Academia de Ciencias

de Cuba, 12(3).


Fenavi. 2009. La avicultura en el semestre A: Crecimiento en medio de la recesión. Avicultores

165, 8-19.

Rout, G., S. Samantaray y P. Das. 2010. Aluminium toxicity in plants: a review. Agronomie

21, 3-21.

Rodríguez-Cota, F. G., Manjarrez-Sandoval, P., Cortez-Mondaca, E., Sauceda-Acosta, R. H.,

Valenzuela-Herrera, V., González-González, D., Garzón-Tiznado, J. A., & Velarde-Félix, S.

(2017). Guayparime S-10, nueva variedad de soya resistente a mosca blanca y geminivirus para

Sinaloa. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 8(1),239-243. [fecha de Consulta 17 de

enero de 2023]. ISSN: 2007-0934. Recuperado de:

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