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The Benefits that may obtained from Probation are the following:

 It reduces the burden on the police forces and institutions of feeding and guarding
 It gives the first and light offenders a second chance in life and provides an opportunity
for the reformation of a penitent offender.
 It makes the offender productive or taxpayers instead of tax-eaters.
 It restores to successful probationers his civil rights.
 It has been proven effective in developing countries that have adopted it.
 It is advocated by the United Nations in its various congresses in crime prevention and
treatment of offenders.
Concept of Probation
Probation implies that during the period of time fixed by the court , the defendant is provided
with individualized community based treatment including conditions he is required by the court
to fulfill his correction and rehabilitation which might be less probable if he were to serve a
prison sentence and for this purpose, he is placed under the actual supervision and visitation of a
probation officer.
If the defendant ( client/probationer ) violates any of the conditions of his probation, the court
may revoked his probation and order him to serve the sentence originally imposed.


 First , determine his guilt – the court would convict sentence said offender
 Second , when the court determines whether or not to grant probation upon application of
the offender.


Once the court has granted probation to an offender and has duly imposed the terms and
condition of the probation, the probation officer has the bounded duty to see to it that the
probationer observes all terms and conditions imposed by the court. Probation supervision is then
a primarily an administrative process.
The primary purpose of probation supervision are:
 To carry out the conditions set forth in the probation order;
 To ascertain whether the probationer is following said conditions
 To bring about the rehabilitation of the probationer and his reintegration into the
At this juncture, it is to be emphasized that in spite of the fact that the Parole and Probation
Administration (PPA) is an executive agency, control of the court over the probationer is not
 The probationer and his probation program shall be under the control of the court placed
him on probation subject to actual supervision and visitation by a probation officers.

Element of Probation
 A post sentence investigation report will serve as the informational for the court’s
decision to grant or deny probation
 The conditional suspension of execution sentence by the court
 Condition of probation imposed by the court to protect public safety and to faster the
rehabilitation and reformation of the probationer.
 Supervision, guidance and assistance of the offender by a probation officer

Benefits of Probation
1. It protect society
 From the excessive cost of detention
 Form the high rate of recidivism of detained offender
2. It protect the victim
 It provide restitution
 It preserves justice
3. It protect the family
 It does not deprive the wife and children of husband and father
 It maintains the unity of a home
4. It assist government
 It reduces the population of prisons and jail
 It lessens the clogging of court’
 It lightens the load of prosecutors
5. It helps the offender
 It maintain his earing power
 It provides rehabilitation in the community
 It restores his dignity
6. It justifies the philosophy of men
 That life is sacred
 That man deserve a second chance
 That an individual can change
 That society has the moral obligation to lift the fallen

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