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A Maker Sch60¥ crash couse /Robotics Oo BUILD YOUR a MAKER SUCCESS ‘earning a new vocation in today’s economy is easier then ‘ever, with online communities and resources to teach us and get up to speed an the new technologies, and help us expand our reach. There are a lot of nays to get started with a maker hobby, but the task of becoming an expert, ‘and even going pro, may seem ‘overwhelming. Ifyou break things down into steps, however, the path becomes a bit clearer. To that end, we ve.asked authorities in diferent areas of ‘making — from classic crafting to robotics and cosplay — about how they navigated their fields, and to share some of the opportunities that awaita maker wito's (ooking to advance with their craft. —Caleb Kraft oo y, Course 217 Contry Rebveties you ask robots yerobotcicts what they think you're Ukely to get 10 diferent answers, The most generally accepted defrition for arobet i probably something ike, “a mechanical system that co its emvironment, and then besed on whet, t'senses, autonomously take actions that alfectits envirerment. ‘ary robot, no m complex, is a combination of software and ‘Dhe ofthe things that makes rebots spaciat isthe system» nature oi aye Colin Angle, co-founder and CEO of iRobot W's net just about software, isnot just about sensors it the whole systern” Ths can make roboticsa ite bit irtimidating, because it s2emes lice you'd need to learn mechanical eng Her hows nardnare ering and software engineering atthe same time fo do anything useful Fortunately, much of what's interosting and creative in robotics today ic happening in programming, and the gear isnt nearly as hard.asitused to be. "Right now the biggest advancements in science are on the software sido, much of which were enabled cn the hardware side says robeticist Carol Reiley ‘Many Industries are transitioning Into sottware-drvon/Al-ponored futuro. There’: by breakthrouch years belore 2 lot of opportunity for growth on software and understanding data in the plysical world around us. LEARN TO CODE IF you're already comfortable with writing code of any cor, thats fanta writing cede for rebots is very similar to writing code for anything else. The speci languages 1o get experience in epends on what aspect of robotics you want to work on, says Brian Gerkey, CEO ‘of Open Robotics. “If you're develosing the autonomy software on the robot, then (Cos ane Python ate the mest common languages, But robots operating inthe real world also need interfaces that ere suitable for non-engineers, which are usually based ‘on wab ar moailetechnalagy, 69 JavaScript Java, nd Swift are good to know. HHyou're not comfortable with writing code of any sor, that's also fantastic, because robots isthe most exciting way tolear. There are many ways to start without having te worry about writing code tall using visual programming languages here you drag and drop interactive blocks tabulld a program, The most wal-known 1m ike this is probably hich was developed bythe MIT Media Lab, Blockly from Google, has the added bene! fof showing you a real-time translation into 2 variety of ifteront coding languages, including Python and JavaScript. Serat Blockly, and visual programming languag Uke them are the interace of cholee for most introductory robotics kts, and they! ic, because LozobotEvo 2 Finer Shoot ‘A Lego Minestorme EVs S.Veri@Super kh Sikobot create? 7st help you get going and maks for an easy transiten to mare complex programming Remembar, though, that robots involve oftware as wel as hardware, and to really appreciate haw to make that work ffactnoly youl need some experiance vat both “itsimportantthat 2s you get started in robotics, you get exposure to everything working together,” says Angle. ‘Got your han ity and start buléing things, or gofind something, take it apart, and ry to understand: wel enough to putit deck together again. Tha typo of system understanding needs tobe present, and then you can decie what area of specialization most speais to you” GETTING STARTED The mos: complicated robots are made of lots sensors, actuators, and autenamous logic Simple robots are made af the same things, but justafewo! ham and the clenpet robot to mate ust hae one of each, An easy wey to get sta Ardina starter kt, as long as you find one that eludes both a sengor and-an actuator, Following tutorials tha, for instance ake you through how to control a servo mote and howto read atemporature sensor give you the basis fora rabet that autonomously tums ona fan whenit gets wart, However, people tke tings that meve, and for beginners to bth robotics and prograrnming, we recommend you start wth apro-bul platform on wich you can practice your coding skis. You twant one that cludes several diferent levels of coding interfaces, allowing you oe orn simple to comple as you get comfortable. zobot Eva is particularly good focyourger beginnets, since you can ‘rogram iby drawing pattors of colors on paper thatthe robot reads it drives ver them, without needing incertaco tall, From hero, you can move on toa Blocaly-based visual programming laoguage. Finch, an educational robot develepad at Camege Mellon Univers, isa bitmore versatile, and includes Uaht sensors, temperature sensors, and basic abstacie detection, Finch stare with 2 Scratch- based visual progremming language called Snap! maxed to make accessible ta cildrenin sarty elementary school. The Snap! interface graduoly gets ssvithon software more detailed unt you eventually transition to Python, Java, or many oth options. Root orginal comes from larva University. t ‘ean wander across wall-mounted dy erase board sticking with magnet], and comes with an impressive array of ever 0 sensors, Actuators, and interactive elements ks touch-sensing surfaces and LEDs. Roct starts ot witha visual progremming interface, which ater shifts int ex-based coding in Python, JavaScript, and Silt. Ityou'd prefer more versatility and ‘options in hardware along with a hands-on bullcing process, the Lage Mindstorms EV3 and the Vex 1@ Super Kit are good choices. Bath canbe programmed in Seratch-ihe graphical enéronrnents with options to continue in LabVIEW for Loop, ana © (through ROBOTC! for both Lego and Vex. Lego and Vex als integrate with worlawde robotics compettons, offering a good way to further challenge yourself while meeting ‘thor peop interested in robaics LEVELING UP In order todo most af the realy, realy ool tutti robotics, you need access to more sophisticated hardaare nciuding better sensors better actuators, and better ‘computers. Asyou got more confident with writing code, youl kay ind that educational rabots and most robotics kits simply don't have the hardvare necessary todo eventing you want todo Inthe past, getting beyond this point would mean bulling your awn robo, oF Using 2 starting point tke Robots Create 2 bie base anc NI i 8 adding your onrhardare ontop Ths is ‘ila good option you want w experiment with hardare, (vor the ast savor years, anew class ‘of robots has been ntredced, designed forstudents and experienced hobiyts that combines powerful hardware with accessible sftnare, These probabiy nol or besiners, but you ‘want to focus on writing code they ‘ive you the most options Misty lis specially designe for paople who have seme programming eserience but ao necessarily anyrabatis sxpenence tis ‘euipped wthvarious sensors, nda ‘espansicn parton tne rots bak plugs _dretlyinto an Brains or Raspberry i ‘making easyto mixinycur own hardvare ceessories, Turtles development Platform designed arcund the Ret ‘Operating Stern [ROS ROS wos dsignes tobe genera purpose sttware oul on C+ andPython] tat ean power just about anykindctrobot, relying on experts to ‘colaborate an exend a robust supported ‘open sourc2cers I's been remarkably ‘cessful, and TurteBtisntenced tobe ‘an atfordable vay o earn howto program with ROS. As such, TurleBots ae often used in abate courses, andthe re ‘apabieand expandable enough that ou ‘frequent ee thom a early protonypes forrobots that wer ater tured into commercial products, WHAT'S NEXT? There's platy todo with robotics as a hobby on your awn, butil yout looking for vays to take things further ing a community ikea locel robotics club can prvi both inspiration and support. there aren rough folks war you with an interestin robo online communities are an option ‘es wll and cone especially helpful you testuck on something speci “Thee are even mare options or students. Vex and Lege through the FIRST organization) run ki-based robotics competitions for teams starting as young ass years old For igh schoo students, competitions ean get ‘very serious, wth thousands cf tesms fromall ove the werd building and programming complex rabats to ale chalenges that re ferns ever year Both FIRST andVexotfere geoe combination e practical horduare and software experience, but there's more value tojoining 3 cmpitv rebates team than Justbulsng 3 robot — being part ofa group ‘working together ana big projet provides its own challenges and reward. “Got hanes-on experence [and work ona tear, ‘aye Mare Rar, funder ana CEO ot Boston Dynamics. “The ability to work wth ashersis ust as important as your tchnical sls” Angle agrees: "The first ualty we lack fori being able to work eflectively in a team Robotics shart muttlscotinany ‘and personis zing totaild the type ‘of robot we build at ebb Beyond high school nary calleges and universes are developing deccated Faboties programs, ad fea schools evenoler degrees in robetics specially las opposed to mechanical engineering oF ollware engineering Competitions ‘continue io crv bates auction aswell from RoboCup autonomous snccer langues an challenges tor home and rescue robots tocempetiions sponsored by companies ie DI) ‘and Amazon looking for clever new technologies as wellas new talent The best aces far tose looking to tend their robotics passion intoa career is, ‘start no” says Gerke “The demand in industry for people with sold robots skills isgrowing fac, butsois the supp Were ‘20g students whe have been writing cade and tuldng rots for several years before venfinishinghighsehoo. Thats your competion, so get prepared” Andi you ‘want job working on robotics at place We Boston Dyrarice? Simple, ays Raibers “Do what youve coin” — Evan Ackarman

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