Speech Matters

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Therese of the Child Jesus Academy

22 Adante St., Tañong, Malabon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
1. Did the president have any written copy of the speeches with them? If not, what did they have?
Duterte had a copy of his speech during his state of the nation address. In contrary, based on what
I have observed, Marcos didn’t have a copy of his speech on the podium. I believe that he
prepared and memorized the key points of his speech.
2. Is there a time where the speaker paused lengthily, when were these?
During Duterte’s speech, there were a couple of pauses because he kept looking at his copy. This
caused unnecessary silence or dead air that I believe was very awkward to watch.
3. What is your overall reaction to the way the president delivered the speech? what were the
good points? What can be improved?
It is good to prepare beforehand and practice your speech before the big day. There were a
couple of flaws during their speeches. For example, Marcos’s speech, he was stuttering a lot that
caused some of his points to be misheard or misunderstood. In Duterte’s speech, there were lots of
dead air. Though, both of them explained their plans for the development of our country.
After watching the videos, I realized that being prepared beforehand is a huge advantage. This
is because when you are prepared, you can avoid unnecessary distractions, dead air, and
stuttering that may disappoint your audience. We want our speech to be interactive but flows
smoothly that it doesn’t take up that much time.

NAME: Stefanie Jean Dela Cruz DATE: Sept. 3, 2022 SCORE:

GRADE & SECTION: 10 - Patience SUBJECT: English REMARKS:
OUTPUT TITLE: Speech Matters
Revised Activity Plate s. 2020

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