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Name: ________________________ Grade XI St.___________________ Score: _______ Rating:____

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read first the instruction before answering the test questions. Write legibly your
answer using a black ballpoint pen. Any form of ERASURES, TAMPERING, and ALTERATIONS must be
avoided. The school and the teacher will not be held accountable for lost and damaged test questionnaires due to


TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer for each of the given questions. Encircle the letter of your
best answer.
1. ___ refers to the language, gestures, facial expressions, and body movement used by the source or communicator
to send his /her message.
a. Signal b. Element c. Channels d. Receiver
2. ___ is what the message contains.
a. Meaning b. Thought c. Content d. Expression
3. The ___ is the means by which a message is sent.
a. signal b. message c. letter d. channels
4. ___ is the process of expressing and exchanging information, thoughts, ideas, and feeling.
a. Speech b. Speaking c. Talking d. Communication
5. The following are examples of Communication Situation except one.
a. A professor, delivering a lecture to her students.
b. A coach, talking to his players.
c. A student, spacing out while the teacher is lecturing.
d. A dad, giving advice to his son
6. Since communication is a process, it involves a series of actions that lead to a particular result such as;
a. Crafting message c. Exchanged ideas
b. Decoding the message sent d. Interfering the message
7. ___ is what needs to be delivered in a communication process.
a. Channels b. Feedback c. Speaker d. Message
8. It is whom that receives the message and interpret the message he received.
a. speaker b. listener c. noise d. message
9. Which among the statements below is true?
i. Communication involves a transaction. A person wants to talk to someone because one needs
ii. The success of communication will be determined base from the response or feedback of the
iii. Communication is about two people talking.
iv. Talking to oneself can’t be considered communication
a. i only b. i,ii, and iii only c. i and ,ii only d. all statements are correct
10. Sometimes, we see situations such as someone crying, quarrelling, or feeling hurt because of a misunderstanding.
This kind of situation is indicated by ___.
a. emotional breakdown c. stress
b. noise d. miscommunication
Below are the results of communication breakdown except one.
c. Misunderstanding c. Communication will ceased to exist
d. Quarrel d. Understanding
11. __ is a term referred to as the source of a message.
a. Receiver b. Idea c. Decoder d. Speaker

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ”
-Malcolm X
12. Supposed you are talking with someone but you seemed to not understand what he is talking. What must be done
in this situation?
a. Just pretend that you are listening to avoid offending the person.
b. Just walk away leaving the person talked by himself.
c. Stop the person and tell him honestly that you seemed to not understand him.
d. Excuse yourself from the talking person, tell him you need to go to the bathroom.
13. You and your best friend were fighting because you misunderstood each other. What is the best thing to do to
solve the situation?
a. Post on your timeline that you are sorry for what you did and that you want to reconcile with him/her.
b. You let the time pass waiting for your best friend to say sorry because he/she was wrong.
c. Block your best friend on social media.
d. Have a heart to heart talk with your best friend.
14. What is the best way to say “sorry”?
a. “I’m sorry, I was wrong. I will not do it again”
b. “I’m sorry, I was wrong. How can I make it up to you”
c. “I’m sorry, but you hurt me first. You should say sorry to me instead”
d. “I beg your pardon”
15. Your classmates suddenly ignore you after your class activity with Mr. Ren’s class on Oral Communication. What
might be the best reason of a sudden change of behaviour of your classmates towards you?
a. Your classmates probably hate you since the beginning.
b. You may have offended your classmates during the class, which provoked them to ignore you.
c. Your classmates decided to prank you just to have fun after school.
d. Your classmates probably felt intimidated because you got the highest score in the activity.
16. Which among the statements is true?
i. Communication is a two way process which involves (sender, message, and receiver).
ii. Communication involves transaction. A person wants to talk because he need something
iii. Communication is about two people talking.
iv. Communication does not need a feedback from the receiver as long as the sender expresses his thoughts
regardless if the receiver understands the message.
a. i. only b. ii and iii c. i, ii and iii d. all statements are true
17. Communication is a two way process. It implies that;
a. communication does not stop after the receiver receives the message, receiver must at least return the
favour by giving feedback.
b. communication needs a sender to send the message and a receiver to receive the message.
c. communication needs an encoder to send the message and decoder to interpret the message.
d. communication stops after the receiver receives the message.

18. Which among the statements below about communication is not true?
i. Human society cannot function without communication.
ii. Society exist and grows with every communication activity between and among persons within that
iii. Humans are social beings, therefore it needs to be alone to reflect.
a. i. only b. ii only c. iii only d. i and iii
19. What is the most important part in Aristotle’s Model of Communication?
a. Speech b. Setting c. Message d. Audience
20. Who among the choices gave the concept of “noise” in his model of communication?
a. Aristotle b. Wilbur Schramm c. Eugene White d. Shannon and Weaver
21. Who is the father of Mass Communication?
a. Aristotle b. Wilbur Schramm c. Eugene White d. Shannon and Weaver
22. Who introduces “Field of Experience” in his Model of Communication?
a. Aristotle b. Wilbur Schramm c. Eugene White d. Shannon and Weaver
23. ___ are the means by which the message is sent.
a. Message b. Feedback c. Channels d. Response
24. ___ is the result of monitoring by the speaker of the listener’s Response.
a. Message b. Feedback c. Experience d. Speaker

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ”
-Malcolm X
TEST II: MATCHING TYPE: Examine the terms in column A and Column B. Match the terms in A with B according to their
conceptual relationship (esp. of similarities, differences or connection). See example below.
Column A Column B
EXAMPLE: __Y_ 1. Model of Communication y. Diagram
z. Aristotle

____ 26. Verbal a. Information

____ 27. Aristotle b. Setting
____ 28. Channel c. Continuous and Circular
____ 29. Noise d. Wilbur Schramm
____ 30. Sender e. Mass Communication
____ 31. Receiver f. Nonverbal
____ 32. Message g. Loud music
____ 33. Field of Experience h. Decoder
____ 34. Eugene White i. Depression
____ 35. Wilbur Schramm j. Ears
____ 36. Physical Noise k. Headache
____ 37. Psychological Noise l. listener’s Limited Vocabulary
____ 38. Physiological Noise m. Source
____ 39. Semantic Noise n. Diagram
____ 40. Barrier o. Noise

TEST III: CLASSIFICATION: Word or sentences below are potential distracters of communication known as
noise. Classify them according to its type. Write the corresponding number of the word or sentences below the
corresponding type of noise as indicated in the table below.

a. Noise from road traffic.

Physical Psychological Physiological Semantic
b. Toothache Noise Noise noise Noise
c. You feel worried about your hanged
clothes outside the house because you felt 42
like it’s going to rain.

d. Excited to do something else.

e. You felt irritated by your grumbling
stomach. 44

f. You were distracted from your lesson

because someone called out your name.
g. You cannot focus from your lesson
because you were thinking about your
quarrel with your friend. 47

h. Loud thunder claps from a storm. 48

i. Loud music from neighbours partying 49

late at night.
j. Your seatmates talking about some
random staff while listening to a teacher.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ”
-Malcolm X
TEST IV: READING: Read, Analyze, and Evaluate the text by answering the questions below.

Peggy Pig tails was a good girl, and she was quiet and reserved. Not many words passed her lips, partly due to shyness,
and partly because she sometimes felt she had nothing interesting to say.
But that all changed when Peggy and her family moved houses.

On arriving at the new place, she discovered a huge attic full of old junk. In one pile she found a big chest containing all
kinds of strange things. Under them all, she found something special. It was an old book with a great heavy, thick cover,
with gold writing on it. But what made it truly special was how it shone in the darkness of that attic , and in the most
magical, fantastical way. What's more, the book was actually floating in the air. Peggy could find nothing holding it up.

She took the book down to her room and hit it there until nighttime, putting her puppy on guard duty over it. That night,
when she was sure no one would disturb her, she sat with her doggy and started reading the book. It was a storybook, but
Peggy could hardly get any of it read.

She had only just started when her dog started speaking to her; “What an interesting book you’ve found! It seems to have
some lovely stories! Peggy couldn’t believe it, but the puppy continued talking, telling her all sorts of things, and asking a
thousand questions. After some time, Peggy regained her composure and asked, “So how come you’re talking?” “I don’t
know ,” answered the dog.”Instead of just thinking things, now I’m saying them too… It hasn’t changed much for me; I
guess it was the book that did it, though.”

Peggy decided to investigate the matter, and she thought she would show the book to some other animals. One after
another, the animals all started talking, and, before long, Peggy was chatting – in the most friendly manner – with a dog,
three cats, two doves, a parrot, and five lizards. All the animals spoke as though they’d been doing so all their lives, and
all of them had some pretty interesting tales to tell!

“ sure babe!” Lemmy the Lizard told her. “we all lead pretty incredible lives!” Peggy pigtails spent the next several days
nattering with her friends, and really enjoyed it. One day, though, unaware as to why, the book disappeared; and with it
went the animals’ voices. Peggy looked everywhere, but couldn’t find that book.

Within a few days, she was missing the chats with her new animal friends so much that she could hardly think of anything
else. Then she remembered what Lemmy the lizard said to her, and she realized that she hardly spoke at all to her
classmates or other children, and they probably had incredible lives too!

So, from that day, little by little, Peggy started talking more to her schoolmates, trying to find out about their lives. In the
end, without realizing it, she came to have more friends than anyone else in the whole school. And never again was she
short of someone to have a good old natter with

51-55. What characteristic does Peggy have based from what the author has described her at the beginning of the story?
Why do you think Peggy is such a quite, reserved, and a shy person? Is there a point in your life where you can relate
from her characteristics? Explain your answer in one paragraph only.

56-60. What is the moral of the story? How did the author emphasize the importance of communication in the story?
61-65. If Peggy will continue being a quiet or shy person, what do you think will she become in the future? How will
other people perceive her as a person?


“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ”
-Malcolm X
Subject Teacher

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ”
-Malcolm X

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