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Parent’s Signature
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I

Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: __________

Date: ________________
1st Quarter Summative Test
Choose the BEST Answer. Write your Answer before the number.

1. Our sun is an example of a massive star which survives long enough for its planet to develop life.
A. True B. False
2. Being in a Goldilocks Zone means that the Earth has the right distance from the other planets which makes the water remain
A. True B. False
3. Mercury experiences extreme temperatures due to a fast rotation which makes this planet inhabitable.
A. True B. False
4. Venus is very hot because it has a lot of active volcanoes that produce a very thin atmosphere that contributes to an
increased greenhouse effect, making the surface temperature very high.
A. True B. False
5. Mars has very little volcanic activity which results to a thin atmosphere and cold surface temperature.
A. True B. False
6. Which of the following is not included in the characteristics of minerals?
A. Naturally-occurring
B. Organic
C. Should exhibit stability at room temperature
D. Crystalline structure (looks like crystals since the arrangement of their atoms is ordered and repetitive)
7. According to Mohs Scale of hardness, quarts are considered to be harder compared to which mineral?
A. Corundum B. Topaz C. Diamond D. Gypsum
8. If you will be able to scratch a mineral using a coin, then its hardness is believed to be around what range?
A. 1-2.5 B. 2.5-3.5 C. 3.5-5.5 D. 5.5-6.5
9. What do you call a mineral that does not have a crystal structure?
A. amorphous B. analogous C. anamorphous D. none of the choices
10. What is the mineral’s color in powdered form which is inherent in almost every mineral and is a more diagnostic property
compared to color?
A. Specific gravity B. Habit C. Streak D. Cleavage
11. Which of the following is true about rocks?
A. Rocks are composed of only one mineral. C. Coal is not considered a rock.
B. Rocks do not contain minerals. D. Most rocks are a mixture of minerals.
12. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of rock?
A. Igneous B. Sedimentary C. Magma D. Metamorphic
13. Metamorphic rock forms as a result of:
A. Heat and Pressure B. The Cooling of Magma C. Compaction of Sediments D. The Melting of Rock
14. A rock that forms when magma hardens beneath Earth's surface is called an:
A. Intrusive metamorphic rock. B. Intrusive igneous rock.
C. Extrusive sedimentary rock. D. Extrusive igneous rock.
15. Which of the following is an example of an extrusive igneous rock?
A. Basalt B. Coal C. Sandstone D. Granite
16. What drives the Earth’s internal heat engine?
A. oceanic tides B. radioactivity C. solar energy D. volcanoes
17 The temperature of the Earth _____ as the depth _____towards the core.
A. decreases, decreases B. decreases, increases C. increases, decreases D. increases, increases
18. The process of growth through gradual accumulation of layers is called _____.
A. acceleration B. accretion C. creation D. formation
19. All are sources of Earth’s internal heat EXCEPT ________.
A. endogenic heating B. frictional heating C. heat from formation and accretion D. radioactivity
20. The core is ________.
A. blue in color B. made of rock C. very cool D. very hot
21. It is a break in the rock where there is considerable movement on the fracture surface while a joint is a break where there is
no considerable movement.
A. Fold B. Fault C. Fracture D. Plates
22. When pressure and temperature are high, rocks are plastic-like; thus, they do not break but they tend to bend
A. Fold B. Fault C. Fracture D. Plates
23. When pressure and temperature are low at the Earth’s surface, rocks tend to break or ______.
A. Fold B. Fault C. Fracture D. Plates
Parent’s Signature
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I

Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: __________

Date: ________________
1st Quarter Summative Test
24. A type of faults involves the vertical movement of the blocks of rock. Can either be a normal or a reverse fault.
A. Dip-slip B. Fault C. Fracture D. Strike-slip
25. A fault involves a horizontal movement of blocks of rock and is caused by shear stress.
A. Dip-slip B. Fault C. Fracture D. Strike-slip
26. Beds of rock on top are usually younger than those deposited below.
A. True B. False
27. All rock layers are originally deposited horizontally and can later be tilted.
A. True B. False
28. The rock sediments could be deposited through various ways at different intervals except current.
A. True B. False
29.With the passage of time and the accumulation of more particles, and often with chemical changes, the sediments at the
bottom of the pile become rock.
A. True B. False
30. All rock layers are laterally continuous and may be broken up or displaced by faulting.
A. True B. False
31. It is a method of dating rocks that gives an actual time.
A. absolute dating B. relative dating C. geologic time scale D. carbon dating
32. It is a method of arranging the geologic events based on rock sequence.
A. relative dating B. absolute dating C. geologic time scale D. radiometric dating
33. This law states that, in any sequence of layered sedimentary rocks, the top layer is younger than the bottom layer.
A. law of lateral continuity C. law of original horizontality
B. law of superposition D. law of cross-cutting relationship
34. Which of the following statements about the principles of relative dating are false?
A. The law of cross-cutting relationship states that rock layers extend laterally or out to the sides.
B. The law of lateral continuity states that fault lines and igneous rocks are younger features that cut through older
features of rocks.
C. The law of superposition states that, in any sequence of layered sedimentary rocks, the top layer is younger than
the bottom layer.
D. The law of original horizontality states that most sediments were originally laid down horizontally.
35. Which of the following is not an example of absolute dating?
A. radioactive dating B. radiocarbon dating C. K-Ar dating D. U-Pb dating
36. Which continent has the greatest concentration of volcanoes?
A. Asia B. Africa C. Antarctica D. North America
37. What is referred to be the primary earthquake hazard?
A. Liquefaction B. Ground shaking C. Surface rupture D. Tsunami
38. It contains all pieces of fragments of rock ejected into the air by an erupting volcano.
A. Pyroclastic density currents B. Lava C. Lahar D. Tephra
39. Which world trench does not sit on the Ring of Fire?
A. Mariana’s Trench B. Peru-Chile Trench C. Aleutian Trench D. South Sandwich Trench
40. All are catalysts of landslides, except
A. typhoons B. volcanic activity C. seismic activity D. water
41. What does the term monsoon mean?
A. storm surge B. seasonal wind C. extreme weather D. prolonged drought
42. Wind speed that is greater than 220 km/h is
A. super typhoon B. typhoon C. tropical storm D. tropical depression
43. What does PAR mean?
A. Philippine Are Ready C. Philippines Are you Ready Kids?
B. Philippine Area of Responsibility D. Philippines Areas of Responsibility
44. What force causes landslides?
A. inertia B. mass C. gravity D. magnetism
45. Which is the best way you can help to prepare for natural disasters?
A. watch your pets for any unusual behavior. C.keep the windows closed at all times
B. always carry a pint of water with you D. Make an emergency supply kit with your family
Parent’s Signature
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I

Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: __________

Date: ________________
1st Quarter Summative Test
46. What is erosion?
A. the wearing away of land B. falling off a cliff C. the wearing away of land by the sea D. the movement of waves
47. What is coastal erosion?
A. the wearing away of land B. the wearing away of land by the sea C. the movement of waves D. falling off a cliff
48. What is corrosion?
A. when the cliff is being eroded by strong acids by the sea C. when the cliff is eroded by weak acids in the sea
B. when the cliff is being hurled at the base of the cliff D. the cliff is eroded by weak acids in the sea
49. What is hydraulic action?
A. When the waves compress the cliff and force air out of a crack causing it to break
B. When the waves hurl rocks and pebbles at the cliffside
C. When the cliff is eroded by weak acids in the sea
D. When the wearing away of land by the sea
50. Attrition is when?
A. the cliff is eroded by weak acids in the sea C. the wave contains pebbles which hit together and break up
B. the wave hits the cliffside and makes it collapse. D. When the waves hurl rocks and pebbles at the cliffside

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: Approved by:

PAULO A. BALDELOMAR Liza V. Soriano Miriam B. Idos, EdD

Subject Teacher Master Teacher I Principal II
Parent’s Signature
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I

Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: __________

Date: ________________
1st Quarter Summative Test
Answer Key: Answer Key: Answer Key:
1. B 1. B 1. B
2. B 2. B 2. B
3. B 3. B 3. B
4. B 4. B 4. B
5. A 5. A 5. A
6. B 6. B 6. B
7. D 7. D 7. D
8. B 8. B 8. B
9. A 9. A 9. A
10. C 10. C 10. C
11. D 11. D 11. D
12. C 12. C 12. C
13. A 13. A 13. A
14. B 14. B 14. B
15. A 15. A 15. A
16. B 16. B 16. B
17. D 17. D 17. D
18. B 18. B 18. B
19. A 19. A 19. A
20. B 20. B 20. B
21. B 21. B 21. B
22. A 22. A 22. A
23. C 23. C 23. C
24. A 24. A 24. A
25. D 25. D 25. D
26. A 26. A 26. A
27. A 27. A 27. A
28. B 28. B 28. B
29. A 29. A 29. A
30. A 30. A 30. A
31. A 31. A 31. A
32. A 32. A 32. A
33. B 33. B 33. B
34. A 34. A 34. A
35. A 35. A 35. A
36. C 36. C 36. C
37. B 37. B 37. B
38. D 38. D 38. D
39. D 39. D 39. D
40. A 40. A 40. A
41. B 41. B 41. B
42. A 42. A 42. A
43. B 43. B 43. B
44. C 44. C 44. C
45. D 45. D 45. D
46. A 46. A 46. A
47. B 47. B 47. B
48. C 48. C 48. C
49. A 49. A 49. A
50. C 50. C 50. C

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