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Information Systems Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program – Master of
Information Systems Management, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Information Systems Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program – Master of
Information Systems Management, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia


Along with the development of information systems and technology, making very significant changes to
payment methods in Indonesia especially in Jakarta. The emergence of new methods in cashless payments,
especially in bank products such as EDC machines such as EDC Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, BCA, has
shifted some people who are switching from cash payment methods (Cash) to non-cash methods (Cashless).
For this reason, researchers conducted research to look for factors that influence merchant interest in using
ECD (Electronic Data Capture) of Bank Mandiri at Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk regional III Jakarta.
Researchers used the UTAUT2 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2) research model
and the IS Success Model. The construct of this research model uses the construct of performance
expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, price value, information quality, system quality,
service quality, behavioral intention, user satisfaction, use behavior. The number of respondents in this
study amounted to 400 respondents using Smart PLS.
Keywords: Five Keywords are Required Separated By Commas (Capitalize Each Work Italic)

1. INTRODUCTION through Visa International and Bank Mandiri

networks. Basically to transact or shop using EDC
1.1 Background will not be charged by Mandiri. However some
merchants there charge about 1.5-3% of the
This Along with the development of technology, transaction value for EDC maintenance fees and
the number of credit and debit card issuances in late settlement fees.
banking is still growing significantly. The existence
The benefits of using EDC Machine
of fintech does not make banking products such as
include benefits as a customer and benefits as a
credit cards and debit cards abandoned. In 2019, PT
merchant. Benefits for merchants in the use of EDC
Bank Mandiri Tbk managed to record a 7.8%
Machines include reducing the risk of cash handling
increase in credit card issuance where the amount,
such as criminality theft, reducing the risk of
credit card of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk reached 1.9
receiving counterfeit money, opening wider
million. As for debit card holders, it reached 21.7
opportunities (can serve customers who do not have
million or up 15.39% compared to 2018.
cash), the opportunity to earn greater turnover and
Debit and debit card issuance is strongly profit margins and can also participate in loyalty
related to EDC (Electronic Data Capture). Bank programs or other promotions from Bank Mandiri.
Mandiri's Mandiri EDC or Electronic Data Capture
According to DeLone and McLean
which is widely available in a number of merchants
(2003) , the qualityof the system and the quality of
is a tool that serves to accept transactions using
the information are positively related to the use of
Mandiri card and other bank cards electronically
thesystem. Factors in UTAUT's research model

such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, 7. Does service quality have a significant impacts
social influence and facilitating condition affect the on behavioral intention that influencing merchants'
use of such information systems. interest when using Bank Mandiri's EDC machines.
For PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 8. Does user satisfaction have a significant impacts
Regional III Jakarta 1 itself has never done research on behavioral intention that influencing merchants'
on what factors influence merchant interest in using interest when using Bank Mandiri's EDC machines.
EDC Bank Mandiri. With research into the
9. Does information quality have a significant
acceptance of EDC Bank Mandiri, researchers want
impacts on user satisfaction that influencing
to conduct research to explore what factors
merchants' interest when using Bank Mandiri EDC
influence merchant interest in using EDC Bank
Mandiri. In this study researchers used a research
model of integration between the UTAUT2 research 10. Does system quality have a significant impacts
model and the IS Success model – Delone & on user satisfaction that influencing merchants'
McLean. The variables used in the UTAUT2 interest when using Bank Mandiri EDC machines
research model are performance expectancy, effort
11. Does service quality have a significant impacts
expectancy, facilititaing conditions, price value,
on user satisfaction in influencing merchants'
behavioral intention and use behavior. While the
interest that using Bank Mandiri EDC machines.
variable research model IS Success Model uses
variable information quality, system quality, service 12. Does behavioral intention have a significant
quality and user satisfaction. impacts on use behavior That influencing
merchants' interest when using Bank Mandiri EDC
1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the explanation above, researchers need 1.3 Research Objective
to examine what factors that impacting to merchant
interest when using Bank Mandiri's EDC machine, Based on formulation of the problem, the
which outlined in the research on factors that researcher explains several things which the
impacts Merchant interest when using Bank objectives of the research. as follows:
Mandiri's EDC (electronic data capture) at PT Bank
Mandiri. (Persero) Tbk Regional III Jakarta I with 1. Analyze the effect of performance expectancy on
the following problem formulations: behavioral intention in influencing merchant
interest in using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
1. Does performance expectancy have a significant
impacts on behavioral intention that influencing 2. Analyze the influence of effort expectancy on
merchants' interest when using Bank Mandiri EDC behavioral intention in influencing merchant
machines. interest in using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.

2. Does effort expectancy have a significant impacts 3. Analyze the effect of facilitating conditions on
on behavioral intention that influencing merchants' behavioral intention in influencing merchant
interest when using Bank Mandiri's EDC machines interest in using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.

3. Does facilitating conditions have a significant 4. Analyze the effect of price value on behavioral
impacts on behavioral intention that influencing intention in influencing merchant interest in using
merchants' interest when using Bank Mandiri EDC Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
machines. 5. Analyze the influence of information quality on
4. Does price value have a significant impacts on behavioral intention in influencing merchant
behavioral intention in influencing merchants' interest in using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
interest when using Bank Mandiri EDC machines. 6. Analyze the effect of system quality on
5. Does information quality have a significant behavioral intention in influencing merchant
influence on behavioral intention in influencing interest in using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
merchants' interest when using Bank Mandiri EDC 7. Analyze the effect of service quality on
machines. behavioral intention in influencing merchant
6. Does system quality have a significant impacts interest in using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
on behavioral intention that influencing merchants'
interest when using Bank Mandiri's EDC machines.

8. Analyze the influence of user satisfaction on payment media for a transaction of goods or
behavioral intention in influencing merchant services.
interest in using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
2.3 Internet Business
9. Analyze the influence of information quality on
user satisfaction in influencing merchant interest in
Internet business is an e-banking service to
using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
conduct financial and non-financial transactions
10. Analyze the effect of system quality on user with internet banking applications intended for
satisfaction in influencing merchant interest in business customers from individual and corporate
using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine. segments, especially small and medium enterprise
categories. Features contained in business internet
11. Analyze the effect of service quality on user
services include general account information,
satisfaction in influencing merchant interest in
transfers, payments, purchases, administration,
using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
business information and business activities.
12. Analyze the influence of behavioral intention on
2.4 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
use behavior in influencing merchant interest in
Technology (UTAUT)
using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine.
1.4 Research Benefits Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT). According to Vankatesh
With this research is expected to provide (2003) UTAUT is a model to explain technology
benefits for various parties, including: acceptance based on eight acceptance theories or
1. Benefits for PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Regional III Jakarta I: 2.5 DeLone and McLean Information System
Provide input to PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Success Model
Regional III Jakarta I to provide better service to
merchant users of EDC Bank Mandiri Machine. DeLone and McLean's Information
System Success Model. DeLone and McLean's
2. Benefits for Merchants: model is a model of measuring success in a popular
To make merchants safer, more convenient and information system. They identified six variables of
easy to use Bank Mandiri EDC Machine. information system success, namely: system
quality, information quality, service quality, user
3. Benefits for subsequent research: satisfaction, individual impact and organizational
As a reference material for subsequent impact.
2.6 Price Value dan User Satisfaction
1.5 Research Benefits
Price Value and User Satisfaction.
Scope of this research conducted at PT According to Namin (2016), user costs (price
Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Regional III Jakarta I. value) is one of the factors to determine user
satisfaction. Customers consider the price issued
against the value they get. Namin (2016) found a
2. THEORY positive relationship between perceived value and
customer satisfaction where the perceived value is
2.1 Electronic Banking defined as the level of perceived quality compared
to the price paid.
Electronic banking or E-banking, also
known as electronic banking, can be defined as 2.7 Information Quality, System Quality,
bank services and products directly to customers Service Quality dan Behavioral Intention
via electronic, interactive communication channels.
Customer decisions in purchasing the
2.2 EDC (Electronic Data Capture) company's products or services can be determined
by the quality of the information available
EDC or Electronic Data Capture is an (Miyoung Jeung,2001). The quality of information
electronic card data reader and usually used as from the company's offerings is believed to be

critical to creating a positive image of the company This study will show whether variable effort
and building a sustainable relationship with expectancy affects behavioural intention variables.
customers, thus the quality of information from a 3. Facilitating Conditions (X3)
Web or application affects the customer's intentions This variable wants to show the
in accessing the Web or application and potentially availability of infrastructure in using Bank
to potential buyers (Miyoung Jeung, 2001). Mandiri's EDC Engine. This variable wants to see
what relationship between facilitating conditions
2.8 User Satisfaction dan Behavioral Intention variables affects behavioural intention variables.
4. Price Value (X4)
According to Law et al. (2004) there are This variable wants to show the cost or
elements that affect (customer satisfaction) with price incurred and whether it has an impact on the
behavioral intentions. Kivela et al. (1999) use of Bank Mandiri EDC Machines. In this study,
developed abehavioral intention prediction model we wanted to look at the relationship between
based on user satisfaction. In addition, although the variables whether price value variables affect
quality of service and customer satisfaction have behavioural intention variables and user satisfaction
interactions. variables. The results showed that the perception of
cost had a significant relationship to usage
3. RESEARCH METHODS intentions.
5. Information Quality (X5)
3.1 Research Models This variable wants to show the results of
the EDC Bank Mandiri Machine in the form of a
The study used the variables of The report or report, whether there is a report from the
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of use or historical use of EDC Bank Mandiri
Technology 2 (UTAUT2) to look at factors in terms Machine. In this case study wanted to show the
of people's acceptance of developed technologies. relationship between variables whether variable
This UTAUT2 model is combined with the IS information quality affects behavioural intention
Success Model with delone and McLean models. and information quality variables affect user
The research model UTAUT2 and IS Success satisfaction.
Model DeLone & McLean are described as seen in 6. System Quality (X6)
This variable describes the quality of the
EDC Bank Mandiri Machine, regarding the
reliability of the system, the ease of the system in
responding quickly. In this case study want to see
the relationship between system quality variables
with behavioural intention variables and system
quality variables with user satisfaction variables.
7. Service Quality (X7)
This variable wants to show the quality of
service provided to merchants with Bank Mandiri's
EDC Machine. In this study, we wanted to show the
relationship between variables namely service
quality variables to behavioural intention variables
and service quality variables to user satisfaction
figure 3.1 8. Behavioural Intention (Y1)
1. The Performance Expectancy (X1) This variable describes how many
This variable demonstrates merchant Merchants earn and utilize the capabilities of Bank
confidence levels, using Bank Mandiri's EDC Mandiri EDC Machine can be measured by the
Engine can assist Merchants in improving their level of use or number of frequencies using Bank
performance in line with their expectations. This Mandiri EDC Machine. In this study, behavioral
study shows whether variable performance intention variables were influenced by performance
expectancy has an effect on behavioural intention. expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating
2. Effort Expectancy (X2) conditions, price value, information quality, system
This variable wants to show merchant quality, service quality, and user satisfaction.
expectations in using Bank Mandiri EDC Machine. 9. User Satisfaction (Y2)

This variable wants to show merchant H0: There is no positive influence between Service
satisfaction level in using Bank Mandiri EDC Quality and Behavioral Intention
Machine. In this study want to show user H1: There is a positive influence between Service
satisfaction variables influenced by price value, Quality and Behavioral Intention
information quality, system quality and service
quality variables. Hypothesis 8
10. Use Behavior (Y3) H0: There is no positive influenche between User
Variabel ini menjelaskan intensitas Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention
Merchant dalam menggunakan Mesin EDC Bank H1: There is a positive influence between User
Mandiri. Dalam penelitian ini variabel use behavior Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention
dipengaruhi oleh variabel behavioral intention. Hypothesis 9
H0: There is no positive influence between
3.2 Hypothesis Information Quality and User Satisfaction
H1: There is a positive influence between
Based on the research model described Information Quality and User Satisfaction .
above, several hypotheses are found as follows: Hypothesis 10
H0: There is no positive influence between System
Hypothesis 1 Quality and User Satisfaction
H0: There is no positive influence between H1: There is a positive influence between System
Performance Expectancy and Behavioral Intention Quality and User Satisfaction
H1: There is a positive influence between
Performance Expectancy and Behavioral Intention Hypothesis 11
H0: There is no positive influence between Service
Hypothesis 2 Quality and User Satisfaction
H0: There is no positive influence between Effort H1: There is a positive influence between Service
Expectancy and Behavioral Intention Quality and User Satisfaction.
H1: There is a positive influence between Effort
Expectancy and Behavioral Intention Hypothesis 12
H0: There is no positive influence between
Hypothesis 3 Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior
H0: There is no positive influence between H1: There is a positive influence between
Facilitating Conditions and Behavioral Intention Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior.
H1: There is a positive influence between
Facilitating Conditions and Behavioral Intention 3.3 Variable Measurement

Hypothesis 4 The variables in this study were measured

H0: There is no positive influence between Price with several corresponding indicators. Each
Value and Behavioral Intention indicator is based on the answer to a questionnaire
H1: There is a positive influence between Price question. The instruments used in this study were
Value and Behavioral Intention questionnaires.
Researchers measured several indicators
Hypothesis 5 using the Likert scale, a likert scale that is a
H0: There is no positive influence between measurement method to measure every opinion and
Information Quality and Behavioural Intention attitude of society. Researchers used 5 scores in
H1: There is a positive influence between assessing the study.
Information Quality and Behavioral Intention

Hypothesis 6
H0: There is no positive influence between System
Quality and Behavioral Intention
H1: There is a positive influence between System
Quality and Behavioral Intention

Hypotesis 7

which providesequal opportunities for each member
3.4 Data Sources and Data Collection of the population selected to be a member of the
sample. From the above calculation results are
In this study, the method of data collection obtained the result of the number of samples of 400
was done by distributing questionnaires to several samples so that researchers need to distribute
merchants using EDC Bank Mandiri Regional III questionnaires to respondents amounting to 400
Jakarta I machine by giving a number of questions respondents.
to merchants to answer. Questionnaires are
distributed to merchants using google doc. 3.4.2 Data Collection Methods

3.4.1 Data Sources and Data Collection The method of data collection is done by
disseminating questionnaires containing several
The population in this study is merchants questions to respondents / Merchants who use Bank
who use EDC Bank Mandiri Regional III Jakarta I. Mandiri EDC Machine, by disseminating through
According to transaction data detail Bank Mandiri google form. Based on the calculation of the
Region III Jakarta I the number of merchants using number of samples obtained by 400 respondents,
EDC Bank Mandiri Regional III Jakarta I machine the researchers distributed 420 questionnaires to
amounts to 25,850 Merchants, with the following respondents with an exaggeration of 5% to avoid
details: the invalidity of the questionnaire. The purpose of
data collection is to obtain quantitative data in the
form of numbers that refer to variables. This form
of research questionnaire uses Likert Scale with
Probabilistic Sampling technique.

3.5 Research Data Analyst Techniques

The method used by researchers in this

study is by sem method (Structural Equation
Model). SEM method(Structural Equation Mode)is
a statistical technique that can analyze the pattern
of the relationship between the variable and its
indicator, one variable and the other, as well as the
errors in the measurement directly.
There are 2 models in this method, both
models are as follows:
1. Measurement Model, describes the relationship
The population In determining the number between latent variables and indicators of those
of samples, the author uses the Hair formula variable indicators.
approach. Hair, (1995) states that the minimum 2. Model structure, describing the relationship
sample size is as much as 5 observations for each between latent variables or between oxogenous
estimated parameter and a maximum of 10 variables with latent variables (endogenous
observations from each estimated parameter. In this variables).
study, the number of research indicators as many as
10 indicators, so the number of samples needed is 3.5.1 Data Collection Methods
as many as 100 respondents. Sample number =
Number of Indicators x 10 = 10 x 10 = 100 So Primary Data
based on the above formula can be sampled from a
population of 100 respondents, but because to The research will use primary data where
improve accuracy / accuracy on the calculation then research data will be collected by making
researchers took a sample of 200 respondents from questionnaires with the help of online survey tool
2 questionnaires, namely EDC Bank Mandiri and disseminated through broadcast
questionnaire and EDC Bank BCA questionnaire. Whatsapps and other social media to respondents
So in this study the number of samples with a who have and will make drug/vitamin purchases on
minimum number of 400 respondents. The halodoc website. The questionnaire used will be
technique used in sampling is probability sampling, tested first through pilot-survey on 10 respondents

to see if the questionnaire is understandable sample
(Wijaya, 2019). Secondary Data

This research was conducted to obtain

secondary data by reading, collecting, recording,
studying printed books and complementary books 3.6.3 Realibility Test
or references, such as journals, magazines,
brochures and other print media in libraries or Reliability, or reliability, is the consistency
elsewhere (Wijaya, 2019). of a series of measurements or a series of
measuring instruments. This could be a
3.6 Data Analysis measurement of the same measuring instrument (a
test with a re-test) giving the same result, or for a
3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis more subjective measurement, whether two
assessors provide a similar score (reliability
Descriptive data analysis is the analysis of between assessors). In research, reliability is the
data conducted after the entire research data is extent to which measurements of a test remain
collected. The stages performed in the data analysis consistent after repeated attempts on the subject and
are (Puspitaningtyas, 2016): under the same conditions. Research is considered
reliable when providing consistent results for the
A. Group data by respondent variables and types same measurements. It is unreliable when repeated
B. Tabulate data based on variables from all measurements provide different results. The high
respondents low reliability, empirically shown by a number
C. Presents data from each variable studied called the coefficient value of reliability. High
D. Perform calculations to answer problem reliability is shown with the rxx value approaching
formulations the number 1. The deal in general is considered
E. Perform calculations to test the hypothesis that satisfactory enough if it ≥0.700. Testing the
has been done. reliability of instruments using the Alpha Cronbach
formula because the research instruments are in the
3.6.2 Validity Test form of questionnaires and multi-tiered scales.
Reliability tests are performed by comparing r
Validity test is a test used to show the cronbach alpha and r-tables. The value is declared
extent to which a measuring instrument is used in a reliable if r cronbach alpha > r-table. Alpha
measure of what is measured. The other side of the Cronbach formula as follows.
sense of validity is the scrutiny aspect of
measurement. A valid measuring instrument can
perform its measuring function precisely, also has
high scrutiny. The meaning of scrutiny here is that
it can detect small differences in the attributes it
measures. A test can be said to have a high validity
if the test performs its measuring function, or
provides precise and accurate measuring results in
accordance with the intent of the test. A test
produces data that is not relevant to the purpose of
the measurement is said to be a test that has low
validity. Validity tests are performed by comparing
r-calculate and r-tables. The value will be declared Smart PLS
valid when r-count > r-table.
Partial Least Square (PLS) is one of the
alternative Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
regression analysis methods for complex variables,
abnormal data distribution and small data sample
size (Number of samples <100). PLS is used to
describe the absence of a relationship between two

or more latent variables. Bootstraping procedurals Bank Mandiri EDC Machine and EDC Bank BCA.
are used to evaluate the correlation of established
latent variables, illustrated in the path analysis of
determinant coefficient correlation values (R-
Square) and the significance of exogenous variable
contributions to endogenous. The easy-to-use
software in analyzing PLS is Smart-PLS. SmartPLS
works based on pls-algorithms that will measure the
outer model, how much the indicator relationships
with variable factors (latent), the result is expressed
in the form of standardized loading factor and
weight coeficiency. Dimensions form the format of
latent variables judging by convergent validity and
discriminant validity. (Setiaman, 2020)


4.1 Data Analysis

The number of respondents in this study

was 400 respondents with respondent characters
categorized by gender, age and experience using

4.2 Measurement Model

4.2.1 Validity Test

A validity test is an evaluation of an outer

measurement model performed against indicators
related to latent variables. Validity tests are also in
line to test each indicator of the questionnaire and
determine the validity of the indicators used in the
study. Calculation of validity tests to determine the
correlation between variables to the indicators used.
Based on the above data, the Cross
Testing techniques are used for validity tests with
Loading results of each variable both EDC Mandiri
calculations using the SMART PLS 3.0 program.
and EDC BCA show the value of Cross Loading >
0.7. This indicates that each variable is in a valid Cross Loading
Cross Loading is another measure of the AVE (Average Variance Extracted)
validity of discretion. The value on Cross Loading
is expected that each indicator has a higher loading
Ave tests are used to view convergent and
for the measured construct compared to the loading
divergent validity. Ave test results will reflect each
value to another construct. The result of cross
latent factor in the reflex model. Reflective model
loading analysis output in the table below has a
is considered valid if AVE value > 0.50 (Jr et al.,
value of > 0.70. This indicates that the construct
2014). From the table above it can be seen that the
indicator is valid. Measurements with reflective
ave value > 0.05. The meaning of this AVE is a
indicators indicate there is a change in an indicator
valid construct indicator and qualifies for
in a construct when another indicator on the same
convergent validity and discriminant validity. So
construct changes. Here are the calculation results
the above data shows every variable both EDC
using the smart computer program PLS 3.0:
Mandiri and EDC BCA valid with ave value > 0.05.

it can be said both if the value is > 0.7, can be said
to be accepted if the value is > 0.6 and rejected if
the value is < 0.5. The test result of cronbach's
alpha value looks like below: Composite Reliability

The Composite Reliability test as an

alternative to Cronbach's Alpha test to measure the
convergent validity of a reflective model.
Composite reliability values vary from zero to
number 1. The minimum acceptable value is 0.70.
(Jr et al., 2014). Fornell-Larker Criterion

Fornell-Larker Criterion is a test that looks

at correlation values between variables in the
model. Fornell-larker values that have good
discriminant validity are shown with the variable
correlation value itself greater than the correlation
value between variables. (Jr et al., 2014).

Based on the data in the table above

composite reliability value > 0.70 which means
variable used reliabel. The highest composite
reliability value in independent EDC is owned by
Use Behavior at 0.890, while in EDC BCA the
highest composite reliability value is owned by
Based on the results of the table above Service Quality of 0.869.
shows that the correlation value of the variable
itself is greater than the correlation value between Cronbach’s Alpha
variables. For example for variable amenity, the
correlation of variable convenience with ease of According to Ghozali (2011), a variable
value of 0.882 is greater than the variable can be said to be reliable if it gives a value of
correlation of customer convenience-trust by 0.216, Cronbach's Alpha > 0.60.
Ease-of-customer satisfaction of 0.210; Ease-of-
purchase decision of 0.213; and Convenience-
Benefits of 0.269.

4.2.2 Reliability Test

Reliability tests are used to measure the

consistency of respondents' answers. The measure
used to determine an indicator can be expressed
reliabelly called cronbach alpha, where the
cronbach alpha criteria are divided into three parts:

Based on the data in the table above,
cronbach's Alpha value is eligible which is > 0,60.
This means that the variables used reliabel mean
consistent variables to be used as measuring
instruments. The highest Cronbach's Alpha value is
indicated by Use Behavior at 0.814 in EDC
Mandiri, while Cronbach's Alpha value isshown
information quality with Cronbach's Alpha value of
0.689 on EDC BCA.

4.2.3 Evaluation of Structural Model (Inner

Model) P – Value

P-Value is a measurement that proves that

varibel measurement is significant or insignificant
in affecting the value of Y. The accepted P-value is Based on the table data above, EDC Bank
< 0.05. In this study the value of Y was a BCA's P-Value value for the third Hypothesis, the
purchasing decision (Jr et al., 2014). fifth, sixth and seventh hypotheses > 0.05 which
Bank Mandiri EDC machines. The twelfth means the P-Value value is not significant or
hypothesis has a value of 0.232, which is> 0.05, rejected. As for other hypotheses worth < 0.05.
which means that the value is not significant or the The third hypothesis is worth 0.083 which
hypothesis is rejected. This means that user > 0.05 weighs an insignificant value or the
satisfaction does not have a significant effect on hypothesis is rejected. This facilitating conditions
behavioral intention in influencing merchants' do not have a significant influence on behavioral
interest in using Bank Mandiri's EDC machines. intentions in influencing the interests of merchants
using BCA Bank EDC Machines. The fifth
hypothesis is worth 0.902 which > 0.05 weighs an
insignificant value or the hypothesis is rejected.
This is because information quality does not have a
significant influence on user satisfaction in
influencing merchant interest using BANK BCA
EDC Machine. The sixth hypothesis is worth 0.285
which > 0.05 weighs insignificant value or the

hypothesis is rejected. This weighs performance Here is the form of the path chart output
expectancy has a significant influence on chart created using Smart PLS 3.0 software with the
behavioral intentions in influencing merchants' results as below.
interest in using BCA Bank EDC Machines. The
seventh hypothesis is worth 0.322 which > 0.05
weighs insignificant value or the hypothesis is
rejected. This is because price value does not have
a significant influence on behavioral intentions in
influencing merchant interest using BCA Bank
EDC Machine. R – Value

The R-Square value is used to measure

how much a certain exogenous latent variable
influences on endogenous latent variables. The
value of R2 is divided into 3 criteria, i.e. 0.67
indicates strong model strength, 0.33 indicates
moderate strength, 0.19 indicates weak strength
(Setiaman, 2020).

Based on the data in the table and image

above it can be seen that Behavioral Intention is
described by the Behavioral Intention variable and
benefits by 77.6%, while the rest is explained by
other variables beyond the variables studied. For
Use Behavior is described by Use Behavior at
67.6%. The User Satisfaction variable is described
by the User Satisfaction variable of 68.2%.
Based on the results of the output chart
above, we can deduce which constructs have
significant effect and which constructs will have no
When The researchers concluded the
results of the study as follows:
Based on the data in the table and image
above it can be seen that Behavioral Intention is 1.Performance Expectancy variables have a
described by the Behavioral Intention variable and significant effect on behavioral intention variables.
benefits by 79.4%, while the rest is explained by 2.Variable Effort Expectancy has no significant
other variables beyond the variables studied. For effect on Behavioral Intention variables.
Use Behavior is described by Use Behavior at 3.Variable Facilitating Conditions have a
62.2%. The User Satisfaction variable is described significant effect on behavioral intention variables.
by the User Satisfaction variable of 74.5%. 4. Variable Price Value has no significant effect on
Behavioral Intention variables.
4.3 Output Result Model in Chart and Table 5.Information Quality variables have no significant
Form effect on User Satisfaction variables.

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