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BP - 662

2020 H2 Math Prelim Paper t - VJC


I Vy'ater is poured at a constant rate of 300 cm3 per second into a conical container, as shom in the
diagram" The conical container has a base radius of 30 cm and semi-vertical angle of 30". At time
, secotrds, the water in the conical container has volume y cm3, depth cm and the radius of the
water surface r cm.
300 cm3 per second

(i) Showthat v =soo}.Er-;p*6-o)'. t3l

(ii) Find the rate of change of depth of the water in the conical container when i = 5rE . l2l

BP - 661

BP - 663

2 Solve the inequaliw !'*2':3 ,.0, for aelR, a-+0,a<1. You

' ' ax'-(a+l)x+l need to distinguish the

cases where a is positive and a is negative. t5I

[Turn OYer

BP- 664

3 Itis giventhat f (r)=U(2*7a1,wh€re a is a constatrt and -l<a<1,

-t ( ';
By considering r(r+t)-r(r),nnO >"1# in terms of rand a t3l

BP- 665

pffi give a reason why the series

converges. Given that a = 0.7 , find the value of the sum !o infmity. t4)

4 (t) It is given that y= +ln(l+2r) . Show thar 2y

dy= Z tzt
dt l+zx

G) By repeated differentiation of this result, find the Maclaurin expansion of y in ascending

powers of ,, up to and including the term in r'?. t31

[Turn Over

BP - 666

(iii) Verify that the same rcsult is obtained using the standad series expansions given in the List of
Formulae (MF26). t3l

s (i) One roots of the x' -3x+ c =O , where c is real, is 2-3i.

find the value of c and the other roots of the equation. [5]

BP - 667

(ii) If c is a non-zero purely imaginary number, explain if it is possible for x3 -3r+c =0 to

have real roots. I1l

(iii) It is given instead that c is a real number. By considering the grzph of y = f -31, find the
range of values of c for which the equation ,r3 - 3.r + c = 0 has only rea.l roots. l2l

[Turn OYer

BP - 668

6 The sequence q,a2,a1..-1s a geometric progression A with common ratio ].4 ana the sequence

Dl, D,Dr... is an arithmetic progression B. The sum to infinity ofA is equal to the sum of the fi$t ten
terms of 8. Given that q=be+13 and the sum of aatdbz is 35.825, find q+ar+q+...+ao,
givhg your answer corect to 2 decimal places. t8]

7 With reference to the origia O, the points A, B, P, Q arLd R have position ve{tors a, b, a-2b,
-2a - 3b atrd 2a +b respectively, where a and b are non-parallel vectors and a.b < 0.
Given that a is a unit vector and the area of triaugle PQR is equal to the magnitude of b, sho\ that
sind = 1 , where g is the atrgle between a and b. Hence, fincl the value
of A. t5l

BP - 669

M lies on PR such th n py =!Un Given that PR is perp€ndicular to OM, fird the magnitude of b,
giving your answer corect io 3 decimat places. t5l

8 (a) The cuwe C with eqoutioo y = 4l , *here ,1 is a real constant, has a positive gradient at
any point on the curve.
(i) Find the range of values of l. l7l

[Turn Over

BP - 670


(ii) Sketch C, stating the equations of any asymptotes and the coordinates of the points where C
cmsses the axes. t3l

BP- 671


(b) The tra.nsformations A, B and C are given as follows:

A: A translation of 3 units in the negative x-direction.
B: A reflection about the r-axis.
C: A strerch parallel to the y-axis with a sEetch facmr of 4, with r-axis invariaDt.
A curve undergoes in successioo. the tratrsformations A, B and C and the equation of the resulting
. 4(r+3)
Curve lS )=--.
Determine tle equation of the curve before the transformations were effected. t3l

(c) It is given that

x for0(,r(1,
f(x) =
-(r-1)' forl<.r(3,
and that f (.r) = f (x+ 3) for all real values of .r.
On separate diagrams, sketch for -2(z(4, the graphs of
(i) r = f(r)' t3l

[Turn OYer

BP -672


(ii) y= f(lx l), t2)

9 The position of a particle P, moving along a curve C, at any time , is given by the parametric

,=!-sint. y=3-cost, for o<r<f ,

where.x and y are measured in meEes and r in seconds.

(i) Show that 9=

dr -I -'!tn'

(ii) Find the exact equatior of the tangert to C at which the tangent is parallel to tbe /-axis. I3l

(iii) Skerch the graph of C. Give in exact form the coordinates of the points where C meets the y-axis,
and also give in exact form the coordinates of the end poins and maximum point on the cuwe. [4]

BP - 673


(iv) The speed of the particle at time , is given by the formula

Given that the pafticle is moving at maximum speed when , = z, find its speed at tlis instance.

(v) The distance between two pohts along a curve is the arc length. The arc Iength between two
points on C, where t= a atd t = f,is grven by the formula

r dt ) \. dr./
Find the distance, in metres, travelled by the particle from the start to the instant when it attains
maximum speed, giving your answer correct to 3 decimal Places. l2l

10 The velocity, vof an obje.t is givEn by v =!1, where r is its displacement ftom a poilt O at time

,. Given that the acceleration, c of the object is given by o =S , nrou" Out o = r$ . tll

[Turn Over



Newton's second law states that the n"frJforc€ (in I\I) acting on aD object is equal to the product of its
mass (in kg) and its acceleration (ir ms-'? ).
In military exercises, parachutists jump from stationary helicopters and ttreir motiotr is fracked by
sensors tagged to their bodies. Otre parachutist of mass 80 kg fal1s vertically from a Chinook
helicopter. When the parachutist is r m below tlte helicopter (when the parachute is not opened),
his velocity is vms and the nett force acting on hirtr is 800-0.4v'.

Show that his motioo can be modelled by the differential equation vll=10-0.005v'z. l2l

Solve the differential equation and sketch v against.r where v > 0 . t8l

BP - 675


For an object falling through the atraosphere, the object is said to have reached terminal vebcity whert
the object's acceleration is zero. State the teminol velocity of the Parachutist. t 1l

i bt e =f (t\ be the outdoor temperature, in degree Celsius, of a typical day in May in a small town,
, hous after 12 midnight. It can be shown that

t1t)=oros(lt-l)*r, o < r. ro *o a and b are positive constants.

It is given that on a typical day in May, the outdoor iemperatwe is 25 'C at 12 midnight and the
maximum temperature of thedayis 38
oC at 12noon.
(i) Show that a = 13 and find the value of D. tZl

(ii) It is given a afi B,whfxe are such that t(d) =tlf) Show that a+f = k,where kis
a constant to be determined. l2l

(iii) write, in contExt of the question, what the composite function gf represents and show that his
function exists. [3]

[Turn Over

BP - 676


(iv) Determine if gfhas an inverse. l2l

(v) Find the range ofthe rate of absorption between (12 - s) am and s pm on a rypical day in May.

BP - 677


[Turn Over

2020 H2 Math Prelim Paper 2 - VJC
BP- 678

Section A: Pure Mathematics [43 m]


The shaded region in the diagmm above shows the cross sectional view ofa linder on both
ends inscribed in a hemisphere with lxed radius z cm. [f the
I that the surface area I cm: ofthe cylinder is gilen by
n2 -x2 tzl

Use differentiation to find, in tems of r, the value of r which gives a maximum value of ,4,
justiffittg that this value gives maximuml. Find also the ratio of the diameter of the cylinder to the
height ofthe cylinder, in this case, simpliffing yow answer. tsl

[Turn Over
BP - 679

BP - 680

2 The points,4 and B have positions vectors i-2j-kand si+d-4krespectively. The planep has
eguation 3x-2y-z=5. Given that express
s in tems of ,. 12)

Find the shortest distance between the line l-B and the planep. t2)

+ =+ --+
Another plane q is perpendicular to planep and contains the line with equati

. Find the equation ofplane q in canesian form. t3l

ITurn Over
BP - 681

Find the position vector of tle point which is a reflection ofl in the line ofintersection betweenp
&d q. t6l

BP - 682

[Turn Over
BP - 683

3 (a) The complex numbers w and z are such that ]r=-l-i\6 and z*+z*0. The points P and
Q in the Argand diagram represent the complex mrmbers w and z*+z respeclively. Find
arg(w), leaving your answer in exact form. Hence, state the possible valws of POQ,
where O is the origin t3l

@) Given that z, and z, are complex numbers zuch that is purely imaginary, show that
3rf ,,
l, l:
l- 21
zl" I
'l-t l ' t3l

4 (L\ (i) Find the derivative of el*". tll

(ii) Hence, find J(r+t)'e"." ar. t3l

BP - 684

@) By using the substitution .r = a sin d , find

dx l4l

, (c) (l) On the same diagram, sketch the graphs of y=lx'-21 and, y=a for 0(.x(O. l2l

[Turn 0ver
BP - 685

The region R is bounded by the curve y =

l"r' - zl , ttre line /=r and the.x-axis.

(ii) Find the exact area ofR. l4l

(iii) Find the exact volume of the solid obtained when region .,t is rotated tkough 4 right
angles about they-axis. t3l

BP - 686

Section B: Statistics [57 m]

5 For events I andB, it is given that P(l) = 0.6, P(l U S) = 0.7 and P(S 1,4) = 0.3.
(D Show that P(8) = 0.28 and determine with a reason, ifl and I are independent. t3l

(ii) I
An event C is such that and C are mutually exclusive and P(C) > 0.25 . Find the range
ofwalues of P(8'0 C). t3l

[Turn Over
BP- 687


6 A group of8 people consists of4 boys and 4 girls.

(a) They go to a theate and sit in the last row of l0 adjacent seats at random.
(DFind the number of ways in which they can be seated if they are not all seated together.

(ii)Given that they are not all seat€d togetho, find the probability that the boys are seated
together and the girls are also seated together. 121

@) At a dinner, the group sits around a square table which has two seats on each side.
(i)Find the number of ways in which they can be seated if t}ere must be a boy and a girl on
each side ofthe table. t3l

(ii) There are 3 different desserts on the menu and every one selects a dessert each. Find the number of
different selections tllat can be made by the group. tll

BP- 688


7 In a game at a funfair, a player repeatedly tosses a fair six-sided die. If the toss is an odd number,
the player loses and the game ends. Otherwise, the playff continues to toss the die until a '6' is shown
and the game ends. The score, X, is the number oftosses that it takes for the player to toss the first '6',
and is 0 ifthe player loses the game.
(i) Showthat P(x=o)=:. Lzl

(ii) What is the probability that the score is 1 given that the player does not losel 121

Itisknownthatfor 0<p<l, t*- = aaV/- =f;

(iii) Show that E(x)=; Fin l var(x). t4l

[Turn Over
BP - 689


8 A company sells bags of cement in two sizes. The mass ofa large bag of cement can be modelled
by a normal distribution with mean 50 kg and standard deviation 2 kg. The mass of a small bag of
cement can be modelled by a normal distribution with mean 30 kg and standard deviation 1.5 kg.
(i) Find the mass that is exceeded by 990lo of the large bags. l2l

(ii) Find the probability that total mass of three small bags is less than twice the mass of one
large bag. t3l

BP - 690


(iii) State an assumption needed for your calculation in pad (ii). t1l

Three large bags are selected at random.

(iv) Find the probability that two weigh more than 53 kg and one weighs less than 53kg.

9 A company sells a certain type of fitness tracker batteries. The company claims that the mean
lifetime ofthe batteries is at least 2000 hours. The production manager ofthe company wishes to take
a random sample of batteries fiom the thousands Foduced in a day at his factory, for quality contol
(l) State what it means for a sample to be random in this context. t1l

(ii) Test, at the 1% significance level, whether there is any evidence to doubt the company's
claim. t6l

[Turn Over
BP- 691


(iii) State two assumptions or approximations that are involved when carrying out the
sigdficance test using the above sample data. 12)

The company wishes to test whether the average lifetime ofa second type ofbattery is longer than 2000
hours. It can be assumed that the lifetime of the second type of battery has a normal distibution with
variance a' . 8 randomly chosen batteries ofthe secondtype are tested and it is found that their lifetimes,
in hours, are as follows.

2001.5 t997.3 1989.0 2018.7 2030.7 2023.0 2027.5 2013.3

The company carries out a hypothesis test at the 57o level of significance.
(i9 Explain, withjustification, how the population variance ofthe lifetimes, o', will affect the
conclusion. t4l

BP - 692


l0 At a clinic, records show thal l00p%o, where 0<ptr0.5, of patients who make an aftemoon
appointme fail to tum up. The clinic has one doctor and he sees patients by appoinhent only. During
the opening hours in the aftemoon, the doctor has time to see only 15 patients. On any afternoon, a fxed
number ofpatients is accepted to make an aftemoon appointrnent.
(.) State, in context, two assumpfions needed for the numbel of patients who fail to tum up in an
afternoon after making an appointment to be well modelled by a binomial distributiol. l2l

Assume now that these assumptions do in fact hold.

(b) On a particular afternoon, 15 patients made an appohtrnent to see the doctor.
(i)It is larown that therc is a probability of 0.02 that 6 or 7 patients fail to tum up for the
afternoon appointment. Write down an equation for the value ofp, and find this value numerically. [2]

Civen that p = 0.2 ,

(ii) find the probability that all 15 patients tum up, t1l

(iii) find the probability that at least 3 but not more than 5 patients fail to tum up for the
aftemoon appointrnent, 121

ITurn Over
BP - 693


(iv) find the probabifity that more than 100 patients fail to turn up for the aftemoon appointment
in a month. (You may assume that there are 30 aftemoons in a month and the clinic is open on all 30

(c) To improve efficiency, the doctor decides to accept more than 15 appointments in the aftemoon.
However, he is still able to see only 15 patients and p=9'2 ' Find the largest number of aftemoon
appointments that the doctor should accept if h€ wants to have at least a 90% chance of seeing all lhe
patients who h]m up. t31

BP - 694

o- 2 3

1 lrat r is poucd at a constant lato of 300 crd pcr s.cond iDto e conicsl clntaid6t, a! showu in lh6 HoDce rate oi ch.r8€ of datb or watcr om a-'
diagle. Thc conicsl contriner ha! a b's. ndius of 30 cm and s€mi-vaticd ,ngtc of 30". At tina
t fi
, seco !, thc *rr.r itr ttc conicsl contair.r hrt volEo y cnr, d!flh n cm ard th. rrdius of tbo lllltlnlrtc M.6od - .!0d.6t]
wa&r ,cm.
30O .D! Dcr sc.ond S =-itmv;-'t'c,r
dh d\ dv
d, dV dt


rlzoJi - t
(i) rhat V =9000.I3t (3GJ3-r) Fl Wh€" r, = 5JT,
di 900
N.!d ro tiro d@g! d.rrnriftan di.L
!t F b.f@ fon @*. @ b. ErE
dt o(to'li-s"E
IThe volume of cono v,ith radius r and hcight ,r i6 ,,r'h.l t2
3 258
Hoishtof codc'l contrinci = -4::=:oG "o Hcncc ratc of ching. of dEpth a **.[ i'
fi "- "'
ffir 2 solv. rb. in.qu.liry
' ' fl"i' ,.0, for a€n,a*o,a<L You ft.d to di.tinsui.h 6c
3Y;i o,'-(a+t\x+r
, = (:oJ5 -r,) t .:o' = c!36 ehcr. a fu poitivo i[d z i! r.grtiva t5]
y =volilE of cono - volurnc of unnlbd oono
,2 +2x+3 Thorc ir a n€.d to stat€
(30r, ;-(.+Dr+l (, + 1)' + 2 > o lor an ,e R, so a3 to justify
v = !.1tc1Q0"5) -!.[S:!)' -4
(r+1)'-l+3 <0 why wo oDly !€.d to considcr

j(30.6-4' (dr-lX'-l) al-(a+l)r+l<0

l,+rl'+2 To frctorirc al - (a +l)r+1
(I) End rboEtcof.blDroofd4dofthcwrt6rh thc.oricd cod.ift. wbar , 5Ji . (ax - lxt- l)
= l2l M.lhod l!
sinc. (r+l)1+2 >o for an e n,
_ _.dh -1
=-ft,."o-,t'(-S) d,
i -1
easiDr to ditrdcntiatc (i) +1 -(a+1)x
If d h positivc i.c. 0 <a< I
civcn {=3m !!=o.ts: i. .t"o \/
& "".op,oa =(*-r)(,-r)
m={(*;)'$ 1
M.tod 2:
3\ ' dt
dir 300 tz If a is nesative i.e. a < 0
dt 6251, ZsE


PartnorlnLeamlng 940

Sivc s r.alotr why fie MiEs

[2+d\ (2nd\* (2+d\ ..
7l\ -EirE-c-'r-* "l.r;F]*"I r* /.,J "[r;7j*
/a \ @+\47-2"+t cnnvcrgcs. Givctr rhlt a= 0.7, find th. vdr. of thc 8uE io infinity t41
Cc8i.L( Noi. lb. BlquEoce of thc
(, +r)tr("-r[ qu.{tion. You ,En to
crplain why oaid
(a+r)tla-tl "(T..!)t"(ff),"(15).-.*--=i"(ffi co!vcr86 618r bcfurc
- th.o nnding thc value of suin to
grf z + a*' ) = ir(z * a^' )_"f A4) infinity 8iv.n a=0.7.
(a+l)r(1-a) (. a <1+ a-l < 0)
= ;l \2+d'' ) A \2+d'' ) \2+d)
Hci.e (z+f:\n (2,d\
d+l+l-a I -r) \z+d ) \z+d ) L@ how to prcs€rt your
'= ,. ''= 2d a8m.nt logicaly. A lot
of prdcntalion elror. ar!
l2*d )
(. -l <d<1)
H€ncc 4r'-(d+l),+l =(at- IX,-1) You car u|c previoug
x! rr- NOT , affwcr optv whco thc
indox startr fron r =l.
3 It is givcn tlut f(r)=lh(2+a*'), is a coDslrnt ard -1< d< 1,
( z+,t"\ I 2 \
By.omid.rins f(,+1)-f (4,6d ih(##)rnlcrmsof tr,nd 4 t3l "Iri lz;A)="lz;a) The
folowing a. corect
Corclud. thi! Mor. fi[lly concludirg

r (r) +a"1)-h(2+a"')= h
r(r+r)- = rn(z
,;vn Hcncc thc sdio3 convcrgc!.

2+ d"1
z i, =1
sr"l 2
T*a.t)=tt,t'-,t-'t'll ( ,+07 =-{.158
.f01t\ dy_ 2
-\ 4 0) It n 8iva th,t , =r/i+to[iI). suw tnt zy tx)
d: 1+2r
-f(.R\0 Noti€. cqu.tion ha both r ald y hco.,
+f('l+t)\,) *c should do inplicit diffcr.Dtiation
=b(2+,-'l-)n(2+d\ +ID(l+ 2r)

Irff€ftrtiatc w.r.t ,
|2+d') 2
(n) By r!p..Ld diffdrotistioD oI rhi! n6ult, fiad 6! Mrhuri" olp.rlior of ) iD src€adiq
pow!.s otr, up !o rnd i&ludiry ttc t (D ill,r. t3l

tTum Over
PartnsdnLoaming u2 o,
o- 'l
o 6

2 You should iontinu. to got

".-dv Thc o$er roots alo -4 ard 2+3i
" d,- r*r. usirg ttlpltdt
DifioEotidr wr.t. r # CoDrparins conllrnl tcrm!, c =
dn md.doi -l3a-- 52
Alt rartr. Solltlho
r=,/iIfr[t6)=r (2-sf-3(2-x)+c -o
- /3\ - /3\
znt9=-l d.t
.,& 1+0 =9=r 2'+l . l2'(-3i)+l^ l2(-3i)- +(-3i)'-6+9i+c =o
\ r./ \zJ
,(r)#-,(o'=-doi' 8-36i -54+27i - 6+ 9i+. =o

Sinccco.dEci6o6of tb.polyDoEid an rIrr1, 2+3i i!.bo!root

.. r=t*,* j{-r)*... Irt a bc tt. tbird rcoa ol rh. cquation.
, -3r+s2=('-(2+3i)Xr-(2-x))G-")
u=rc,-1t +...
'2 By comDding c@rtent icr6 , 32= -(2+Xll2-3n\o + 52=-l1d .

(fiI) Vcrify tblt tho suoE rcsult is obtain d using thc stendsrd scdcs crPansions Sivcn in dIG List of Tho oth€. mot. !f6 -4 srd 2+3.
FodnIa.(MF25). I3l
(t) U c is a Don-zcro pucly imagin,ry llumbd, oxplrin if it is po$iblc for 't' - 3.x+ c = 0 to
r=.[+t^[I7i) hav.rcalrcob. Ill
Nol po6libb to hlvo rcd roou.
,*u_(x\, *. . E n is s rco., th.o ,l'- 3,1 = is irnporsibl. .iic6 tb. LHS is
I!.l brn th! RI$ i, Drrrcly imaaiDrly
f1)f-1), ,2 0D lt ir givd insl3ld th.t . is ar6al nuob.r. By considcring thc gtaph of ),=r-31, findtlrc
=,*!(u-jl_-* l2)\ z)l2,_4x'^+. .l + raryc ofvducs of c forwhich lh. equation r!-3,+r=0 has oDly teal rcot!.
2l 2 2 121
J- 2r I )
Consid6 tbe saph of y=t-3,

5 0) O@ of thc root! of lb. t -3r+c =0, wh.{!c i!t!.1" is 2-3.
6trd thc v!lu. of c !d th. olt roots of thc €qu&tion. [5]
Hacc n@d to show tho cxpdsior of (2-3i)!

i. 2)

Sim!co.fficilntsof thopolrDo|nial'nct[rcrI. 2+, is.boamoL

l-.6m bow to cxprnd
Fc i-:r+a=o to brvc otrly rE51 roob, )=r!-3r Eu3t
I-.{ d bc tbG lhld mot d ltc .quitioD. (r-(2+3i))k-(2-3i)) iDLrlld )=-. CI4EE
./ -3,+c=(.x-(z+:i))(:-(2-3i)Xr-a) Dorc cfrc.i.a y.
H.trc., -2<-c<2 .nd cquivslcrdy, -2<.<2.
=(/ -l*+1:)(r-a)
By comDEins co.ffid.dt of,, 1=40+13.

ITuru over

PartnerlnLoamlng 9M

4lsllql,in, = lll
5 'Iho scqucnco ,,,a,,4..,is a g.omotric progr.liim A with comnon ntio :, md the !€qu6nco
q,4,4..- tu an sdtltnEtic Fogrcssion ,. Thc suE to ittfility ofr4 is !4u.1 to dE tum of dlc 6rst tln
o!,nd ba b 3s.825, fran q+ a, + q +... +, ,= 165.5"
t rms of ,.
Givcn tha! 4 = 4 +13 ond th! sum of
Siving your urw.. corrc.t io 2 dlcinll pla.cs. t8l
M li.r m Pr !u.h thlt Pi, =l]liR. Giv.n 6d PX i! p.(P.adicoltr ro O,!r, fitrd ttr Drgtriodc of b,
L lh! corD![oo ditr lcaoc of B be d If you intand to u3c
notrris(6) nor introduccd io aDsw.r cot@t ro 3 decimal
s, =)1a*sa1 th! qucatiotr, pl.5s! dcfDc
thdn in your solution. o i =zoP+oR
4 3
4o1=lffit+45d _2(q-24\+ @s +U\ 2
aq-fi4 -45d =0 --(l) You should u3c tho OC io 1
oolvc rh.! Iine{
q-4-U=tt 4t (af}*.tr=o M.k. u. of cv.ry ilfo giveD.
q+b,=3s.825 (44-1t).k+*) =0
By d!fitritioD of dot prDducl,
=3s.82s <3) tlql' +rzs.U -2q.2 -spf - o
;q+4+d PRIOM )PR OM =O
By OC, 4 +sq.b--sldl =o
q= 41.5,b, =1 .3d -3.4 Anportanr proP.rtica of dal
elq -eplc{,to-4=o
l(gEgl t€..d hGrc imlud.s
41.5h-0.75!l r Ji5
a +a +a +...+... ' '=165.88 stroa J,ro =-'code= -- 0, se=lsl'
-= 1-0.75
et bs-ei-
7 with rcfcr!(rc. to th. odEitr O, th! poirt l,
,, P, 0 ard R havc position vcctot! . , b . - 2! , , q# *lEbi-+=o (zt e.t=lel4,*"e
-2.-3bmd 2, + b rEsp€ctively, wh..c r ltld b ar. notr-pitalol vcctors ..b < 0 . d
By CC,
Givco that r is a udt l,Ector sd the rrla of Einut POR is.qu.l !o tba magnitudc of b, shos'thd
El=-1.3r or ltl= 0.340
mp =1. whar d is hc anslc b.rwon ! aid b. Hemo, tud tho vslucof ,. t5l
4', - >0, =0.340
Takc rctc of prcsentation:
scalr O J-,
8 (i) Tt olrv6 Cwi6.qudiory= wh!r!,l i. sllal conrt rt. h,3 r po6itivc gradi€ot at

tDy poinr on th. olIva -,

FA = G24 - yt - b - 14\ = -te - b Irtrporllat prop€rtici of g9$
(D Ftnd 6. of vduls
rfrc of,t P'l
EsUd t sLd htrc irdudes
FR = (?4+U\ -k- r+) = e+3h (1)qxq=o
Ar.-r oltsiarglc PQX Q) bxo=-sxh
dr t'+4t-l tt. dwrlr
dr= G+2I
=rlPaxPRl ol l* xa-l = lellala" a
-11+41-r,>o for sll lEsl vslu6! of,
= Ll to tlxt o +tt\l
- Eirco a.A < 0, -(x+2f-4-.1>O
lsll4co6, Noto tllc difi.r.oce iD
= (lQx |lt co{, < 0 ...).<4 trldidg rrrg6 of wlu.8 of r
:l(3sx e) - O ex u) - @x s) -
(Sb.caxq-9,txt=0,.Dd bxo=-sxb) , it onol'e ad rmg. of voluca of ,?, .
sincc e.r of Eirrslc PO,i - W, 4brd=14,.

tTurn over

ParhadnL€amlng (o
PartnorlnLoamlng 946 6
o- 1l
o l0

O) Th6 trursformatioo! A, B and C srs giv€o ss followsr

A: A Eradatio! of 3 unitr,n th. nogativo r-diIc.tioD.
i+42-l>O for olt r.d valuoc of, B: A rcflodioD !bou! l}o.i-axis.
C: A strach por.ld to tbe ]sri6 *ilh a sb.lcb frctq of 4, wjtb r-axis invdi.Dr
A onvc uDd!(gocc ir ruccc{sioD, lho trrDsforDrtioDr A B sd C 0Dd tba cquation of t}E rcsutriDg
4, -4<-7)<0

D.i.rminc lhc cqu.tior of 6c curve bcfoE tha tlld6DatioD. vc[! .ff.ccd. t3l
(lD Skctch C, itati4 6. .quatiom of any arynPtoG! aod the coordinaGs of th. poirt! whcrc C
cmss.s th. .ros. t31 B.f66 C. th..ouation of c1rv6 i, , = -Il1 Rocal] thal
,+2 'ldlcclion about
tho r-arfu" is a 'top-botiom
,2+). - 7+4 Boforc B. tbc couatioaig . v=ji1 rdoction' which jnDlie,
y=-;;l +y=,-2+;i ,+2 (h.t th! siSnr of th. y-values
Eaurtimr or o!yd!e$r: r--2,,=,-2 I
(r-3)+3 t
8.60'!a. tb. a ion h ,-
' (.r-3)+2- r-l
-2 Hcoc., ) lbould bc (placcd
..r=* by -), NgI:.
Alt mthd Vhcn llpltcirS .r wilh
+,=r.l:i (, - 3) , oo. must ilplacr th6
Irt lqudioD of tho curv6 bcfor! th! tratllfollrlationr bo ) = f(.})
j tu th. nu qltq AND
,=fC) -) )=fG+3) + ]=-f(r+3)-+ ,=-4f(r+3)
i. -4f (r +3) =:1(I!)
-- -- t+3
For cnrv6 lo havc positivc
gradiont at lay poi[t on lh.
curvo, tllo graph rlust havo
' t-l
r.lJ.ol ) no Btatiorary poiDb. U8o thi!
to chc.k your snswer iu (i). (c) It is siver lbat

), , f6 os: <1,
t 0, , ) (r)=i| [
(r-')' fofr<,<3,
[ {r_r:.--4
ltr! orrvo should t Dd &d thd f(r)=f(r+3) fd rc.I vdu.. of!
bwlrd! tho lrynptot6s. Or rhc grrph!
!.pcd! dirgult tct.h 16 -2<r<4, of
0) )=r(,). t31
It h a good babit lo lab.l aI
tr. r) i point6 in coorditrat.s form.

o (3.0)

ITUrI Oe€r

PartnerlnLeaming 948
t2 t3

(lt) y =f(lrl), {21 w^,--,f ,,=!*t,,=t Bk tch sraph of )=f(r) to

fitrd thc i-iDt!.
Sl('tch for -2<r<4 ody.
{-1,1) (r. r) (4') Rcad 6c quostion aglin lo
ctn k lhrt you havc answeEd 6.)
tho qu.slion corrccdY.

(3.0) +.,,,)

9 ltc lo€ilioo of r Prdcl. P, novin8 rloDg r olnv. C, .t a.y lin , it 8iv.o by lhc pne.tiD

x=L-cint, y=t-cosL. ror ocr<f ,

(tv) Thc aDocd ofrh. pstticl! at tiDe , h giv.n by thc formuln
wherE r ard y u! drc.lurld h moE!6 ud , in scconds

o" sro.t"t 9= 2tu' 121

dr 1-2cd, ar./ ' I ar./
Givcn thar $c particlc is moving at rnaximum Bp..d whd t= , , fr[d ils spc€d at this itrstancc.
ilx I d)
dt2 d, d, 3 dy
23i., dt 2
& 1-2cos, l-zco[t 3
2 ,Err= 2

(I) Find rhc oxrct cquatioo of thc tsnS.rl to C ar ehict thc tagdt is ptrllol !o thc
}8rii. t3I
(y) 'I}. dilir[ct bctwc!tr tso points alorg ! curv. is !h.6r. ka8th. Th. ar! Ictr8th bctwccn tiro
point! on C, wh.r. r = a rDd , = p, i. 8iv.o by tb fofmul.a
For targcDt to bc parrllel to ,-rrb, Gradi.or of trnStat it
urd.6rc4 nor -+- ss it cl*[d)l
\-2cct=o =t=L. a,
3 dr ) ldl)
*Jl r
Fird thc dhtanc." h mct s, trav.I.d by th. psrticl6 ftoE th. stan to th. instr.t whcn it attains
E ximum ,p.rd, giving yolt anBwcr coll.ct to 3 d.cimal pla..s. l2l
(itl) Skolch the gaph of C Givo in ci&t form lho coordrnate{ of thc poinb whcrc C mo.ts thc }axis,
and also givc in cxact form ll). coordinai.s of tle qrd points and msxinum point on th. curvc. [4] Dtstarcctrlvcnld=J- +(slnr)'ar
- 334122
*=o + s'r=o' o'i"s = 3.341m (3 d.p)
\4rh.d ,=0: ,=0,y=2
I -", r=q, r0 'It v6locig, r of rn ir dv.r by r=f , wh.!! r ir it! dispbc€ from. poht O rt tin!
sounioor lik! l-rinr=0
'2 r. Civc6 thr! lhc accaldrlioo, a of ln. objcd n by o=S,n.*tn.=rS .
0.1-.-r solttd fU
cllnot bc
6lgEbaicaly, occd to u!.
gaph. UBitrg chain rulc,
., d,. d,
a --lvl=-lvlx-
To Bolvc for lhc root! of dt' ' &" rl, =v-&
1.8955 fk)=0 nurrcricatly'
whcn t = 0 or 1.8955, ) =0 ot t =3 - cox (1.8955, = 3.32

lrurn over E
PartnerlnLeaming {o
Partn6rlnLeamlng 950 O
o_ t5
For a[ obj€ct f.IiD8 lhrord lh. lteosph.[!, th. obj..t is !!id to hrvo .c..IEd ,.rfiind y.locitr who\
Ncwtoo'r sccond hw .tiLi lhal tbc ,lrdror., G lO sdirg otr 0n obj.d i! 6qud to tho produ.. of it6
m!!r (iD k8)
&d itl scc.ldrtiod (iD es-').
thGobj6ct'tacc.l6itioni.z.lo.St.tot.r,nn4lvloci'ofthcpE..butiit. ttl
h nilit&y 6r.(ciscs, pondutiEb jury AoE strriontry hclicopt!$ rrd EDtion b tr..ktd by
56nson tagg.d to thct bodi.N. Ooc per.lhutilt of mrs! 80 18 f!I6 v.tticrly fiorll r Chhook o=r{=o -t=o wha v =0. a+0.
holicoptlr. Wtrc! thc pnachutisr is, m bolow thc hclicopt r (whco 6.!. tu not oPctl.d). .It dr "i*.
his vclocity is vm3_r and thc nctt forcc actiry o! hin is 800-0.4v1. From 8rQb, lhc t nninsl vclocity of tb! parachutilt is 2OG or

Show lhd Ns motion cn| bc modculd by lhe ditra.otial .qultion

'dr v+ = lO - 0.005v' . t2l
U I-6t , = f t) bo fio outdoor tlrnpq{ure, in drgrcc Cclsiur, of . t}"ioal day in May in a snldl lovrn,
Sinco ,rt rarc, - tDrNa x aacr,lamdoq , holrs rftor I2 midriSht. Il cer bc shown tbat
800-0.4r'=804 f(,)="".sf:,-{l+r,0<,<24 and a srd , src posirivc consrarro.
'' \u 2)
800-0.4vt=80v9 It i6 givdr lhar or a typical dly in May, rh! outdoor tlrnp.mtur. is 25 cC rr 12 midnight ud thc
m.rjmum tcmp.caturE of tbc dny k 38 'C it 12 noon.
,9=ro-o.oosr, (t) Show that a=13 and fird tbc valuc of r. l2l

wh6n , = o. r= flo) = r'co J

'' 2)
\ -L\*u-u-o-u
,,' o+,=38+a=13
dr Wht't r= 12,7=f(r2) =
, !=, (x) Irn giv.o a rDd p, wh."E d+l ncsu.b rhat f(a) =f(r). Showrbr. a+/=t,wb..otis
. ooottEt to bo dotmir.d . l2l
f -----I--av = tat
For quc3tiotu on finction& it
ir otlo us6firl !o *.rch OlG
{ol' . a,= [a,
=r:"o"11,-a)*:s grrptu of lh. tulctioD3 to g6t
For such 8.n ml lolutior6
c \24 2J hirB or bow to !olY6 thc
-1oor,, Fo - omsl,tl = r+ with thc modulu! tunctioD.
hf o-omsv'l =-o.ot;-6.slc w. should ruov6 rhc
hodulus tunclion corrcctly I
l0-0.005rr =:{oaor' bghrg solvidg for thc
0,005v1=10_Ac{u a4 P b,rtt(d\ =rlb.
v'=2000-8o{o" By syhrD.ty of th. curv.,
Eiuin. tho @tricxt of thc
0 - 2000- A qu.stion, ovc[ lookirg 2
, = 2000 b6yotrd rhis part of rhc .'. d+ P =24
qucrtion. Tborc is a (cmiml
I = ro000 -6r''') \€locity, hcncc th.rc mu6t All-eltuli
,>0 bc a horihntal aslEptoto (tt Noto tharcos(d) = cos(-4
"=r6qi:F!-mf1--.-;l for rhc grqpb- cot| _r__*\
_at__rl t=dtl*- |
\u 2) \u' 2.)

_._,,:-"_-_---- *.-. v-20J5 lr 1*-r\
t_d__ r\ t=_t_d__ I
\, 2) \'z.)
.\d+ p =214

Tt16 r.L of !b.dpti@ d rti.5tr, t(r) ng6-i, of splaDt it irflo.Dc.d br tb6 orrdoc i.Ep('atu ! r,
.d c.r b6 Dod.U.d by rho irDctio g wb.r!
*el)50be-$O, e>8.
(!I)Wtit4 ir c@tr of !h. qlr6don' $b.a rh6 coBporit fitncrid gf l!I[!!laa .nd shoq, tbrr tbis
tutr tioD.rida I31

tTurn ovor

Partne nlearnlng
PartnerlnLeaming 952
l6 t7

ftc composite firoaion gf reprcscnts ttc rstc of absotPtiotr Th! i$otion Itb in tcfm3 of I
uutri.nts of a plort , hoo$ rft.r 12 middght on r ryPicil day irr r. 86 prccilc i!yoor sntc,c!, ,
Mav. i. tror th. tim! of rhc d.y. Try
t! uro thc !sm. phsrirS
giv.d by quartior
Ri= t5,381. D,= (23,-)
{,itl fle u!! of
Bc crrliJl
Sitrcc R. c D! , thc fuction C exi$. ( !d t for tho i .rv.l
. . RanSc of r& of absorption I

6v) Detennine if cf ha u invc$c. 12)

Frotrt [,,(,,-"(;,).")-*o,o",r-,.o]
V d+ P, d+P=24,
Alt mihd
, = sft)
...6@)-6@) ) (12,31.9\
H.ocr, die not onconc, GD-r do.s oot.xi&

Alt mtld 10.

) r=6G\
..y= 20 SiIr. 12 -t+ 12+ ! =U,
l ,, r' o, *"(it . n-
*1ff0, -'t- i). i)- "
Don't writ! ) = *, gi\'c s
spccific v6lu. of t whio ...rot(tr-.(f, or-o-f)*.)-,,r. rr.,
showiog a tunction i6 not
The linc ] = 20 cuts the graph of y = 8f(l) more tha! oncc. Honcc, 8f
jr mt onc-on€, (g0-' do..r not crjst. ,t(r"*(;,)-")-rs,< 8r(,)<3r.e co.r=cos(-r)
.. R Uc ofrrte ofabrnprion
(y) Phd thc rs!8e of tho rar6 of absorption b€twd ( 12 - I) sm s"d r prn or a tvPicd dav ir Mnv-
(ro"l,r*,1g,)*rr)-rro. ro"rr-rrol
I \ \u) ) )
For qu.stioDs on functiom,
For12-r<t<12+r, it k oftcll rc6sary !o
skctch thc sraphs as pan of
rs*"(ff oz-o-f,)*zs.r< your worting. Unsupport d
arsv€ro without suffrci6nt
workirS will not bc
*o*'ffi,)*- <f(r)<3s . coed=cos(-r)

,).,')-150< sr(r) <i0rr3s-150. Bc csrctul wbm ht rprctin8

'.' g is m irdla"irgnln rioD

tTuln over !
Parin6rlnLeaming -I
PartnerlnLeaming 954 a.o
Sectior A: Pure Mathemlttcs I43 mi !4= o
I "o d,

J2't. "' ot
21---C!dE$r!--ls! is
prrfercd as there i6 an
The sha(M region in thc diaglam above shows the cross scltional vicw of a sylindcr opon on bolh r -r (-8/.r\ - (2,tn' - 4',r);+ t-2x) Unknow]t constant involv.d.
d, A _J
enos rnscnoeo rn s nenuspnere wnn nrco raorus ,,
.. E
" "-
ue surface arca .,t cml of the cytinder i6 given by
ta &1 (r -,,)
,t=zrxJij. 121 (-8r4 +, 1.t.L rta1 ,=.h h.s to Uc
Sinc! cyliDd€r is opc,t on substit !d bto bcfole
botb cnds, hc6c€ srrhco efta 2n(2! 4n') #
of cylind& : crrvcd surfrcr
\n'-rNn'-r concrudie trat
If it is a show qu$tion, you lr.r=*.
havc to be v€ry clear ltr '12
oxplaining how each torm
oorne! sbouL Iraln aom hov,
wc prosent olll solution
Hcight ofcylinrtor, i = 2J7:7
,{ = (dianctcrxhcish0
lAltcm.ttve M.tlodl Tbos€ who wed !:
=b,Jn' - x'
a,1 z"(,-,fu)(,*.1-u) Cs!r$i&_lE! will ncod to
Use difercrtiation to find, in t nns of rr, the value of r which 8iv€s a msximl[n r-aluc of ,,{, providc a lot doro 6xplaDatio
justirying that thtu Blue gives marimuh,4. Find also the tatio ofthc diam€ter ofthe cylindcr to thc in thcir juitification as
Notc tnat (, +.lzr) > o for *y rto
height ofthe cylindcr, in lhis case, simptrying your answor. tsl
.x=4 , when n is ar
,l=zo*Jn'-r' unl(nowD coDslrtrt. Loam
**,.*, (,-rr,) . o *y =!!ffi!la how tbis is don€ from the
(z*\ 1 ( 2') solution.

ff-2,'!V4* wtu,, A o

2,.Q1 - i)-2Lf h, b -.fr4, - =':L.f)bjl, o

=-w la.l f,; lEl

<0 0 >0
-drof !4 o-,f2i<o o-.f2r)>o
n-*,ei""-*i-r-* r=fr.

lTurn Ov€r

dirlod.r /Ji Thc line has vecl,or equation J = rl-s l€R
bEidd .b n,/ [iJ.
1' /2 t,
/J2 A mm'al to etane e = -. I

n/2 [ ll Bt n)
z .{}l ,
Ratio of diamctcr to hcight is l:2
Cartesirn .qualion ofplanc q b x-3y +92 =11
2 Thc point! ,{ and, havc positions vectod i-2r-katld ,l+4-4krcspcctivcly. Tho plsrpp has

equation 3r-2l-z=5. Given that oxpress

Find the porition vcctor ofth. point which is a reflection ofd io the line ofirte$cction botw.eoy'
r itr ta!(ls ofr. at u"d4. t6I

x-3y+9r=ll More efrci€trt to u8e CC to

3r-2y-z=-5 find tho cqultion ofth. line of
-" Sotvitrg tbe equatio ofp slrd by GC
til.til I
to havr point6 in c-ornNa *ifr
Por thc linc ,{,
t,lm thc plrac P,
7i L,t y=4+42

Litrc ofilralcotioE bctw..op atrd q

[:;lll],i=. f-l\ i/3\
I-, J[-'J .=l- I*J + 1.,.n
3s -3-?.t-4+3=0 loJ [,.]
3s-2t+4 (.to
McthodA 6nd DF)
Let F be the foot of the p€rpcndicular ftom ,al to th. lino.
Find thc shortcst distancc bctwcon tho line ,'{-R and thG plane p 21
Cotrlidcr a FroiDt on thcplahcp, C(1,-L0) oF -oi
I 0
I 3
tilt-l It tom thc linc ,{, to ihe pl,n.p
[]1.,[i] [j]
Shortcst dirt Dcr

. [,;]..CI
[ih,.=[:) ,
Another plane q ir pcrpcodicularto pldrep and cotrtliff tbc linc widr equstiotr
'352 lj =+ =+ [[]1.,CI][i]
. Find tha equ4tion ofplane 4 itr cartosian form. pl (-6-8+l)+r(e+16+1)=o

lTurd over --t
Partn6rlnL6aming o
Partn€rlnLgamlng 958
F- 6
o- 5
c0 3 (r) Thr ootlplox numbefi 1,t/ and , are such that t4=-l-i^E $d z.+z+0. The poillts P snd
OF P in the Argaod dirgrral r6prd6nt tho cotrplcx numbols t, and zt+, resp6ctiv6ly. Find
(0J \r,/ are(w), leaving lour ulBwer in o(sct fonn. Heace, state tho possiblo values of anglc POg,
where O is tho origin. t3l
=l-r l
Im *(").--El in g6cral.
l.., lr./ 3
OR n2n Draw a diagraD ro confum
Mcthod B (to tud AF) ac(t{/.,= -,r +r= -T which qua&at th€ point
rcprcsenting the complex
Lot th6 point or line bc D(-1,-4,0)
Re nunber is in.
_ r,) r-1
DA=l -21-l 4
r.-, l. 0 Itll P(*1, *./3)
Llt F be the foot of thc pcrpcndiculsr from I to the line.
2 3 3
DF 2 4 4 SiDoe rr+z e R, g li.s on th. Rcal-axis-
+ 4' +l' +41+1r
I 1
-l coO=! *!W^us, t /PoQ=60" ot r2o.'l
*[, O) Given that z, and -z1 arr coltlplor numbcrs suoh that is puoly irlagimry, sho[, thrt
VS4V'1, t3l

Note that the following ig

t3 fu=dtu*otn'o*o E!S!g
3\-4=o'F4+a) lt",-",| Pql-V)
zaQ-a)=a(r+a) F"'-,,I-F;I;I'
l.'l l,.,
/0.5\ F,,llr-,rl=k llr-,il
=l-rl eiace
l.r tl lz,l=:lz,l lt+oll= lt-ail
- ,l (r) (D Findlho drrivstivo of or't tll
(o.s *("'*)=(r'.r)"'"'
2 t_,
[ot ltrl (D H6rc., fild J(,+t)r6r''1'&. tll
t ,)

[Tur[ Over PartnealnLeaming


Hcna!: nccd to u6c (ai). Ne€d to lct The region R is bound.d by the curve ,, = 2l , the lile / = x and the r-aris.
j(,+tf c'- a, lrl -
z=(r+r)' and (lD Find the cxact arca ofrR. t4l
= (2, *2').t-' d'
:l!*t\' !=b,+z\ett,
z(r + r) cr'"' d,
- llt'+rf ,'"")- ll ,=u,-,1
Do0't folgpt thc afuitrary ..nrtad x =2- x'
=f,G,\'t'* -f,c'' *c c r=t(. r>o)
O) By u6ing thc substi$tiotr .:r = otind, fird
l^'la' - x' dt ' t4l
-dx Wh(n intrgrafing using
a_ddna)_=d6NA substihrtioa, w€ nced to
=lJ a' -a'sir,' 0 (aaoae)do with
0) "dr"
what x=a.'2 0-! " r(e\do" I 2
= e (*eo)de
"' l'.lcos' (2) ,-values oflimib with
, vdu.l ArEr ofx = ltl x1) *1,"(,
2' )
- o'Ji*"" e ae (3) intcgrand
2 rl ["
-,,lsinu +e11
=i.l?"-*) k,Jl
L 4 2)" (di t\ *',"'
"l/stz z\t-0 I
= a.! | q I
L\ 4) J
(ltl) Fi[d tho cxrol volum. of lhc solid obta,aed l^,hcn rcgion X iB rotdod thugh 4 light
4 anglcs aboutrh6l6ri!. t3l

(c) (D OE tlre siDc dilgrsD, ckotch thc grapts of y =[" .2l aad y=7 ro' o<,<Ji. 121
}, volume='[l d/-]",'i
T.kc notc ofdomain
o(;(J2. ="!){z-t1at-l,,1q" p1

=7o unitsr

lTurn Over PartnerlnL6aming o
PadnerlnLeamlng 962 c')
t- l0
o- 9
o secdotr B: Stitlrtlc, [57 ltrl
6 A group of 8 pcoplo corr8ists of4 boys and 4 girl6.
(.) They go to a thratc and sit in thc ls3t row of I 0 adjaccrf rcats at random.
(oFitrd tho numbct of way3 in which thcy can b6 d6atcd ifthey arc not all 66ated together
s For €verrd.,( .trd 4 it is 8ir,a tnat P(l) = 0.6, P (AU B) = o.7 snd P(8 l.{) = 0.3.
(D show thd P(r)= O2E aDd dottrtoitro vrth e reesob, ifl and I a! t3l
M.thod t (clloo,a thc bla.b such ttat it's trot thc first 2, last 2, aor
6 t&Lst)
P(/nr)= P(,1)P(r l,l)=0.6x0.3 =0.18
No. ofw!),:=("q -3)tsr
P(B) = P(/ur)-P(l)+P(8nr)
= 0.7-0.6+0.18
= 0.28 Mothod 2 (cornplencnt 6cthod)
Not indepcndent b..iurc P(r) = 0.28 * 0.3 = P(r l,{) No. ofwsy! = roP, -3r81

tOR P(rn,{)= o.t8 * 0.168= 0.28x0.6= P(, )P(,1)l =l693aAn

Mdtod 3
(it An cvcnt C is sucb thsr.{ 5ld d s'l mutual}y cttchsivc aDd P(c) > 0.25. Pind 6c reSe (analgE 8 h a row th6n in!.rt the blen* s€6s: 7C, to inscn 2 adjscrfil
ofvatuGs of P(r'nC). t3l blarlc +'C, io i crr 2 notr- dj. blrtrk - I wsy ofi.'tfiiog a bla*
sr .ech eno
No. ofwcyr-SL('C, +'c, -t)
= 1693440
(ii)Given that thcy ar6 trot all Beated togathcr, fild tho probability that drc boys arc soated
togcthor andrhe girls srE 6lso scstcdtogctber. 121

Rmir.d lljill?!1 Visusli6c a big group that is

".r,ririn,' - t591110 m6de up of two adjacent
I groups ofboy! and 8irb, a.d
P(,,rur)+P(r'nc)<1 - two idotrticsl onpty 3eata-
O) At a dioner, tho group sit! arcund a squ.rc tdblo vrhich has two loats oD elch side.
P(r'nc) <0.3 (t)Find the number ofwaF in which thcy csn be scalcd iflhere mw! bo a boy and a girl oo
Aho, cach side ofthc tabl.. t3l
zP(c)-o.l ('lDco P(rn c) < o.l) No. ofways=alx(4-l)!x2' Atlempt the question in a

>05-0.1 qa4!Er!!!!!!!Sr in steps.

=0.15 L Pat the boys & girL i.r L AI!3g6 th. 4 girtr
... o.l5 <P(r,nc)50.3 aroud t[o squao lrblc
2. AIr&Uc lh. 4 pair6 in(4- l)lwsy8
atound the squdc tsblE 2. AnanSc ttro 4 boys in 4l
in (4- l)l $r'ays
3. Er.hprircab cwaI, s6sts 3. Each psir ca$ Bwap scatg
in 2a wayg in 2' waye

(lD ThdE lJe 3 ditrcrclrt d.sscf,ts oD thc rtr€nu rnd cvoly otr. scl.ct6 a dcsserl 6ach. FiDd lhc nmber of
difrc'rot iclelioD3 that osn br Dadc by tL€ group. tll
I No. ofwsys = 3r = 5J5l

[Tur! Over PartnerlnLeamlng

PartnorlnLgamlng 9M
Vr'rite doqn thc oxprossion of
7 [r s garno at a ftrnfait, rplayer rEpoatcdly tosses a fair 8ix-sidcd die.Ifthe toss is an odd tru:rbcr, ,(,) =,.'(;),,(i)(i).,(r' (r. F.(x) as how it tu defino4 then
the playgr losd and the game etds. Othorwiso, the player oontinuos to tos3 tho die until a '6' is ihown
snd the game oudr, Thc acorc, X, is thc nunrbcr oftosses thal it trkes for tho player to to33lhe fit8t '5',
use the givon forrtrula to
=$l"rt)"1 evaluatc,
ard i3 0 ifthe player lo8€s the gaE€.
;L-(3J 6l
(D show rhr! P(x=o)-i. l2l
-1t,lj I
I I I Draw a ttce diaSr.D to hclp 6= \3,/
,(,=o=;.(+)(i) 3
I 3
viludir6 the scqurnca of
) , ) I (, cvetrt! nE thc garnc Btxt-1,--L=l
' 5 8
I progr$36. fr_rT
r-I Thi! is a "show" qurstioD.
You should write down thc E(x')=o.r(61).,,(i)(r,,(i)'(*).
l infinite sfri€s b.fore spplying
s. (of a GP) formula to *[ .rrt- rl
.l !)lrl-l
g[ \3/ -l6l
P(x=o) is an hfinitc sericd.
l1-: I
You should nol stop at thc ,th
\ 3./
vd(x)=E(x.)-(E(x))' (;)' "*
(fl) What is the probabilify th.t thc scorE is I given tbat thc Playcr do€l aot los6? ?l +
. Pafiftbll i!'6'l Ro{d qucstioa ca&fully. "0 if I A cornpmy selb bag6 ofccm.nt fu two Eiz€s. Thc mrss of6larB. bag ofccmcnt csn be modGllcd
PIx =IldidDot10361=--- thc play6 loscs the gamd'. So by a normal dbtn_bution s/ith mcxn 50 kg a d Btandtrd deviation 2 kg. The masr ofa small bag of
' P(did oot lor.)
P(did lot losc) =r-P(x - 0) cernont oalt bc mod€llcd by a noIxod dirtsibution with m6an 30 kg and staDdard d€viation I .5 ke.
l Findth€ nnss thst iB €xceededby 99yo ofthe large
(l) bags.
l_! Lct Xkg b. ttc oa!3 of a Lrgc b.& Writ6 do$a the Dathellatical
x-r(soz') cquatiodinoqu.lity to
expa$s whst thc question
=?3 P(x > d) -
!sys: P(x >a)
Ft(m rto oc, P (x > 45.347) - 0.99

It ii known that for 0 <? < r, a -45.347 -45.3

f ,- =G;r -a i I /" =f ,1
(fl) Fhd the gobability that total mass of tkee small bags is lers tha[ twicc the ,Dsss of one
(iir) show thar B(x)=|. rina v"1x;. t4l large bag. pl
,( is the ntrnbd oftoss€s that it take3 for thc playcr to toss tho first Tako tiEc to undrrstand what Irt fkg be the ,rrss ofa loall b3& Total mrqs of lhre smll
'5', alld is 0ifthc plryer lo6cs thc ganlc docaX= 1, 2, 3, . . . rndn and r- N(30,r.5') bags i3 nprclcntcd by
rvork olrt thet rc8p.ctivc Yt+\+Y,,Dot3Y.
P (Y1 +Y, +Y, <2x) 2x < o)
=P (Yt + Y, +Y, -
0 I 2 3 Fobrbilities. Do nol bc haEty
I to apply forEula Fovidcd ib B(y, +Y, +Y, -2x\ =3E(yJ - 28(x) = -lo Must \l$lr down the firI
P(r,=.r) l I 2\' I
4 (e: the qucrhotr. vo()i + I, + { - 2x) = 3v$ (Y\+ 4vt(x) =22.75 distributiotr (with
i le] e
yt+\+v,-x -N(-rc,n.75\ pararreXors) of
P(-r= 1) = P(5 on fit3t to$) P(\ +v1 + r, -zx < o\ -o.9E2 \+Yr+Yr-2X before dohg
aay cslculation
P(,r:2) = P(2 or 4 on first toss, 6 or sccond toss)
P(-tr= 3) = P(2 or 4 on fiIlt and 3econd toss, 6 on thid to35)

lTum over
PartnerlnLeamlng o
PartnsrlnLeaming 866 @
F- 14
o- 13
o (tlD State atr asdlrfiption Deeded for your c$lcul,ation in part (lt). t1l
Sirce p-Eluc=0.00284<0.01, Hois rEjocted at 1% significancc
The masses of all lrrgs of cement arc independent of one Not iust indopetrdetrce level. Herce there b sufrcicnt cviderce to conofudo fiat th€
betvreetr a snall bag and a populatioE m€an lifetim€ fu Ia$ tha! 2000 hours, thnt is, thorc is
large ba& or indepentledoo sufEciett evid€nce to doubt the comDsny's claiE.
between the 3 small bags
oDly. This condition ir (fit) Slate two asswDtr tions or approximations that are invol!€d wh€n crnying olt th€
fteded for the calculation data.
Approximatiotr (l)
Smce z=200 is largc! by Contal Limit lh€or€m, saEple mean Sp6ll out CLT ftlly.
Tfuee laig€ bagp are selected at lzndom. lifetifte of a fitness tracker batt€ry follow8 a nomal dislribution Stat6 meaning of t in
(tv) Fitrd t}lc probability thal tq,o weigh morc thaa 53 kg and one weighs lc8s than 53kg appoximately. context of the question.

3C1 is to account for which ApFoximation (2)

[P(-r >s3)]'P(x<s3)"c, =o.ol25 r' is used as an rmbiased estimate ofpofrulation vffiance, d'
bass weigh more than 53 kg.

The co pany vrishes to test whether the arqage lifetime ofa second type ofbattery is longer than 2000
9 A company sells a c€rtain type of fihress tracke! batteries. The company claims that the m€an
hours- It can be assumed lhat the lif€time ofthe seco type ofbatt!ry ha6 a nomal distribution s.ith
lifetise ofthe batt€ries
is st least 2000 lDurs. The Foductior rna[agEr ofdrc compaDy wishes xo take
variance d' . 8 IandoDrly cho6en batteries ofthe second type are tested and it is found that thet lifotiues,
a tandom s.mple ofbatteries from the thou6ands produced in a day at his fsotory, for quality control
in hours, arc as follows,
G) Stat6 what it means for a sErnple to bo random irl this co[text tl] 2001.5 1997.3 1989.0 2018.7 2030.7 2023.0 2021.5 2013.3
A sarnple th6
is randofi if ever, fihoss facker bathry ftom Th6 compsny caries out a hypothesis test at th€ 5% level ofsignifcafte.
thousands pmducsd on a day has an equal chance ofbeing selected
and that the selsotions ate indopend€nt ofeach other
(i9 Bxplair, r ithjustification,low the population varianoe ofthe lifetimes, d1, Ei[ affect the
coDclu6ioq- l4l
A rardom sarqle of 200 battsri€s is taken and it is found that tho moan lifctime was 1995 houts ard
Let fhours bo th6lifotihe ofa decond tlpc batte(y aDd /, hous be
the standard drvration was 25.5 hourB.
(ii) Test, st the 1% sigriflcanoe level, whether th€re is any evrd€nce to doubt the company's the population me.D. t6l , =2Ol2.As
Ho: tt, =2000
Let Xhour be th6 lifetiine of a fitness hacket battery and /, hour be ll\:1t, >XnO
the population mean. Levol ofsignifcdc€: 5%
H.:,/4 = 2000
Test ststistic: z = -N(o,l)
q :/, < 2000 G
For flo to borEj€ote4 z > 1.6,149.
Lcvel ofsisifioarcq 1% 2012.62s Since there is €rlough
w,itu z={:?49 o,;n -2000 > 1.6449
, itforD&tion to fnd tho set of
Test statistic: WleD HD is truq /.!200 values of a' for Ho to be
G iejectr4 you should do the
value of ,l] substihted iu. 7 d <211O9
calclrlations- Thn state
z= N (o'D a,P'oximai.r, and ,S aro statiEtics, not d s47t2t
#ry- cleady how thes€ valuos of
/'lzoo values. .-. vrhem r'
< 471 , Ho is rejoct€d at thc 5% level of eignificance.
d1 affcct the oonclusion (i.e.
I Computation: Th3r€ is suffici€nr evidcocc th6t th€ mce lifetime of sccond typo of
thc ftoan lifetime of s€codd
I , = 200. t - 1995, s&rnDlc standatd deviatiotr - 25.5 batcry is mor6 than 2000 horlI8. tjp€ ofbattery).
Road qu€ction in ik entittty.
11=1x!rml.vltisn ! "A mndorn Ea@!g . . .

!]@bsL&yiat-jstr was 25,s"

=19a25.5, ir4lies th6t 25.5'?is th6
Eeqgh variance.
p-value - 0.0028373

lTtrn over PartnerlnLeamlng

PartnerlnLearning 968

(iv) trDd lhe Fobability that more than 100 patients fail to tum up fo, the afternootr appoinhneDt
l0 At & clinic, records show that IOOP%, where 0<P<0.5, of patient! who mako an afternoon itr a month. (You may assume that lherc ar€ 30 aftomooir itr a month aDd the clinic is open on all 30
appoinhnent fail to tfin up. The clinic has one doctor and he sees pEti€Dts by apPohtmeot otly Dudtrg aftemoo$) [3]
tii opening hours in the aiiemoon, the dootor has time to see only I 5 patie[6. on 5t1y aftcmoon, a fixed
number ofpatients is acceped to mske an aff€moon appointment. Y= x,+x,+.,.+x, Stote the sarnple size and use
(a) State, in context, iro assumptions needod for the number ofpatietrts who fril to tum up in atr Since , = 30 is sufrci€dtly lau€, by Cental Limit Theorem of Central Limit Theor€rn
aftemoon after making aa oppointul€nt to be well modelled by a binomial distribution.l2'l cle.Ily.
r - N(9'0,72) apFoxinrtoly
Assumption (1): P(v >1oo)=o.1re (ro 3 s.f)
PatientE tum up indep€ndendy ofeach other

Assunption (2): Altemati!€

The probability ofa patie'nt turning up i$ constant for all pahent$ who Let fb€ the number ofpationts lrrho fail !o hEn up in a month
make an aftemoon sppohtnent r'-B(4s0,0.2)
Assums now that these assumptioff do in fact hold-
(b) On a parliculat atemoon, 15 patients msde an aPPoitrtrEnt to sEe the aloctor' =o.lo9 (to 3 s.f)
'- (i)Ii is lglown that xhere is a probability of 0.02 that 6 or 7 patients fail to nrm up for the
aftemoon ;ppoidtnent. write down a,) e4)atiotr for the valuo ofp, and find t,his ldue num€rically [2] (c) To irnprove efrciency, th€ doctor decidos to accept l]rorc than l5 alpoitrttrenB in thc afornoon.
Howev€r, he is still able to see only 15 patie B and p=0.2. Fird the largost nubber of afternoon
Let Xbe the number of patientl who fail to tunr up appointrn€ s rhat the doctor should accept ifhe \rants to have 6t least a 90% chance ofserhg aI lhe
sppointtnent patients who tum up. t31
x- B05,r)
P(x = 6, +P(x =7)-o.a Let Wbg tl}e nurnber of patienb who tmr lry for the efternom
(fl,'n-"r'.('i),'u-r' ='' w -R(",0.8)
['5] ."a {''l -*r u" P(r <15)> 0.9
5005 1l- \' + 643sp'(t- ptt =0.02 \6,/ \.7./
evlluated to form the P(w <t5)
equatiotr inp t6 0.9'72
l7 0.882

From GC, n<16

LarsEsl , = 16

By GC, since 0 <ps 0.5,

,= 0.15704 =0.157 (3 s.i)

Give[ that p = 0.2,

(l) find lhe pmbability that all 15 patienb urm up, t1l

x-B(15,0.2) State the distsibution ofx

P(x=o)=0.0352 (to 3 s.r.)

(ilD 6nd tho probability that at lealt 3 but mt more than 5 patieots fail to tum up for tho
aficmoon appointrnont, l2l

x -B05,0.2) 'trct fiore tha,l 5 petierfi"

mesns Iess thrD or equals to
P(3sr<5)=P(x<5)-P(x<2) 5.
=o.5ar (to 3 s.r)


lTurn over PartnerlnLearning -..1

PartnerlhLearning 970 o

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