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P90X - Classic Routine Workout Today is: Wednesday January 25, 2023

To get your own copy, goto:

Monday ### ### ### Friday
Phase I Main Week 1 29-Jun 1 30-Jun 2 1-Jul 3 2-Jul 4 3-Jul 5
Week 2 6-Jul 8 7-Jul 9 8-Jul 10 9-Jul 11 10-Jul 12
Week 3 13-Jul 15 14-Jul 16 15-Jul 17 16-Jul 18 17-Jul 19
Week 4 20-Jul 22 21-Jul 23 22-Jul 24 23-Jul 25 24-Jul 26
Phase II Main Week 5 27-Jul 29 28-Jul 30 29-Jul 31 30-Jul 32 31-Jul 33
Week 6 3-Aug 36 4-Aug 37 5-Aug 38 6-Aug 39 7-Aug 40
Week 7 10-Aug 43 11-Aug 44 12-Aug 45 13-Aug 46 14-Aug 47
Recovery Week 8 17-Aug 50 18-Aug 51 19-Aug 52 20-Aug 53 21-Aug 54
Phase III Main Week 9 24-Aug 57 25-Aug 58 26-Aug 59 27-Aug 60 28-Aug 61
Week 10 31-Aug 64 1-Sep 65 2-Sep 66 3-Sep 67 4-Sep 68
Week 11 7-Sep 71 8-Sep 72 9-Sep 73 10-Sep 74 11-Sep 75
Recovery Week 12 14-Sep 78 15-Sep 79 16-Sep 80 17-Sep 81 18-Sep 82
Final Stretch Week 13 21-Sep 85 22-Sep 86 23-Sep 87 24-Sep 88 25-Sep 89

Day 01: 29-Jun-2009 <<< Enter Start Date Here! Running Tally
Day 30: 28-Jul-2009 Workouts Performed
Day 60: 27-Aug-2009 Workouts Missed/Unrecorded
Day 90: 26-Sep-2009 Workouts Remaining

Instructions: To begin using this sheet, follow these instructions

> Before you begin entering data, I would suggest ...Save a Blank Copy by using the 'File' button to "C
Spreadsheet..." Then
> Start by entering therename it. you
date that Thisplan
will allow you toyour
on starting use P90X
it multiple times,Next
workout: or make copies
to Day to share wit
01: above
> The rest of the calendar will be automatically filled in for you. Highlight over orange marker to see the
> I suggest begining on a Monday, or a least start in the same day as others you are working out with.
> Once you have completed your daily workout, place an X in COMPLETED on the individual workouts
This will automatically update your progess on the "Full Routine" Sheet.
> If possible record each exercise reps, weight, bands, etc as you do them on the spreadsheet (laptop
> Hint: when you find that you are using too light, or too heavy of a weight/band record it on the
workout section, then move over a column and put what you should use next time.
> Check your ego in the beginning. It's better to pushup from knees, and pullups with a chair than to do
> Keep onandPushing
just waste the remainder of the time.
Original P90X Excel Spreadsheet Created by Damon Abruzere -
It was converted to Google format and expanded by Scott Rhamy (s!c!o!t!t!@r!h!a!m!y.c!o!m - remove the !'s)
Found at:
anuary 25, 2023
### Sunday
4-Jul 6 5-Jul 7
11-Jul 13 12-Jul 14
18-Jul 20 19-Jul 21
25-Jul 27 26-Jul 28
1-Aug 34 2-Aug 35
8-Aug 41 9-Aug 42
15-Aug 48 16-Aug 49
22-Aug 55 23-Aug 56
29-Aug 62 30-Aug 63
5-Sep 69 6-Sep 70
12-Sep 76 13-Sep 77
19-Sep 83 20-Sep 84
26-Sep 90 27-Sep 91

Running Tally
0 0.00%
92 101.10%
-1 100.00%

by using the 'File' button to "Copy

or make copies
to Day to share with
01: above
over orange marker to see the days
hers you are working out with.
TED on the individual workouts.

m on the spreadsheet (laptop is

ht/band record it on the
next time.
pullups with a chair than to do a low
P90X - Fitness Test, Nutrition, and Body Fat Percentag
Starting Weight (lbs) RMR Daily Activity Burn Energy Amount
Enter Wgt>>> 0 0 600

Nutrition Levels Cals/Day Your Level

LEVEL I 1800-2399 cal/day
LEVEL II 2400-2999 cal/day LEVEL I
LEVEL III 3000+ cal/day

Fitness Test
Wait Day 0 Day 90 % Change
Waking Heart Rate bpm N/A ---
Overhand Pull-Ups # 1 min ---
Vertical Leap IN 4 min ---
Push-Ups # 4 min ---
Toe Touch IN 0 min ---
Wall Squat Min:Sec 4 min ---
Bicep Curls (rep/lbs) # 3 min ---
Abs: In & Outs # 4 min ---
2min Jacks + 30sec Max bpm 0 min ---
bpm 1 min later ---
bpm 2 min later ---
bpm 3 min later ---
bpm 4 min later ---

Instructions: 1. Enter your Weight (in lbs) above

See the appropriate calories/day, and nutrition level for you
2. Take the fitness test and record your results on Day 0 and Day 90
3. Take your pre-P90X photos, and post-P90X Photos (see below)
5. Take
Take your
your body measurements
pre-P90X andand
body weights record on Day 0, and Day
fat measurements, 90 after
>> 30 days
Note: these measurments will be very motivating through your 90

Body Photos
Click to See Day 0 Photos
Click to See Day 30 Photos Go to Google Photos (Picasa), set up a free account and upload your photos
Click to See Day 60 Photos You will need to change the links in the cells to the left to reference your photos
Click to See Day 90 Photos
Prior to Day 01 After Day 90 Measurements with No Clothes, Measure Flexed
Chest IN at nipples
Waist IN at umbilicus, no suck in
Hips IN across both hip bones (ASIS)
Right Thigh IN at midpoint
Left Thigh IN at midpoint
Right Arm IN at peak of bicep
Left Arm IN at peak of bicep

Parillo - 9 Postion Body Fat Percentage Calculator DESCRIPTION

Postion mm Day 0 Day 28 Day 56 Day 90 Measurements with NO FLEX! Repeat x 2, Avg.
1. Pectoral mm Diagonal Fold, midway b/w upper armpit and Nipple
2. Tricep mm Vertical Fold, midway b/w elbow and shoulder
3. Bicep mm Vertical Fold, midway b/w shoulder and elbow
4. SupraIliac mm Diagonal Fold, directly above hip bone (ASIS)
5. Lower Back mm Horizontal Fold, 2 inchs lateral to spine, at kidney le
6. Subscapular mm Diagonal Fold, directly below shoulder blade
7. Umbilicus/Ab mm Vertical Fold, 1 inch to right of umbilicus
8. Calf mm Vertical Fold, inside of leg, largest part of calf
9. Upper Thigh mm Vertical Fold, midway between kneecap and groin
Weight lbs 0 N/A
Body Fat % % --- --- --- ---
Interval BF% Change --- --- --- --- Click this cell, then arrow to see how to take Measur

Male Body Fat Interpretation Table

d your photos
rence your photos
Female Body Fat Interpretation Table
90 Day
lothes, Measure Flexed % Change
SIS) ---

90 Day
LEX! Repeat x 2, Avg. % Change
w upper armpit and Nipple ---
elbow and shoulder ---
shoulder and elbow ---
ove hip bone (ASIS) ---
ateral to spine, at kidney le ---
low shoulder blade ---
ht of umbilicus ---
g, largest part of calf ---
ween kneecap and groin ---
to see how to take Measurements
P90X - Diet Log - Portion Approach LEVEL I 600
Pro Dai Fru Veg Fat Car Con Snack Pro Dai Fru Veg Fat Car Con Snack
Goal 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 SIG,BAR,DRI Goal 4 5 1 3 1 1 2 SIG,BAR,DRI
6/29/2009 - 7/29/2009
6/30/2009 - 7/30/2009
7/1/2009 - 7/31/2009
7/2/2009 - 8/1/2009
7/3/2009 - 8/2/2009
7/4/2009 - 8/3/2009
7/5/2009 - 8/4/2009
7/6/2009 - 8/5/2009
7/7/2009 - 8/6/2009
7/8/2009 - 8/7/2009
7/9/2009 - 8/8/2009
7/10/2009 - 8/9/2009
7/11/2009 - 8/10/2009
7/12/2009 - 8/11/2009
7/13/2009 - 8/12/2009
7/14/2009 - 8/13/2009
7/15/2009 - 8/14/2009
7/16/2009 - 8/15/2009
7/17/2009 - 8/16/2009
7/18/2009 - 8/17/2009
7/19/2009 - 8/18/2009
7/20/2009 - 8/19/2009
7/21/2009 - 8/20/2009
7/22/2009 - 8/21/2009
7/23/2009 - 8/22/2009
7/24/2009 - 8/23/2009
7/25/2009 - 8/24/2009
7/26/2009 - 8/25/2009
7/27/2009 - 8/26/2009
7/28/2009 - 8/27/2009
30 day +/- -150 -60 -30 -60 -30 -30 -30 30 day +/- -120 -150 -30 -90 -30 -30 -60
Recorded 0 Recorded
Missed 30 Missed

Protein 100 cal - 3oz Chicken/Turkey/Fish/Shellfish/Ham Slizes/Red Meat/Tofu/Tuna,6 egg Carbs 200 cal - Whole Wheat Bagel/B
whites,1/3 cup protein powder,Soy/Veggie Burger/Dog,5 Soy slices,Turkey Bacon 2 slices slices bread (not white),1 cup w
crackers,2 english muffins,1 cu
potato,1 cup quinona,1 cup low
Fruit 100 cal - Apple,Banana,Grapefruit,Orange/Tangerine/Nectarine,Peach,Pear,1 cup Vegetables 50 cal - (1 cup cooked/juice/so
whole wheat waffles,1 cup whe
Apricots,Cherries,Grapes,Kiwi,Berries,Watermelon,1 oz dried fruit,6 oz fresh juice,1/2 Choy,Broccoli,Brussels sprouts
mango/papaya,2 cups sliced strawberries Greens,Cucumber,Eggplant,Ka
Snacks - SNG Sauze,Mushrooms,Peas,Pepp
Dairy 120 cal - 1 oz low-fat/semi-soft goat/soy/feta cheese,1 cup 1% cottage cheese,1.5 oz part 100 cal = 1 oz low fat cheese,8
V8 juice,Veg. Soup
skim mozarella,3
120 cals = 1 tbsp oz parmasean cheese,8 oil,olive
- olives,avacado,canola oz skim oil,flaxseed
milk/soy milk,8
oil oz nonfat plain yogurt Snacks - DBL sorbet,12 mini-rice
200 cal = 12 oz 1%cakes,4
cottage oz
Condiments nuts,
50 cal = 2 tablespoons low 2fatoz
1.5 oz string cheese,
level. At the bottoms of each column, there is a running total of how you are doing (too much/too pure fruit jams
little with each dietary component) over the past 30 days.
At the end of each day record the different portion you have consumed. Use the nutrition
options at the bottom of the sheet to plan the diet for tomorrow.
Pro Dai Fru Veg Fat Car Sna Snack
SIG,BAR,DRI Goal 4 1 3 2 1 3 1 SIG,BAR,DRI
- 8/28/2009 -
- 8/29/2009 -
- 8/30/2009 -
- 8/31/2009 -
- 9/1/2009 -
- 9/2/2009 -
- 9/3/2009 -
- 9/4/2009 -
- 9/5/2009 -
- 9/6/2009 -
- 9/7/2009 -
- 9/8/2009 -
- 9/9/2009 -
- 9/10/2009 -
- 9/11/2009 -
- 9/12/2009 -
- 9/13/2009 -
- 9/14/2009 -
- 9/15/2009 -
- 9/16/2009 -
- 9/17/2009 -
- 9/18/2009 -
- 9/19/2009 -
- 9/20/2009 -
- 9/21/2009 -
- 9/22/2009 -
- 9/23/2009 -
- 9/24/2009 -
- 9/25/2009 -
- 9/26/2009 -
30 day +/- -120 -30 -90 -60 -30 -90 -30
0 Recorded 0
30 Missed 30

200 cal - Whole Wheat Bagel/Bran Muffin/Whole wheat pita,1 cup baked beans/beans/lentils,2
slices bread (not white),1 cup whole grain cereal/oatmeal,1 cup couscous,brown/wild rice,12
crackers,2 english muffins,1 cup hummus,3 pancakes,1 cup pasta/noodles,1 potato/sweet
potato,1 cup quinona,1 cup low fat refried beans,3 corn tortillas,1 large whole wheat torilla,2
50 cal - (1 cup cooked/juice/soup, 2 cups leafy greens) Asparagus, Beets,Bok
whole wheat waffles,1 cup wheat berries
Choy,Broccoli,Brussels sprouts,Cabbage,Carrots,Cauliflower,Celery,Collard
Sauze,Mushrooms,Peas,Peppers,Spinach,Sprouts,Squash,String Beans,Tomatoes,Low Salt
100 cal = 1 oz low fat cheese,8 oz 1% cottage cheese,1 oz dried fruit,fozen fruit bar,8 oz fruit
V8 juice,Veg. Soup
sorbet,12 mini-rice
200 cal = 12 oz 1%cakes,4
cottage oz non-fatoz
cheese,1 yogurt,
nuts, 1/2 P90X
12-16 bar, 1 tbsp
oz recovery PB/celery,2
formula, 1 P90Xoz bar,
soy 4nuts,1.5
oz soy
nuts, 1.5 oz string cheese, 2 oz Turkey Jerky
50 cal = 2 tablespoons low fat such as BBQ, marinades, fat free dressings, mustard, honey,
pure fruit jams
P90X - Chest & Back Workout
Step Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 9 Week 11
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps
01 Standard Push-ups

02 Wide Front Pull-ups

03 Military Push-ups

04 Reverse Grip Chin-ups

05 Wide Fly Push-ups

06 Closed Grip Overhand Pull-ups

07 Decline Push-ups

08 Heavy Pants

09 Diamond Push-ups

10 Lawnmowers

11 Dive-bomber Push-ups

12 Back Flys

Ab Ripper X
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>
Week 11
P90X - Plyometrics Workout

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 9 Week 10Week 11

Starting, Finishing Heart Rate
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>

> Hint: give yourself plenty of room, front to back as well as side to side
Week 11Week 12

P90X - Shoulders & Arms Workout
Step Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 9
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
01 Alternating Shoulder Presses

02 In & Out Bicep Curls

03 Two-arm Tricep Kickbacks

04 Deep Swimmer's Presses

05 Full Supination Concentration Curls

06 Chair Dips

07 Upright Rows

08 Static Arm Curls

09 Flip-grip Twist Tricep Kickbacks

10 Two-angle Shoulder Flys

11 Crouching Cohen Curls

12 Lying-down Tricep Extensions

13 In & Out Straight-arm Shoulder Flys

14 Congdon Curls

15 Side Tri-rises

Ab Ripper X
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>
Week 11
Reps Weight
P90X - Yoga X Workout
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 (Mon) Week 4(Sat) Week 5
Starting, Finishing Heart Rate
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>
Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 (Mon) Week 8 (Sat) Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
Week 12 Week 13 (Mon)Week 13 (Sat)
P90X - Legs & Back Workout
Step Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 5
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
01 Balanced Lunges
02 Calf Raise Squats
03 Reverse Grip Chin-ups
04 Super Skaters
05 Wall Squat
06 Wide Front Pull-ups
07 Step Back Lunges
08 Alternating Side Lunges
09 Close Grip Overhead Pull-ups
10 Single Leg Wall Squat
11 Dead Lift Squats
12 Switch Grip Pull-ups
13 Three-way Lunge
14 Sneaky Lunge
15 Reverse Grip Chin-ups
16 Chair Salutations
17 Toe Row Iso Lunge
18 Wide Front Pull-ups
19 Groucho Walk
20 Calf Raises
21 Close Grip Overhead Pull-ups
22 80-20 Seibers Speed Squat
23 Switch Grip Pull-ups
Ab Ripper X
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>
Week 6 Week 7 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
P90X - Kenpo X Workout
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
Starting, Finishing Heart Rate
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Hint: All punches are alternating: ie Left-Right-Left-Right

Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13
P90X - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps Workout
Step Exercise Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 10
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
01 Slow motion 3-in-1 Push-ups
02 In & Out Shoulder Flys
03 Chair Dips
04 Plange Push-ups
05 Pike Presses
06 Side Tri-rises
07 Floor Flys
08 Scarecrows
09 Overhead Tricep Extensions
10 Two-twitch Speed Push-ups
11 Y-Presses
12 Lying Tricep Extensions
13 Side-to-side Push-ups
14 Pour Flys
15 Side-leaning Tricep Extensions
16 One-arm Push-ups
17 Weighted Circles
18 Throw the Bomb
19 Clap or Plyo Push-ups
20 Slo-mo Throws
21 Front-to-back Tricep Extensions
22 One-arm Balance Push-ups
23 Fly row Presses
24 Dumbell Cross-body Blows
Ab Ripper X
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>
Week 12
Reps Weight
P90X - Core Synergistics Workout
Step Exercise Week 4 (Tue) Week 4 (Fri) Week 8 (Tue)Week 8 (Fri)Week 13 (Tue)
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps WeightReps
01 Stacked Foot/Staggered Hands Pushup
02 Banana Roll
03 Leaning Crescent Lunges
04 Squat Run
05 Sphinx Pushups
06 Bow to Boat
07 Low Lateral Skaters
08 Walking Pushups
09 Lunge and Reach
10 Prison Cell Pushup
11 Side Hip Raise
12 Squat X Press
13 Plank to Chaturanga
14 Prison Cell Pushup-Prison Cell Pushup
15 Walking Push-Ups
16 Superman-Banana
17 Lunge Tricep Curl Press
18 Towel Hoppers
19 Reach High and Under Push Ups
20 Steam Engine
21 Dreya Roll
22 Plank to Chaturanga Iso
23 Halfback
24 Table Dip Raise
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>
Week 13 (Tue)Week 13 (Fri)
Weight Reps Weight
P90X - Back & Biceps Workout
Step Exercise Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 10
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
01 Wide Front Pull-ups
02 Lawnmowers
03 Twenty ones
04 One-arm Cross-body Curls
05 Switch Grip Pull-ups
06 Elbows-out Lawnmowers
07 Standing Bicep Curls
08 One-arm Concentration Curls
09 Corn Cob Pull-ups
10 Reverse Grip Bent-over Rows
11 Open Arm Curls
12 Static Arm Curls
13 Towel Pull-ups
14 Congdon Locomotives
15 Crouching Cohen Curls
16 One Arm Corkscrew Curls
17 Chin-ups
18 Seated Bent-over Back Flys
19 Curl-up/Hammer Downs
20 Hammer Curls
21 Max Rep Pull-ups
22 Superman
23 In-Out Hammer Curls
24 Strip Set Curls
Ab Ripper X
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>
Week 12
Reps Weight
P90X - Cardio X Workout
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 9 Week 11
Starting, Finishing Heart Rate
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>

What is this? It is an alternative to Plyometrics if that is too much

P90X - X Stretch Workout
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 (Thu) Week 4(Sat) Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Completed >>>>>>>>>

Comments >>>>>>>>>
Week 7 Week 8 (Thu) Week 8 (Sat) Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12Week 13 (Thu)Week 13 (Sat)

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