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Jan 2023

SECTION B type questions for Biology 5SJC

1. (a) With the aid of a diagram, describe how the rib cage AND lung function during the breathing
process. (8 mks)
(b) (i) Well trained athletes recover more quickly after completing a race than untrained
athletes. Give TWO reasons why this is so
(ii) Athletes are usually advised against smoking cigarettes. Suggest TWO reasons for this
advice ( 8 mks)

(c) Although iron is a requirements for all mature females, it is recommended that female
athletes consume more iron than females who are not athletes. Suggest TWO reasons for this
recommendation. ( 4 mks)

2. (a) Identify TWO ways in which the body defends itself against disease organisms AND explain the
importance of the body having different ways of defending itself from disease. (4 mks)

(b) Most countries are concerned about an outbreak of a communicable disease, even though the
Hypertension and diabetes are two very different diseases, for example, ‘bird flu’ , occurs in a distant
country and in species that is not human.

(i) What is a communicable disease?

(ii) Explain why countries should be concerned about ANY outbreak of a communicable disease

(10 ks)

3 (a) Hypertension and diabetes are two vwry different disorders. Compare the causes, treatment
and control of these two diseases. (6mks)

(a) Using an appropriate example, explain(i) what is meant by a deficiency disease and (ii) why
not all nutritional disorders can be called deficiency diseases (4mks)

(b) In some Caribbean countries, the incidence of diabetes and hypertension is extremely high.
(i) What long term effect might this have on the development of these countries?
(ii) Discuss how the change to a more modern life style may be contributing to the
increasing incidence of these two diseases in the Caribbe)an (10 mks)

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