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intellectual property for the creator or

publisher of the work.

 Based on PD no.78, s. 1972, Philippine
Atmospheric Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration
(PAGASA) was established under the
Department of National Defense to
provide environmental protection and
to utilize scientific knowledge to ensure
Ferdinand marcos 1965 – 1986 the safety of the people.
 In 1973, Philippine National Oil
 In the amended 1973 Philippine
Company was created to promote
Constitution, Article XV, Section 9 (1),
industrial and economic development
he declared that the "advancement of
through effective and efficient use of
science and technology shall have
energy sources (PD no.334, s. 1973).
priority in the national development.”
 In 1976, National Academy of Science
 In 1967, the Department of Education
and Technology (NAST) was established.
was directed to revitalize science
This composed of scientists as a
courses in public high schools.
reservoir of scientific and technological
 In 1968, additional funds were
expertise for the country.
channeled to support projects in
 In 1978, creation of a Task Force on the
applied sciences and science education.
formulation of a national action
 In 1969, a big part of the war damage
program to assess S&T policies and
fund was given to private universities to
programs (EO no. 512, s. 1978).
encourage them to create courses in
 In 1979, invested funds and time in
science and technology and research.
organizations for scientific research,
 In 1970, upgrade of the science
such as the NSDB, the Philippine Council
curricula and teaching equipment.
for Agricultural Research and
 In 1970, establishment of research and
Resources, the Plant Breeding Institute,
development schools, technical
the International Rice Research
institutes, science education centers,
Institute, the Bureau of Plant Industry,
and agricultural colleges and vocational
and the Bureau of Forest Products.
high schools
 instituted the Health Sciences Center of
 Philippine Coconut Research Institute
UP system
(PCRI) under NSDB - to modernize the
 Philippine Heart Center (1975)
coconut industry
 Philippine Children's Medical Center
 Philippine Textile Research Institute
(PTRI) under NSDB
 Lung Center of the Philippines (1981)
 In 1972, establishment of research and
 National Kidney and Transplant
development schools, technical
Institute (1983)
institutes, science education centers,
and agricultural colleges and vocational Marcos regime completed 20 power plants
high schools
- Agus 2 Hydro Electric Power Plant,
 In 1972, PD Decree No., s. 1972 creation
completed in 1979;
of the National Grains Authority (NGA)
- Agus 4 Hydro Electric Power Plant,
to provide for the development of the
completed in 1985;
rice and corn industry to fully harness it
- Agus 5 Hydro Electric Power Plant,
for the economy of the country.
completed in 1985;
 In 1972, Philippine Council for
- Agus 6 Hydro Electric Power plant,
Agricultural Research (PCAR) under
recommissioned in 1977;
Dept. of Agriculture and Natural
- Agus 7 Hydro Electric Power Plant,
Resources was establishment to
completed in 1982;
support the progressive development of
- Angat Hydro Electric Power Plant,
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries for
completed in 1967;
the nation.
- Bataan Nuclear Power Plant,
 PD no.9, s. 1972 provided support for
completed in 1983;
the promotion of scientific research and
- Calaca Coal Power Plant, completed in
invention., and protection of
- Cebu Thermal Power Plant, completed  In 1987, Philippine Atomic Energy
in 1981; Commission (PAEC) became Philippine
- Kalayaan Hydro Electric Power Plant, Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI).
completed 1982;  Advanced Science and Technology
- Leyte Geothermal Power Plant, Institute (ASTI) was established (EO
completed 1977; no.128, s. 1987) which focuses on the
- Magat A Hydro Electric Power Plant, field of research and development,
completed in 1984; information and communication
- Magat B Hydro Electric Power Plant, technology and microelectronics
completed in 1984;  Under the Medium Term of Philippine
- Main Magat Hydro Electric Power Development Plan (PDP) for the years
Plant, completed in 1983; 1987-1992, S&T’s role in economic
- Makiling-Banahaw Geothermal Power recovery and sustained economic
Plant, completed in 1979; growth was highlighted.
- Masiway Hydro Electric Power Plant,  In the 1990 SONA, Aquino announced
completed in 1980; that S&T development shall be one of
- Palinpinon 1 Southern Negros the top three priorities of the
Geothermal production Field completed government towards an economic
in 1983; recovery.
- Pantabangan Hydro Electric Power  In 1988, Aquino created the Presidential
Plant, completed in 1977; Task Force for Science and Technology
- Tiwi Geothermal Power Plant, which came up with the first Science
completed in 1980; and and Technology Master Plan (STMP).
- Pulangi Hydro Electric Power Plant, The goal of STMP was for the
completed in 1985. Philippines to achieve newly
 In 1980, National Committee on industrialized country status by the year
Geological Sciences (NCGS) was created 2000. But, the Congress did not put
to advise government and private much priority in handling bills related to
entities on matters concerning science and technology
development in geological sciences and  Aquino encouraged scientists and
search for more energy and mineral inventors to bring the Philippines to its
resources (EO no.625, s. 1980). former position as second to Japan in
 1982, reorganization of the National the field of S&T
Science Development Board (NSDB) and  Aquino encouraged the private research
its agencies into a National Science and sector to form a stronger bond with
Technology Authority (NSTA) to provide public research to help jump-start the
direction and coordination of scientific progress in the area of Philippine
and technological research and Research and Development.
development.  But, due reorganization of Philippine
 In 1972, granting of salary increases to bureaucracy (EO no.128), RA no.3850 or
teachers in the Philippine Science High the “Philippine Inventors Incentive Act
School due to their necessity in the (1964) ” and Philippine Inventors
advancement of national science (EO Commission was abolished.
no.810,1s. 1982)  On April 28 1992, President Corazon C.
 In 1986, Mindanao and Visayas Aquino signed RA No. 7459, titled “An
campuses of the Philippine Science High Act Providing Incentives to Filipino
School was establish to encourage Inventors and Expanding the Functions
careers in science and technology and of the Technology Application and
to be more accessible to the talented Promotion Institute, Appropriating
students in the said area. Funds Therefor, and for Other
Purposes”. The law also known as the
Corazon Aquino (1986 -1992)
“Inventors and Invention Incentives Act
 The National Science and Technology of the Philippines, “codified the
Authority was replaced by the country’s recognition of the important
Department of Science and Technology, contribution of the Filipino inventors
giving S&T a representation in the and the technologies they developed.
cabinet. RA 7459 was crafted to give priority to
invention and its utilization and to
provide incentives to investors and
protect their exclusive right to their Functions of Government Agencies
invention. Among the incentives Related to Energy, and for Other
stipulated in the law include cash Purposes
rewards, tax incentives and exemptions,  Republic Act 7648 (Electric Power Crisis
invention development assistance fund, Act of 1993) → granted emergency
and invention guarantee fund. powers to then President Ramos to
 RA 6655 or Free Public Secondary respond to the alarming shortage of the
Education Act of 1988, Science for the supply of electricity during that period.
Masses Program which aimed to give This act prescribes the measures that
free education up to secondary level are necessary and proper to effectively
and scientific and technological literacy address the electric power crisis in our
among Filipinos. country.
 Funding for the S&T sector was tripled  Technical Education and Skills
 The Science and Technology Master Development Authority (TESDA)
Plan was formulated which aimed at the → was established through the
modernization of the production sector, enactment of RA No. 7796 otherwise
upgrading research activities, and known as the "Technical Education and
development of infrastructure for Skills Development Act of 1994",
science and technological purposes. → aims to encourage the full
 A Research and Development Plan was participation of and mobilize the
also formulated to examine and industry, labor, local government units
determine which areas of research and technical-vocational institutions in
needed attention and must given the skills development of the country's
priority. human resources.
→ The merging of the National
Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC)
of the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE). The Bureau of
Fidel V. Ramos (1993 -1998) Technical and Vocational Education
 significant increase in personnel (BTVE) of the Department of Education,
specializing in the S&T field. Culture and Sports (DECS), and The
 3,500 scholarships were given to Apprenticeship Program of the Bureau
students taking up S&T-related courses of Local Employment (BLE) of the DOLE
- Science and Technology Scholarship gave birth to TESDA.
Law of 1994 (RA 7687– S&T  In April 1993, FVR signed Proclamation
SCHOLARSHIP ACT S&T SCHOLARSHIP 169 declaring the third week of July as
ACT) National Science and Technology Week.
 Magna Carta for Science and  National Inventors Week
Technology Personnel (RA 8439) → also  National Program for Gifted Filipino
known as the “Magna Carta for Children in Science and Technology
Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, and Joseph Estrada (1998-2001)
other S&T Personnel in the
Government.” The bill aims to empower  Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (RA
Filipino scientists, expand the country's no. 8749) → to protect and
pool of S&T experts, and motivate them preserve the environment and
to continue working for the government ensure the sustainable
 Health care services were promoted development of the country’s
through local programs - "Doctors to natural resources
the Barrio Program.  Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
 modernization and update of science (RA no. 8792) → which outlaws
classrooms. computer hacking and provides
 Science and Technology Agenda for opportunities for new businesses
National Development (STAND) emerging from the Internet-driven
 The Intellectual Property Code of the New Economy
Philippines (RA 8290)  launch of a full-scale program based
 Republic Act 7638 (Charter of the on cost- effective irrigation
Department of Energy) → An Act technologies
Creating the Department of Energy,  Basic health care, basic nutrition,
Rationalizing the Organization and and useful education
 Speed up the program for that will be used for monitoring
establishing one science high school surfaces and atmospheric
in every province  Automated Guideway Transit (Hybrid
 pushed for the advancement of Electric Train) for Philippine National
industries and schools into the Railways (PNR)
Internet age  Implementation of K-12 Program
 Kindergarten Education Act (RA 10157)
Gloria Macapagal-arroyo (2001-2010)
→ compulsory and mandatory formal
 dubbed as the "golden age" of science education prior to Grade 1.
and technology  RA 10533 -Emphasizing teaching in the
 Numerous laws and projects concerning mother tongue
the environment and science helped  Number of workers certified for
push STI Technical-Vocation Training increased
 strengthening the schools and
Ridrigo Duterte (2016-2022)
education system to focus more in
science, technology and mathematics  launched of Diwata-2, an improved
 strengthening the schools and version of Diwata 1
education system to focus more in  Philippine Space Act (RA 11363) which
science, technology and mathematics establishment of both the Philippine
 passage of the Biofuels Act (RA 9367) Space Agency (PhilSA) and the
 Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (RA Philippine Space Development and
no. 9275) → aims to protect the Utilization Policy.
country's water bodies from pollution  implementation of RA 10931 or the
from land-based sources (industries and “Universal Access to Quality Tertiary
commercial establishments, agriculture Education Act” or “Free Tuition Fee Law
and community/household activities).  Balik Scientist Law (RA No.11035)
 The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 → With the passage of RA no. 11035, all
(Republic Act No. 9275) aims to protect Balik Scientists under the short-,
the country's water bodies from medium-, or long-term engagements
pollution from land-based sources shall be eligible for the general benefits,
(industries and commercial incentives, and privileges given to
establishments, agriculture and participants, e.g., round-trip airfare
community/household activities) from foreign country of origin, tax-free
 DOST scholarships for graduate daily allowance, and participation in
students ❑ ASTHRD - Accelerated grants-inaid research and development
Science and Technology Human projects of the DOST.
Resource Development Program → Under the long-term program, Balik
(ASTHRDP) ❑ ERDT Scientists and their spouses can enjoy
multiple entry immigration clearance;
Benigno Aquino (2011 – 2016) duty-free importation of personal
 creating the Department of Information effects, equipment, and vehicles; and
and Communications Technology (DICT) exemption from securing alien
→ RA no. 10844 or "An Act Creating the employment permits.
Department of Information and  Transnational Higher Education Act (RA
Communications Technology “ No.11448) → encourage, promote, and
→ Provide every Filipino access to vital accelerate the establishment of
ICT infostructure and services. Ensure transnational higher education
sustainable growth of Philippine ICT programs, the internationalization of
enabled industries resulting to creation higher education in the country, and
of more jobs. Establish a One Digitized the development of the transnational
Government, One Nation. higher education sector.
 Project NOAH (nationwide Operational  Virology and Vaccine Institute of the
Assessment of Hazards) → An accurate, Philippines (VIP) → make the
integrated and responsive disaster Philippines become globally-
prevention and mitigation system. competitive in the field of Science and
 launched the First Filipino Technology, particularly in virology,
microsatellite, Diwata-1. → provide a when it comes to detecting, identifying
high resolution images of the country and responding to viruses that affect
our people and our resources

- A scientist from Philippines who co-

discovered the erythromycin in 1949
- Erythromycin is an effective antibiotic
against various respiratory tract,

intestinal infections, and sexually
transmitted diseases.

Gregorio Zara

- Was a filipino scientist best known as

the inventor of the videophone. All told,

he patented 30 devices. His other
inventions ranged from an alcohol-
powered airplane engine to a solar
powered water heater and stove
- The video phone is the first two-way
electronic video communicator in 1955

Diosdado Banatao

Filipino scientist and inventor

Fe Del mundo
- Is an engineer, inventor, entrepreneur,
aviator, and philanthropist from iguig,
Cagayan valley
- Invented the world’s first 16-bit chip in
1972 which he invented while working
at commodore. This led to the
- has pioneering work in pediatrics, she development of GUI, which is the one
had an active medical practice in the that makes the graphics.
Philippines that spanned in eight
decades and founded a major children Angel Alcala
hospital in that country
- Incubator - The bamboo medical
incubator invented in 1945. Del
mundo’s study and devotion in
pediatrics allowed her to invent a
machine that will saved childrens.

Dr. Abelardo Aguilar - Was born on the first of march in 1929.

In 1948 alcala began an undergraduate
degree in biological studies at the
private Silliman university, in
Dumaguete in the adjoining negros as the rice grinder, coconut grater, and
oriental province the meat grinder, earning him the title
- He is behind the invention of artificial of the father of filipino inventor. He is
coral reefs used for fisheries in also known as one of the greatest
southeast asia. In 1977, acala set up the filipino inventors because of his
first artificial reef in the Philippines in important inventions
Dumaguete in 1977 when he worked - He invented the coconut grater which is
for the Philippine government as used to grate coconut meat, to produce
secretary of environmental of national niyog. He also invented the meat
resources grinder, which is used to grind meat to
produce finely minced meat which is
Marc loinaz
also used in variety of dishes. He also
invented the rice grinder, which is a
machine that grinds grains of rice into
fine powder, also used in many filipino

Dr. Juan Salcedo

- A filipino resident of new jersey who

works with lucent technologies. He was
featured in the July 1999 issue of
discover magazine
- The one-chip video camera, that was
- Contributed immeasurably to the areas
invented by loinaz is based on the same
of biochemistry, nutrition, and
ubiquitous silicon chip found in
physiology as a scientist. He has
microprocessors and memory devices
published 265 works and studies in the
Philippine and foreign science journal
- Developed enriched rice, a rice variety
fortified with vitamin B1 that helps
Dr Jose Rodriguez prevent beriberi. This discovery help
reduced the cases of beriberi in the
Philippines and in other countries.

Aisa Mijeno

- Renowned filipino leprologist and

researcher. Devoted 53 years to the
control of leprosy in the country. Dr.
rodriguez was recipient to many honors
and awards including the 1974 damien - Is a professor of engineering at De La
Dutton award Salle University – lipa in the Philippines
- Dr. Rodriguez had written many - Mijeno co-founded sustainable
scientific articles on leprosy which have alternative lighting (Salt) lamp along
been published in various journals all with his brother. This lamp is a social
over the world and considered classic in lamp that runs on just table salt and
leprosy research water.

Benjamin Almeda Rolando Dela Cruz

- Known for inventing and devising - Is a multi-awarded filipino scientist and

various food processing machines such inventor who developed an ingenuous
formula that could easily remove deeply - Invention: Water Car Daniel started
grown moles or warts from the skin working on a waterpowered car and
without leaving marks or hurting the prototype in 1969. His hydrogen reactor
patients uses electricity from a 12-volt car
- Dela Cruz invented DeBCC, a cream that battery to transform ordinary tap water
can cure basal cell carcimona (BCC), a with salt into deuterium oxide or heavy
common type of skin cancer. water.

Dr Felix D. Maramba, Sr.

- Is recognized for his important

contributions in the field of a filipino
scientist who developed and utilized - Daniel dingel is an engineer who used
biogas to work for NASA
- Maramba created a coconut oil-fueled - He claims to have invented a hydrogen
power generator and developed one of reactor. Which is a device which he
the worlds most profitable biogas claims to have used to power a water-
system fueled car. He developed a car that uses
plain tap water and/or sea water for
Paulo Campos fuel. The technology utilizes a mini-
reactor in the car that splits the water
molecule into hydrogen and oxygen,
with hydrogen being burned off as fuel.
The emission released out of the
exhaust is clean pure water vapor or
water-absolutely no pollution, in fact, it
clean the air. He now has 6 cars running
- Was a filipino physician and educator on water, the first car drove out in
dubbed as “the father of nuclear 1969, over 30 years ago.
medicine in the Philippines”. The first EDUARDO SAN JUAN – false
president of the national academy of
science and technology, he was - invention: Lunar Rover/Moon Buggy
conferred the rank and title of national Filipinos consider Eduardo as the
scientist of the Philippines in 1988 inventor of the lunar rover, or more
- Campos was also known for establishing popularly known as the moon buggy.
the first and best-known radioisotope The moon buggy was the car used by
laboratory in the country, the first Neil Armstrong and other Astronauts
research laboratory in UP’s Department when they first explored the moon in
of Medicine, and the Thyroid Clinic of 1969.
the UP-Philippine General Hospital
(PGH) Medical Center
- Invention: Karaoke He developed a sing
along system in 1975 and patented it in
- Invention: Fluorescent Lamp A the 1980’s called his sing along system
fluorescent or fluorescent tube, is a “minus one”, now holds the patent for
low-pressure mercury-vapor gas- the device now commonly known as the
discharge lamp that uses fluorescence “karaoke machine”
to produce visible light. An electric
current in the gas excites mercury
vapor, which produces short-wave - Invention: Superkalan Superkalan is a
ultraviolet light that then causes a stove that can be powered by any
phosphor coating on the inside of the substance that burns.
lamp to glow.
- Invention: 3 In 1 Firetruck This truck is ingredient or condiment in the
special since it serves as a fire truck, a Philippines
rescue vehicle, and an ambulance
- Invention: Fuel Products a revolutionary
- Invention: FEMININE HYGIENE is a fuel half-composed of water. The mix
general term used to describe personal burns faster and emits pollutants, 95
care products used by women during percent less than those released to the
menstruation, vaginal discharge, and air by traditional fuel products. The
other bodily functions related to the inventor said his invention is a result of
vulva. blending new ingredients and additives
with ordinary oil products through
agitation and mixing, which is a very
- Invention: QUINK INK an innovative ink safe process.
at that time and was further developed
to work with Parker Pens. Aside from
being quick drying, it was also water- - Invention: Modular Housing System Are
resistant, did not clog the pen opening, prefabricated buildings or houses that
does not blot and will not fade. consist of repeated sections called
modules. "Modular" is a construction
method that involves constructing
- Invention: YOYO A yo-yo is a toy sections away from the building site,
consisting of an axle connected to two then delivering them to the intended
disks, and a string looped around the site. Installation of the prefabricated
axle. It has some similarities to a sections is completed on site.
slender spool Prefabricated sections are sometimes
placed using a crane. The modules can
DR. RODOLFO AQUINO be placed side-by-side, endto-end, or
- Invetion: Isolated Rice Breeds Dr. stacked, allowing a variety of
Rodolfo Aquino isolated nine specific configurations and styles. After
breeds of rice for the International Rice placement the modules are joined
Research Institute. His discoveries together using inter-module
helped prevent famine in much of Asia, connections, also known as inter-
and were nearly solely responsible for connections
Thailand and Vietnam becoming the ATOY LLAVE
world’s leading rice producers.
- Invention: Trike Boat On land it can run
DR. ENRIQUE OSTREA up to 80 kmh. Inventor Atoy Llave told
- Invention: Drug Detection Dr. Enrique media that the vehicle has a patent
Ostrea developed the method for pending compartmentalized hull which
detecting drug use by pregnant females allows the trike to float like a boat.
by detecting traces in the baby’s stools. RAMON BARBA
His method is used by doctors
worldwide in diagnosing drug
dependency in infants.


- Invention: Jeepney are buses and the - Invention: Flowering in Mango His
most popular means of public techniques proved effective, with 400
transportation ubiquitous in the trees aged 10–12 years old flowering
Philippines. They are known for their within one week to one month of first
crowded seating and kitsch decorations, being sprayed with potassium
which have become a wide spread nitrate.His study, titled Induction of
symbol of Philippine culture and art. Flowering of the Mango by Chemical
RUPERTA DAVID/ALING TENTAY Spray was named best paper by the
Crop Science Society of the Philippines
- invetion: Patis A fish sauce, a byproduct (CSSP) in 1974.
of making bagoong, used as an
fuel, making the common coconut one
of the most useful nuts around.


- Invention: Energized Artificial Leg a

person without a leg can stand, walk,
sit, or kneel with just a push of a lever.
- Invention: Iron Mate is a device which
A draw strap connected to the waist
automatically shuts off the electrical
and arms enables the person to walk.
flow towards the flat iron when the iron
When the person walks, he or she
is rested or not in use without losing the
swings the arms. Strings are attached to
heat energy. It can save up to 50-53% of
the hands, so when the arms swing
energy consumption and electricity
back and forth, the motion creates
cost. It is portable and made of fiber
tension, which moves the legs forward
plastic crystals, with the stainless steel
and so on.
plate and a heat indicator at the rear

- Invetion: Radioisotopes A version of a DANVIC BRIONES

chemical element that has an unstable
- Invention: Rescue 72 The R72 PRD Vest
nucleus and emits radiation during its
is a personal rescue device that
decay to a stable form. Radioisotopes
combines protection (has a flotation
have important uses in medical
feature in case of typhoons and flash
diagnosis, treatment, and research
floods) and organization of the basic
RODOLFO BIESCAS necessities (like food, clothing and
shelter) that can be used in the event of
disasters, natural or manmade. We
called it R72 PRD Vest because the
contents should be good for 72 hours or
3 days because ideally, it takes 3 days
for rescuers to help after a disaster
- Invention: Multi Cooler Fan The cooling strikes
device consumes the same power as a JAYME NAVARRO OF BACOLOD
regular electric fan but produces cooler


- Invention: Vaporizer Machine A

vaporizer is a device that produces
steam or that converts liquid medicine
into vapor so that it can be inhaled. - Invention: Plastic-to-Diesel Converter a
surprising way to convert plastic bags
into fuel. It starts by melting the plastics
- Invention: Coconut oil-fueled power and then taking out the polymers to mix
generator Coconut oil is a widely used with a catalyst. Pyrolysis will occur soon
liquid biofuel that is clean, relatively after to produce hydrocarbon gases.
cheap, easy to extract, non-toxic and After several processes of purification,
aromatic. It can also be used for the final output will then be
cooking, in spreads, in health food compressed and stored.
products and cosmetics, and as a
medication vector. The leftover coconut
meal can be used to make flour, - Invention:Highmax Turbo Power
biscuits, chicken pellets and fish food Simulator A power booster that allows a
while the husks and shells with their car to run faster without adding more
high heating value are an efficient dry fuel. It “converts atmospheric air into
ozone and hydrogen/nitrous oxide
before it enters the engine to enhance biomass material used for fuel and
fuel burning efficiency.” The result: less kindling to start a fire. The term derives
fuel consumption. from the French word brique, meaning
- Invention: Banana Catsup a popular
Philippine fruit ketchup condiment - is a folding pocketknife. Its distinct
made from mashed banana, sugar, features are two handles
vinegar, and spices. Its natural color is counterrotating around the tang such
brownishyellow, but it is often dyed red that, when closed, the blade is
to resemble tomato ketchup. Banana concealed within grooves in the
ketchup was first produced in the handles. A balisong typically has the
Philippines during World War II, due to latch on the handle facing the cutting
a lack of tomatoes and a comparatively edge, and is commonly called the bite
high production of bananas. handle.


- Invention: Hydrogasifier It took 74-year - Invention: Sulpakan A cigarette lighter

old Roberto Celis 14 years to develop, that used a compressed air mechanism
but it was worth it. Using water as
The State of Science, Technology and
supplemental fuel, his invention, the
Innovation (STI) in the Philippines
“Hydrogasifier,” can be used for any
type of internal combustion engine that - The State of Science, Technology and
utilizes diesel, gasoline, hybrid, natural Innovation (STI) in the Philippines
gas, and even bio-fuels. - a key driver of the long-term growth of
an economy.
- Technology adoption allows the
- Invention: Turtle Power Tiller a set of country’s firms and people to benefit
blades (called tines) that are mounted from innovations created in other
within a wheeled housing and are countries, and allows it to keep up and
powered by either a gasoline engine or even leap frog obsolete technologies.
an electric motor. This can lead to significant
improvements in the productivity of
firms in agriculture, industry, and
- Invention: Challenge 21 is an services.
educational strategy board game for - can lead to the creation of new public
enhancing mental skills through the goods and services (or new methods of
formation of natured-inspired shapes delivering public goods and services)
and patterns with mathematical logic. that will help address the needs of
society, especially of the disadvantaged,
JUSTINO ARBOLEDA including in the areas of health,
- Invention: Interlocking Block/Ecoblock education, energy, disaster resiliency,
Eco-friendly construction blocks made and climate change adaptation.
from plastic waste. Assessment and Challenges
- There is a low level of innovation in the
ANGELO CASIMIRO country brought about by:
- Invention:Energy-generating shoes A 1. weaknesses in STI human capital,
smart shoe insole that produces enough 2. low research and development
electricity when you walk to charge (R&D) expenditures, and
small USB devices. The gizmo consists of 3. weak linkages in the STI ecosystem.
piezoelectric materials, which, as -
Angela explains, can generate an
alternating current voltage when


- Invention: Brickscoal A compressed

block of coal dust or other combustible
- -

- Filipino students lagged behind other

- In the Global Innovation Index (GII)
countries in the international
Report of 2018, the Philippines ranked
assessment for mathematics and
73rd among 126 economies in
science for grade 4, the Trends in
innovation, garnering a score of 31.56
International Mathematics and Science
out of 100. Source:
Study 2019 (TIMSS). The Philippines
only scored 297 in mathematics and
249 in science, which are "significantly
- Previous rank of the Philippines:
lower" than any other participating
- 2017: ranked 73th among 127
country. The country also scored the
lowest among all 58 participating
- 2016: ranked 74th among 128
countries for both tests.
- In the Global Innovation Index (GII)
- 2015: ranked 83rd out of 141
Report of 2018, the Philippines ranked
73rd among 126 economies in
innovation, garnering a score of 31.56 Factors behind the weak performance of the STI
out of 100. sector:
- GII is an annual ranking of countries by
1. There is lack of public awareness
their capacity for, and success in
and interest in STI.
- Many sectors do not recognize,
appreciate, and understand the use of
technology and sciencebased
information in their daily activities.
- Weaknesses in social and professional
cultures (i.e., research culture in
universities, commercialization of
results from public research, and
awareness of intellectual property
rights) in the research community and
the general public persist.
- Technologies are not widely used
among micro, small, and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) and sectors like
agriculture and fisheries.
- Weak links between technology
generators and users, capacity
constraints of users, and inadequate
local government unit support
2. Low Government Spending on STI
- STI monitoring and evaluation of
expenditures on R&D and innovation
activities, as well as support for human
resources development in the various
fields of science and technology (S&T)
indicates low government spending.
- The bulk of R&D spending (60%) comes
from the public sector.
• was used for agricultural and
industrial production and technology,
protection and improvement of human - The supply of STEM graduates exceeds
health, control and care of the local demand. (source: USAID-STRIDE
environment. study)
• Most of the R&D activities in the - There is an out-migration and
country are concentrated in the underemployment of many skilled,
National Capital Region (NCR), Region locally-trained scientists and engineers.
IV-A (CALABARZON), and Region III - There is shortage in training in fields
(Central Luzon). that are critical to innovation (i.e.,
- Although nominal R&D expenditures information technology).
increased by 80 percent to P15.92 - Brain drain
billion in 2013, the proportion of R&D 5. Absence of a Vibrant Intellectual
spending to Gross Domestic Product Property Culture
(GDP) stood at only 0.14 percent. - The output of R&D is commonly
This is substantially below the 1 percent measured in terms of patents applied
benchmark recommended by the and granted to Filipino residents.
United Nations Educational, Scientific, - Reports show that many universities do
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). not have the expertise to market their
• Low compared to the global average patent portfolios for commercial use.
of 2.04 percent. ▪ Technology generators face persisting
• In 2018, Philippine’s spending level is issues in technology ownership.
lower compared to other ASEAN ▪ Researchers are constrained by the
countries, such Singapore (2.4 percent), “publish or perish” phenomenon.
Malaysia (1.3 percent), Thailand (0.5 - Reports show that many universities do
percent) and Vietnam (0.2 percent). not have the expertise to market their
3. Inadequate S&T Human Resources patent portfolios for commercial use.
Engaged in STI R&D - The country needs to catch up in
- As of 2013, the country has a total of research publications since the number
36,517 R&D personnel, of which 26,495 of scientific publications in peer-
are key researchers (scientific, reviewed journals per million
technological, and engineering population stands at 55, substantially
personnel), and the rest are technicians below that of ASEAN member states
and support personnel. Singapore (10,368), Malaysia (1,484),
- This means that there are only 270 Thailand (478), and Vietnam (105).
researchers for every 1 million Filipinos - These result in a weak technology
- This falls short of the UNESCO norm of transfer system in the country.
380 per million population and the 6. Weak Linkages Among Players in
1,020 researchers per million the STI Ecosystem
population average across developing - Innovation actors have weak
economies of East Asia and the Pacific. cooperation, partnerships, and trust
- Of the total researchers in the country among them
from the government, higher - Most HEIs perceive collaboration with
educational institutions (HEIs) and companies as outside their core
private non-profit sectors, 14 percent missions and as potential exploitation of
have PhDs, 38 percent have Master’s their products or ideas.
degrees, and 34 percent have Bachelor - Firms report that convincing HEIs to
of Science (BS) degrees up to post BS collaborate with them is difficult
degrees because of resentment, suspicion, and
- The low number of researchers in the distrust.
country reflects the propensity of the - Firms end up with little technical
educational system to produce assistance from the government and
graduates outside of Science, research institutions.
Technology, Engineering, and 7. Restrictive Regulations that
Mathematics (STEM) programs, which Hamper the Implementation of
are the disciplines where R&D R&D Programs and Projects
flourishes. - Tedious government procurement
4. Difficulty in Increasing Employment process hampers the immediate
Opportunities and Retaining S&T acquisition of equipment and other
Human Capital. materials for research, which in turn
delays the implementation of R&D slow down activities that are causing
programs and projects global warming
- decrease research productivity, - Climate tells us what weather is usually
publication potential, and speed to like in a given place.
market innovations. In addition, - Climate is the average of weather over
- Government research grants do not time.
compensate universities for the salary
Climate Variability
of faculty members’ research activities.
A practice rarely seen outside the - “Climate variability” refers to changes in
Philippines. climate from one year to another.
8. Inadequate STI Infrastructure - It can be caused by changes in ocean
- The country does NOT have enough STI conditions far away, which can affect
infrastructure such as laboratory climate all over the world (for ex: el
facilities, testing facilities, and R&D Niño)
centers. Those that exist need - Climate variability is natural and occurs
upgrading. on a regular basis.
- The situation contributes to the lack of
absorptive capacity in research Climate Change
institutions. - Climate change is the change in climate
- Public institutions failed to provide over a time period from 10 to 100s of
young researchers, particularly those years.
returning from PhD studies abroad with - Climate change involves both natural
more advanced research agenda, with changes and changes caused by people.
the necessary equipment.
- The Philippines’ leading research Factors that Affect Climate
institutions also remain concentrated in -

Climate Change

- Weather describes whatever is

happening outdoors in a given place at
a given time.
- It is measured through wind,
temperature, humidity, atmospheric
pressure, cloudiness, and precipitation.
- Look outside right now. Is it sunny?
Cloudy? Windy? Is it about to rain or
snow? These conditions are considered Main Natural Factors that Affect Climate
weather — something that is happening - The Greenhouse Effect controls our
minute-to-minute, or day-to-day. climate - The Earth is surrounded by a
- Scientists who study weather patterns thin layer of gasses we call greenhouse
are called meteorologists. Predicting gases. These gases are what make up
the weather is an important job our atmosphere.
because it can help people prepare for -
destructive weather that’s coming —
like tornados or hurricanes
- Some areas in the world generally get a
certain amount of rainfall in the
summer, or other places in the world
are usually hot or usually cold. When
you measure a weather pattern over a
period of time to determine the
average, that’s climate.
- Scientists who study climate are called
climatologists. Studying climate is an
important job because it helps to figure
out why weather patterns are changing,
and how we may be able to stop or
- Main Human Factors that Affect Climate

Greenhouse Gases

- Human activities send gases (for

example methane, carbon dioxine CO2)
into the atmosphere that enhance the
greenhouse effect.
- Many of the gases come from fossil
fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas to
- run vehicles, and generate electricity for
industries or households.
- When the atmosphere contains too
much of those gases, the whole
atmosphere and the Earth becomes
hotter, like it does in a greenhouse. The
atmosphere holds on to too much heat,
instead of letting it escape into space

The example of CO2

- The thickness of the atmosphere and - Today there is about 25% more Carbon
the concentration of its gases influence dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere than in
the surface temperature on any planet. 1860. CO2 is the greenhouse gas that
people make the most of. The more
The Greenhouse Effect controls our climate CO2 we put into the air, the more the
- When energy from the Sun enters the temperature could rise.
Earth's atmosphere, about a third of it - Two of the biggest sources of CO2 are
is reflected back to space. burning fossil fuels and cutting down
- Of the remainder, most is absorbed by and burning trees.
the Earth’s surface. Some also stays in - Forests are called « carbon sinks »
the atmosphere, absorbed by water because they take CO2 from the air and
vapor and green house gases. store it. When trees are cut down and
- This natural Greenhouse Effect is vital burned, the CO2 that is stored in them
to life as we know it. is released back into the air. Scientists
- Right now, the average temperature on believe that every year, 2 to 5 billion
the Earth is 15°C. If there was no tonnes of CO2 are released into the air
greenhouse effect, the average from forests being cut down and
temperature would be - 18°C (33°C burned.
colder than it is now – too cold for most Aerosols
living beings).
- Aerosols are tiny solid particles or liquid
The Sun droplets that remain suspended in the
- The amount of energy coming off the atmosphere for a long time
Sun is not constant but keeps changing - They originate naturally (for example
- The amount of energy coming off the from volcanoes) but also as a result of
Sun is not constant but keeps changing human activities (industries…). In the
- Slow changes in the Earth's distance later case, aerosols are considered
from the Sun affect the amount of pollutants, which cause direct effects on
energy received from the Sun. the Earth’s radiation budget and also
- Those variations are believed to be one indirectly through changing the
of the causes that start ice ages. formation and behavior of clouds.
- Volcanoes - when a volcano erupts it Land Use Change
throws out large amounts of sulphur
dioxide (SO2), water vapour, dust, and - There are over 6 billion people on Earth.
ash into the atmosphere Humans continue replacing forests and
- The climate system is made up of many natural vegetation with agricultural
components that all affect climate: this lands. More and more people move into
includes ocean currents, atmospheric cities, therefore more houses are built.
circulation, sea ice and land covers All this has an impact on climate.
(trees, grass…
- For example, it affects the evaporation -
of water and therefore the rain cycle.

What’s the difference?

- GLOBAL WARMING Is the increase of

the Earth’ s average surface
temperature due to a build-up of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
- CLIMATE CHANGE Is the long-term
changes in climate, including average - Global Sea Level Rise
temperature and precipitation. It -
recognizes that, although the average
surface temperature may increase, the
regional or local temperature may
decrease or remain constant.

What does “average” mean?

- Climate is the average weather

conditions over time.
- Global warming refers to an increase in Climate Change in the USA
the Earth’s average temperature. - Temperatures are rising, especially in
- This map shows the five-year average winter.
variation of global surface temperatures - Extreme rainfall and flooding events
from 1884 to 2012. Dark blue indicates (24-hr and 7-day) are more frequent.
areas cooler than average. Dark red - Extreme droughts and massive wildfires
indicates areas warmer than average. are more common
- - In rural communities, forests and
farmland are impacted, making crops
and food more scarce and expensive for
- Climate change is impacting these
plants and animals
- We can observe this through
phenology, the study of events in
nature. (i.e. observing the date of the
first snowfall, or arrival of migratory
insects and animals. These events are
What proof do we have? changing.)
- Temperature & CO2 Data

- Glaciers are melting - So are ice caps on

both North and South poll. Pictured
example: Portage Glacier, Alaska Why is climate change happening?
- Pollution from coal, natural gas, and oil
- “Warming of the climate system is
unequivocal, human influence on the
climate system is clear …

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