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Professionalism in a
Diverse Workplace

DATE: 25-07-2023
Professionalism in a Diverse Workplace .......................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3
ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 3
COMPARISON............................................................................................................................................ 4
Power Distance ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Individualism ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Masculinity ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Uncertainty Avoidance.......................................................................................................................... 4
Long Term Orientation .......................................................................................................................... 5
Indulgence ............................................................................................................................................. 5
CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................................. 6
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Whenever we are with people from different cultures, we seek to find the similarities that we have and
which are the most marked differences. Everything we have learned in our country, from our culture
gives us certain behaviors, despite all breathing the same air, being biologically equal things change
according to the place where you were born and grew up. I have decided to make a comparison
between South Korea, which is a reserved country vs Spain, which is a more liberal country based on
what I have read.


Table 1

Power Distance

South Korea is known worldwide for being a hierarchical society, which means that most of its
inhabitants accept the established order without questioning what is established. This country has 60
points in this variable, versus 57 points for Spain, that is, the two countries are similar in this
comparison. Normally, employees in companies are waiting for their assigned bosses to be the ones
who decide what to do and how to do it without criticizing them. in the same way, in families, everyone
is used to being in hierarchical families where the parents are the ones who decide what should be done
at home.


The most relevant in this variable is the level of independence that the members of this country have
among themselves. in individualistic societies, they focus on the individual good of each one, while in
collective societies they focus on belonging to groups

South Korea is a collectivist society, scoring 18. Everyone works for the common good. Every member of
this country is committed to working every day for the benefit of everyone and not just their own. When
a person works in a company, the relationship he establishes with his co-workers and with his boss
becomes part of his family.

On the other hand, Spain has a score of 51, that is, a much more individualistic society, each one looks
after his good, the important thing is to advance regardless of the development of others.


A high score for Male indicates that society will be driven by competition. A low score for Female means
that the values in society are caring for others and quality of life.

South Korea has scores of 39 in this variable, it is a feminine society, equality is valued, and the quality of
work is important, that is, they have stability between their life and their work. The company's policies
offer flexible hours and free time for its employees, who are fully committed to decision-making, and
the opinion of the employees is considered.

Spain has only two points of difference compared to Korea, so they are very similar countries in this

Uncertainty Avoidance

Societies can be measured in different ways, one of them is the avoidance of uncertainty, and how
adapted are citizens to live without knowing what will happen tomorrow.
South Korea has 85 points on this variable. It is one of the highest scores worldwide, they completely
avoid uncertainty with quite rigorous daily customs, for example, they fully comply with the rules,
whether they work or not, they work hard daily and are very precise in everything they do, they stick to
the rules completely, and within its main motivations is personal and collective security. Spain is not
very different with its score of 86 points.

Long Term Orientation

South Korea has the highest score in this variable by 100 points, clearly, this country is fully focused on
its long-term goals, leaving a good place for future generations, focusing on complying with regulations
and promoting savings in families, and completely focused on having a high-quality education. It is a
country that is fully committed and long-term oriented. They all lead their lives being good people and
setting a good example for young people. employees work for the common good of the company and
this last for various generations.

Spain, on the other hand, has a score of 48 points, a society focused on the short term, on obtaining
immediate profits, they do not focus on saving, on complying with established rules and quality
education. The best example was the economic crisis that occurred in Europe in 2013, one of the most
affected countries was Spain since its citizens, not being careful, were not prepared to withstand such a
strong economic blow, leaving irreversible damage. Economic Many of them lost their homes due to
debts with the bank and most did not have the savings to cope with these problems.


This dimension is defined as the degree to which people try to control their desires and impulses, based
on the way they were raised.

Korea for sure is shown as a restrictive society with a score of 29. They look in a bad way that they can
use their free time to distract themselves or have some hobby. They are very afraid to satisfy their
desires and are completely focused on complying with the rules set by the government and society. This
is a country with high suicide rates and many of the citizens suffer from depression, this is mainly
because they feel overwhelmed and frustrated with the lifestyle they lead every day, focused on
meeting the standards of society and May your time be fully occupied in working and being better every

Spain, on the contrary, has a better balance, its score is 44 points (150% more than South Korea) when it
comes to satisfying your desires, taking time off, and making your life not only productive but also enjoy
it day by day.

In conclusion, despite having taken different countries on different continents and different cultures,
there are very similar variables such as Power Distance, Masculinity and Uncertainty Avoidance. But
there are differences in the other variables. Although we are basing all comments and comparisons on a
study that generalizes behaviors, it is important to keep in mind that each human being is different and
even if they carry the behaviors of the country where they were born, these can be improved or
changed according to the experiences. from each person


Compare countries. (2017, septiembre 4). Hofstede Insights. https://www.hofstede-

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