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Marico Vision Statement

“Transform in a sustainable manner, the lives of all those we touch, by nurturing and empowering
them to maximize their true potential.”
The power of business is in its purpose, not its profits. Marico today is more than just a business and
we are guided by the responsibility of defining, creating and distributing value and the dedication to
help our stakeholders realize their true potential. This shared vision gives us a unified sense of
purpose and commitment to being the best in everything we do.
Marico Mission Statement
“Make a difference”
Our sustainable growth story rests on an empowering work culture that encourages our members to
take complete ownership and make a difference to our entire business and social ecosystem.
Marico Vision and Mission Statement-Analysis

Marico mission statement reflects the internal strength of the company. They are more employee
oriented company which is reflected through their data. Data shows 3000+ people are associated with
Marico and directly hiring employees above 200 people. They believe if their employees are satisfied
and content, they will be more motivated and hence it will be more profitable to their company. On
the other hand, their vision statement shows the customer oriented thinking. They are more
consumers oriented. They like to maintain transparency and openness, opportunity seeking, bias for
action, excellence, innovation and global outlook.

 Nestle
Nestlé's vision statement is: “To be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
Company delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred
employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products.”
Analysis: Now the vision statement is interesting for two reasons. The first being that the company’s
vision is, in part, committed to its shareholders aka investors. The second being a preferred company.
In many ways, the first component and the second element of the vision statement go hand in hand.
By being the preferred employer and supplier, the corporation can capture the market. By becoming
the market leader, they (Nestlé) ensures that stockholders gain money. So, it is acceptable to assume
that the company’s fundamental vision is to be profitable.
Nestle mission statement is “the world’s leading nutrition, health, and wellness company. Our
mission of “Good Food, Good Life” is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious
choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to
night.” This statement indicates that Nestle ranks the experiences of its customers at the top of its
priorities. It has these elements:
 Customers
 Philosophy

 Nike
Nike’s vision statement is “do everything possible to expand human potential.” 
This statement demonstrates that the corporation does not limit itself to specific techniques in order to
provide the greatest possible sports experience to its clients. This vision statement portrays Nike as a
firm that does not settle for ordinary; instead, it seeks out the most energetic, basic, yet very efficient
designs that have a positive impact on people.

Nike mission statement is “to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.” 
Nike's impact on the sports industry is the emphasis of this statement. This company's capacity to
motivate and transform athletes into their best selves particularly resonates. For athletes who want to
be clutch, this implies that this is what they need to look out for. This mission statement has a number
of components, such as:
 Philosophy
 Customers

 PRAN Food and Beverages Ltd

PRAN Vision Statement
“Improving Livelihood”
The establishment of PRAN was based on the vision of providing products that enhance health,
nutrition, and well-being of society.
PRAN Mission Statement
“Poverty & hunger are curses. Our aim is to generate employment and earn dignity & self-respect
for our compatriots through profitable enterprises.”
PRAN greatly contributes to an economic improvement of rural livelihood by means of
employment generation and overall improvement of the condition of the rural localities.
PRAN Vision and Mission Analysis
The establishment of PRAN was based on the vision of providing products that enhance health,
nutrition, and well-being of society. Along the way it has contributed to increased rural livelihood in
its domestic country, improvement in the standard of living, a boost of the national foreign reserve
and employment generation. PRAN is keenly aware of its responsibility for society and this
awareness is reflected in its activities. PRAN believes in providing benefits that are sustainable in the
long-run. The provision of tools, knowledge, and finance nurture self-sufficiency. Also, PRAN
supports the farmers working by providing them with financial assistance on every level.
PRAN mission is to generate employment thus they help the farmers by providing incentives and also
helps the government by funding their infrastructure development. PRAN Food’s principal source of
raw food material is contract farming. It greatly contributes to an economic improvement of rural
livelihood by means of employment generation and overall improvement of the condition of the rural
localities. Growers are provided with quality inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides), improved and
advanced cultivation techniques, access to finance, crop insurance, advanced storage and collection
system and access to the international market for their products. PRAN’s contributes to government
expenditure in education, public employment generation and cash transfer under safety nets. It is also
one of the largest corporate taxpayers in its domestic country.

 ACI Limited
ACI Limited Vision Statement
ACI vision statement outlines the following points:
 Provide products and services of high and consistent quality, ensuring value for money to our
 Endeavour to attain a position of leadership in each category of our businesses.
 Develop our employees by encouraging empowerment and rewarding innovation.
 Promote inclusive growth by encouraging and assisting our distributors and suppliers in
improving efficiency.

ACI Limited Mission Statement

ACI's Mission is “to enrich the quality of life of the people through responsible
application of knowledge, technology and skills.” ACI is committed to the pursuit of
excellence through world-class products, innovative processes and empowered employees, to
provide the highest level of satisfaction to our customers.
ACI Limited Vision and Mission Statement-Analysis
A Vision statement outlines what the organization wants to be. Vision of a company is a long term
view, representing an idea about the expectation of the company in the future. Mission of a company
defines the fundamental purpose of an organization or an enterprise, briefly describing why it exists
and what it does to achieve its Vision.
ACI Limited has good and well-defined vision and mission. But the problem is their mission
statement represents the future expectation, the ultimate or broader goals of the company and what
they want to do in the future. The vision statements of ACI Limited describe what the company
would do in near future to achieve their mission. From my point of view ACI Limited has well
described vision and mission statements, but under wrong headings. The mission statement of the
company should be called as vision, and the vision statements should be called as mission statements.
Their prescribed mission statement is future oriented, representing the strategic direction of the
company. So the prescribed mission statement should be called as vision statement.

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