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Biol 1610 Pre-flection

In this course I am excited to gain and learn a deeper understand of nature and the world

around us. I am excited to learn how the theory of evolution arose and how it has been applied to

the living things around now. I want to learn about the chemistry of biology and what things are

made of.

The challenges I anticipate about taking this course is being able to learn and understand

the content. I know that there may be difficult concepts to grasp and understand which makes me

nervous. I have taken this class once before and unfortunately; I did not pass. I am back again

taking this course to give it another shot.

My plan to work on my reservations of this course is by making sure I am not

procrastinating and by allocating time to studying. I want to do all my readings and watching the

videos before class and doing the pre-class quizzes. I know that by putting my best effort in this

class and believing I can succeed then I will.

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