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CHAPTER 1:Introduction to data

processing Therefore, data processing is an operation

on computer data which involves the
Data Processing Cycle entering, sorting, updating and retrieving of
information using a computer.
- Data - The term data means any
basic fact which may be input to Properties of Data
some processing system. A
processing system is one where 1. Collected/Captured
computations, comparisons and 2. Prepared
general manipulation of data are 3. Presented
done. The processing may be 4. Precise
people or machines e.g. the 5. Complete
computer. 6. Accurate
7. Purposeful
- Information, on the other hand, is the 8. Assigned
end – result of a processing system.
The information is needed by Data Processing Cycle
management for decision making.
● Data Gathering
Data vs Information II ● Data Collation
● Input Stage
The relationship between data and ● Processing Stage
information is shown in the diagram below: ● Storage stage
● Output Stage

The Element of Data Processing

Data is often required for various purposes.

Even the same item of data may be
used in a great variety of ways depending
upon the user’s objectives.

Most data processing work may be viewed

as consisting of data processor and
What is Data processing?
output. Usually, storage also features since
both data and program instructions
Data processing is the task of using a
need to be stored.
collection of basic facts to produce
information, usually, has no value in itself
Data Processing Cycle
until it is subjected to analysis, validations
and comparisons with other data produce a
1. Input: Involves three steps; collection,
result (information), for example, a
verification/validation and coding
collection of weights of individuals do not
turn useful information for decision making.
2. Processing: Involves classification, characteristics to make it meaningful to the
sorting, calculating, converting and user. For example, sales data
storing can be grouped according to the
3. Output: Involve retrieving, converting and salesperson, product type, customer or
communication any other classification useful to
Expanded Data Processing Cycle ● SORT: This involves arranging the
grouped data element into a
1. ORIGINATION: A step which refers to predetermined sequence to facilitate
collecting the original data. processing. For example, an
2. DISTRIBUTION: this step refers to the employee number can be last. Sorting can
distribution of output be done on numbers, letters,
data.Recording of output data are often special characters or a combination of them.
called "report documents". After it has been classified,
3. STORAGE: Is crucial in many processing data may be stored.
procedures. Data processing result ● CALCULATION: The arithmetical or
are frequently placed in storage to be logical manipulation of data is referred
unused of input device for further to as calculation. Examples include
processing at a later date. computation of students’ grade-point
4. FILE: A unified set of data consists of averages, customers’ blank balances and
collection of records. employee’s wages.
● SUMMARISE: Reducing a large amount
Input Activity of data to a concise, usable form is
called summarizing. The logical reduction of
● COLLECTION: Involves gathering data data is necessary to provide
from various sources and useful information
assembling it at one location. ● STORE: Involves the storing of data not
● VERIFICATION/VALIDATION: After data Immediately needed; data could be
have been gathered, its accuracy stored on a disk, tape or CD-ROM
and completeness must be checked. This is
an important step that helps Output Activity
to eliminate the possibility of
Garbage-In-Garbage-out (GIGO) This involves retrieving data, printing data
● CODE: Data must be converted into and data communication.
machine-readable form so that it can
be entered into the processing system. Importance of Data Processing
Entering data via a computer
terminal and keyboard is one example of The art of management is increasing as our
coding. society becomes more competitive
and more technologically advanced. The
Processing Activity volume of data being generated is
correspondingly increasing and becoming
● CLASSIFICATION: Involves categorizing unmanageable. On the other hand,
data according to certain
the need to make information available, use in some countries because of its simple
timely and accurately is becoming operation. It is made up of a frame divided
more vital in the competitive world in which into two parts by a horizontal bar and
we have found ourselves. It is when vertical threads. Each thread contains some
a large volume of data is required to be beads. It was used to calculate simple
processed speedily and accurately that addition and subtraction.
Data Processing becomes indispensable.


Early Mechanical Counting/Calculating


1. Abacus Napier’s Bone

2. Slide Rule
The need for a better calculating device was
Early Electromechanical Counting Devices felt as time passed. John Napier, a Scottish
mathematician, invented a set of ten rods,
1. John Napier Bone with four sides each which was used as a
2. Blaize Pascal Machine multiplication tool. These rods were made
3. Gottfried Leibniz Machine from bones and this was the reason why
4. Joseph Jacquard Loom they were called Napier Bones. The rods
5. Charles Babbage Analytical Machine had numbers marked in such a way that, by
placing them side by side, products and
Early Electronic Counting Devices quotients of large numbers can be obtained.

1. Herman Hollerith Punch Card

2. John Von Neumann Machine

History of Computing

Man has put in every effort to have better

methods of calculations. As a result of
man’s search for fast and accurate Pascaline
calculating devices, the computer was
developed. Essentially, there are three kinds The first mechanical calculating machine
of calculating devices: manual, mechanical was invented in 1642, by Blaize Pascal, a
and automatic. French mathematician. Numbers were
entered by dialing a series of numbered
Abacus wheels in this machine. A sequence of
wheels transferred the movements to a dial,
The first calculating device was probably the which showed the result.
Abacus. The Chinese invented it. It is still in
Through addition and subtraction were Punched Card
performed the normal way, the device could
perform division by repeated subtraction During the years 1920 and 1930, the
and multiplication by repeated addition. punched card system developed steadily. A
standard card was divided into 80 columns
and 12 rows. Only one character could be
represented in the 80 columns, thus
providing a maximum of 80 characters per
card. Punching one, two or three holes in
any one column represented a character.
Holes were punched into a blank card by a
punch machine whose keyboard resembled
Leibniz Calculating Machine that of a typewriter.

Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz invented a

computer that was built in 1694. It could add
and after changing some things around, It
could multiply. Leibniz Invented a special
stepped gear mechanism for introducing the
added digits and this is still being used.

Number System

To effectively use the computer, it is

necessary to know how data is represented
and communicated to it. There are different
ways of representing data in the number
system, namely;

1. Decimal System
Jacquard’s Loom 2. Binary System
3. Octal System
Jacquard’s loom was one of the first 4. Hexadecimal Number System
machines that were run by a program.
Joseph Jacquard changed the weaving
industry by creating a loom that controlled
the raising of the thread through punched
cards. Jacquard’s loom used lines of holes
on a card to represent the weaving pattern.
CHAPTER 3: Generation of Computer 2. They could perform calculation
3. They had a more efficient storage facility
First-Generation 4. They generated less heat compared with
the first generated computers.
An electronic machine which was distinct
from mechanical computers evolved about Third-Generation
1945. Univac is a good example of this
generation of computers Third-generation computers utilized
more sophisticated software capability like
multi-programming,multi-processing and
operating systems as resource managers.

Computer of first generation were

characterized by:
1. They used Vacuum tubes
2. They were very large and expensive
3. They were very bulky
4. They had a low retentive memory Features
5. They generated a lot of heat 1. Faster input and output
2. Increased storage capability
Second-Generation 3. Increased process capability
4. Ability to display pictures and musical
Second-generation computers were the sound
replacement of vacuum tubes. The
computers utilized primary discrete Fourth-Generation
TRANSISTORS. They had limited capability
but were more advanced than the first Fourth-generation computers appeared in
generation computers. about 1975. The Technologies that
characterized these machines were LARGE
computers produced over their counterpart
of the third generation

1. They were more reliable than the first
Features 1801

1. Very cheap In France, Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a

2. Portable and reliable loom that uses punched wooden cards to
3. Use of PCs automatically weave fabric designs. Early
4. Very small size computers would use similar punch cards.
5. Concept of internet was introduced
English mathematician Charles Babbage
This generation of computers is made of conceives of a steam-driven calculating
Artificial Intelligence (AI). This category of machine that would be able to compute
computer was built around the following tables of numbers. The project, funded by
objects. the English government, is a failure. More
than a century later, however, the world’s
1. To build supercomputer i.e computers first computer was actually built
which could perform operation in the range
of 10 billion instructions per seconds
2. They were designed to have capacities 1890
like sight and hearing as well as capability
to stimulate human thoughts e.g robots Herman Hollerith designs a punch card
system to calculate the 1880 census,
accomplishing the task in just three years
and saving the government $5 million. He
establishes a company that would ultimately
become IBM.


Alan Turing presents the notion of a

Features universal machine, later called the Turing
machine, capable of computing anything
1. (Ultra Large Scale Integration) ULSI computable. The central concept of the
Technology modern computer was based on his ideas.
2. Development of true artificial intelligence
3. Development of natural language 1946
4. Advancement in Superconductor Mauchly and Presper leave the University of
technology Pennsylvania and received funding from the
5. More user-friendly interfaces with Census Bureau to build the UNIVAC, the
multimedia features first commercial computer for business and
government applications.
1947 Analog computers work with a range of
values continuously. This results in the data
William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter produced only being approximates. Analog
Brattain of Bell Laboratories invented the computers are best used for measuring
transistor. They discovered how to make an things such as speed, temperature, voltage
electric switch with solid materials and no and time.
need for a vacuum.
Some World War II bombs had smal
1958 analogue computers attached
in order to gauge when they should be
Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce unveil the released or detonated.
integrated circuit, known as the computer
chip. Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in
2000 for his work.


Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started

Apple Computers on April Fool’s Day and
roll out the Apple I, the first computer with a
single-circuit board, according Stanford
University Digital Computer

This is the most common type of computer

CHAPTER 4: Classification of Computers today. It measures physical quantities by
counting. Examples are calculators, digital
By Types wristwatches, digital fuel dispensers etc.

Computers can be classified by types into Digital computers, not surprisingly, deal with
THREE (3) major types. digital data. This makes them a lot more
accurate than analog computers. They
They are: utilize a binary number system, a system
1. Digital Computers with only two numbers, 0 and 1. The
2. Analog Computers standard computers we use today are
3. Hybrid Computers classed as digital computers.

Analog Computer

This type of computer is used to measure

and process continuous data such as
speed, temperature, heartbeat etc.
Examples are speedometer, thermometer
Hybrid Computer guidance, traffic control, weather study and
forecast etc.
This type of computer combines the
features of digital and analog computers By Size
together. Hybrid computers are mixture of
both analog and digital. They are very rare Computers can be generally categorized
as they can be expensive and complicated into four, namely:
to produce. 1. Supercomputers
2. Mainframe Computers
Although the majority of task are performed 3. Minicomputers
by a digital computer, there is certainly still a 4. Microcomputers
lot of value in both analog and hybrid 5. Mobile computer
computers when it comes to more
specialized tasks. Supercomputer

These are the largest, fastest and most

expensive computers. The cost is several
millions of dollars and the speed is between
600 million to 900 million instructions per
second (MIP).

Another name for a supercomputer is

By Functionality MONSTER. Scientists in weather
forecasting, exploration make use of
Classification of computer according to supercomputers. It can also be used for
purpose can be grouped into two (2), complex calculation in example CRAY,
namely: X-MP etc.
1. General-purpose computers
2. Special purpose computers

General-purpose computers

These are computers designed solely to

solve a vast variety of problems. For
example it can be used for word processing
and at the same time used for graphics, Mainframe computer
database, spreadsheet etc.
A mainframe computer is a large computer
Special Purpose computers in terms of price, size of internal memory
and speed. It has a variety of peripheral
These are computers designed to solve a devices such as printers, plotters etc. more
restricted class of problems, for example than those found with small computers,
computers for medical diagnosis, weapon except small computers with a large amount
of external storage.
Mobile computer
Usually describe computers that are meant
Minicomputers were developed in the 1970s to be carried around and taken from place
for specialized tasks (i.e they are to place.
special-purpose computers). They are
smaller and less powerful and less
expensive than mainframes.

Minicomputers, as they are called, are

easier to install and operate e.g PDP II, VAX
750/6000, NCR 9300, DEC, HP 3000 etc.

CHARACTER 5: Digitalization of Data

Digitalization of Data

Digitalization is the process of converting

information into digital format. This
information may represent an object, image,
sound, document or a signal (usually an
analog signal) organized into a discrete set
of its points or samples. This is the binary
Microcomputer data that computers and many devices with
computing capacity (such as digital camera
A microcomputer is a computer whose and digital hearing aids) can process.
central processing unit (CPU) is based on a
microprocessor. Microcomputers are at Digitalization can also be defined as the
present the most popular of computers. integration of digital technologies into
They are very small. The capability is everyday life. Digital system uses a binary
generally not as many and not as complex numeric system in which electronic pulses
as minicomputers or Mainframe are represented by either 0 for a Low pulse
computers.They are easy to use. Another or 1 for a High pulse. Digital can more easily
name for microcomputer is Personal
Computer (PC).
represent symbols such as alphanumeric Early counting device
characters that represent real-world data
than the analog system. 1. Finger and Toes
2. Stone
Benefits of digitalization 3. Sticks
4. Pebbles
1. Long term preservation of documents 5. Cowries
2. Orderly archiving of documents
3. Easy and customized access to In the early days of manʼs existence on
information earth, counting and simple arithmetic were
4. Easy information dissemination through performed using different parts of the body
images and text, CD-ROM, Internet, and some other counting aids. The following
Intranet and extranets are devices used by people of ancient
Types of digital computer
Finger and Toes
1. Microcomputers
2. Minicomputers In ancient times, calculations were done by
3. Mainframe computers the use of fingers and toes. Finger were
4. Supercomputers used for simple addition and toes were used
together with fingers to count up to twenty.
The technology of different information age The following problems were faced using
fingers and toes to count:
The ages are:
1. Stone age 1. They could not be used conveniently to
2. Iron age count numbers more than twenty
3. Middle age 2. The result obtained from counting with
4. Industrial age fingers could not be easily remembered.
5. Electronic age

The technology of different information age Stones and pebbles

Stones were introduced for counting

because of the limitation of counting with
fingers and toes. Counting with stones
involves building a pile of stones where
each represents a quantity. The following
were problems faced using stones as
counting device:

1. Large number of stones were too heavy

to carry from one place to another
2. It was cumbersome to count if the
counting process involved large numbers.
Grains Hardware component

The use of grains was introduced because The computer hardware could be defined as
of the heaviness of stones. Grains can be the physical parts of the computer that we
kernel, beans, rice, corn etc. Grains were see, feel and handle. It consist of a device
used the same way as stones. for input, processing, storage, output and
Hardware can be divided into two
These are small pieces of wood that are categories:
used for counting in place of stones and 1. System unit
grains. Children in nursery and primary 2. The peripheral
schools use match sticks for counting.
CPU/System unit
Marks on the wall
The CPU is the brain of the computer
This involves the use of sharp objects in system and it can be subdivided into:
drawing a line on the wall for counting. 1. Control Unit
Continuous marks on walls will make a wall 2. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
dirty. 3. Memory Unit

Disadvantage of early counting device Control unit

1. They are difficult to carry. This is the unit of the computer system that
2. Counting and calculation take a lot of fetches instruction from the main storage,
time. interpret them and issue all the necessary
3. They are prone to mistakes. signals to the components making up the
4. They cannot be used to count or System.
calculate large numbers.
5. Their results cannot be easily Arithmetic and logic unit
6. They have no storage facilities. This part of the CPU is where all arithmetic
operations are carried out on the computer.
This unit is also involved in decision making.
Components of a computer system Logic functions such as less than (<), equal
(=), greater than (>), etc. which are
A computer system consists of three main operations of comparisons are used for
parts otherwise called components. They decision making.
1. Hardware Memory unit
2. Software
3. Peopleware The memory or primary storage unit is the
computer where the program and the data
are stored. The computer memory is divided The computer
into two namely:
1. Random access memory (RAM) A computer is an electronic machine which
2. Read-Only Memory (ROM) accepts data as input, processes the data
and gives out information under the control
Peripherals of stored programs. The information which
The computer gives out is called OUTPUT.
The peripherals are devices outside the
CPU but function under the control of the Computer as a machine
CPU e.g. mouse, keyboard, printer etc.
This is the physical aspect of a computer
Peripherals has three categories: known as computer hardware. It consists of
1. Input Devices electronic and electro-mechanical parts
2. Output Devices working together to process data.
3. Auxiliary Storage Device

Software Components Computer process data

Software is the set of instructions that is 1. It accepts data (input).

used to direct the computer hardware to 2. It processes data (processing).
perform its tasks. That is, it is a set of 3. It supplies information (output).
instructions that allows the users to do work
and allow the computer to operate. The A computer is controlled by a stored
software programs i.e. another name for the program
software is a program. Program is the
sequence of instructions given to a A program is a set of instructions which tells
computer to solve a given problem or the computer to perform a given task. A
accomplish a given task. There are two the computer does not understand English
main classes of software which are: or any of the Nigerian languages. Rather ,
1. System software its language is called PROGRAM.
2. Application Software
CHARACTER 6: ICT Application in
System software Everyday life

These are programs written by the Introduction

manufacturer to control the smooth running
of the computer. ICT or Information Communication
Technology has turned this world to a global
Application Software village. Apart from communications, that
is, reaching people both far and near; It has
These are programs written by also made the work easier and better.
programmers to instruct the computer to
perform a particular task. Better productivity, salaries, health care and
even farming and education.
Sectors where ICT has played a major role Commerce

1. Education 1. ICT makes buying and selling easier

2. Banking 2. Computers are used by customers to
3. Industry connect online with suppliers
4. Commerce 3. Computers are used to keep a record of
the transactions
Education 4. ICT is applied as a means of
communication between customers and
ICT is applied in the education sector in the producers
following ways:
1. Research for teaching materials, online Impact of ICT on society
conferences etc.
2. ICT or computers are used as a 1. Faster communication speed
reference material 2. Lower communication cost
3. ICT or computer is used by the 3. Reliable mode of communication
researchers to collect and process data. 4. Effective sharing of information
4. Computers are used as administrative 5. Borderless communication
5. ICT offers interactive learning. Negative effects on ICT

Banking Sector 1. Insecurity of data

2. Fraud
1. Banks use computers to control the entire 3. Unemployment
banking system 4. Virus threat
2. Online transactions by customers are 5. Cost of setting up ICT gadgets
possible 24 hours
3. Accessing company account by Data and Information
businessmen online
4. Supervision of banking activities by bank Data
Data are raw, unorganized or unprocessed
Industry facts that need to
be processed. Data can be something
1. Computers are used to facilitate the simple and seemingly
production planning and control system. random and useless until it is organized.
2. Automation in the production of goods
3. Researchers use computers to analyze There are two types of data:
and collect data for future reference. 1. Qualitative data (Descriptive information)
4. Computers are used by administrators to 2. Quantitative data (Numeric information)
oversee the entire operation in the factory. a. Continuous data: This can take any
value. It is also known as measured data. It
can take value within a range
b. Discrete data: This type of data is 2. Reliability: It must come from a reliable
whole in nature. It is not continuous. It takes source
a whole number and also called COUNTED 3. Accuracy: It must be an end product of
DATA processed data. That is it must be
Data 4. Availability: It must be available and
communicated to the user as at when it is
Forms of Data needed
1. Numeric : 0-9 5. Suitability: It must be expressed in the
2. Letters : a-z or A-Z form the user of the information can
3. Symbols: + - / * & etc understand it and of suitable for its
Source of data
Data Handling
Data can come from different sources
depending on the importance of the data. This process of ensuring that research data
The following are source of data: is stored, archived or disposed-off safely
Television, internet, articles, government and securely during and after the conclusion
documents, public record, newspaper, of a research project.
textbooks and biographies.
Ways of handling data:
Information 1. Electronic methods: data can be handled
This refers to data that has been converted ensures data integrity.
into more meaningful and useful form. It 2. Non-Electronic methods: This methods
refers to a processed data that is includes paper
meaningful to the user. files, journal and laboratory reports

Examples of Information:
1. Student ID
2. Weather reports
3. Student’s report card
4. Passport
5. Utility bills

Source of Information: Internet, Database,

Magazine/Newspaper, Census
Board, Documents, etc

Characteristic of good information

1. Relevance: It must be relevant and good

enough for it purpose

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