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2019 American Heart Association Focused Update on
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support: Use of Advanced
Airways, Vasopressors, and Extracorporeal
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation During Cardiac Arrest
An Update to the American Heart Association Guidelines for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care

ABSTRACT: The fundamentals of cardiac resuscitation include the Ashish R. Panchal, MD,
immediate provision of high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation combined PhD, Chair
with rapid defibrillation (as appropriate). These mainstays of therapy set the Katherine M. Berg, MD
groundwork for other possible interventions such as medications, advanced Karen G. Hirsch, MD
airways, extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and post–cardiac Peter J. Kudenchuk, MD,
arrest care, including targeted temperature management, cardiorespiratory FAHA
support, and percutaneous coronary intervention. Since 2015, an increased Marina Del Rios, MD, MSc
number of studies have been published evaluating some of these José G. Cabañas, MD,
interventions, requiring a reassessment of their use and impact on survival MPH
from cardiac arrest. This 2019 focused update to the American Heart Mark S. Link, MD, FAHA
Michael C. Kurz, MD, MS,
Association advanced cardiovascular life support guidelines summarizes
the most recent published evidence for and recommendations on the use of
Paul S. Chan, MD, MSc
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advanced airways, vasopressors, and extracorporeal cardiopulmonary Peter T. Morley, MBBS,

resuscitation during cardiac arrest. It includes revised recommendations for FAHA
all 3 areas, including the choice of advanced airway devices and strategies Mary Fran Hazinski, RN,
during cardiac arrest (eg, bag-mask ventilation, supraglottic airway, MSN, FAHA
Michael W. Donnino, MD
or endotracheal intubation), the training and retraining required, the
administration of standard-dose epinephrine, and the decisions
involved in the application of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary
resuscitation and its potential impact on cardiac arrest survival.

Key Words: AHA Scientific Statements

advanced cardiac life support
airway management
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation heart arrest
vasoconstrictor agents

© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.

Circulation. 2019;140:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000732 TBD TBD, 2019 e1

Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

T his 2019 focused update to the American Heart

Association advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS)
mask ventilation (BMV). In addition to BMV, it may be

guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscita-tion (CPR) and

helpful for providers to master an advanced airway

emergency cardiovascular care is based strategy and a second (backup) strategy for use if they
on the evidence identified in systematic reviews and the are unable to establish the first-choice airway adjunct.
resulting “2019 International Consensus on Cardiopul- Once an advanced airway is inserted, providers
monary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular should immediately perform a thorough assessment to
Care Science With Treatment Recommendations” from ensure that the airway device is properly positioned and
the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation effective. This assessment should minimize inter-
(ILCOR).1 The draft advanced life support Consensus on ruption of chest compressions. Assessment by physi-
Science With Treatment Recommendations was posted cal examination consists of visualizing chest expansion
online for public comment,2–4 and a summary contain-ing bilaterally and listening over the epigastrium (breath
the final wording of the Consensus on Science With sounds should not be heard) and the lung fields bilater-
Treatment Recommendations has been published ally (breath sounds should be equal and adequate). A
simultaneously with this focused update.1 device should also be used to confirm correct place-
The expert writing group for this 2019 ACLS fo- ment (see the Endotracheal Intubation Versus BMV—
cused update reviewed both the 2019 Consensus on Updated 2019 section).
Science With Treatment Recommendations web-based Providers should observe a persistent capnograph-ic
documents and the studies included in the systematic waveform with ventilation to confirm and monitor
reviews.5–7 The writing group discussion and evidence endotracheal tube (ETT) placement in the field, in the
reviews were conducted in light of the structure and transport vehicle, on arrival at the hospital, and after
resources of the out-of-hospital and in-hospital resus- any patient transfer to reduce the risk of unrecognized
citation systems and the providers who use these tube misplacement or displacement.
ACLS guidelines. In addition, the writing group The use of capnography to confirm and monitor
determined Classes of Recommendation and Levels of cor-rect placement of supraglottic airways (SGAs)
Evidence (Table) according to the most recent has un-dergone limited evaluation, and its utility will
recommendations of the American College of depend on airway design.14,15 However, effective
Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on ventilation through an SGA device should result in a
Clinical Practice Guidelines8 by using the process capnograph waveform during CPR and after return
detailed in the “2015 American Heart Association of spontaneous circulation (ROSC).
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Guidelines Update for Cardiopul-monary Resuscitation Once an advanced airway is in place during cardiac
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care.”9 arrest, the providers performing CPR should no longer
This 2019 document updates the recommenda-tions deliver cycles of CPR (ie, compressions interrupted by
for use of advanced airways, vasopressors, and pauses for ventilation). Instead, the compressing provid-er
extracorporeal CPR (ECPR) during cardiac arrest only. should give continuous chest compressions at a rate of
These updates are in addition to those published in the 100 to 120 per minute without pauses for ventila-tion.
2017 and 2018 guidelines focused updates. 10,11 All Ventilation is then provided at a rate of 10 breaths per
other recommendations and algorithms published in minute (1 breath every 6 seconds). Asynchronous breaths
“Part 7: Adult Advanced Cardiovascular Life Sup-port” are delivered unless ventilation can only be delivered
in the 2015 AHA guidelines update12 and “Part successfully when compressions are paused. Providers
8: Adult Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support” in should avoid delivering excessive ventilation during CPR
the “2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for because doing so can compromise venous return and
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Car- cardiac output and decrease cerebral blood flow by
diovascular Care”13 remain the official recommenda- causing direct vasoconstriction.16
tions of the American Heart Association Emergency
Cardiovascular Care Science Subcommittee and Choice of an Advanced Airway
writ-ing groups.
— Updated 2019
BMV without an advanced airway device may not allow
USE OF ADVANCED AIRWAYS adequate ventilation in all patients during re-suscitation
from cardiac arrest and does not protect against
IN CARDIAC ARREST pulmonary aspiration of orogastric secretions. As a
To use advanced airways effectively, healthcare provid- result, advanced airway devices are frequently placed
ers must maintain their knowledge and skills through by providers during CPR. However, placement of an
frequent practice. Airway management during cardiac advanced airway during active compressions is
arrest usually begins with a basic strategy such as bag- challenging, often requiring interruption of chest
compressions. Emergent intubation may result in a

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Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

Table. Applying Class of Recommendation and Level of Evidence to Clinical Strategies, Interventions, Treatments, or Diagnostic Testing in Patient

Care (Updated August 2015)*
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malpositioned ETT or device. An ILCOR-commissioned tion (ETI) in a physician-based system. 17 The success
systematic review7 evaluated the effects on overall rate of ETI in this study was 98%, illustrating what ap-
cardiac arrest survival and neurological outcome when pears to be a relatively optimal setting for the potential
providers used an advanced airway device such as an success of ETI as an intervention. Within that context,
ETT or SGA compared with BMV and other airway there were no overall differences in 28-day survival
management strategies during attempted resuscita-tion (relative risk [RR], 1.02 [95% CI, 0.71–1.47]) or 28-day
for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and in- survival with favorable neurological function (RR, 1.03
hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA). [95% CI, 0.68–1.55]) between groups treated with ETI
and with BMV.17
In addition to the randomized controlled study by
Evidence Summary—Updated 2019 Jabre et al,17 the systematic review identified a num-ber
Endotracheal Intubation Versus BMV of observational studies evaluating the use of BMV
One large randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 2043 compared with ETI.7 Many of these studies suggested
subjects with OHCA compared BMV (with predefined an association of ETI with worse outcome, but selec-
potential rescue intubation) with endotracheal intuba- tion bias and confounding severely limit the certainty

Circulation. 2019;140:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000732 TBD TBD, 2019 e3

Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

of the data.7 Confounding by indication is also prob- 3. If an advanced airway is used, either the

lematic because ETI is more likely to be used in SGA or ETT can be used for adults with

patients with more severe disease. Almost all studies OHCA in settings with high tracheal
had resus-citation or immortal time bias, which are intubation suc-cess rates or optimal
forms of bias/ confounding that can occur in training opportuni-ties for ETT placement
observational studies evaluating an intervention if (Class 2a; Level of Evidence B-R).
timing is not taken into account. The systematic review 4. If an advanced airway is used in the in-
by Granfeldt et al,7 the work of Donnino et al,18 and the hospital setting by expert providers trained in
analysis by Lévesque et al19 provide further information. these procedures, either the SGA or ETT can
be used (Class 2a; Level of Evidence B-R).
SGA Devices 5. Frequent experience or frequent retraining
Two large RCTs compared the use of an SGA strat-egy
is recommended for providers who perform
with an ETI placement strategy in non–physician-based
ETI (Class 1; Level of Evidence B-NR).
emergency medical services systems.20,21 There was
6. Emergency medical services systems that
significant heterogeneity in design across studies, perform prehospital intubation should pro-
precluding pooling of data. One RCT of 9296 subjects vide a program of ongoing quality improve-
compared insertion of the i-gel (from Intersurgical Ltd, ment to minimize complications and to track
Berkshire, UK) SGA with ETI, finding no differ-ence in overall SGA and ETT placement success
survival (RR, 0.95 [95% CI, 0.82–1.10]) or sur-vival with rates (Class 1; Level of Evidence C-EO).
good neurological outcome (RR, 0.92 [95% CI, 0.77– The RCTs included in this evaluation allowed for
1.09]) at hospital discharge.20 The other RCT enrolled provider deviation based on clinical judgement, and a
3004 patients with OHCA and compared ETI with number of protocol deviations were, in fact, reported. It
insertion of the laryngeal tube (from VBM is impossible to assess the individual potential patient
Medizintechnik GmbH, Sulz am Neckar, Germany), benefit (or harm) that guided each decision to place an
finding both higher survival to hospital discharge (RR, advanced airway. Patient and provider characteristics
1.34 [95% CI, 1.07–1.68]; 27 more patients per 1000 can influence outcome on a case-by-case basis. For ex-
[95% CI, 6–48]) and higher survival to hospi-tal ample, a provider with poor ETI skills would likely serve
discharge with good neurological outcome (RR, 1.42 the patient better by not attempting ETI. Likewise, for a
[95% CI, 1.07–1.89]; 21 more patients per 1000 [95% patient with witnessed in-hospital ventricular fibril-lation,
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CI, 3–38]) at hospital discharge when the laryn-geal providers should prioritize immediate CPR with
tube was used.21 defibrillation as the definitive therapy over delaying de-
Although the Jabre et al17 study illustrated high rates fibrillation to allow placement of an advanced airway.
of ETI success (98%), the Benger et al 20 and Wang et In contrast, a patient with hypoxic-driven arrest with
al21 studies were conducted in settings with much lower copious vomitus in the airway may require qualified
success rates. Specifically, the reported ETI success providers to consider rapid ETI. Therefore, the ultimate
rate in the Benger et al trial was 69% and in the Wang decision on both the type and timing of an advanced
et al trial was 52%. In addition, the definition of airway will require consideration of a host of patient and
intubation success rate also differed among these provider characteristics that are not easily defined in a
trials. Similar to the method used in the systematic global recommendation. On the basis of these chal-
review,7 we treated these trials as occurring in settings lenges, there is a specific need to better understand
with historically high or low intubation success. With a how patient characteristics interface with rescuer train-
historically lower suc-cess rate of ETI, the results of ing, experience, technical tools, and skills to address
these latter studies may not accurately reflect the and overcome specific challenges for advanced airway
effectiveness of ETI compared with SGA devices. management during resuscitation.
Recommendations for advanced airway placement
during cardiac arrest presume that the provider has the
Recommendations—Updated 2019 initial training and skills and the ongoing experi-ence to
1. Either BMV or an advanced airway strategy insert the airway and to verify proper position with
may be considered during CPR for adult minimal interruption in chest compressions. BMV
car-diac arrest in any setting (Class 2b; ventilation also requires skill and proficiency. Thus, the
Level of Evidence B-R). choice of BMV instead of advanced airway insertion will
2. If an advanced airway is used, the SGA can be be determined by the skill and experience of the
used for adults with OHCA in settings with provider and the patient needs. An important aspect of
low tracheal intubation success rate or all these airway management decisions must be a clear
minimal training opportunities for ETT place- and distinct plan for situations in which the initial airway
ment (Class 2a; Level of Evidence B-R). device fails.

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Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

The rationale for tracking the overall success rate for heterogeneity of design precluded combining them
systems performing ETI is to make informed decisions as into a meta-analysis.5


to whether practice should allow this procedure or move The 2 RCTs22,23 comparing use of epinephrine (up to
toward the use of an SGA for patients in cardiac arrest; 10 standard doses of 1 mg every 3–5 minutes) with
recommendations will vary depending on the overall placebo during cardiac arrest were included in a meta-
success rate in a given system. Furthermore, fre-quent analysis. In the pooled analyses, the use of epineph-
experience and training are important to main-tain high rine for patients with any initial rhythm significantly
overall success rates for airway management and should increased survival to hospital discharge (RR, 1.44 [95%
be part of a system of ongoing quality im-provement. At CI, 1.11–1.86]; 10 more per 1000 [95% CI, 2–19]),
this time, there is insufficient evidence to make a specific survival to hospital admission (RR, 2.88 [95% CI, 2.57–
recommendation about the ideal fre-quency of retraining. 3.22]; 156 more per 1000 [95% CI, 131–185]), and
This is a knowledge gap that must be addressed in future ROSC (RR, 3.09 [95% CI, 2.82–3.39]; 243 more per
investigations. 1000 [95% CI, 211–277]).5 However, there was no
significant difference between groups in survival to hos-
pital discharge with a favorable neurological outcome.
USE OF VASOPRESSORS IN Only the larger, more recent RCT (PARAMEDIC 2
CARDIAC ARREST [A Randomized Trial of Epinephrine in Out-of-Hospital
Cardiac Arrest]) looked at survival beyond hospital dis-
In 2018, ILCOR commissioned a systematic review and
charge, although the number of survivors was small. In
meta-analysis of vasopressor use during cardiac arrest
this study, epinephrine improved survival at 30 days
as part of the focused update process to evaluate the
(RR, 1.40 [95% CI, 1.07–1.84]; 9 more per 1000 [95%
published literature. This ILCOR systematic review,
CI, 2–18]). Although there was an increase in survivors
pub-lished in 2019,5 addresses the use of the
with poor neurological function at discharge in the
vasopressors epinephrine and vasopressin during
epinephrine group, there was no difference in survival
cardiac arrest. The new recommendations in this 2019
with favorable or unfavorable neurological outcome at
ACLS focused up-date apply only to the use of these
the 3-month time point. In fact, the difference in sur-
vasopressors for car-diac resuscitation.
vival with favorable neurological outcome approached
significance in the epinephrine group (RR, 1.30 [95%
Evidence Summary: Standard- CI, 0.94–1.80]; 5 more per 1000 [95% CI, 1 fewer–13
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Dose Epinephrine—Updated 2019 more]).23

Epinephrine has been hypothesized to have beneficial Epinephrine Effect and Arrest Rhythms
effects during cardiac arrest primarily because of its α- There may be a difference in epinephrine effect on fa-
adrenergic (ie, vasoconstrictor) effects. These effects vorable neurological outcomes on the basis of arrest
can increase coronary and cerebral perfusion pressure rhythm. In the PARAMEDIC 2 trial, among those with
during CPR. The value and safety of the β-adrenergic nonshockable rhythm treated with epinephrine, the in-
effects of epinephrine are controversial because they crease in survival with favorable neurological outcome
may increase myocardial oxygen demand and reduce at 3 months approached statistical significance (RR,
subendocardial perfusion and may be proarrhythmic. 3.03 [95% CI, 0.98–9.38]; 3 more per 1000 [95% CI, 0
Similarly, the α-adrenergic effects of the drug may fewer–11 more]).24 There was no difference in this
cause vasoconstriction at a microvascular level, result- outcome for those with shockable rhythms.
ing in greater tissue ischemia. The systematic review also analyzed short-term out-
The ACLS recommendations in the 2010 comes in a pooled analysis of the 2 RCTs on the basis of
guidelines13 and the 2015 AHA guidelines update12 presenting rhythm.5 Such subgroup analysis, although
state that it is reasonable to consider administering a 1- informative, has limitations because the number of
mg dose of intravenous/intraosseous epinephrine every patients is small, so the analysis is underpowered, and
3 to 5 min-utes during adult CPR. At the time of the accordingly, conclusions are less definitive than overall
2015 evi-dence evaluation, 1 RCT 22 demonstrated that findings. In this analysis, epinephrine improved sur-vival to
epineph-rine increased ROSC and hospital admission, hospital discharge in those with nonshockable rhythms
but this trial was stopped early and was therefore (RR, 2.56 [95% CI, 1.37–4.80]; 6 more per 1000 [95% CI,
underpow-ered to detect any differences in longer-term 1–15]) but not in those with shockable rhythms.
survival or good neurological outcome.22 Epinephrine increased ROSC in patients with both
Two RCTs22,23 were identified in the 2019 system- nonshockable (RR, 4.45 [95% CI, 3.91–5.08]; 254 more
atic review that evaluated the effects of epinephrine per 1000 [95% CI, 214–301]) and shockable (RR, 1.68
in OHCA.5 There were also a number of nonrandom- [95% CI, 1.48–1.92]; 185 more per 1000 [95% CI, 130–
ized comparative studies, but high risk of bias and 250]) rhythms.22,23 There was a statistically

Circulation. 2019;140:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000732 TBD TBD, 2019 e5

Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

significant interaction between epinephrine and These knowledge gaps need to be addressed and

initial rhythm, suggesting that epinephrine may be are important avenues for future research.

effective for nonshockable rhythms.5

Evidence Summary: Standard
Recommendation: Standard-Dose Dose Epinephrine Versus High-
Epinephrine—Updated 2019 Dose Epinephrine—Reviewed
1. We recommend that epinephrine be admin- High doses of epinephrine are generally defined as dos-es
istered to patients in cardiac arrest (Class 1; in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg. In theory, higher doses of
Level of Evidence B-R). On the basis of the epinephrine may increase coronary perfusion pressure,
protocol used in clinical trials, it is reasonable resulting in increased ROSC and survival af-ter cardiac
to administer 1 mg every 3 to 5 minutes (Class arrest. However, the adverse effects of higher doses of
2a; Level of Evidence C-LD). epinephrine in the post–cardiac arrest period may negate
The strength of the recommendation is based on the potential advantages during the intra-arrest period. In the
significant difference in 30-day survival and sur-vival to 2010 guidelines, the use of high-dose epinephrine was not
hospital discharge, as well as the short-term outcomes recommended except in special circumstances such as for
of ROSC and survival to hospital admission. Although β-blocker or calcium channel blocker overdose or when
epinephrine has not been shown definitively to improve titrated to real-time physiologically monitored
survival with favorable neurological out-come, this parameters.13 In 2015, ILCOR evaluated the use of high-
outcome was difficult to assess given the small number dose epinephrine compared with standard doses,25 and
of evaluable subjects at the 3-month time point.
the 2015 AHA guidelines update recommended against its
However, results suggest possible ben-efit, particularly
use with a strength of Class 3: No Benefit.12
for patients with initial nonshockable rhythm. Although
the PARAMEDIC 2 trial did not re-port any increase in
A number of trials comparing high-dose with
long-term survival with unfavor-able neurological
standard-dose epinephrine found that high-dose
outcome, there was an increase in short-term survival
epinephrine failed to result in improvement in survival
with unfavorable neurological out-come.23 The very low
to discharge with favorable neurological outcome (ie,
survival rate with favorable neu-rological outcome at
Cerebral Performance Category score 1–2), 26,27 survival
discharge (1.9%–2.2%) in this study23 may not be
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to discharge,26–30 or survival to hospital

generalizable to other healthcare systems or locations
admission.26,27,29,31 Some studies reported higher rates
where survival may be higher; therefore, the impact of
of short-term ROSC with high-dose epinephrine. 26–31
epinephrine could vary. Varia-tions in post–cardiac
For the 2019 review, ILCOR determined that unless
arrest care may also have a sub-stantial impact on
new studies were identified that were not considered in
outcomes of patients with OHCA who survive to
the 2015 review on this topic, this comparison would
hospital admission.25 The significant improvements in
not be rereviewed. In a systematic search, no new
ROSC, short-term survival, long-term survival, and
potentially good neurological outcome support a strong studies were identified; therefore, the 2015
recommendation for epinephrine despite some recommendation remains unchanged.
remaining uncertainty about the overall impact on
neurological outcome. Recommendation: Standard-
The systematic review identified no RCTs testing Dose Epinephrine Versus High-
epi-nephrine versus placebo in IHCA.5 It is unclear in
what way the results from the OHCA studies apply to
Dose Epinephrine—Unchanged
IHCA; the potential impact of variations in timing of 1. High-dose epinephrine is not recommended
drug ad-ministration, presenting rhythms, and presence for routine use in cardiac arrest (Class 3: No
of im-mediately reversible factors also is unclear. Time Benefit; Level of Evidence B-R).
to drug is markedly shorter in IHCA, suggesting that
epineph-rine may be more likely to be beneficial,
particularly for nonshockable rhythms, but this remains
Evidence Summary: Vasopressin
unknown. Conversely, witnessed arrests, particularly if Versus Epinephrine—Updated 2019
shockable, may be treatable without epinephrine, Vasopressin is a nonadrenergic peripheral vasoconstrictor
especially if a reversible cause is identified. that also causes coronary and renal vasoconstriction. Va-
Finally, these evaluations did not address the poten-tial sopressin was removed from the American Heart Associa-
importance of the mode of delivery of epinephrine tion Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm in 2015 when initial
(intraosseous versus intravenous) and whether a thresh- trials32,33 failed to demonstrate significant benefit for va-
old dose of benefit or harm exists for epinephrine. sopressin compared with or in addition to epinephrine.

e6 TBD TBD, 2019 Circulation. 2019;140:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000732

Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

The 2019 vasopressor systematic review 5 identified offers no advantage as a substitute for epi-
3 RCTs32–34 that were evaluated in a meta-analysis and nephrine alone (Class 2b; Level of Evidence


1 additional trial not pooled, 35 comparing initial vaso- C-LD).
pressin with initial epinephrine during CPR. There was The RCTs comparing the combination of
no significant difference between groups in any of the vasopres-sin and epinephrine with epinephrine alone
outcomes. The certainty of this evidence was low to have failed to show any benefit from the addition of
very low as a result of heterogeneity in study design va-sopressin to epinephrine. However, these trials
and imprecision resulting from small sample sizes. were typically small, and even when combined in a
meta-analysis, they do not approach the sample size
that would be necessary to conclude definitively that
Recommendation: Vasopressin vaso-pressin offers no additional benefit. Because
Versus Epinephrine—Updated 2019 there is no evidence that vasopressin provides
1. Vasopressin may be considered in a cardiac additional ben-efit when added to epinephrine, the
arrest but offers no advantage as a substitute consensus of the writing group was that the use of
for epinephrine in cardiac arrest (Class 2b; epinephrine alone as a vasopressor during cardiac
Level of Evidence C-LD). arrest will maintain simplicity in the cardiac arrest
The RCTs comparing initial vasopressin with initial epi- treatment algorithm and the drugs required.
nephrine have failed to show any outcome benefit from the
use of vasopressin compared with epinephrine. These Evidence Summary: Timing of Epinephrine
trials were typically small, and even when combined in a
meta-analysis, they do not approach the sample size that
Administration—Updated 2019
would be necessary to conclude definitively that vasopres- No RCTs have directly investigated the optimal timing
sin offers no benefit. There is evidence that epinephrine of epinephrine administration. Sixteen observational
improves survival compared with placebo, and there is no studies were identified on this topic, the majority of
such evidence for vasopressin compared with placebo. which were in patients with OHCA, and all of which
Be-cause there is also no evidence that vasopressin is were deemed to have critical risk of bias, precluding
superior to epinephrine, it seems appropriate to use only a meta-analysis. Ten of these studies18,39–47 compared
epineph-rine during cardiac arrest, thus maintaining early (variably defined as 1–3, <5, <10, 5–18, and 5– 20
minutes) and late administration of the first dose of
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greater sim-plicity for providers in the treatment algorithm

and in the drugs required. It should be noted that the epinephrine. All found higher rates of ROSC when epi-
combination of vasopressin and steroids during cardiac nephrine was administered early. Differences in survival to
arrest was not evaluated in the 2019 vasopressors update. hospital discharge and favorable neurological out-come
were additionally limited by very low event rates and
inconsistent results across studies. Four studies48–51
Evidence Summary: Epinephrine in evaluated time to first dose of epinephrine as a contin-
Combination With Vasopressin Versus uous variable, finding slightly lower odds of ROSC per 1-
minute delay in epinephrine administration. Earlier
Epinephrine Only—Updated 2019
treatment may encompass many variables apart from time
Three RCTs36–38 were evaluated in a meta-analysis com- itself. Among these, a higher level of overall per-formance
paring the use of initial epinephrine plus vasopressin with by care providers (eg, high-quality CPR, rapid vascular
epinephrine only during CPR.5 There was no sig-nificant access, improved team performance, and rap-id airway
difference between groups for any of the out-comes. The management) could improve the overall ef-ficiency of the
low to very low certainty of evidence was the result of resuscitation effort, for which the timing of epinephrine
heterogeneity in study design, some in-consistency in may merely serve as a surrogate.
results between studies, and imprecision resulting from Although neither of the RCTs comparing epineph-
smaller sample sizes. One other RCT was available for rine with placebo evaluated the timing of epinephrine
analysis and was not included in the meta-analysis administration, the protocol in both cases was to ad-
because of a significant number of patients re-ceiving minister epinephrine as soon as possible for
epinephrine before randomization.35 nonshock-able rhythms and after the third shock for
shockable rhythms.22,23
Recommendation: Epinephrine in
Combination With Vasopressin Versus Recommendations: Timing of Epinephrine
Epinephrine Only—Updated 2019 Administration—Updated 2019
1. Vasopressin in combination with epinephrine 1. With respect to timing, for cardiac arrest with
may be considered during cardiac arrest but a nonshockable rhythm, it is reasonable

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Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

to administer epinephrine as soon as als, or observational studies (cohort and case-


feasible (Class 2a; Level of Evidence C-LD). control studies) that included a control group.

2. With respect to timing, for cardiac arrest

with a shockable rhythm, it may be reason-
There are no RCTs on the use of ECPR for OHCA. Fif-
able to administer epinephrine after initial
teen observational studies were identified that included
defibrillation attempts have failed (Class 2b;
patients from Asia, Europe, and North America with
Level of Evidence C-LD).
median ages from 46 to 59 years who were enrolled
The lack of other competing beneficial interven-tions for
between 1999 and 2015. Some studies included over-
nonshockable rhythms and the higher rates of ROSC and
lapping cohorts or time frames. The studies varied in
survival with epinephrine in nonshockable rhythms form
inclusion criteria and ECPR setting, ranging in size
the basis of the Class 2a recommenda-tion for epinephrine
from 31 to 955 patients, including 3398 patients in total.
administration as soon as feasible for arrest with
Five of the studies included only patients with wit-
nonshockable rhythms. In circumstances in which a
nessed cardiac arrest and short no-flow times. 53–57 Most
reversible cause of nonshockable arrest (eg, asphyxia) is
studies also required a cardiac cause of the arrest, 53,55–
identified and addressed immediately, the use and optimal
62 and many limited the patient age to a maximum of 75
timing of epinephrine may differ. For shockable rhythms,
provision of high-quality CPR and defibrillation should be The studies were analyzed by outcome, with short-and
the immediate care priorities, and the optimal timing of long-term neurological outcomes and survival out-comes
epinephrine is less clear. The 2 available RCTs synthesized separately. Eight studies with 1294 patients
administered epinephrine after the third shock for those evaluated short-term favorable neurological outcome at
with initial shockable rhythms. Whether giving epinephrine hospital discharge or 1 month,54,57–59,61–64 and 6 studies with
earlier for these shockable rhythms would be beneficial, or 1303 patients evaluated long-term favorable neurological
even harmful, is unknown. outcomes (3 months, 6 months, and 1 year). 55–57,59,60,63 In all
studies, favorable neurologi-cal outcome was defined as a
Cerebral Performance Cat-egory score of 1 or 2. Data
EXTRACORPOREAL CPR were available from 12 stud-ies of 2739 patients that
Note: The evidence and recommendations for the use evaluated survival to hospital discharge or 1 month53–55,57–
of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation during CPR 60,63–67 and 6 studies of 1212 patients that reported long-
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(ECPR) addressed in this ACLS focused update are term survival.53,55,57,59,60,63

also included in “Part 6: Alternative Techniques and All studies were found to have very serious risk of
Ancil-lary Devices for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation” bias, caused primarily by confounding. 6 In addition,
in the 2015 AHA guidelines update.52 The following across studies, there was significant heterogeneity in
section updates the content related to ECPR in the study design, and for the outcome of survival, there
ACLS guide-lines but also should be used to update was significant inconsistency in the results. The overall
Part 6 of the 2015 AHA guidelines update.52 certainty of evidence was thus rated by the reviewers
For these guidelines, the term ECPR refers to the ini- as very low across all outcomes, and no meta-analyses
tiation of cardiopulmonary bypass during the resusci-tation were performed. Because the only available evidence
of a patient in cardiac arrest. This involves the cannulation consists of nonrandomized studies, the reported find-
of a large vein and artery and initiation of venoarterial ings should be considered associated with rather than
extracorporeal circulation and oxygenation (Figure). The caused by the intervention.
goal of ECPR is to support end-organ per-fusion while Subject to the significant limitations listed above, the
potentially reversible conditions are ad-dressed. ECPR is majority of studies reported improved neurological out-
a complex intervention that requires a highly trained team, come associated with ECPR. In 3 studies, ECPR was
specialized equipment, and multi-disciplinary support as-sociated with improved favorable neurological
within a healthcare system. outcome at both short-term and long-term follow-
up,57,59,63 and in 3 additional studies that did not include
long-term follow-up, ECPR was also associated with
Evidence Summary—Updated 2019 improved short-term favorable neurological
In 2018, ILCOR commissioned a systematic review as outcome.54,61,62 Two studies showed no benefit on short-
part of the focused update process to evaluate the pub- term neurologi-cal outcome associated with ECPR, 58,64
lished evidence on ECPR; this review was published in and 3 studies reported beneficial effect on long-term
2018.6 Studies were included in the systematic review if neurological outcome associated with ECPR.55,56,60
they involved >5 patients in the ECPR group, reported Two studies reported short-term and long-term sur-
the timing of ECPR in relation to the cardiac arrest, and vival benefit associated with ECPR,59,60 and 1 study re-
were randomized trials, nonrandomized controlled tri- ported long-term survival benefit associated with ECPR

e8 TBD TBD, 2019 Circulation. 2019;140:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000732

Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS



Figure. Schematic depiction of the components of an extracorporeal membrane oxygenator circuit used for extracorporeal cardiopulmonary
resus-citation (ECPR).
Components include venous cannula, a pump, an oxygenator, and arterial cannula.

but, interestingly, did not demonstrate a benefit for certainty of evidence was rated by the reviewers as very
the outcome of short-term survival. 55 The use of low for all outcomes.6 Given these assessments and the
ECPR was not associated with short-term survival heterogeneity of results, individual studies were difficult to
benefit in 9 studies54,55,57,58,63–67 and was not interpret, and no meta-analyses were performed.
associated with long-term survival in 2 studies.57,63 In 3 studies, ECPR was not associated with ben-eficial
One study noted the asso-ciation of lower rates of effects for short- or long-term neurological out-comes,68,69,72
both short-term and long-term survival with ECPR.53 whereas 1 study70 reported associated short- and long-
term neurological outcome benefit. Four studies
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ECPR for IHCA demonstrated no increase in short- or long-term survival

There are no RCTs of the use of ECPR for IHCA. Sev- associated with ECPR,68,69,72,73 with only 1 study70 reporting
en observational studies were reviewed. These studies improvement in these outcomes.
included patients from Asia and Europe with median
ages from 57 to 72 years who were enrolled between
2001 and 2013. Some of the studies include overlap- Recommendations—Updated 2019
ping cohorts or time frames. Study cohorts ranged from 1. There is insufficient evidence to
20 to 353 patients, including a total of 705 patients. The recommend the routine use of ECPR for
studies varied in inclusion criteria such as cause of patients with car-diac arrest.
cardiac arrest, and many limited the patient enrollment 2. ECPR may be considered for selected
age to a maximum of 75 or 80 years. 68–71 When only patients as rescue therapy when conventional
nonrandomized studies are available, any results are CPR efforts are failing in settings in which it
considered to be associated or not associated with the can be expeditiously implemented and sup-
intervention and not caused by the intervention. ported by skilled providers (Class 2b; Level of
The studies were analyzed by outcome, with short- Evidence C-LD).
term and long-term neurological outcomes and survival Despite many studies reporting favorable outcomes
outcomes synthesized separately. Data from 4 studies with the use of ECPR, the vast majority of the studies
in 619 patients reported both short-term favorable neu- are from single centers with varying inclusion criteria
rological outcome (hospital discharge or 1 month) and and settings, with decisions to perform ECPR made on
long-term favorable neurological outcomes (3 months, a case-by-case basis. Clinical and patient factors that
6 months, and 1 year) associated with ECPR. 69–72 In all influence a decision to pursue ECPR may also influ-
studies, favorable neurological outcome was defined as ence outcome. For this and other reasons, the included
a Cerebral Performance Category score of 1 to 2. Five studies were all assessed to have a critical risk of bias
studies of 685 patients reported survival to hospital dis- as a result of confounding. In addition, the heterogene-
charge or 1 month and long-term survival.68–70,72,73 ity across studies reduced their external validity (gen-
All studies were assessed as having a very serious risk eralizability). All of these factors precluded the perfor-
of bias, resulting primarily from confounding. The overall mance of meta-analyses.6 Although there is currently

Circulation. 2019;140:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000732 TBD TBD, 2019 e9

Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

no evidence to clearly define what should constitute This document was approved by the American Heart Association
Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee on July 19, 2019, and the

selected patients, most of the studies analyzed in the American Heart Association Executive Committee on August 9, 2019.

systematic review included younger patients with few- The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited
er comorbidities.6 For example, a young subject with- as follows: Panchal AR, Berg KM, Hirsch KG, Kudenchuk PJ, Del Rios M,
Cabañas JG, Link MS, Kurz MC, Chan PS, Morley PT, Hazinski MF,
out comorbidities with a sudden arrest secondary to Donnino MW. 2019 American Heart Association focused update on
presumed cardiac arrhythmia may be considered a bet- advanced cardiovascular life support: use of advanced airways,
vasopressors, and extracorporeal cardio-pulmonary resuscitation during
ter candidate than an elderly patient with a metastatic
cardiac arrest: an update to the American Heart Association Guidelines for
malignancy and cardiac arrest. Clearly, more data are Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emer-gency Cardiovascular Care.
needed from studies of higher methodological qual-ity, Circulation. 2019;140:eXXX–eXXX. doi: 10.1161/ CIR.0000000000000732.
Copies: This document is available on the website of the American Heart
including randomized trials. Data are also needed to Association ( A copy of the document is available at
address the complexities of cost-effectiveness, re- by using either “Search for Guidelines
source allocation, and ethics surrounding the use of & Statements” or the “Browse by Topic” area. To purchase additional
reprints, call 843-216-2533 or e-mail
ECPR in resuscitation. The expert peer review of AHA-commissioned documents (eg, scientific
statements, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews) is conducted by the
AHA Office of Science Operations. For more on AHA statements and guidelines
development, visit Select the “Guide-
ARTICLE INFORMATION lines & Statements” drop-down menu, then click “Publication Development.”
The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or po- Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/ or
tential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or a distribution of this document are not permitted without the express permis-
personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel. sion of the American Heart Association. Instructions for obtaining permission are
Specifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit located at A link to the “Copyright Per-
a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be missions Request Form” appears in the second paragraph (https://www.heart.
perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest. org/en/about-us/statements-and-policies/copyright-request-form).

Writing Group Disclosures
Other Speakers’ Consultant/
Writing Group Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Ashish R. Panchal The Ohio State University None None None None None None None
Wexner Medical Center
Katherine M. Berg Beth Israel Deaconess NIH (cardiac arrest clinical None None None None None None
oaded Medical Center trial grant [study drug is
from thiamine], not related to
José G. Cabañas Wake County Emergency None None None None None None None
Medical Services
nals.or Paul S. Chan Mid America Heart Institute NHLBI† None None None None None None
g by and the University of
Missouri–Kansas City
Marina Del Rios University of Illinois at NIH (receives 6% salary None None None None None None
Chicago College of support for hypertension
ber 14, Medicine research)*
2019 Michael W. Beth Israel Deaconess None None None None None None None
Donnino Medical Center
Mary Fran Vanderbilt University School None None None None None American Heart None
Hazinski of Nursing Association
Care Programs†
Karen G. Hirsch Stanford University American Heart None None None None None None
Association (research
support for post–cardiac
arrest research)*
Peter J. University of Washington NIH/NHLBI/NINDS (PI at None None None None None None
Kudenchuk Medical Center University of Washington
for SIREN Network)*
Michael C. Kurz University of Alabama at Zoll Medical Foundation†; None Zoll Medical None Rapid Zoll Medical None
Birmingham Zoll Medical Corp†; NIH Corp† Oxygen Corp*
(research grants, both Corp*
received and pending)†
(Continued )

e10 TBD TBD, 2019 Circulation. 2019;140:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000732

Panchal et al 2019 Focused Update on ACLS

Writing Group Disclosures Continued

Other Speakers’ Consultant/


Writing Group Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Mark S. Link UT Southwestern Medical None None None None None None None
Peter T. Morley University of Melbourne None None None None None None None
Clinical School, Royal
Melbourne Hospital

This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if
(a) the person receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of
the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less
than “significant” under the preceding definition.

Reviewer Disclosures
Other Speakers’ Consultant/
Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Reviewer Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Janet E. Bray Monash University None None None None None None None
Alan C. Heffner Atrium Health None None The Difficult Medicolegal None None None
Airway Course review of
Faculty* cases involving
cardiac arrest*
Bryan McNally Emory University Cardiac Arrest Registry None None None None None None
to Enhance Survival
(CARES receives funding
from American Red
Cross and American
Downloaded from by on November 14, 2019

Heart Association)†
Robert D. Nelson Wake Forest University None None None None None None None
Joseph P. Ornato Virginia Commonwealth None None None None None None None
University Health System
Mary Ann Peberdy Virginia Commonwealth None None None None None None None
Thomas Rea University of Washington Federal pending grant None None None None None None
(pending grant to
further investigate
airway techniques)*

This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure
Questionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person receives $10 000 or more
during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $10 000
or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.
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