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Independent Events - 1

A box contains 5 blue pens and 7 red pens. The

pens are identical except for their colour. A pen is
selected at random from the box and its colour is
noted. The pen is replaced back into the box. A
second pen is then selected at random from the
box. Find the probability that
(i) the first pen selected is red,

(ii) the first pen selected is blue and the second

pen selected is blue,

(iii) the second pen selected is blue,

(iv) no blue pen was selected.

In your opinion, why the problem above called

independent event?

Working Solution
Dependent Events - 1

A bag contains 8 red balls, 7 blue balls and I

white ball. Two balls are drawn from the bag at
random, one after another, without replacement.
Find the probability that
(i) the first ball is red and the second ball is blue,

(ii) one ball is red while the other ball is blue,

(iii) the two balls are of the same colour.

In your opinion, why the problem above called

independent event?
Working Solution

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