Declaration of Independence Essay

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The Declaration of Independence was a political statement that was signed by the delegates of the Thirteen Colonies on July

4, 1776. It
declared that the British Parliament had no authority over the colonies and therefore they were free from British rule. The Declaration of
Independence is considered to be one of America’s most important documents because it helped establish a new country and gave people
hope for freedom.

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston and
others who believed in independence from Great Britain. They wanted to create a document that would explain why they were leaving England
and what their future plans would be. They wrote this declaration because they felt as though Great Britain did not have any respect for
American values or beliefs when dealing with issues such as taxation without representation.

The Declaration begins with an explanation about how Great Britain has been acting against American values: “When in the Course of human
events it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve its Association with another…” (Declaration Of Independence). This sentence explains
how America decided to leave England because they felt like their rights were being taken away

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