The Legend of The Fornar Resistance by The Parks Service

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The Legend of the Fornar Resistance by The Parks Service

The Legend of the Fornar Resistance by The Parks Service was commissioned under South Dublin County Councils INCONTEXT3 Per Cent for Art Programme which is funded by the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the National Roads Authority.

The Legend of the Fornar Resistance by The Parks Service is rst published in Ireland in 2009 by Jennifer Walshe. All content is 2009 Jennifer Walshe. All rights reserved. The material in this book is protected by copyright law. Except as may be permitted by law, no part of the material may be reproduced

(including by storage in a retrieval system) or transmitted in any form or by any means; adapted, rented or lent without the written permission of the copyright owner. Drawings by Caroline Walshe. Many thanks to DM Roy Scranton and gamers Kara Feely, Travis Just, Quentin Tolimieri and Martin Woessner.

Designed & typeset by Munich Design Printed in N. Ireland by Print Library

Contents iii The Parks Service ix Illustrations

The Parks Service Hacking All Tomorrows Parties

The Legend of the Fornar Resistance (2008) wooden playhouse, paper, pushpins, wool, foam, torches, UV light, 4-channel sound

The Parks Service, also known as Dermot Fitzpatrick, has always been interested in how numbers become sounds. Growing up as an isolated, self-described nerd in Glenasmole, The Parks Service found himself and his world in computers, programming, role-playing games, and techno music. Ever since he got his rst deck (a Commodore VIC-20with 5k of RAM!bought for him in 1981 by a generous uncle), The Parks Service has been writing games, music, and programming hacks that seek to erase the seams between digital and monologue realities, subvert the hierarchical tendencies of technocratic power, and make the future happen today. The Parks Service was born in 1973 in Dublin and attended the Dublin Institute of Technology, graduating in 1994 with a degree in Computer Science. He then studied at the Sound Training Centre in Dublin, and received an MA in Music Technology from the Centre for Computational Musicology and Computer


and those most evil villains, the genetically-mutated Augments. For many years The Legend of the Fornar Resistance lived a quiet life as the lovingly-maintained game of the Fitzpatrick brothers; The Parks Services sound installation presents the universe of the Fornar Resistance to the outside world for the rst time. The participant enters a small playhouse; the inside is dim, eerie sounds whirl about and a disembodied voice can be heard telling the story of the Fornar Resistance. Turning their attention to the walls, the participant nds maps and drawings relating to the Fornar; using a black light torch, the participant uncovers secret information - here they can read of the fate of Emeraldia (Ireland) as it is over-run with Ice Dragons and were-

wolves; see pictures of the guardians of Glenasmole, the Orbiters of VashNaahl; examine maps of the Fortress of Vartronuug and the Mines of Karnath.

Music at the University of Limerick. The Parks Services interest in music has always been ltered through his interest in programming, electronics, and technology inspired by both the underground rave scene he called home in his teens and twenties and the computer games he played as a youngster, he seeks to use music technology to open up the possibility for the creation of alternate imaginative realms, utopian, beautiful, and full of hope. He is currently exploring a life-long interest: hacking closed technologies and democratizing innovation, especially regarding iPods, SETI, Second Life, and museum audioguides.

The third of ve brothers, The Parks Service grew up south of Dublin in Glenasmole, at a time when it was hard to get decent television reception in the valley. Avid players of role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, and inspired by the Irish mythological saga The Burning of D Deargas Hostel (which purportedly took place close to their home), the Fitzpatrick brothers developed their own fantasy world and role-playing game called The Legend of the Fornar Resistance. Broadly taking in the diverse interests of the ve boys, Legend expanded the traditional goblins and dragons of the fantasy genre to include vampires, aliens, robots, parallel dimensions, cyberspace


The Legend Of The Fornar Resistance

It is the year 2317. The world is no more. Emeraldia is no more. Since the last, most dreadful Total War between Humans and Augments, the Augments wield absolute control over Erade and are now relentless in their quest for intergalactic domination. They move through the Universe as a most evil force, colonising, destroying, constantly at war with any being who crosses their path. The Augments came to power in the 21st century as mans dreams of superintelligence, boundless strength and immortality seemed at last to become reality. The Augments implanted chips and nanobots in their bodies, altered their DNA, grew wings and extra limbs; they enmeshed their consciousness with cyberspace. Their druids preached Augment development as the next step in the evolution of humanity so the Scourges began. The violence they unleashed against the human race was terrible and horrifying in its scope; aided and abetted by Seed Articial Intelligence and the Martian Government, they destroyed humanity almost completely. The wrath and waste of the Augments is writ large on the face of the Erade from the impenetrable Darklands of Iktan to the toxic chaos beyond the Glass Mounvi

clusters of black and white magic gathered around the workings of its grammar. Gradually the language became a magical one, highly powerful, yet extremely dangerous in the wrong hands words became lethal. As the new-found power of Emeraldish wreaked havoc through the land, the Augments nished their awful work by blighting the seas around Emeraldia with nervepoison and nuclear amulets, destroying all connections with the Cyber Realm, and withdrawing completely, abandoning it to its terrible chaos. Emeraldia is now one of the most dangerous places on Erade, a place where werewolves roam with mutants, a place where the word filte is used as a deathly weapon, a place where not even Augments dare to tread. Despite the horrible domination of Erade by the Augments, small pockets of resistance still exist, courageous warriors who have vowed to battle the Augments to the bitter end. Against all odds, such ghters are to be found south of Duvlinnah, using the awful fate of Emeraldia as camouage for their activities. Gsmole valley is the home of the Fornar Resistance. Warlocks of the highest order, the Fornar were sent to Gsmole shortly before the end of the Total War by the Inter-Erade Council of Templars and Mages; as the last death cries of humanity rang out across the Universe, in Gsmole the Fornar built a protected zone, a sanctuary from which Augment domination could be fought beyond the end of the war, beyond the end of the human race. The Fornar brought with them the Orbiters of Vash-Naahl; nine Telepathic Defense psions with platinum-level powers. The Orbiters are known by their robes of kevlar and rushes, their silicon staffs, and also by their eyes, which are completely snow-white the true marks of one who has sworn his life to Clairsentient Devotion. The nine Orbiters encircle Gsmole, from posts at the Fortean Bridge in the north to Fing and K-Pure in the south. They sit continually in trance around the valley, deploying their powers to create a ForceField of Supreme Protection over Gsmole, re-arranging the sky at a molecular level so the Fornar can never be spotted by satellite or red on from above. Beneath this protection, the Fornar use the singularities to ght the Augments across space... and time.

The destruction of Merkur by the Augments in the early part of the 22nd century caused a massive tear in the space-time fabric of Erades solar system, creating singularities throughout the galaxy wormholes which can be used to enter into other universes, dimensions and times. It is through these singularities that the Resistance ght their war against the Augments. Six of these singularities exist in Gsmole; their protection and maintenance is of the utmost concern. The Hole singularity is located at the northern boundary of Gsmole, deep at the bottom of the River Dod under the Fortean bridge. The Hole opens directly into the Cyber Realm, one hour ahead of RealTime. From here the Resistance ghts those Augments who uploaded or enmeshed, seeking the destruction of all cyber-beings and wreaking as much havok as possible hacking, releasing viruses, performing virtual spells and coding rituals. The Hole is extremely dangerous; cyberspace is one of the most highly-controlled domains of the Augments far too many Fornar have been found drowned in the Dod upon re-constitution... The Slade singularity, located to the west of the valley, opens into the dungeons of the Augment Fortress of Vartronuug in the wastes of Paragontia. The Fortress consists of many levels, housing a human prison, a training camp for dinosaur cyborgs, and an experimental vampire laboratory. The Fornar go through Slade to free human prisoners and bring them back to Gsmole, running the vicious gauntlet of Augment security all the while; many are caught and pray for a quick death rather than torture at the hands of the Augments... The Spin singularity, located on a hilltop to the east of the valley, opens into the mines of Karnath in the Dominion of the Orcs. Karnath exists in a parallel dimension; up until the opening of the Spin the Orcs knew nothing of humans let alone the Augment conict. Agents of the Resistance move through Spin to enlist the aid of the Orcs and their Goblin kin in the ght against Augments; in return they promise the Orcs access to Augment nanotechnology and the Cyber Realm. The relationship between the Resistance and the Orc leader Lord Ghuldrahk is fragile; some

tains of the Southern Vegg. Of all the countries on Erade, however, none has been more devastated by the Augments than the island of Emeraldia. The Augments seized upon Emeraldia early in their path to power, turning it into a laboratory for their darkest and most horrible genetic experiments. Emeraldia became a zoo for the bizarre and accursed, a dumping ground for Augment mutants and atrocities. After the rst Zhombije outbreak spread from Khoark to mainland Eropa and claimed the lives of millions, the Augments retaliated with abominable force, blasting away large chunks of the country, deliberately infecting much of the population with the Lycan virus, installing vicious Brontasaurs and feral Ice Dragons throughout the land. This destruction was not enough for the Augments. They then used Emeraldia and the mutants who inhabited it as a testing ground for their most awful armaments, blasting at the land with Psychometabolic Charges and scorching creatures from their DNA out with experimental Biofeedback guns. The denizens of the once-verdant isle were not the only casualties; the Liquid Crystal Manipulations of the second wave of tests caused small parts of the Emeraldish language to mutate rapidly;

Fornar re-constitute wounded fatally at the hands of the Orcs... The Cob singularity, located above the Fin-Stone at the Lodge of Hea-ath, opens into the ofce of the Swiss Chalet Restaurant in Tokyo, Japan, four years before the outbreak of Total War. From here the Resistance seeks to undermine the power of the Augments and prevent the war ever having begun. Agents of the Resistance move through the Cob to work undercover as spies, sabotaging the power of the Augments from the inside. Some never return... The Glass Brake singularity, located in the east of the valley, opens into the Red Zone in the Crystal Transport Hub, Pleiades Star System, four and a half hours behind RealTime. From here the Resistance can nd passage to any point in the galaxy. The Brake has traditionally been considered a safe singularity; upon constitution it is easy for the Fornar to blend into the massive crowd which passes through the Transport Hub to drink, gamble and beg passage on any of the millions of craft which dock each day. Recently, though, the appearance of non-Augmented humans far from Erade has begun to draw attention; some Fornar have been spotted, attacked and killed. The Fornar must now cast spells to change their appearance before using the Brake, a practice which still cannot guarantee either their safety or that of the Brake singularity... The Conference singularity, located 100 meters above the main Crow roost in the west of the valley. The Conference is too small for the Fornar to move through; they must instead send their avian allies, the Crows. These brave birds y through the Conference into the Pelnar Universe, roughly a million years into the future. Pelnar is inhabited solely by super-intelligent insects who communicate telepathically. The Crows y through the Conference to search for clues as to the ultimate fate of the inhabitants of the Solar System; the knowledge they gain is often more terrifying than life in Emeraldia after Total War The Annals of the Thorn-Devils of Pelnar tell how the Ultimate Catastrophe destroyed all life on Erade near the end of the 24th century...

Chief amongst all the singularities is the Valve, located at the Sacred Reservoir in the middle of the valley. Unlike the other Gsmole singularities, the Valve was opened and is maintained by the inner circle of the Fornar, the Jhelhar. The Jhelhar are Geometers; mage-warriors of exceptional powers who have the ability to rend the fabric of space and time. The Jhelhar are known by their Robes of Continuous Scintillation, which shimmer with animated holograms, perpetually shifting in patterns of brilliant light. These patterns depict the movement of energy through the magical, earthly, and Cyber Realms; the Jhelhar chant and sing this energy, moulding it into vortices through which they bring the Valve into being, moving it to where it is needed, through time, through space, through the realms and dimensions both known and unknown... The Fornar must now run the ultimate race through both the future and the past, through parallel dimensions, the magical worlds and the Cyber Realm to ensure the survival of humanity. Along the way they ght Augments, Lycans, Dragons and the dreaded Aliens of Noorh. They battle the Scarabs of Death at the gates of Golrak, they contend against the Cyborgs of Yangzhed and Vul. They need your help. Will you join them?







Despite the horrible domination of Erade by the Augments, small pockets of resistance still exist, courageous warriors who have vowed to battle the Augments to the bitter end. Against all odds, such ghters are to be found south of Duvlinnah, using the awful fate of Emeraldia as camouage for their activities. Gsmole valley is the home of the Fornar Resistance. Warlocks of the highest order, the Fornar were sent to Gsmole shortly before the end of the Total War by the InterErade Council of Templars and Mages; as the last death cries of humanity rang out across the Universe, in Gsmole the Fornar built a protected zone, a sanctuary from which Augment domination could be fought beyond the end of the war, beyond the end of the human race.


The Orbiters of Vash-Naahl

The Fornar brought with them the Orbiters of VashNaahl; nine Telepathic Defense psions with platinumlevel powers. The Orbiters are known by their robes of kevlar and rushes, their silicon staffs, and also by their eyes, which are completely snow-white the true marks of one who has sworn his life to Clairsentient Devotion. The nine Orbiters encircle Gsmole, from posts at the Fortean Bridge in the north to Fing and K-Pure in the south. They sit continually in trance around the valley, deploying their powers to create a Force-Field of Supreme Protection over Gsmole, re-arranging the sky at a molecular level so the Fornar can never be spotted by satellite or red on from above. Beneath this protection, the Fornar use the singularities to ght the Augments across space...and time. The destruction of Merkur by the Augments in the early part of the 22nd century caused a massive tear in the space-time fabric of Erades solar system, creating singularities throughout the galaxy - wormholes which can be used to enter into other universes, dimensions and times. It is through these singularities that the Resistance ght their war against the Augments. Six of these singularities exist in Gsmole; their protection and maintenance is of the utmost concern.



The Hole singularity is located at the northern boundary of Gsmole, deep at the bottom of the River Dod under the Fortean bridge. The Hole opens directly into the Cyber Realm, one hour ahead of RealTime. From here the Resistance ghts those Augments who uploaded or enmeshed, seeking the destruction of all cyber-beings and wreaking as much havok as possible hacking, releasing viruses, performing virtual spells and coding rituals. The Hole is extremely dangerous; cyberspace is one of the most highly-controlled domains of the Augments far too many Fornar have been found drowned in the Dod upon re-constitution...


The Cyber Realm



The Slade singularity, located to the west of the valley, opens into the dungeons of the Augment Fortress of Vartronuug in the wastes of Paragontia. The Fortress consists of many levels, housing a human prison, a training camp for dinosaur cyborgs, and an experimental vampire laboratory. The Fornar go through Slade to free human prisoners and bring them back to Gsmole, running the vicious gauntlet of Augment security all the while; many are caught and pray for a quick death rather than torture at the hands of the Augments...


The Fortress of Vartronuug



The Spin singularity, located on a hill-top to the east of the valley, opens into the mines of Karnath in the Dominion of the Orcs. Karnath exists in a parallel dimension; up until the opening of the Spin the Orcs knew nothing of humans let alone the Augment conict. Agents of the Resistance move through Spin to enlist the aid of the Orcs and their Goblin kin in the ght against Augments; in return they promise the Orcs access to Augment nanotechnology and the Cyber Realm. The relationship between the Resistance and the Orc leader Lord Ghuldrahk is fragile; some Fornar re-constitute wounded fatally at the hands of the Orcs...


The Mines of Karnath



The Cob singularity, located above the Fin-Stone at the Lodge of Hea-ath, opens into the ofce of the Swiss Chalet Restaurant in Tokyo, Japan, four years before the outbreak of Total War. From here the Resistance seeks to undermine the power of the Augments and prevent the war ever having begun. Agents of the Resistance move through the Cob to work undercover as spies, sabotaging the power of the Augments from the inside. Some never return...


The Swiss Chalet Restaurant, Tokyo


Glass Brake

The Glass Brake singularity, located in the east of the valley, opens into the Red Zone in the Crystal Transport Hub, Pleiades Star System, four and a half hours behind RealTime. From here the Resistance can nd passage to any point in the galaxy. The Brake has traditionally been considered a safe singularity; upon constitution it is easy for the Fornar to blend into the massive crowd which passes through the Transport Hub to drink, gamble and beg passage on any of the millions of craft which dock each day. Recently, though, the appearance of non-Augmented humans far from Erade has begun to draw attention; some Fornar have been spotted, attacked and killed. The Fornar must now cast spells to change their appearance before using the Brake, a practice which still cannot guarantee either their safety or that of the Brake singularity...


The Crystal Transport Hub



The Conference singularity is located 100 meters above the main Crow roost in the west of the valley. The Conference is too small for the Fornar to move through; they must instead send their avian allies, the Crows. These brave birds y through the Conference into the Pelnar Universe, roughly a million years into the future. Pelnar is inhabited solely by super-intelligent insects who communicate telepathically. The Crows y through the Conference to search for clues as to the ultimate fate of the inhabitants of the Solar System; the knowledge they gain is often more terrifying than life in Emeraldia after Total War The Annals of the Thorn-Devils of Pelnar tell how the Ultimate Catastrophe destroyed all life on Erade near the end of the 24th century...


The Pelnar Universe



Chief amongst all the singularities is the Valve, located at the Sacred Reservoir in the middle of the valley. Unlike the other Gsmole singularities, the Valve was opened and is maintained by the inner circle of the Fornar, the Jhelhar.


The Jhelhar

The Jhelhar are Geometers; mage-warriors of exceptional powers who have the ability to rend the fabric of space and time. The Jhelhar are known by their Robes of Continuous Scintillation, which shimmer with animated holograms, perpetually shifting in patterns of brilliant light. These patterns depict the movement of energy through the magical, earthly and Cyber Realms; the Jhelhar chant and sing this energy, moulding it into vortices through which they bring the Valve into being, moving it to where it is needed, through time, through space, through the realms and dimensions both known and unknown... The Fornar must now run the ultimate race through both the future and the past, through parallel dimensions, the magical worlds and the Cyber Realm to ensure the survival of humanity. Along the way they ght Augments, Lycans, Dragons and the dreaded Aliens of Noorh. They battle the Scarabs of Death at the gates of Golrak, they contend against the Cyborgs of Yangzhed and Vul. They need your help. Will you join them?



The Augment is the dominant life-force on Erade. Augments are transhuman beings who share a genetic heritage with the human race. Their bodies, nervous systems and DNA have been radically augmented and enhanced through the use of nanotechnology, silicon chip array implants, nootropic drugs, gene therapy, exoskeletal expansion, biocognitive developments, cyberspace enmeshing and uploading etc. There are many different Augment classes and sub-classes. In general Augments are extremely malevolent, desirous only of extending their control over everything that crosses their path. Because of their augmentations and enhancements they can withstand many types of attacks nuclear, chemical, most classes of forbidden spells and curses.



Chimeras are human/animal hybrids. Chimeras came into being as a result of genetic experiments involving aggressive forms of inter-species breeding. Unlike Lycans, Chimeras are stable their genetic die was cast before birth and thus they do not transform. The exact genetic proportion of human to animal genetic material differs widely. While some Chimeras share a common genetic ratio and as such have formed different races (for example, Centaurs all present 28% horse; Hellhounds present 37% greyhound and 4% Arctic wolf) many are tailor-made with very specic unique genetic makeups. Chimeras are often extremely physically powerful, and usually have enhanced immune systems. Their senses are often highly expanded many can see in the dark, sense heat signatures, hear the tiniest movements over huge distances. Chimeras generally heal +20% quicker than other human-based life-forms. Common sub-classes include Centaur, Hellhound, Satyr, Merbeings and Sphinx.


Chimeric Mutants

Chimeric Mutants (CMs) emerged from the aftermath of the nuclear bombing of Nee York with highly-mutated immune systems. CMs can withstand any type of chemical attack. They can infect humans with a wide variety of diseases through bites, contact with blood or saliva.



A Crossthief is a type of Augment. Because of a glitsch in their genetics, they have the ability to create short-term singularities, usually lasting 30 seconds, at will. Only the Crossthief or a being they are touching with the ring nger of their left hand can cross through these short-term singularities. Crossthieves are not skilled in battle they often use their abilities to create a singularity and disappear. Despite their lack of ghting skills they should be regarded warily as they have a tendency to create singularities, cross over with their attackers, and then maroon the attacker there. If a Crossthief attempts a marooning, they have a +20% of success versus a normal attack roll.



A Cyborg is a combination of robot and human. An early form of Augment experimentation, they are now looked down on by Augments as failures too docile and not strong-willed enough. Cyborgs can be programmed to perform any task, even to think freely and effect mutiny against their masters. Because of their dedication to carrying out pre-programmed tasks, they can be extremely dangerous. Cyborgs have a very high armour class and multiple special defenses. Armour types: Kevlar, Dunitz, chainmail.



A Deirdre is a special type of cyborg with a beautiful female human body; it looks normal except for the fact that it is faceless. Originally developed for entertainment purposes, Deirdres usually worked in exclusive clubs and for the ultrarich. Each Deirdre contains the brain of a dancer whose body was damaged. Their heads have no face; instead there is a mesh of micro-silicone where their face should be. This micro-silicone mesh is controlled by nanobots who use cyber interfaces to scan the systems of the audience watching the dancer; the nanobots then congure the mesh into a shape which is an average of the communal desires of the audience. Deirdres and Donors often banded together in the years before Total War, united in their hatred of the exploiters and oppressors. Unlike the Donors who were generally conned to the clinical isolation of luxurious but sterile cells, Deirdres were the entertainment sirens of the rich, and as such typically moved freely in powerful circles, able to gather intelligence quite easily. To further their uprising, many Deirdres hacked their internal facial structuring protocols, programming their facial meshes to broadcast physically coded secret messages to members of the Underground.



Donors are a class of Chimeras. One of the most urgent ambitions of gene therapy was to grow new organs for humans who needed them. After extensive experimentation and lab research it was discovered that organs could not be grown independently of the human body. After the extensive Donor Debates of the 2020s it was decided to develop a class of Chimeras whose sole function would be to provide organs for those who needed them. Despite the fact that millions of Donors were bred covering every ethnicity and blood-type in existence, there was still a dire need for Donors throughout Erade. This was a result of the extreme over-population of the planet and the obscenely high levels of pollution-related diseases. After the outbreak of the rst Chimeric Plague Donor levels fell even more rapidly. Donors were coopted by the ber-rich starting in the 2030s, doomed to spend their lives in a prison of comfort as their owners waited for illness to strike.


Ice Dragon

Ice Dragons are a special type of double-barreled dragon developed for high-altitude bombing. Ice Dragons have the ability to breathe both re and ice vapour. While their hearing is not acute, their sense of smell is excellent and they are able to detect non-cyber beings from 400 feet away and cyber-beings from 200 feet away. Some Ice Dragons (15%) willingly befriend nondragon beings; these are most useful allies as an Ice Dragon will never attack any being in the benign company of another dragon.



Idori are synthetic beings, designed to look exactly like humans with highly tweaked physical characteristics. Each generation was designed with specic fashionable physical traits and thus the age of an Idori can usually be determined by identifying the fashions of the time common traits in the 22nd century for example included overly-large eyes, mirrored nails and muscular malleability. (A detailed list of traits can be found in the Idori Style Annals.) Though mostly harmless, in recent years the rise of the Cult of Woerdu has encouraged many Idori to believe that they are agents of God, causing increasing numbers of Idori to perform enforced baptismal rites on the unsuspecting. These rites are extremely dangerous as they involve immersion in liquid silicone.



A Lycan is a type of genetically-modied werewolf now found only in Emeraldia, particularly around Maigh and Nha-vahn. Originally developed by Augments as an ultravicious class of werewolf, each individual tooth of a Lycan is embedded with different nerve poisons and viruses. Unlike werewolves, Lycans spend very little time in human form, changing daily into any of four brutal animal forms wolf, cougar, polar bear, lynx. Lycans usually run in packs of three to seven. A Lycan attack has +12% chance of success; their bites cannot be cured.



A Mentalist is a type of psion mage. Mentalists are usually only found underground, favouring low lighting and dry conditions. Mentalists are most easily identied by their eyes which are completely grey. Despite this disgurement, they can see perfectly, their grey eyeballs being merely the result of mental ayings they have inflicted upon themselves. Mentalists do not speak any language they communicate exclusively in abstract forms, using pictures or enforced telepathy. They attack anything that comes across their path by harnessing the primal chaos between dimensions to create powerful streams of energy which they direct into the nervous systems of their victims. This means that they are able to attack robots, Cyborgs and other synthetic beings. They are able to manifest into Cyber Realm at will. If near a node or on a leyline Mentalists have the ability to effect attacks in the Cyber Realm with +30% success.



Meshers are a type of Augment which exists only in the Cyber Realm. They are usually former humans whose bodies could not withstand augmentation, and who downloaded their entire consciousness and assumed virtual form before destroying their bodies. They cannot be killed using traditional methods of warfare they can only be attacked through coding spells and direct virtual engagement. As long as the Cyber Realm stands they will continue to have power.



A Mesher+ is a subclass of Mesher. A Mesher+ can control a eshbot avatar in the real world. Such eshbots are difcult to spot as they look like humans or Augments (depending on design) and give no outward sign they are merely the puppets of a Mesher+. Destroying a Mesher+ only results in the destruction of the eshbot the controlling Mesher+ has to be destroyed separately within the Cyber Realm.



The Pleiadeans are the most widespread of the alien races. Their skin consists of a translucent membrane much like a jellysh - this means they have the ability to mimic any shape, pattern or colour. As such, they can be extremely difcult to detect. Pleiadeans absorb nutrients directly through their skin and thus can be poisoned quite easily for this reason many Pleaideans always wear a thin layer of bio-armour which covers their entire body. This bio-armour is designed to be shed effortlessly and instantly if the Pleaideans choose to shape-shift.



Zhombijes are a subclass of Chimeras. Zhombijes emerged from experimental genetic labs in the Taji Desert in the early 21st century; they were initially formed as a result of illegal experiments on soldiers and terrorists who had been tortured beyond the point of endurance. While Chimeras were all born into their genetic condition, the original Zhombijes all underwent excruciatingly painful and disorienting gene therapy as adults, having genetic material such as pitbull, viper and mould stem cells grafted onto their already-formed bodies and psyches, causing extreme disorientation and rage. After the incidents at Belfar, all Zhombije research was moved onto two huge tanker ships in the middle of the Central Waste Ocean as a bid to protect humankind. In 2017 both ships disappeared without a trace in Cyclone Frankita. That was thought to be the end of the Zhombijes and the pro-Zhombije zealots of the Born Z-Again movement held extensive funeral and memorial rites. Humanity did not realise how terribly wrong these experiments had gone until thousands of Zhombijes began washing up on the shores of Soughth Caroline in the late 2020s, destroying everything in their path. Like traditional Zombies, Zhombijes are considered medically dead, move slowly and cannot be killed unless their brain stem is severed. Thus they are difcult to ght as hits on any other part of the body other than the head do not count. Unlike traditional Zombies, Zhombijes are somewhat intelligent and have developed their own language and set of traditions. Their bite does not kill, but instead results in Z-Infection, which develops within 24 hours into a vicious feral state.



Z-Infects are mute servants, following only commands given by the Zhombije who bit them, and are used as slaves and buffers. Unlike Zhombijes, Z-Infects can be killed in the standard way; attack has +15% chance of success as they are slow and somewhat stupid.

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