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At the hotel room, Hazel was busy preparing for Frannie waves at them.

them. Gus and hazel went out

her visit to Van Houten. Hazel is very excited to of the room.
finally meet her favorite writer. Her mother,
Hazel and Gus ride the crowded tram through
Frannie notices her t-shirt with a weird quote.
the city as they left the hotel. The city was
Frannie: What`s up with that t-shirt hazel? it lovely, with leaves blowing in the wind, a river
quoted “Ceci N`est Pas Une Pipe~. flowing beneath the bridge, and well-designed
Hazel: Believe me, Van Houten is going to get it.
In Imperial Affliction, there are like fifty They were standing inside the crowded tram;
references from Magritte. an old couple stands to give their seats. Hazel
tries to refuse and again but it falls on deaf ears.
Frannie once again observed her t-shirt She and Gus sit as they gaze out the window
Frannie: Is that so? Hmm… “This is not a pipe.” towards the city. They were both excited to
meet Van houten
Hazel: Exactly!
They now arrived at the location where Van
Frannie: But it is a pipe. Houten lives, Vondelstraat row houses. Gus and
Hazel stand outside Van Houten’s white house.
Hazel: Not at all, It's an illustration of a pipe.
See? Every depiction of a thing is by definition Hazel: I`m so excited I could barely breathe.
abstract. A drawing of a thing is not the actual
thing nor a drawing of a thing on a t-shirt is not Gus: compared to the other days?
the actual thing itself. She strikes him jokingly. He grabs her arm and
Frannie couldn`t argue more and was impressed leads her to the front door as he picks up the
by her daughter`s explaination oxygen tank. Hazel and Gus looks at each other
and took a deep breath. They knocked on the
Frannie: You have grown up so well that I door.
remember explaining why the sky was blue to
an 8-year-old Hazel like it was just yesterday. As they are near the front door, they heard a
Back then, you believed I was a genius. loud music and a thump inside the house. Hazel
knocks while clutching the brass ornament.
Hazel: Why is the sky blue? They pause. There is no response.

Frannie: Because I said so. Gus: Perhaps the music is too loud for him to
There was knock on the door, Augustus came in
poke his head Gus tries to knock again but with more force.
Still nothing. Then the third attempt, The music
Gus: Guess who`s ready for some Van Houten
finally stops. They then wait, and then they
heard a man`s loud voice.
Hazel: me!
Man`s voice: LI-DEH-WIJ!
Frannie: Oh Gus… well then, Have fun you two.
Woman: Are they here, peter? potbelly, thin hair, and a week-old beard. He
was Peter Van Houten. The man then speaks
Man: There`s a knock on the—Who the hell is
“they”? Man: The americans?

Hazel and Gus exchange glances. Uh-oh. Does Lidewij: You invited them, remember?
he not expect us? 
He then look at them up and down, then turns
After a while, Van Houten's assistant LIDEWIJ, to lidewij
whose woman voice they had been hearing,
Van Houten: Do you know why I travelled away
opens the door.
from America, Lidewij? It is to never encounter
Lidewu: I apologize for taking too long to Americans again. Get them outta here.
respond. Please come in.
Gus and Hazel was disappointed and in
Hazel and Gus exchange awkward glance at disbelief.
each other. Then Gus steps inside the house,
Hazel followed him. Lidewij: Don`t be rude Peter. Be nice to them.

Lidewij escorts Hazel and gus to the couch and

Lidewij leads Gus and Hazel through a corridor,
there were a lot of garbage bags lined against the two of them sits. The atmosphere was
silence, no one spoke until..
the walls. The man keeps yelling at Lidewij.

Man: I said who the hell are they Lidewij Van Houten: So which one of you is Augustus
Lidewij smiles at Gus and Hazel as they continue
to walk. She looks at them as if telling them not Gus nervously raises his hand. Van Houten
examines him. Then grunts. The awkwardness
to worry. Then Lidewij shouts back at the man.
returns. Finally, Hazel speaks
Lidewij: They are Augustus and Hazel, the young
Hazel: Mr. Van Houten
fans whom you`ve been giving feedbacks
through email Van Houten: What?
Gus and Hazel smiles as they heard their names Van houten kicks his feet up on the ottoman
mentioned. Maybe this will help things change then crosses his slippers.
for the better. Hazel accidentally trips over one
of the bags and it revealed a lot of unopened Hazel: Thank you for responding our emails.
fan mails, it scattered on the floor.
Van Houten: Theres an error of judgment, The
They finally enter a living room so sterile. The first letter I responded to was yours, and look
walls are empty and plain white, only a single where it led me.
couch, a small ottoman, and a lounge chair
He raises his glass and offers them a scotch.
were to be seen in the room. And in a chair, A
Hazel and Gus declines. Van houten asks for
man in pajamas sat on it, he had this huge
refill of liquor to Lidewij
Lidewij: Perhaps having a breakfast first Peter? Especially to those who Anna leaves behind.
The Dutch Tulip Man, Sisy, and her mother—
Van Houten speaks to Hazel and gus about
Lidewij Van houten cuts off Hazel`s words

Van Houten: Lidewij Thinks I have a drinking Van Houten: How familiar are you with Swedish
problem. hip-hop?

Lidewij sighs and pours half a glass and hand it Hazel glances at Gus. Her eyes saying to him ‘Is
to Van Houten. He then takes a sip and then sits he joking?’
up straight.
Hazel: Umm…. Not much, I guess.
Van Houten: So you like my book.
Van Houten: But I assume you are familiar with
Hazel: Yes, we and well, Augustus made his "Flacken," a classic album of Afasi Och Filthy.
wish by meeting you so that we could come
Gus and Hazel watch this in complete
here and speak to you,
confusion. It continues another awkward ten
Van Houten was silent and then chug his drink. seconds or so before Gus has enough. He gets
up and:
Van Houten: I don't have a drinking issue. I have
a Churchillian connection with alcohol: I can Gus: Are you messing with us?
make jokes, rule England, and do everything I
want to do. except I shouldn't drink. Van Houten: Pardon?

Gus: Is this some kind of performance?

He then asks lidewij again for a refill. Then Gus
speaks: At this time, Hazel is starting to worry a lot.
They traveled so far only for this to happen but
Gus: But then again, Thank you for the dinner
last night. still Hazel continues to question Van houten
about the ending of the book to avoid
Van Houten was confused and asks Lidewij worsening the conflict.
about it
Hazel: In any case... When the novel is finished,
Van Houten: Did we bought them dinner last Anna's mother —
Van Houten Cuts her off again and raises his
Lidewij: It was our pleasure. hand

Van Houten sighs and takes another drink Van Houten: Imagine that you are racing against
a tortoise.
Van Houten: You`ve travelled a long way from
here so... what can I do for you? Gus and Hazel fidget in their seats. Lidewij
frown, obviously feeling bad for them. Van
Hazel: I have some questions—ABout what Houten goes on.
happens, you know… at the end of your book.
Van Houten: The tortoise has a ten yard head Hazel is upset but then calms herself
start. In the time it takes you to run ten yards,
the tortoise has moved maybe one yard. And so Hazel: (getting upset)But you promised! (calms
herself)Mr. Van Houten, you said you would tell
on, forever. You are faster than the tortoise but
you can never catch him, you see, you can only us what happens and that’s why we’re here.
Please tell me, please. I'm sure you've given it
decrease his lead. Now certainly you can run
past the tortoise as long as you don’t some thought. As characters, I mean —
contemplate the mechanics involved but the Van: Nothing happens to them! They cease to
question of how turns out to be so complicated exist the moment the novel is over.
that no one really solved it until Cantor’s proof
that some infinities are bigger than other Hazel did not travel all the way here to hear
infinities. this. She won't take it,

Van Houten: and I assume that answers your Hazel: It's impossible for them! I mean, I
questions. understand. (Again, she must calm herself.)
with regard to literature. However, one cannot
Gus and Hazel are at loss for words. Gus looks help but think about the future —
at Hazel and says to her:
Van: This is something I cannot do. Please,
Gus: I really don`t know what`s going on. Lidewij, get rid of them. I won't give in to your
immature desires. I refuse to pity you in the
Van Houten: And yet, Mr. Waters, you seemed
so smart in writing. (Muttering beneath his manner in which you’re accustomed.
breath) Has the disease found its way to your Hazel: I don’t want your pity –
Van: Naturally, you do. just like the lives of all
Lidewij: Peter! sick children.
Gus was furious as if he could throw a punch Lidewij: Peter!
right now. Hazel Tries t calm the situation and
focuses on her purpose for visiting Van houten Van: You are destined to spend the rest of your
life acting like the young person you were when
Hazel: Can we please have a little discussion you were first diagnosed, the one who thinks
about Anna? I mean, I realize that the story there is life after a book is finished. And
ends in the middle of a sentence because she because we, as adults, find this tragic, we pay
passes away or gets too ill to continue — for your medical care and oxygen equipment.
we provide you food and water — Despite the
Van Houten: I have no desire to discuss the
book. fact that it's unlikely you'll live long enough

Lidewij: Peter, That’s enough!

Hazel: But that doesn't imply that she doesn't
have a future with her loved ones and her Van: You are a byproduct of an evolutionary
family, does it? process that doesn't give much thought to
Van Houten: I said I`m not interested ---
human existence. You are a failed experiment in

Lidewij throws her apron to the ground, there

were tears in her eyes. She’s done with this.
Gus has also balled his fists in anticipation for a
fight. Hazel, though, is an exception. She hasn't
even been slightly intimidated by Van Houten's
words. She gets up from the couch.

Hazel: Listen douchepants. I already know all

there is to know about my disease. Before I
leave your life, I need one thing from you and
only one thing, and that is for you to let me
know what happens to your damn characters!

Van: I won`t tell you.

Hazel: Outrageous! Then make something up!

Hazel smacks the glass it right out of his hands,

surprising everyone.

Van: Lidewij. Can I have another martini please.

Lidewij: I won`t work here anymore.

Van: Oh don`t be ridiculous Lidewij.

Nobody does anything. Van Houten is aware

that he is by himself in this.

Van: I’d like for you to leave.

Hazel: Really, you won't tell us anything about

the book?

Van: I would like you... to leave.

Hazel is enraged. ‘Come on, enough of this guy’,

Gus gestures as he stands next to her and
touches her arm. And then they get out of the
house leaving no answers for her purpose of
coming here.

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