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Week 2 | Lesson 2

Capsulized Self - Learning

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City
S U B JE C T &
G R A D E /L E V E L
T V L -C S S G r. 1 2 Q UAR TER 3 W EEK 22

TO P IC M a in te n a n c e o f c o m p u te r s ys te m s a n d n e tw ork s

L E A R N IN G 2 .2 C h e c k n o rm a l fu n c tio n o f c o m p u te r T L E _ IA C S S 9 -
COM PETENCY s ys te m s a n d n e tw ork s in a c co rd a n c e w ith
m a n u fa c tu re r’s in s tru c tio n s 1 2 M R C N -IIf-j-4 1

T h e le arn e rs d e m o n s tra te a n u n d e rs ta n d in g o f c o n ce p ts a n d p rin c ip les in

L E A R N IN G m a in ta in in g a n d re p airin g c o m p u te r s ys te m s a n d n e tw ork s.

IM P O R TA N T : Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and
assessment sheets provided separately.

Perhaps you have handpicked the finest computer with the selected fastest processor and graphic
card and with a few gigabytes of memory. So you thought to yourself that your machine is probably
going to sustain you for the next five (5) years. But little did you discover that some six months down
the road, your computer is behaving like a Pentium 2 computer, perpetually flustering you with its
choppy images, frustrating pop-ups and tremendously slow disk access. Gradually, your computer
crashes and all your data is lost on one fine afternoon.
One thing you have probably missed out is the need for system maintenance. The basic routine
maintenance comprises of the 3 basic
1. Data Backup
2. Malware Maintenance
3. Disk or File System Maintenance
Let us address each of the processes in detail so that you can better understand how you can apply
them in your system to extend its longevity.

S A Q -1: W h at is D ata B acku p ?

S A Q -2 : W h at is a M alw are?

2|Pa g e

Backing up basically means creating a redundant copy of a data so that in case anything happens to
the original data, you have a spare copy. This is typically a simple thing to do. If you feel that you
should backup your valuable data, then you should decide and select what are the data to be backup.
Depending on your needs, you may choose to backup your windows registry, or your Outlook
Express mail data, or even your windows security keys.
But when these files gradually occupies a lot of disk space, you may need to seek help from archiver
utilities such as Winzip which enables you to compact your files into a single compressed file.
You can then break up this large file into several pieces to be stored in several mediums such as a
span of CD or DVD-Recordable. Winzip also allows you to protect your file with encryption and a
software password to prevent any unauthorized access. There are a number of backup methods you
could use.
S te p b y S te p P ro c es s o n H o w to C re a te a S ys te m Im a g e B a c ku p in W in d o w s 7 , 8 , o r 1 0
S te p O n e : O p e n S ys te m Im a g e B a c ku p
The process of finding the System Image Backup tool is different in Windows 7 than in Windows 8
and 10, so we’ll show you to find the tool in all versions, and then explain how to create and use the
system image.
O p e n S ys te m Im a g e B a c ku p in W in d o w s 1 0

In Windows 10, hit Start, type “backup,” and then select the entry.

In the “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)” window, click the

“Create a system image” link.
O p e n S ys te m Im a g e B a c ku p in W in d o w s 8

In Windows 8, hit Start, type “file history,” and then select the “File
History” entry.

3|Pa g e
In the “File History” window, click the “System Image Backup” link.

O p e n S ys te m Im a g e B a c ku p in W in d o w s 7

Hit Start, click the arrow to the right of the “Getting Started” item, and
then click “Back up your files.”

In the “Backup and Restore” window, click the “Create a system image” link.

S te p T w o : C re a te a S ys te m Im ag e B a c k u p

Once you’ve opened the system image tool, the steps for creating a system image are the same in
Windows 7, 8, or 10.

1. When you first open the tool, it will scan your system for
external drives. You can then decide where you want to save the image. It can be to an external
drive, multiple DVD’s, or on a network location. Select where you want to save your backup and then
click “Next.”

4|Pa g e
2. By default, the tool only backs up your system drive. You can
include other drives if you want, but remember that this will add to the size of the final image.
Typically, we like to create separate image backups for each drive.

3. At the confirmation screen, notice the amount of space the

image may take. If anything doesn’t look right, you can still go back and make adjustments. If
everything looks okay, click the “Start Backup” button.

4. You’ll see a progress meter as the tool creates the image.

It can take a while. In this example, we’re backing up a drive with about 319 GB of data. It took about
2.5 hours when backed up to an external hard disk connected to our PC via USB. Your time will vary
depending on your PC and the type of storage to which you’re backing up.

S te p T h re e: C re a te a S ys te m R e p a ir D is c

5. When the backup is complete, Windows gives you the option

to create a system repair disc. You can use this disc to start your PC and restore from your image
backup in the event you ever need to replace your hard drive and can’t start Windows. We highly
recommend you go ahead and create the disc, then label and store it in a secure location.

6. Select the drive you want to use to create the disc and then click
the “Create Disc” button.

5|Pa g e
7. When it comes time to restore the image, you can start your PC
from the recovery disc to get access to a number of recovery tools—including “System Image

Malware refers to any kind of malicious codes, objects or content

that infiltrates your computer, resulting in damage and causing your system to act in an undesirable
manner. Commonly, these include viruses, spyware, worms, trojan horses, spams and many more.
When you are infected, you can lose your privacy, confidential data and access to your system when
software and hardware are damaged. Fortunately, there are a couple of preventive measures you can
take to protect yourself from malware.
A n tiviru s p ro g ra m

Alternatively referred to as an antivirus software, AVS, antivir, or just AV.

An antivirus program is a software utility designed to protect your computer or network against
computer viruses. If and when a virus is detected, the computer displays a warning asking what
action should be done, often giving the options to remove, ignore, or move the file to the vault.
S te p b y S te p P ro c es s in S c an n in g th e c o m p u te r s ys te m a n d n e tw ork u s in g a n A n ti-viru s

Double-click to open the anti-virus on your desktop.

6|Pa g e
Click Scan from the menu above.

Choose Scan for Viruses to inspect or scan the system or

Choose Scan for Network Threats to inspect network threats.

S te p b y S te p P ro c es s in C le a n in g th e s ys te m a n d re g istry
A Registry scanner or Registry cleaner is third-party software for Microsoft Windows that searches for
Registry entries that are redundant or no longer used, and removes or resolves them. The theory is
that this process makes the system run more efficiently since the Registry has been "cleaned" of
these useless entries.
1. Double click CCleaner on your desktop to

2. Click Analyze button to check the system

3. Click Run Cleaner to clean the system

7|Pa g e
4. On the left-side, choose Registry menu and
click Scan for Issues

5. Click Fix Selected Issues button below

6. A dialog box will appear, click Yes if you want

to back-up the registry and No if
you don’t want to back it up

7. Choose Fix All Selected Issues to fix the


8. Finally, click Close to exit the program.

L e t’s P ra ctic e !

(A n s w e r o n th e A n s w e r S h e et p ro v id e d fo r A c tiv ity a n d A s s es s m e n t.)

A C T IV IT Y : R e a rra n g e th e P ro c ed u re s

D ire c tio n : R e a rra n g e th e fo llo w in g p ro c ed u re s in th e ir p ro p e r o rd e r. U s e n u m b e rs to in d ic ate

th e ir o rd e r o f p re c ed e n c e.

A . S c an n in g th e c o m p u te r s ys te m a n d n e tw ork u s in g a n A n ti-viru s

_ _ __Choose Scan for Network Threats to inspect network threats.

_____Double-click to open the anti-virus on your desktop.
_____Choose Scan for Viruses to inspect or scan the system

8|Pa g e
_____Click Scan from the menu above.

B . S te p b y S te p P ro c es s o n H o w to C re a te a S ys te m Im a g e B a c k u p in W in d o w s 7 , 8 o r 1 0
_ _ __By default, the tool only backs up your system drive. You can include other drives if you want,
but remember that this will add to the size of the final image. Typically, we like to create separate
image backups for each drive.
_ _ __You’ll see a progress meter as the tool creates the image.It can take a while. In this example,
we’re backing up a drive with about 319 GB of data. It took about 2.5 hours when backed up to an
external hard disk connected to our PC via USB. Your time will vary depending on your PC and the
type of storage to which you’re backing up.

____When you first open the tool, it will scan your system for external drives. You can then decide
where you want to save the image. It can be to an external drive, multiple DVD’s, or on a network
location. Select where you want to save your backup and then click “Next.”

____Select the drive you want to use to create the disc and then click the “Create Disc” button.

____At the confirmation screen, notice the amount of space the image may take. If anything doesn’t
look right, you can still go back and make adjustments. If everything looks okay, click the “Start
Backup” button.
____When it comes time to restore the image, you can start your PC from the recovery disc to get
access to a number of recovery tools—including “System Image Recovery.”

K ey P o in ts

V iru s - is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and
runs against your wishes.
R e g is try- is a database used by Windows operating system to store configuration information
M a lw are- refers to any kind of malicious codes, objects or content that infiltrates your computer,
resulting in damage and causing your system to act in an undesirable manner. Commonly, these
include viruses, spyware, worms, trojan horses, spams and many more.
D is k C le a n u p - is a computer maintenance utility that is included in the Microsoft Windows operating
system and is designed to free up space on the hard drive. Disk Cleanup helps free up space on your
hard drive. Disk Cleanup searches your drive, and then shows you temporary files, Internet cache
files, and unnecessary program files that you can safely delete. The cleanup process involves
searching and analyzing the hard drive for files that are no longer needed. Then it proceeds to
remove them and thus freeing up disk space on the hard drive.
Making a duplicate image or cloning a drive is often used in data recovery to ensure that the
original media where data has been lost is untouched while recovery is done on the cloned drive.
Creating a backup of files is one of the most important things people do not do, even though it
should be their top priority. Never recover lost data on the original media. Make a copy or image of it
on another storage media, and recover from that copy.
C h e c k M o d e o f F a ilu re
Before you engage in any self-recovery jobs, do the following first:
a) Check if you have heard any sound prior to your data loss.

9|Pa g e
b) Notice if the performance of the system degrade.
c) Encountered any problems while opening files, folders or saving.
This is simply to make sure that the loss is logical in nature, and not physical. If you encounter any
data loss arising from physical data loss, please send it to a professional data recovery outfit.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(A n s w er o n th e L e a rn er’s A c tivity a n d A s s e s s m en t s h e ets .)

A s s e s s m en t: M u ltip le C h o ic e
D ire c tio n s : C h o o s e th e le tte r o f th e c o rre ct a n sw e r. W rite y o u r a n s w ers o n th e L e a rn er’s
A c tiv ity a n d A s s es sm e n t s h ee ts .
1. It refers to any kind of malicious codes, objects or content that infiltrates your computer, resulting in
damage and causing your system to act in an undesirable manner.
a. Software b. Malware c. Spyware d. Firmware
2.It is a system-defined database which is used by an Operating System to store all the information
needed to configure the Windows settings.
a. Registry b. Registration c. Register d. Registering
3.It is a computer maintenance utility that is included in the Microsoft Windows operating system and
it is designed to free up space on the hard drive.
a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk c. Data Backup d. Disk Cleanup
4. It means creating a redundant copy of a data so that in case anything happens to the original data,
you have a spare copy.
a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk c. Data Backup d. Disk Cleanup
5. It is a software utility designed to protect your computer or network against computer viruses.
a. Software b. Antivirus Program c. Virus d. Antivirus Ransomware
6. It is third-party software for Microsoft Windows that searches for Registry entries that
are redundant or no longer used, and removes or resolves them.

a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk c. Registry Edit d. Registry Scanner

7. It allows you to protect your file with encryption and a software password to prevent any
unauthorized access.
a. WInzip b. CD-R c. DVD-R d. iOBIT
8. It is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs
against your wishes.
a. Malware b. Firmware c. Virus d. Antivirus
9. Before you engage in any self-recovery jobs, do the following first: Except?
a. Check if you have heard any sound prior to your data loss.
b. Notice if the antivirus program manipulates the system.
c. Encountered any problems while opening files, folders or saving.
10. All of this choices are viruses in a computer, except one.
a. Trojan b. Spam c. Gourmet d. Worms

10 | P a g e
h ttp s ://w w w .h o w to g e e k.c o m /h o w to /4 2 41 /h o w -to -c re ate -a -s ys te m -im a g e -in -
w in d o w s-7 /
R E F E R E N C E /S h ttp s ://w w w .slid e sh a re .n e t/s kyro c k e r00 0 4/c o m p u te r-h a rd w are -se rvic in g -
le a rn e rs -m ate ria l-g rad e -1 0

This LR is produced and distributed locally without profit and will be used for
educational purposes only. No malicious infringement is intended by the writer.
Credits and respect to the original creator / owner of the materials found in this
learning resource.

Written by:


Teacher – I

11 | P a g e
L e a rn e r’s A c tivity a n d A s s e s s m e n t S h e e ts


S A Q 1 : W h at is D ata B acku p ?

S A Q 2 : W h at is a M alw are?

L e t’s P ra ctic e !

A C T IV IT Y : R e a rran g e th e P ro c ed u re s

D ire c tio n : R e a rran g e th e fo llo w in g p ro c e d u re s in th e ir p ro p e r o rd e r. U s e n u m b e rs to in d ic ate

th e ir o rd e r o f p re c ed e n c e.

A . S c an n in g th e c o m p u te r s ys te m a n d n e tw ork u s in g a n A n ti-viru s

_ _ __Choose Scan for Network Threats to inspect network threats.

_____Double-click to open the anti-virus on your desktop.
_____Choose Scan for Viruses to inspect or scan the system
_____Click Scan from the menu above.

B . S te p b y S te p P ro c es s o n H o w to C re a te a S ys te m Im a g e B a c ku p in W in d o w s 7 , 8 o r 1 0
_ _ __By default, the tool only backs up your system drive. You can include other drives if you want,
but remember that this will add to the size of the final image. Typically, we like to create separate
image backups for each drive.
_ _ __You’ll see a progress meter as the tool creates the image.It can take a while. In this example,
we’re backing up a drive with about 319 GB of data. It took about 2.5 hours when backed up to an
external hard disk connected to our PC via USB. Your time will vary depending on your PC and the
type of storage to which you’re backing up.

____When you first open the tool, it will scan your system for external drives. You can then decide
where you want to save the image. It can be to an external drive, multiple DVD’s, or on a network
location. Select where you want to save your backup and then click “Next.”

____Select the drive you want to use to create the disc and then click the “Create Disc” button.

____At the confirmation screen, notice the amount of space the image may take. If anything doesn’t
look right, you can still go back and make adjustments. If everything looks okay, click the “Start
12 | P a g e
Backup” button.
____When it comes time to restore the image, you can start your PC from the recovery disc to get
access to a number of recovery tools—including “System Image Recovery.”

L e t’s s e e h o w m u c h h a ve yo u le arn e d to d a y!
A s s e s s m en t: M u ltip le C h o ic e
D ire c tio n s : C h o o s e th e lette r o f th e c o rre ct a n s w e r. W rite y o u r a n s w ers o n th e s p a ce p ro v id e d
fo r.
______1.It refers to any kind of malicious codes, objects or content that infiltrates your computer,
resulting in damage and causing your system to act in an undesirable manner.
b. Software b. Malware c. Spyware d. Firmware
______2.It is a system-defined database which is used by an Operating System to store all the
information needed to configure the Windows settings.
a. Registry b. Registration c. Register d. Registering
______3.It is a computer maintenance utility that is included in the Microsoft Windows operating
system and it is designed to free up space on the hard drive.
a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk c. Data Backup d. Disk Cleanup
______4.It means creating a redundant copy of a data so that in case anything happens to the
original data, you have a spare copy.
a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk c. Data Backup d. Disk Cleanup
______5.It is a software utility designed to protect your computer or network against computer
a. Software b. Antivirus Program c. Virus d. Antivirus Ransomware
______6.It is third-party software for Microsoft Windows that searches for Registry
entries that are redundant or no longer used, and removes or resolves them.

a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk c. Registry Edit d. Registry Scanner

______7.It allows you to protect your file with encryption and a software password to prevent any
unauthorized access.
a. WInzip b. CD-R c. DVD-R d. iOBIT
______8.It is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge
and runs against your wishes.
a. Malware b. Firmware c. Virus d. Antivirus
______9.Before you engage in any self-recovery jobs, do the following first: Except?
a. Check if you have heard any sound prior to your data loss.
b. Notice if the antivirus program manipulates the system.
c. Encountered any problems while opening files, folders or saving.
______10.All of this choices are viruses in a computer, except one.
a. Trojan b. Spam c. Gourmet d. Worms

13 | P a g e
Topic: M A IN T A IN IN G A N D R E P A IR IN G C O M P U T E R S Y S T E M S A N D N E T W O R K S (M R C N )
Learning Competency: M a in ta in c o m p u te r s ys te m s a n d n e tw ork s

S A Q -1: W h at is D ata B acku p ? A s s e s s m en t: M u ltip le C h o ic e

Backing up basically means creating a D ire c tio n s: C h o o s e th e le tte r o f th e c o rre ct

redundant copy of a data so that in case a n s w er. W rite y o u r a n s w ers o n th e s p a ce
anything happens to the original data, you have p ro v id e d fo r.
a spare copy. B 1. It refers to any kind of malicious codes,
objects or content that infiltrates your computer,
S A Q -2: W h at is a M alw are? resulting in damage and causing your system to
Malware refers to any kind of malicious codes, act in an undesirable manner.
objects or content that infiltrates your computer, c. Software b. Malware c. Spyware
resulting in damage and causing your system to
d. Firmware
act in an undesirable manner.
A 2. It is a system-defined database which is
A C T IV IT Y : R e a rran g e th e P ro ce d u re s used by an Operating System to store all the
information needed to configure the Windows
D ire c tio n : R e a rran g e th e fo llo w in g settings.
p ro c e d u re s in th e ir p ro p e r o rd e r. U s e
n u m b e rs to in d ic ate th e ir o rd e r o f a. Registry b. Registration c. Register
p re c ed e n c e. d. Registering

A . S c an n in g th e c o m p u te r s ys te m a n d D 3. It is a computer maintenance utility that is

n e tw ork u s in g a n A n ti-viru s included in the Microsoft Windows operating
system and it is designed to free up space on
4 Choose Scan for Network Threats to inspect the hard drive.
network threats.
1 Double-click to open the anti-virus on your a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk
desktop. c. Data Backup d. Disk Cleanup

3 Choose Scan for Viruses to inspect or scan C 4. It means creating a redundant copy of a
data so that in case anything happens to the
the system
original data, you have a spare copy.
2 Click Scan from the menu above.
a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk
B . S te p b y S te p P ro c es s o n H o w to C re a te a c. Data Backup d. Disk Cleanup
S ys te m Im a g e B a c k u p in W in d o w s 7 , 8 o r 1 0
B 5. It is a software utility designed to protect
2 By default, the tool only backs up your your computer or network against computer
system drive. You can include other drives if you viruses.
want, but remember that this will add to the size a. Software b. Antivirus Program
of the final image. Typically, we like to create
separate image backups for each drive. c. Virus d. Antivirus Ransomware

4 You’ll see a progress meter as the tool D 6. It is third-party software for

creates the image.It can take a while. In this Microsoft Windows that searches
example, we’re backing up a drive with about for Registry entries that are
redundant or no longer used, and
319 GB of data. It took about 2.5 hours when
removes or resolves them.
backed up to an external hard disk connected to
our PC via USB. Your time will vary depending a. Network software tool b. Scan Disk
on your PC and the type of storage to which c. Registry Edit d. Registry Scanner
you’re backing up.

1 When you first open the tool, it will scan your

system for external drives. You can then decide
where you want to save the image. It can be to
14 | P a g e
an external drive, multiple DVD’s, or on a
network location. Select where you want to save
your backup and then click “Next.” A 7. It allows you to protect your file with
encryption and a software password to prevent
6 Select the drive you want to use to create the any unauthorized access.
disc and then click the “Create Disc” button. a. WInzip b. CD-R c. DVD-R
d. iOBIT
3 At the confirmation screen, notice the
amount of space the image may take. If C 8. It is a program or piece of code that is
anything doesn’t look right, you can still go back loaded onto your computer without your
and make adjustments. If everything looks okay, knowledge and runs against your wishes.
click the “Start Backup” button. a. Malware b. Firmware c. Virus
7 When it comes time to restore the image, d. Antivirus
you can start your PC from the recovery disc to
B 9. Before you engage in any self-recovery
get access to a number of recovery tools—
including “System Image Recovery.” jobs, do the following first: Except?
a. Check if you have heard any sound prior to
your data loss.
b. Notice if the antivirus program manipulates
the system.
c. Encountered any problems while opening
files, folders or saving.
C 10. All of this choices are viruses in a
computer, except one.
a. Trojan b. Spam c. Gourmet
d. Worms

15 | P a g e
Standards in writing the EPP/TLE/TVL CapsLET
 Use long bondpaper
 Arial font style
 12 font size
 .5 margins in all sides

16 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City



Learning Area: __________________________________ Grade Level: ____________

Title: ___________________________________________________________________
Quarter: _________________________________________________________________
Week: ___________________________________________________________________
Learning Competency: _________________________________________________________


1. Read carefully the learning resource (LR) page by page to evaluate the LR for compliance to standards
indicated in the criterion items under each factor below.
2. Put a check mark (/) in the appropriate column beside each criterion item. If your answer is NO, cite
specific page/s, briefly indicate the errors found, and give your recommendations in the attached
Summary of Findings form.
3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that does not apply in the LR evaluated.

Standards /Criterion Items Yes No

Factor I. Intellectual Property Rights Compliance
1. The learning resource has no copyright violations.
2. The copyrighted texts and visuals used in the LR are
3. The copyrighted materials used in the LR are accurately
4. The references are properly cited in the Reference/s box
using the DepEd LR Referencing Guide.
Note: At least 3 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not
indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor II. Learning Competencies

1. Content is consistent with the targeted DepEd Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) intended for
the learning area and grade level.
2. The MELC is subtasked into learning objectives based
on the Compressed Curriculum Guide Syllabus (CCGS)
of a specific learning area.

Note: These 2 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not

indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor III. Instructional Design and Organization

1. The LR contributes to the achievement of specific
objectives of the learning area and grade level for which
it is intended.
2. Sequencing of contents and activities from
17 | P a g e
lesson facilitates achievement of objectives.
3. Content is suitable to the target learner’s level of
development, needs, and experience.
4. Content reinforces, enriches, and / or leads to the
mastery of the targeted learning competencies intended
for the learning area and grade level.
5. The LR develops higher cognitive skills (e.g., critical
thinking skills, creativity, learning by doing, problem
solving) and 21st century skills.
6. The LR enhances the development of desirable values
and traits such as: (Mark the appropriate box with an
“X” applicable for values and traits only)

Note: At least 5 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not

indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor IV. Instructional Quality

1. Content and information are accurate.
2. Content and information are up-to-date.
3. The LR is free from any social content violations.
4. The LR is free from factual errors.
5. The LR is free from computational errors (if applicable)
6. The LR is free from grammatical errors.
7. The LR is free from typographical errors.
Note: At least 6 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not
indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor V. Assessment
1. The LR provides useful measures and information that
help the teacher evaluate learner’s progress in mastering
the target competencies.
2. Assessment aligns with the learning competency/ies.

3. Assessment provides clear instructions in the TRY

4. Assessment provides correct answer/s.
Note: All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor VI. Readability

1. Vocabulary level is adapted to target users’ experience
and understanding.
2. Length of sentences is suited to the comprehension level
of the target user.
3. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and
appropriate to the target user.
4. Lessons, instructions, exercises, questions, and activities
are clear to the target user.
5. The LR provides appropriate mother tongue for the
target user.

18 | P a g e
Note: At least 4 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not
indicate compliance to this factor Complied


Factor I. Physical Attributes
1. All necessary elements are complete.
2. Cover elements are correct and complete. (i.e., w/ grade
indicator & learning area, CapsLET title, quarter,
headings, division tagline)
3. The CapsLET follows the prescribed learning area color.
4. The LR observes correct pagination.
5. Contains accurate learning competency and code.
Note: All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
compliance to this factor Complied

Factor II. Layout and Design

1. The LR follows the prescribed CapsLET template.
(maximum of 10 pages and minimum of 3 pages)
2. The LR follows the prescribed CapsLET paper size
(long bond paper - 21.59cm x 33.02cm).
Note: All items be marked YES to indicate compliance to this Complied Not
factor. Complied

Factor III. Typographical Organization

1. The LR uses appropriate font size (12 or 14) and styles
(Calibri Body, Arial or Times New Roman).
2. The LR follows the rules in the use of boldface and
Note: All criterion items must be YES to indicate compliance Complied Not
to this factor. Complied

Factor IV. Visuals

1. It contains visuals that illustrate and clarify the concept.
2. It has images that are easily recognizable.
3. Layout is appropriate to the child.
4. Text and visuals are properly placed.
Note: All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
compliance to this factor. Complied

Recommendation: (Please put a check mark (/) in the appropriate box.)

Minor revision. This material is found compliant to the minimum requirements in all six factors. Revision
based on the recommendations included in the Summary of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes
must be implemented.

Major revision. This material is non-compliant to the requirements in one or more factors. Revision based on
the recommendations included in the Summary of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes must be

For field validation. This material is found compliant to all factors with NO corrections.

I certify that this evaluation report and the recommendation(s) in the summary report are my own and have been
made without any undue influence from others.

Name/s Signature/s

19 | P a g e
Evaluator/s: SALVADOR G. FORGOSA ________________________

JAMES B. DE LOS REYES ________________________

DR. LAARNI V. MIRANDA ________________________

Date accomplished: ___________________________

This tool is anchored on the Guidelines in ADM Content Evaluation, Guidelines in ADM
Layout Evaluation and Level 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating
Sheet for Story Books and Big Books.

Summary of Content Findings, Corrections and Review for Locally Developed


Title of the CapSLET: ____________________ Grade Level: ______

Quarter: ___________________________
Week: _____________________________
Part of the Brief Specific Put a check mark
CapSLET/ description recommendatio
Paragraph of Errors/ ns for
/ Line / Findings/ improving the
Page Observatio identified Not
number (in ns criterion Implement
chronologic ed
al order)

Legend: (Type of Error) C - Content, L – Language, DL – Design and Layout

Other Findings: Write additional comments and recommendations not captured

in the evaluation tools used.

20 | P a g e
Prepared by: Date accomplished:
_________________________ _____________________
(Signature Over Printed Name)

21 | P a g e

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