Writing Lesson C D

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Lesson c: 

SPOKEN FORUM: Charity gifts

Well, I suppose I’d be grateful because even though I can’t physically see or touch tree I know that

somewhere that tree is giving life to someone, it’s providing us with oxygen. However, imagine I

planted a tree for one of my friends’ birthday, most of them would find the gift ridiculous and

unbelievable. What if they are not into charity gifts or environmental care? I’d have a big issue right

there and since I strongly believe that there’s no point in having problems withy gifts if I wanted to

buy a charity gift for someone’s birthday I’d let them choose the charity. I mean, suppose my friend

let me choose. I’d want to adopt a dog. There are plenty of homeless dogs! That would be rewarding

for me!  

BLOG: Make the world a fairer place!

 Buy fair trade products from companies that pay farmers or workers at a fair price.

Let’s suppose you are working for more than 15 hours daily to barely earn any money to feed some of your

family or imagine your workspace it’s dirty, full of cracks and you don’t even have a bathroom. These are

some of the many issues workers from fast fashion companies face every day. Nowadays many workers from

brands like H&M, ZARA, MANGO, and many others are suffering human rights violations as they are being

paid below the minimum wage (85 euros per month), and since this is not enough they have to work overtime

to survive. However,  if we don’t support fast fashion companies anymore they’ll have to change as well as
their workers’ conditions. Now imagine you have 10$ to buy a shirt. There’s no better way to spend it than

supporting low fashion companies that stand fair labor rights. It’s time to make a change let’s support the low

fashion industry. Here are some tips: Imagine you are buying a dress ask yourself:  Will I be using this at least

30 times? Is this a responsible brand?  If not, don’t but it. What if could help these workers? What if you are

changing lives? Well, you are, let’s support them! Buy less, buy better!

Lesson D:

1. Would you consider working on one of the ships? What skills could you offer?

Well, I would consider working on one of the Mercy Ships, however, I haven’t received any type of medical or

nursing education, so I don’t know what I could offer to the charity, perhaps I could work on the

administration as well as I could manage their social networks, like that I might find new sponsors for Mercy


2. How do you think you would benefit from working with the organization?

I guess I will acquire knowledge about the and customs of the people from overseas countries as well as from

my co-workers. In fact, I would become way more sensitive to poverty and people in need, and above all, this

would be an awesome experience since it would change for my attitude to life. 

3. Would it change your life or your outlook on life, do you think?

I suppose it would change my outlook on life, the devastating situation of the injured it’s really heartbreaking,

sometimes the inhabitants from these countries get sick because of their inefficient health system and after they

received the aid from Mercy Ships I would be able to see how the pride and joy return to their lives. This

experience would completely change my vision of life I would be more grateful every day because of being

alive, having my family and being healthy. Imagine you could be changing lives from just volunteering a few

months, I believe it’s incredible.

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