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Issues of Education
1) Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage.

classless conventional cram divisive elite gifted inferiority complex

labelled potential privileged spontaneity streaming

It is interesting that in some countries which are socialist and therefore supposedly
_______________ the educational system is based on ________________, which means that
children are educated according to their ability, with the more ______________ children separated
from the others. Supporters of this system say that more intelligent children will be helped to achieve
their full _______________in this way and that these children will be held back if they have to share
lessons with less clever pupils.

Opponents of this system, on the other hand, maintain that it creates an educated
_______________, a special class of ______________people who are encouraged to think of
themselves as superior to the others. Similarly the others may, as a result of being
_______________second-rate, develop some kind of ________________. In a word, such a system is
______________since it creates a division between people. Another important question in education
is the amount of freedom and choice children should be given at school. The conservative view is that
a _______________system of strict rules is best.

However, critics of this attitude say it causes regimentation, as in the army, and discourages
children's natural imagination and ______________. We must ask ourselves what the purpose of
education is: to _____________children's heads with facts or to encourage them to develop their
natural abilities in their own way?


a) What is your opinion about this issue?

b) Should children be taught according to their abilities?
c) Should we adopt this system in our country?
d) Should we let children choose their future?
Fashion in Clothes
2) Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage.

conformists dictate dictates fashion houses haute couture individualists

personal ornaments slaves to fashion slavishly the latest fashion trends trendy

Most people like to think they are _______________ and simply wear whatever they like. Few people
will admit to being ______________ of the expensive ______________. However we are not just
talking of the Paris and Milan ______________, which not many people can afford anyway. We are
talking of fashions and _____________in everyday clothes. We say that we wear jeans and sweaters
because they are cheap and practical, but isn't it true that our jeans and sweaters tend to be the
same as everyone else wears? Doesn't that mean that we like to be _____________? Of course the
big chain-stores, to some extent, ______________what we wear, but they always offer a choice and
people do, on the whole, like to wear _____________, which extends beyond clothes to make-up,
______________ (men wear earrings too, nowadays) and hair styles. It is easy to declare that we do
not _____________follow the ______________of fashion, but aren't we all (l) _____at heart?


a) Do you think that many people are addicted to fasshion?

b) Would you split thousands of dollars in clothes to be used only in special cases?
c) What kind of person are you related to fashion?
d) What was the latest piece of clothing you bought? Was it fashion or not?

How much freedom should children have?

3) Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage.

possessive upbringing permissive rebelliousness surpress formative

run wild juvenile delinquency inhibited authoritarian adolescence

It is often said that we live in a ______________ age, one in which people are allowed to do
almost anything they like. Is this good for children? They are going through their _______________,
which is a very ______________ stage of their development since their final adult characters are
beginning to take shape. Some parents think it is good for children to be allowed to
______________, without control or supervision. They say that this enables children’s personalities
to develop naturally and that they will learn to be responsible by the mistakes they make. However
this might lead to _________________, with the children ending up in the courts, or it might simply
make children self-centered, without any consideration for others.

Other parents believe in being strict, but taken to extremes this can produce a too
_______________ atmosphere in the home, with the children being dominated and ruled by their
parents. Parents can also be very ______________ and try to keep their children dependent on them.
These last two attitudes can encourage ________________ (against parents, school, and authority)
in a child, or conversely, ________________ a child’s natural sense of adventure and curiosity. A
strict ________________ by overcaring parents can make a child so timid and
________________that he or she is unable to express freely his or her emotions and form mature

To bring up children to be normal, well-adjusted human beings requires great wisdom, and
perhaps a bit of luck.


a) Do children have too much freedom these days?

b) What should be the best way to bring up children?
c) Is the rebelliousness something acceptable to form the teenagers’s character?
d) What limit should be given to them?

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