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942518 Piston and Piston Ring Design and Development for the Formula 1 Engine Giovanni P. Pietrobello, Marco Cocchi, and Andrea Bolletta ABSTRACT ‘Some developments and results concerning piston and piston ring of Lamborghini 3,S-liter V12 Formulal ‘atmospheric engine are reported. Two piston shapes, their materials and problems of using only two piston rings have been analyzed focusing on friction losses, blow-by control and oil consumption, INTRODUCTION ‘This paper reports the piston and piston ring developements of the 3.5-liter V12 Formulal_ atmospheric tengine that raced the Formulal Grand Prix from 1988 10 1993, Technical illustrations, results and methodologies {for their correct use are included. ‘Looking for increasing performance, the F1 engine manufacturers co-operate with more prestigious piston ‘and piston ring manufacturers in designing them. Finite Element Analysis of the piston has been used (0 ‘compare three different configurations of piston skirt to ‘pin boss rib, Stress and strain state due (o the maximum gas pressure and inertia forces at maximum revs are reported only for the two models the most similar to the last used in the engine. ‘At the same time metallurgic-echnological tests have ‘been carried out by our laboratory to define the high temperature characteristic of the thermal resistant alloys for forging, Including: - the hardness (HB) decay versus temperature; = metallographic tests and chemical analysis on these alloys. ‘This research project has lead to a piston architecture ‘optimization under various aspects : pin boss and crown strength, profile and ovality, alloy metallurgy and heat treatment, micro-structural homogeneity. Performance, oil consumption, blow-by control results 175, Lamborghini Engineering SpA are reparted for two different piston rings. Furthermore, analysis of accurate blow-by control and ‘oil consumption problems using only one compression ring and one oil ring is included. Some of the most ‘common ring shapes tested on engines have been revised giving a critical results analysis and related grounds. PISTON OVERVIEW MAIN SPECIFICATIONS - The target of this research project was obtaining a piston for a FI 12 cylinder 3.5- liter engine withstanding 14500 rpm detivering $50 kW max power and 415 Nm max torque, values reached at the beginning of “93” season. Further developements were done during 1993 to increase performance in the engine with pneumatic valves. “Many problems arise reaching such a high specific power, Oflen the required specifications are conflicting; ‘eg: the piston has to be as light as possible, and having at the same time high strength, very low compression eight (10 reduce weight) whilst avoiding connecting fod ‘small end overheating (connecting rod small end is quite ‘lose to the crown in this kind of piston). They have also to drain much heat while absorbing as little friction power as possible, STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PISTON CONFIGURATIONS - Piston structural analysis was initially based comparing the three schematic ‘models represented in Figs.1-2-3 and classified as “A”, “BY and “C” type, Crown geometry, skirt depth, skirt angular amplitude ‘and pin boss are the same for the three types. ‘They only differ because of the skirt to pin boss rib shape, all ribs have the same thickness and height. The ‘aim of this work was to evaluate the effoct of different skirt to pin boss rib geometries on piston behaviour. Fig. “A” type model - -Fig3 :"C” type model - 'B” type model - ‘Type “A” has a curved rib connecting the skirt with the internal side of pin boss. Type “B” has a straight rib, perpendicular to the pin boss axis, connected to the external side. ‘Type “C” has a straight rib not perpendicular to the pin boss axis and connected in the middle of the pin boss. The geometric shape of type “C” is here only reviewed. Results will not be reported because this kind of piston was not used in the engine. In the models analyzed a milling on the internal part of the boss bottom is modelled 10 simulate the actual situation of the piston boss, as is shown in detail in Fig.4. In fact in race engines, the rod is guided by the piston 176 - Fig.4 : Milling on pin boss bottom - and not by the crankshaft, lowering friction losses because the slip tip speed between the piston pin boss and rod is lower than between the crankshaft cheeks and the rod, ‘That leads to very low clearances between the piston pin boss and the rod reducing the pin length and weight. ‘Asa drawback, there is a lubrication problem of the pin boss and connecting rod small end, because of the low clearance between them, and because the low distance between rod and the crown (to achieve a small ‘compression height) clevates the temperature. LOADS - Loads used to compare the models “A” and “B” can be summarized in 3 fundamental types : 1) Gas pressure at maximum torque revs 2) Maximum inertia forces at maximum power revs. ‘The symmetry of these loads let us use quarter models as indicated before '3) Skirt and pin boss loads perpendicular to pin axis due to lateral forces generated during the cycle. Cutting the pistons with a plane perpendicular to the piston axis and passing by the pin axis we get the ‘geometry of the plane models used in this latter investigation, The piston skirt geometric shape is circular ‘and not oval as in the real one. Because of the contact problem a non-linear analysis was carried out. For the purpose of this kind of comparative analysis, ‘the thermal loads were neglected because of the low effect of geometrical differences on them. STRESSES - The analysis of the two models showed the presence of three zones of particular interest, in which peaks in the distribution of stresses appear. ‘We describe in the following the three zones (sce M, T and Rin Figs.1-2) outlining the most significant behaviours for each of them ‘T:_Middle part of the lower surface of the crown. it is clear that the stresses in this part of the piston are due to the bending of the crown. Remembering that the ‘geometry for the two models is the same, with the ‘exception ofthe rib, the results show that the “B” solution is more flexible than the “A” one because it presents stress values higher by about 5% (see Tab. 1). Mz_ Milling over the bot feeding to the piston pin, All the three executed analyses have shown that the rib exercises an action of traction or compression, depending ‘on the loads applied to the piston, over the bottom part of the boss which is in connection with, For the “A” solution this involves maximum stresses of about two times the ones of the “B” solution, because the rib joins the boss just where this is weakened by the milling (see Tab.1). ‘Also experimentally, the pistons having the “A” geometry have shown a higher sensitivity to the presence of the milling in comparison with the “B” geometry. R ing part ‘This is the part where we have the greatest values of stresses for both the two Toad cases. It is possible to see a sreat difference between the values in the two solutions clearly due to the fact that the “A” geometry, having the rib joined to the boss in the internal part, shows a particular distribution of material that increases the resistance of this zone, In the “B” solution the rib, connected 10 the external part of the boss, docs not contribute to the strenght of this critical part (soe Tab. 1). It must be said that the particular modelling scheme adopted, without the actual radius, involves a certain amplification of the values of the stresses for both the two solutions. The absence of the radius was initially accepted both for the simplification in the realization of the models and for the purely comparative nature of the analysis. the boss for oil ‘The experience with real pistons has also confirmed the results of the FEM analysis, showing a higher weakness of the “B” geometry in this part of the pistons. NORMALIZED MISES STRESSES (These values are obtained setting, Max Value’ 400) STRAINS - The analysis of the vertical displacements Girection 3 in the sketch of Fig.5 and cylinder axis in the engine) of the nodes of the piston top emphasizes a higher deformability of the “B” geometry in comparison with the “A” one, more evident in the pressure load case (see Tab.2). = Fig.S : Nodes for deformations tables « 7 NORMALIZED VERTICAL DISPLACEMENTS (Thee vans re bund setting Mat Vera Valoe"100) == [oman - Fig.6 : Radial displacements ~ NORMALIZED RADIAL DISPLACEMENTS (Thee ale ae zed sting Mix Vee Vte=100) between boss and pin is already very high. This was the ‘same as in real pistons where problem of the seizure was {greater forthe “B” solution than for the “A” ‘A further verification of this condition comes from the analysis of the plain models with lateral load on the skint (Gee Figs 7-8), Observing the two pressure distributions upon the piston pin, it is possible to see a higher peak and a more concentrated surface of contact for the “B” geometry in ‘comparison with the “A” geometry ‘Also the state of pressure upon the skirt results 10 be less evenly distributed for the “B” model revealing a necessity for ovality between the two kinds of pistons very ‘differen. “This characteristic was already outlined during. the evaluation ofthe stresses on the piston crown. Relative 10 the radial displacements of the lower extremity of the skirt (sce Fig.5) is possible to see thatthe SB” solution has smaller values than the “A one (see Tab3 and Fig 6) ‘This demonstrates a greater transversal stiffness of the bo straight goometry for the rib in comparison with the curve cone, involving a negative tendency for seizing of the piston pin atts extremity where the contact pressure -Fig.7: “A” type; Pressure distribution for lateral load - 178 -Fig8 :“B” type; Pressure distribution for lateral load - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS - Even if this work has led to numerically non correct values in the R zone, it was very important to individualize the reasons for certain problems with the pistons and ‘consequently to develop the two solutions in use. All the results were also used to define a new shape for the rib which could incorporated the advantages of the three solutions analyzed. Unfortunately it has not been already possible to verify our expectations because this ‘new geometry has yet to be tested, ALLOY OVERVIEW ‘MAIN ALLOY SPECIFICATIONS - “A” type and “B” type pistons are manufactured with thermal resistant light alloy for forging and austempering, the main alloying clement is copper, other elements are included in lower ‘The “A” type piston alloy is classified as AA 2219 (UNI 9002/7 P AlCu6.3MnZsTi) with following element's percentage: €u5.7 Si0.14 Fe0.21 Mn0.32 Mg0.24 Zn0.19 Ti0.14 Ni0.009 PbO.005 210,004 Al rest ‘The “B" type piston alloy is classified as AA 2618 (UNI 9002/6 PAI Cu2.3Mgl.SFeNi) with following ‘element's percentage: Cu25 $i0.23 Fel Mgi.7 Mn0.04 Zn0.05 Ti .07Ni 1.2 Pb0.005 Zr 0.003 Al rest. ‘The “A” type and “B” type alloys micrographs are reported in Figs.9a-9. ‘TESTS AND TEST AIMS - The aim of this work is to define the two alloys hardiness HB (HB 62,5/2.5/30) decay versus time, in the temperature range 200-350 °C and time permanence until 23 hout. Initially both alloys had the same hardness. The hardness decay corresponds to mechanical strength decay. ‘Temperature permanence tests have been carried out in ‘a muflle furnace by our laboratory. HB hardness has been. 179 measured on the exposed surface after ambient temperature cooling, The probe thickness was 3.0 mm. TEST RESULTS - After the tests it was possible to trace the diagram of Fig, 10. This diagram allows us to determine strength versus temperature for the two alloys, then to evaluate how different piston designs are related with _ piston temperature, simply measuring HB hardness of used pistons and extrapolating from the diagram the temperature they reached. ‘So we can then evaluate : the influence of piston rings ‘on heat transfer, the oil quantity conveyed under piston ‘crown by a small oil jet, the kind of liner cooling, the ‘compression ratio and fuel type ermeniiuroness “STANONG HOLES AT TEMPERATURE + | ——nese | | —mese L | mss $ | aoe 7 DO : ra & - Fig. 10 : Hardness versus temperature; “A” and “B” alloys ~ ‘Analyzing the diagram (sce Fig, 10), shows that : 1) “A” type alloy is slightly but constantly better in the temperature range 260-320 °C. After one hour at 300 °C, the hardness drops from the starting 138 HB to 117 HB for “A” type and to 115 for “B” type. 2) “B” type alloy is slightly better in the temperature range 335-350°C only forthe first two hours ofthe test. After one hour at 350°C, the starting hardness (138 HBB) drops to 95 HB for “A” type and to 97 for “B type”. 3) “A” type alloy is remarkably better in the temperature range 335-350°C for time stay over two hours. ‘MATERIAL CONCLUSIONS - Concluding we can say that "A" type alloy, for this kind of utilization, has some advantages because of the greater thermo-mechanical strength with the little drawback of the higher density ‘because ofthe higher copper percentage. PISTON RINGS OVERVIEW MAIN SPECIFICATIONS - In the piston ring field, since it was founded, Lamborghini Engineering has done research and tests over a wide range of piston rings, on both compression and oil rings. ‘This work has lead to a reduction of friction power, blow-by, fluttering and oil consumption. 180 Goetze has been supporting this research with theit top technologies. Many piston ring parameters have been tested directly fon the engine by Lamborghini Engineering each time a ‘modification was required. Piston rings with lower axial width have been tested until the technological ‘manufacturing limits were reached. We have also tested tangential force reduction, different heat treatement, taper and barrel running surfaces, running surface materials ‘and coating with chromium and motibdenum, PISTON RING CONFIGURATIONS - In the present FI engine there are only two piston rings, one compression ring and one oil rin. ‘Aims of having two rings are: ~ piston ring friction reduction by removing the second ‘compression ring; compression height reduction, In this paper the more important piston rings results are reported. Also some dimensions of each one are given (see Fig 11) "a" type oil ring has a col spring loaded bevelled ‘edge. I is manufactured out of nodular cast iron with a chromium plated running surface. ="b" type is a col spring loaded slotted oil control ring. It is manufactured out of nodular cast iron without any coating, “2” Cot soring loaded bevelled edge Grromum plated ol control ring “C” internally stepped ring Dromium plated slightly feced ring “d” crromsn piated Barrel faced ng "D” Cot spring toaded slotted ‘Ot control ring ZZ “@Stightly taper faced ring ~Fig.11 : Piston ring types - - "ctype is slightly taper torsional positive top ring. It is manufactured out of nodular cast iron with chromium plated running surface. +d" type oil ring is rectangular with barrel running surface. ILis manufactured out of nodular cast iron with chromium plated running surface. = "e" type is slightly taper top ring, It is manufactured ‘out of nodular cast iron without any coating TESTS AND RESULTS ANALYSIS - Tests carried ‘out on actual engines gave interesting results. In all tests carried out during this period the liner type is the same, It is manufactured out of aluminium with nickel and silicon carbide coating “PLATEAU" polished. “b" type oll ring has a better oil scraping effect than "a" with bevelled edge. Furthermore the oil scraping effect is accentuated because of the "b* type’s higher contact pressure on the running surface. ‘The contact pressure can be computed as follows [1]: E, Th [MPa] p=2 Ft = tangential force [N] d= sing nominal diameter [mm] a= axial ring width [mum] ‘biaining for “a” type and "b* type pressure respectively of 1.0 MPa and 1.1. Mpa ‘As an advantage of the "b* type oil ring there is an adaptability factor indicated with K parameter. This ring Parameter represents a measure of the ring adaptability, it comes from the following formula [2]: Ft= tangential force [N] 11 = radius of ring center tne [mum] E-= modulus of elasticity [N / mm? ] 1 = moment of inertia [mm*] "b" type segment, see geometry on Fig.1], was designed to achieve an higher K value than "a type reducing section inertia moment. The parameter K docs not include any tribological aspect of the ring to liner ‘coupling. Tests show a better adaptability of uncoated cast iron than of chromium coated running surfaces, Because of the lower surface hardness of "b" type it wears slightly more than ‘a* type favouring liner shape error compensation. During various working conditions, tests ‘on the “b* type ring reduced oil consumption by about 100 g/h without any appreciable performances variation. The correct use of a compression piston ring needs some technical remarks to understand how it works. “These have been confirmed by all engine tess. ‘Analyzing the forces acting on a compression ring during the combustion phase, supposing that the running surfaces were tapered (sec Fig.12) with 50" taper angle During this phase the piston ring circumferential surface edge adheres to the cylinder wall and the ring bottom to the = Fig.12 : Forces acting on taper piston ring - 182 bottom of piston ring groove because of gas pressure and radial elastic forces. Gas pressure acts also on the running. surface unloading the ring and reducing the fit and ily the sealing, This causes blow-by to increase up to 200 V/I'at 14500 rpm thereby reducing power about TkW. Power loss is due to : lack of pressure in the ‘combustion chamber, loss of fresh mixture and mainly to ‘blow-by tha increases the pressure inside the crankcase. FI engines have an external oil tank (dry sump) and scavenge pumps to extract oil and blow-by, These pumps ‘are designed to lower the absolute pressure inside the ‘crankcase to 0.06 Mpa. Higher pressure causes a rise of piston pumping loss and ventilation loss. Ventilation loss isan indirect effect, because if the volumetric pumps are no longer able to extract all the increased gas volume, they also loose the ability to extract oil that consequently Mutter on the crankshaft. ‘Theoretical considerations and experimental tests gave ‘a maximum running surface compression ring taper angle ‘of 30’. In a two rings system a taper compression ring acts also as an oil consumption controller because the bottom cdge has also an oil scraping effect, It shortens the running-in period (about one hour in our engine) because of the high pressure duc to the “linear" contact between ring and cylinder. Taper tests were carried out following DIN 70907. ‘We now analyze forces acting on the compression ring uring the intake phase, assuming the running surface ‘negative taper has an angle of 20* (see Fig. 13). ig.13 : Forces acting on negative taper piston ring - During this phase the only one force that causes adhesion of ring to cylinder isthe clastic radial force. ‘Because of the taper shape there are also hydrodynamic forces acting on the ring due to the oil film (not ‘completely scraped by the oil ring) on the cylinder wall ‘This hydrodynamic force causes the radial collapse of the ring, so that there is no scraping effect on the oil film, thereby raising the oil consumption, in variable condition ‘est about 600 gr/h. ‘The oil goes in the combustion chamber and during the combustion phase it slows down the combustion speed, ‘markedly reducing the engine power. ‘After analyzing the ring with negative running surface, ‘we can define the minimum taper value. This value comes from consideration about piston differential thermal dilatation and particularly of the piston ring groove. Grooves arc machined perpendicularly 10 the piston axis. When the piston reaches the working temperature distortion occurs to the groove causing it to tilt (see Fig.14). = Fig.14 : Thermal strain of the groove - Experimental evaluation reports a value about 7. Avoiding the negative taper ring implies a minimum ring taper of 7". To confirm the above described analysis we report differential blow-by and performances in diagrams of Figs.15a-15b for "c" and "a" type ring tests. = "Ct type is torsional positive with 30° running surface taper ="4" type is rectangular with barrel running surface, 133 The ring with barrel running surface assumes two negative effects = the excessive top positive taper (30?) increasing blow-by and the botlom negative taper increasing oil consumption, consequently we have great power loss, i ; ~ Fig. 15a : POWER differences between “c” (torsional slightly taper) and “4” (barrel) rings - us ow! nm - Fig. 5b : BLOW-BY differences between “c” (torsional slightly taper) and “a (barrel) rings Figs. 162-16b-16c show differences in performance, blow-by and specific fuel consumption between “c" and ‘te type compression rings. The oil ring remaining the same ("b" type) for both tests, ‘The "e" type compression ring is Lamborhini Engineering state of the art, remarkably increasing performance. It is characterized by reduced axial width (0.7 mm) lowering friction power and consequently lowering specific fuel consumption with a slight drawback of increasing blow-by about 15 U1’ over the whole usage range. zeae - ! . ill Fig. 16a ; POWER differences between “e” (0.7 mm) and “c* (1.0 mm) slightly taper rings - i Ms ~ Fig. 16b : BLOW-BY differences between “e” (0.7mm) and “c” (1.0 mm) stightly taper rings - no - Fig. 6e : BSFC differences between “e” (0.7 mm) and “e" (0 mm) slightly taper rings - 104 CONCLUSIONS: ‘Test results lead to following conclusions oil ing without bevel and without chromium coating has a greater adaptability and scraping effect; ~ compression ring has to have a taper running surface with a taper angle between 7" and 30', and has not to have ‘a bevel on the bottom edge; = no ring can have a running surface taper angle ‘excoding 30" to avoid gas dynamic collapse by combustion Bas; = negative running surface taper does not remarkably influence blow-by but it increases oil consumption and lowers performance because oil enters the combustion ‘chamber because of the ring’s hydrodynamic collapse; ~ reducing from 1 to 0.7 mm the compression ring axial width increases performance and reduces specific fuel consumption because of the reduced friction power loss; = running surface barrel compression ring are unsatisfactory for two segment ring systems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ‘The authors would like to express their appreciation to ‘the management and their collegues at Lamborghini Engineering for their assistance and contribution that ‘made this paper possible. ‘The authors also wish to thank Mr Michael J. Royoe (Chrysler Corporation), who encouraged the writing of this paper. REFERENCE [1] Piston Ring Manual GOETZE AG 12} Dring. Rolf Fakobs Influenza del disegno del segmento raschiaolioe della sua progettazione sul consumo oo ¢ sill attrito RHIAG engincering/GOETZE.

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