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Raven Caalim

Professor Keith Hess

Philosophy 102

9 October 2022

Philosophy Homework #5

1. Exempt

2. This is an argument because it has the premise “ that love (platonic love) all is clear and

pure” and the conclusion is that there can be no tragedy in platonic love. The conclusion

isn’t a commonly known fact, making it disputable, which explanations aren’t since they

are facts.

3. This is an argument because it uses the word “Consequently”, which isn’t commonly

used in an explanation. The author uses premises to support his conclusion, which isn't

commonly accepted.

4. This is not an argument because it is a statement of fact used to back up an already

known fact.

5. This is an argument because it provides two premises that support a conclusion, a

conclusion, and a conclusion indicator.

6. This is an explanation because it states a fact on why people quarrel that cannot be argued


7. This is an argument because the conclusion is not an accepted fact, and the conclusion

follows the premises.

8. This is an explanation because it explains the flaws in another's argument, rather than

coming to a conclusion that isn’t accepted.

9. This is an argument because a reason is given to support the claim.

10. This is an explanation, as it just provides facts.

11. This is an explanation because it provides an accepted fact to tell a fact on why the

accepted fact happens.

12. This is an argument because it provides a conclusion that isn’t proven nor disproven yet,

and has yet to happen.

13. This is an explanation because large amounts of facts and information are being

presented to back the statement that iPhones and Androids are popular.

14. This is an explanation of an internal dialogue without a structure for an argument.

15. This is an argument because it is a conclusion that isn’t generally accepted to be true

which follows by the premises.

16. This is an explanation because it is a person admitting to all the reasons why something is

not love, which in this case is generally accepted to be true.

17. This is an explanation because it provides information as to why Twain “Gave up the


18. This is an argument because it uses the conclusion indicator “and so,” along with

providing premises to his claim.

19. This is an explanation of everything that Culum would be receiving if he becomes


20. This is an explanation as it provides a generally accepted statement in place of the



1. Exempt
2. This is an inductive argument because it uses the words “most” and “Probably”.

3. This is a deductive argument because it leaves no room for the conclusion to be false if

both premises are true.

4. This is an inductive argument because there are other scores he could have gotten besides

a 98 if he got an A.

5. This is a deductive argument because it leaves no room for the conclusion to be false if

both premises are true.

6. This is an inductive argument because it is implied by the word “some” that the

conclusion has a chance of being false.

7. This is an inductive argument because it uses the words “I have a feeling”, providing

room for error.

8. This is a deductive argument because it leaves no room for the conclusion to be false if

both premises are true.

9. This is a deductive argument because it leaves no room for the conclusion to be false if

both premises are true.

10. This is an inductive argument because it uses the words “Majority” and “Probably”.

11. This is a deductive argument because it leaves no room for the conclusion to be false if

all premises are true.

12. This is an inductive argument because it uses the word “some”.

13. This is a deductive argument because it leaves no room for the conclusion to be false if

all premises are true.

14. This is an inductive argument because it uses the phrase “unless they are a convicted

felon”, causing room for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false.
15. This is a deductive argument because it leaves no room for the conclusion to be false if

all premises are true.

16. This is an inductive argument because it uses the word “most”.

17. This is an inductive argument because it uses the words “most” and “probably”.

18. This is an inductive argument because it uses the phrase “who identified themselves as

being very religious”, causing there to be a difference in the sample between the surveyed

and the applied.

19. This is an inductive argument because it uses the word “probably”.

20. This is a deductive argument because it leaves no room for the conclusion to be false if

all premises are true.

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