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Q1. Find the sum of the following geometric series:

Q2. Find the sum of the following series: 5 + 55 + 555 + … to n terms.

Q3. If a and b are the roots of x2 – 3x + p = 0 and c, d are the roots x2 – 12x + q = 0, where a, b, c, d
form a G.P. Prove that (q + p) : (q – p) = 17 : 15.

Q4. Find the sum of the following series to infinity:

Q5. If the harmonic mean and geometric mean of two positive numbers are in the ratio 4 : 5. Then,
the two numbers are in the ratio.

Q6. If the 2nd, 5th and 9th terms of a non-constant AP are in GP, then the common ratio of this GP

Q7. Three positive numbers form an increasing GP. If the middle term in this GP is doubled, then
new numbers are in AP. Then, the common ratio of the GP is

Q8. Find the two numbers whose A.M. is 25 and GM is 20.

Q9. If the A.M of two numbers a and b is twice its G.M. Then prove that a : b = (2+√3) : (2-√3)

Q10. Find the sum of the terms of an infinite decreasing G.P. in which all the terms are positive, the
first term is 4, and the difference between the third and fifth term is equal to 32/81.

1. All Questions comprise of 5 Marks/
2. Negative marking for each incorrect answer is -1.
3. Negative marking for cheating is -5.

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