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United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI) Terms of Reference Title of the Consultancy: Development of Knowledge Management Strategy

for United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI) 1. Background: UNGEI, launched in 2000 at the World Education Forum under the leadership of UNICEF, plays a significant role in keeping the spotlight on girls education. A decadal review of the initiative indicates that UNGEI has emerged as an important platform, a partnership comprising of multilateral and bilateral development partners, international non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations and the private sector partners, for the advancement of gender parity and equality in education. While the partnership has evolved differently across the globe in the past decade, three strategies remain central to its work, namely: technical support and capacity development, policy dialogue and advocacy, and co-ordination and alignment with extant aid architecture. During the Global Advisory Committee (GAC) business meeting of the UNGEI in Dakar in May 2010, there was considerable debate on the need for knowledge management and learning for improved responsiveness, strengthening UNGEI partnership, and policy influence. Subsequently, a working group Knowledge Management Working Group (KMWG) under the leadership of CISCO was created. Considering that knowledge management is a technical area with its own set of skills and expertise, UNGEI Secretariat is looking at hiring the services of a short-term consultant to support them to better assess and understand the key knowledge management issues and needs of UNGEI at the global level and help develop a feasible strategy to address the emerging needs of the partnership, including identification of new opportunities. 2. Major Duties and Responsibilities: The consultant, in dialogue with the KMWG and UNGEI Secretariat, will be responsible forproposing and developing an overall knowledge management strategy for UNGEI, including budget and timeline for implementation. The strategy should be based on the following related activities: y Review the current knowledge generation and management practices within UNGEI to identify good practices as well as bottlenecks, gaps and duplications; y Conduct a rapid audience analysis, to identify the knowledge needs of the different target audiences of UNGEI at the country, regional, and global level; y Undertake a mapping exercise of existing communities of practice/networks, websites and other on-line resources dealing with education and gender-related activities and define how these can support the knowledge sharing and learning strategyof UNGEI; y Suggest a systematic method for/tools to capture emerging knowledge in the context of the different activities implemented under UNGEI; y Recommend strategies for building KM capacity among UNGEI partners; y Prepare a budget and time-line to accompany the implementation strategy.

Overall, the proposed strategy should be developed keeping in mind a) low-cost and low-tech options to ensure sustainability; and b) a phased implementation process to allow time and space for leveraging resources and promoting ownership among partners and stakeholders. 3. Expected results (measurable results): y UNGEI audience needs are analyzed and reported; y Methods and tools identified to capture internal knowledge generation under UNGEI; y Mapping exercise conducted and preparation of a comprehensive list of existing networks, communities of practice, websites and other on-line resource dealing with education and gender-related activities in education; y Strategy note for strengthening KM function of UNGEI; y Fully costed strategy document detailing the various KM activities (low cost and low tech) to be carried out by UNGEI in a phased/modular manner. 4. Start date: 12 September 2011 End date: 12 December 2011

5. Timeframe: 60 working days(during the period of 12 September - 12 December 2011) 6. Deliverables 1. Analytic report of UNGEI audience needs 2. Identification of methods and tools to capture internal knowledge generation under UNGEI 3. Mapping exercise conducted and preparation of a comprehensive list of existing networks, communities of practice, websites and other on-line resource dealing with education and gender-related activities in education 4. Strategy note for strengthening KM function of UNGEI 5. Fully costed strategy document detailing the various KM activities (low cost and low tech) to be carried out by UNGEI in a phased/modular manner TOTAL 15 15 Duration (Estimated # of days) Deadline 24October 2011 24 October 2011 30 24 October 2011

15 November 2011 07 December 2011

60 working days

7. Key competences, technical background and experience required: y Advanced university degree in the Information and Knowledge Management field, Information Science, or Library Science. y Alternatively, a first level university degree with combination of relevant academic qualifications and experience in knowledge management may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

y y y y y y

Proven knowledge, understanding and experience in information and knowledge management field. Over seven (7) years of experience in information and knowledge management, including planning, design, preparation and delivery of knowledge management strategies. Demonstrated experience in strategic planning of organizational informational asset management systems. Working knowledge of Education for All and gender issues is desirable; Experience in the field of education and/or gender is an advantage; Strong communication skills - Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English desirable; Fluency in French or Spanish is an advantage.

8. Applicants are required to include the following in their application package: y Cover Letter highlighting interest, availability, experience, and expected remuneration/daily rate for the consultancy; y One page note (approximately 500-600 words ) proposing how the applicant will approach the consultancy y Curriculum Vitae y Completed United Nations Personal History Form 9. How to Apply: Qualified candidates are requested to submit a cover letter, CV and signed P11 form (which can be downloaded from our website at to with subject line Consultant, Development of Knowledge Management Strategy for UNGEI by 1st August. Please indicate your availability and daily rate to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily rate will not be considered. =======

CHECKLIST Applicant name: Item 1. Cover Letter 2. Curriculum Vitae OR Institutional Profile 3. Expected remuneration/daily rate for the consultancy; 4. P-11 form 5. Advanced university degree in the information and knowledge management field, Information Science, or Library Science. 6. A first level university degree with combination of relevant academic qualifications and experience in knowledge management. 7. Over 7 years of experience in information and knowledge management including planning, design, preparation and delivery of knowledge management strategies. 8. Demonstrated experience with strategic planning of organizational informational asset management systems.



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