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Quarter 1- Module 1
Assessment of Personal Competencies
and Skills

I Need to Know

This module was purposely designed for self-learning guide where you will
learn more to compare one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur
(TLE_PECS9-I2-10-1) related to Contact Center Services.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the qualities of Entrepreneur/Practitioner behind their success in BPO
2. Compare one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur.

I Will Check on This

Directions: Identify the following if it is FIXED MINDSET or GROWTH MINDSET. Write

your answer before each number.

___________1.Innate Unchanging

___________2.Can always improve

___________3.Produces defensiveness

___________4.Opportunity to change

___________5.Easily discouraging


___________7.Leads to mastery

___________8.Useful and positive

___________9.Identify areas to improve

___________10.Something to avoid

Lesson Overview

Assessment of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) and Skills

vis-à-vis a Practicing Entrepreneur in our Country

The business operation is considered to be very complex in a competitive

business environment, which is constantly changing with fast technological
advancements. An entrepreneur is expected to interact with these environmental forces
which require him to be highly competent in different dimensions like intellectual,
attitudinal, behavioral, technical and managerial aspects. Entrepreneurs are therefore
permanently challenging to deploy a set of competencies are defined as underlying
characteristics and qualities possessed by a person, which result in a new venture

Below are the important qualities of a successful entrepreneur:

Opportunity Seeking: Entrepreneurs seek opportunities and turn it into business. They
always look at every situation as an opportunity and how to transform it into something
that is relevance to the world.

Persistence: Describes as the ability to push and push towards the finish line, even if
the finish line seems comically out of reach. It’s about tenacity and stubbornness, in the
best sense of both words.

Commitment to work-contract: Entrepreneurs stand and committed of what they’ve

said. There are neither reasonable reasons nor excuses. Whatever they promised to
their clients, entrepreneurs must be committed to do it – on or before the given deadline
regardless of the road they are taking of.

Demand Efficiency and Quality: One key for a successful entrepreneur is satisfying
the client’s needs and demands which will achieve through efficient service and quality
products. It is their blood to give the “BEST” and achieve “EXCELLENCE”.

Risk Taking: One capacity of an Entrepreneur is to know when to take the opportunity
and calculate the risk to avoid the possibility of killing the ventures because of too much
risk taking.

Goal Setting: Successful entrepreneurs set and achieve goals accordingly and stretch
their selves to the widest possibility they can be.

Information Seeking: An entrepreneur never stopped on seeking valuable information

that contributes to its success and further innovations.

Systematic Planning and Monitoring: One key to achieved goals is the systematic
planning and monitoring. Every entrepreneur knows it very well. Without definite plan,
goals can be confusing. Without regular monitoring of plans, outcome of goals can be
less quality.

Persuasion and Networking: Entrepreneur must know “when” and “whom” they should
pursue potential loyal clients. They build better relationship and synergize ideas and
existing resources.

Self-confidence: Self Confidence is a key part for the success of a business. It is the
difference between having faith in yourself and feeling scared out of your wits. It is about
having trust in what you know and your abilities to handle the unexpected events that life
puts in your path. It is also a belief that you are the one in control of your life and your
goals. It is that unexplainable and untouchable attribute that allows you get in touch with
that inner self that allows you to express yourself fully.

I Will Do This

Directions: Read the following stories thoroughly about a successful

Entrepreneur/Practitioner related to BPO Industry and answer the question below.
1. Identify the Qualities of Entrepreneur/Practitioner behind their success in BPO Industry
and explain how they became successful.


Ernest L Cu transformed a simple data entry service company into becoming one of the
country’s largest outsourcing service providers. His company’s core business sources
are mostly contracts for generating projects, which involve customer service
relationships and IT services. The CRM services became quite successful, which
spurred the growth of telemarketing services.
The demand led to establishment of the first call center in the Philippines 1999, which
was initially called as “e Telecare International”. The center is largely focused on
providing U.S. companies’ outsourcing needs. The call center company later changed its
name to eTelecare Global Solutions in 2004.
Cu’s company greatly values the services of human resources behind his company;
hence he acknowledges that his most immediate social responsibility is to provide a
lucrative source of livelihood to its more than 6,000 employees and their respective


Diosdado Banatao was born to a rice farmer in an upland farming barrio in Cagayan
Valley and to plain housewife; hence, one would have hardly envisioned him as a
Filipino version of Bill Gates. As a child, he used to walk barefoot just so he could
acquire an elementary and high school education. Determined to pursue a college

education, he went to Manila, took up electrical engineering and eventually graduated
cum laude.
Due to his excellent Academic Performance, he was able to land a job as a pilot trainee
of Philippine Airlines. This paved the way for a job offer as a design engineer coming
from Boeing Co., which brought him to the U.S. Thereafter, he pursued and completed a
Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University.
It was while working with some of the leading-edge technology companies that Diosdado
Banatao had the opportunity to design the first single-chip 16 bit microprocessor –based
calculator. In 1981, the inventor Ethernet was looking for more efficient method of linking
computers and Diosdado was assigned by Seeq Technology to do the task. This was
how Diosdado Banatao came to develop the single-chip controller that provided the
data-link control and the trans receiver in the first 10 – Mbit Ethernet CMOS.
Diosdado saw the opportunity of setting-up his own company by designing chip sets; in
no time, he was able to raise $500,000 as seed capital to put up Monstroni 1985. His
company’s determination paid off after they successfully develop the first system logic
chip set that lowered the cost of building personal computers that were more powerful.
He then went on to build another company called Chips and Technologies, which
created another chips set for for enhancing the so-called graphic adapter.
In less than a year, Diosdado’s company realized sales of $12 million in the first quarter
alone, thus creating a tremendous response from investors when the company went
public. In 1996, Diosdado sold the Chips and Technologies Co. to Intel for $430 Million.
Diosdado Banatao went on to invest, oversee and sell companies by assuming the role
of master investor and master capitalist. In all these successes, Diosdado never forgot
his roots and Filipino heritage. His “Banatao Filipino American Fund” provides
assistance to Northern California students who are of Filipino heritage, to help them
build a future by pursuing a college degree in engineering. The elementary school he
attended in Cagayan Valley id the only public school in the region with the most modern
computer system.

I Learned This

Directions: Write a brief essay on how you will achieve your goal in life five years from
now and select atleast five qualities of entrepreneur and how you will apply it in your life

I Practice This

Directions: Identify the Qualities of Entrepreneur stated below.

1. One key to achieved goals is the systematic planning and monitoring. Every
entrepreneur knows it very well. Without definite plan,
2. Successful entrepreneurs set and achieve goals accordingly and stretch their
selves to the widest possibility they can be.
3. One capacity of an Entrepreneur is to know when to take the opportunity and
calculate the risk to avoid the possibility of killing the ventures because of too
much risk taking.
4. An entrepreneur never stopped on seeking valuable information that contributes
to its success and further innovations.
5. Entrepreneurs seek opportunities and turn it into business. They always look at
every situation as an opportunity and how to transform it into something that is
relevance to the world.
6. Describes as the ability to push and push towards the finish line, even if the finish
line seems comically out of reach. It’s about tenacity and stubbornness, in the
best sense of both words.
7. Entrepreneurs stand and committed of what they’ve said. There are neither
reasonable reasons nor excuses. Whatever they promised to their clients,
entrepreneurs must be committed to do it – on or before the given deadline
regardless of the road they are taking of.
8. is a key part for the success of a business. It is the difference between having
faith in yourself and feeling scared out of your wits. It is about having trust in what
you know and your abilities to handle the unexpected events that life puts in your
path. It is also a belief that you are the one in control of your life and your goals. It
is that unexplainable and untouchable attribute that allows you get in touch with
that inner self that allows you to express yourself fully.
9. Entrepreneur must know “when” and “whom” they should pursue potential loyal
clients. They build better relationship and synergize ideas and existing resources.
10. One key for a successful entrepreneur is satisfying the client’s needs and
demands which will achieve through efficient service and quality products. It is
their blood to give the “BEST” and achieve “EXCELLENCE”.

I Apply This

Directions: In your community, interview atleast two successful persons who are
working in a Call Center Industry or an entrepreneur whose type of business is related
with Contact Center Services then identify what qualities of entrepreneur/practioner they

I Test Myself

Directions: Write a reflection about the qualities of entrepreneur/practitioner that

you possess and compare it with the success stories of Ernest L. Cu and Diosdado




BPI-SHAPE Entrepreneurship Resource Book

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