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Technology for teaching and learning

Local and international standards

-to be technologically equipped facilitator.

 ICT competency standards for teachers

 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Education Standards


Technology operation and concepts Creativity and innovation
Planning and designing learning environment Communication and collaboration
and experiences
Teaching, learning and curriculum Research and information fluency
Assessment and evaluation Critical thinking, problem-solving and
decision making
Productivity and professional practice Digital citizenship
Social, ethical, legal and human issues Technology operations and concepts

Roles of technology for teaching and learning

Technology as tutor - technology can be used to guide learning using the internet, YouTube links, and
other learning resources. We can learn without guidance from our teachers.

- Independent learning, our communication is reduced and our interaction with our teachers is also
reduced but we are still able to study.

Technology as a teaching tool- technology becomes a tool to teach, it resembles the term mentioned in
the first slide that is technology to learn from. With the information we receive from technology, we learn.
It can also be viewed from the perspective of instructional learning materials. A teacher uses technology to
carry out his lesson.

Technology as a learning tool- comparable to the term technology to learn from. Technology
accompanies the student in cultivating his Higher Order Thinking Skills or HATS.


This is the map that they are using in the government to accomplish thir projects regarding with ICT. This

 ICT 4E- Information Communication Technology for Education

 ICT in education masterplan
- This serves as the ICT blueprint in the field of education.
 Open content education initiative (content and application development)
- It focuses on design, development and application of ICT in teaching and learning. Its
products are ICT based materials.
 PheDNET: network of DepEd-approve multimedia applications, materials and
- It contains links that DepEd can use in teaching lessons using ICT.
 Community eLearning Centers (eSkwela for out of school youth)
- These are the ones that cover ICT related technology tools that can be used by out of
school youth.
 eQuality program: Improve quality of IT education
- this aims to improve the quality of IT education.
 Digital Media Arts Program: builds digital skills using open source technologies
- It focuses on digital skills using open source technologies. Open source technology is
the technology that is free that does not require payment or subscription and we can
use it.
 ICT skills strategic plan: inter-agency approach in identifying strategic, policy
and program recommendations to address ICT skills demand-supply type
- Refers to the formulation of policies to better manage ICT. Usually this is done inter-
agency with the help of different government agencies so that we can generate what we
call policies and we can use and cultivate our ICT.

ICT Policies and issues: Implications to teaching and learning

Issues on ICT and internet policy and regulations

1. Freedom of expression and censorship

2. Privacy and security
3. Surveillance and data retention
4. E-pollutants

Note: For teachers let's be critical in the use of ICT, technology can never replace a teacher. Technology
tools are simply tools or additional instructional learning materials that a teacher can accompany to carry
out a lesson. It is important that teachers continue to cultivate their ability to use technology tools and
refer to policies and laws to maintain the right of privacy of fellow teachers and students.

Non-digital and digital skills and tools in delivering technology-enhanced lessons

Non-digital tools- are instructional materials that can be used even without gadgets such as diorama,
nature table, writing boards, flip charts, zigzag board and troop and pull display. These are the
instructional materials that we often see in the classroom. At a time when the world is facing a pandemic
everyone has to adjust, most schools use modules as a modality of learning. The non-digital tools
mentioned are ideal enhancement tools for students who are unable to use gadgets because they do not
require high-end technology to operate.

Digital tools- instructional materials that are used by gadgets such as cellphone-based applications or
desktop/laptop-based learning softwares. It is good for students with the ability to use digital tools and a
good connection to the internet. Although different in the method of use, they both help to deliver a
lesson. That is already in the teacher's method of how he will use it in his teaching learning process.

Flexible learning environment

- In today's time we are facing the threat of COVID-19 because of this the commission on
higher education or CHED has issued an order to meet the need for education through a
flexible learning environment.

Online distance learning

- Synchronous and asynchronous

- Is a method of learning without face-to-face contact, using technology advancement and
telecommunication the learning materials will be delivered to the learners using the
internet. Because of this, the students and their teacher have a virtual interaction.
- Synchronous- the call to online real chat interaction between teachers and learners
using online telecommunications such as zoom, google meet, skype and others. the
learners have an actual real time interaction with their teacher, here they can ask
questions and exchange ideas or opinions.
- Asynchronous- lessons are sent online and learners are given a long time to do it.
Unlike the so-called synchronous session, in the asynchronous session there is no direct
real time interaction or communication between the students and their teacher.
Blended learning

- Combined modalities of instructional delivery

- Using the word blended mixes the modalities of instructional delivery. It can be a
mixture of traditional face-to-face learning and online distance learning.

Theories and principles in the use and design of technology-driven lessons

Edgar Dale’s conde of experience

- refers to a theory or principle of learning where more of our senses are used for our learning, the
longer its retention in our memory. That's according to a saying that started with Confucius.

- meaning more is retained in the things we do than in the things we just read, listen to or just see.

(TPACK) Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Technological knowledge- the ability to use technology tools. Proficiency with gadgets and other
electronic teaching devices.

Pedagogical knowledge – refers to knowledge of different types of teaching methods. This is what we
also call teaching strategies and methods.

Content knowledge – knowledge of a specific target matter content. The combination of these three
knowledges is ideal to create a technology-driven lesson because it is not enough for a teacher to be a
content expert, he must also be a technology expert and a pedagogy expert.

Innovative Technologies for Assessment Task in Teaching and Learning

- technology integration supports the learner centered theory of learning. In this theory,
the center of learning is the learner and not the teacher because this is where there is
also an adjustment or change in what we call assessment of learning and teaching.
Because of this it is important to consider the use of multiple measures of assessment.
Increase the use of technology not only in teaching but in assessing or evaluating our
learners. Let's also focus on the growth and development of the learner and consider the
role and responsibility of teachers, administrators and other stakeholders. We need to
integrate them in our plan, we need to include them in our plan not only in teaching but
also include them in assessment and evaluation.
 Utilizing multiple measures of assessments
 Increasing the use of technology
 Focus on the growth and development of learner
 Differentiating the roles and responsibilities of the teachers, administrators and other stake holders

Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in The Use of Technology Tools and Resources

This figure shows the interconnection of us humans with technology. The interconnection of people
with technology is called digital citizenship.

Digital access- time or time allotted that we are connected to technology

Digital commerce- nowadays we do our transaction not only in face-to-face or not only in actual giving
or handing over money or paying money so that we can buy. There are also platforms online where we can
make a purchase. Examples of this are online shops such as shopee, Lazada and other digital platforms
that give us the opportunity to buy or transact business without having to leave our homes.

Digital communication- using technology so that we can communicate through cellphones, calls or even
through the internet such as our VOIP or voice over internet protocols.

Digital literacy- we can be called digital citizens if we have a high level of digital literacy but coupled with
our connection to the internet is called digital etiquette.

Digital etiquette- connection to the internet. There are right and wrong things to do when we are in the
internet world and like our world we also have to follow what we call do's and don’ts.

Digital law- laws that were developed when we were in the online world. What we call digital privacy is
widespread. So, these laws protect us to protect our privacy.

Digital wellness- an intentional state of physical, mental, and social health that occurs with mindful
engagement with the digital and natural environment.

Digital rights and responsibilities- "think before we click", we have the right to publish our ideas but
we also have the right to protect ourselves so that we don't become victims of what we call digital scams.

Digital security- let's protect ourselves within our digital world through digital security. This is the system
where when we enter an application, our passwords are asked or requested.

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