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Entrepreneur Feedback learnings

I, Ananyaa Bahadur took the interview of Nishant Dua who’s the

founder and CEO of “Le Paan”, a successful business. I briefed Mr.
Dua on the purpose of our product, prices, profit margins, marketing
plans etc, before the interview. When asking him how he felt about
our product, he was impressed and agreed that it could make profits
if it’s well priced, and of the marketing is done properly towards the
targeted audience. He also advised us to reduce our prices to
increase demand especially since it's a new product. He suggested us
to add a buy1 get1 free policy in order to adapt people with the
idea and slowly increase price as demand picks up. We decided to
reduce our prices from 120Rs to 70Rs per Plant Angel. He also
gave us an insightful suggestion that instead of putting up posters
randomly or in public forums, we should concentrate on our target
audience, and send these posters and/or sell products to nurseries
and the gardening isle of stores as a distribution channel. He stated
how “Digital marketing is the way to go” and our social media
presence could gain more sales and more people know about the
product. He recommended for us to make it more clearer to the
customers what exactly our product is and what they’ll be getting
from it. Mr. Dua raised the concern of how the product is bulky and
after a vacation customers may have issues storing or disposing it,
which I explained to him was not a problem as they’re only 30g
each disk. Mr. Dua brought in a confident and experienced outsider
view to help us realize mistakes we hadn’t caught before. Overall, he
liked our product and thinks it’ll fare well in the market. I’m sure,
with the help of my team mates I’ll be achieve that and more. Thank

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