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Why Can GPT Learn In-Context?

Language Models Secretly Perform Gradient Descent as Meta-Optimizers

Damai Dai†∗, Yutao Sunk∗, Li Dong‡ , Yaru Hao‡ , Zhifang Sui† , Furu Wei‡

Peking University k Tsinghua University

Microsoft Research

Large pretrained language models have shown GPT GPT
surprising In-Context Learning (ICL) ability.
(Sentence1, Answer1) (Sentence2, Answer2)
arXiv:2212.10559v2 [cs.CL] 21 Dec 2022

With a few demonstration input-label pairs,

they can predict the label for an unseen input
without additional parameter updates. Despite
the great success in performance, the work- Gradients 𝚫𝚫𝑾𝑾𝐅𝐅𝐅𝐅
ing mechanism of ICL still remains an open
problem. In order to better understand how In-Context Learning Dual
ICL works, this paper explains language mod- View Answer
els as meta-optimizers and understands ICL GPT …
as a kind of implicit finetuning. Theoreti-
Feed-Forward Network
cally, we figure out that the Transformer at-
tention has a dual form of gradient descent Meta-Gradients 𝚫𝚫𝑾𝑾𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈
based optimization. On top of it, we under- Forward
stand ICL as follows: GPT first produces meta- Computation …
gradients according to the demonstration ex-
(Sentence1, Answer1) (Sentence2, Answer2) (Sentence, ?)
amples, and then these meta-gradients are ap-
plied to the original GPT to build an ICL Demonstration Examples Query Example

model. Experimentally, we comprehensively

Figure 1: According to the demonstration examples,
compare the behavior of ICL and explicit fine-
GPT produces meta-gradients for In-Context Learn-
tuning based on real tasks to provide empiri-
ing (ICL) through forward computation. ICL works by
cal evidence that supports our understanding.
applying these meta-gradients to the model through at-
The results prove that ICL behaves similarly
tention. The meta-optimization process of ICL shares
to explicit finetuning at the prediction level,
a dual view with finetuning that explicitly updates the
the representation level, and the attention be-
model parameters with back-propagated gradients.
havior level. Further, inspired by our under-
standing of meta-optimization, we design a
momentum-based attention by analogy with
the momentum-based gradient descent algo- examples prepended before the original input, and
rithm. Its consistently better performance over then the model can predict the label for even unseen
vanilla attention supports our understanding inputs. On numerous downstream tasks, a large
again from another aspect, and more impor- GPT model can achieve a quite great performance,
tantly, it shows the potential to utilize our un- which even exceeds some smaller models with su-
derstanding for future model designing.
pervised finetuning. However, although ICL has
1 Introduction achieved great success in performance, the work-
ing mechanism of it is still an open problem to be
In recent years, large pretrained language models, investigated.
especially in Transformer-based architectures (e.g., In this paper, we explain ICL as a process of
GPT; Brown et al. 2020), have shown strong emer- meta-optimization and attempt to build connections
gent In-Context Learning (ICL) ability. Different between GPT-based ICL and finetuning. Concen-
from finetuning which needs additional parame- trating on the attention modules, we figure out that
ter updates, ICL just needs several demonstration the Transformer attention has a dual form of gra-

Contribution during internship at Microsoft Research. dient descent based optimization. On top of it, we
propose a novel perspective to explain ICL: (1) a to prove that ICL and explicit finetuning be-
pretrained GPT serves as a meta-optimizer; (2) it have similarly at multiple levels.
produces meta-gradients according to the demon-
stration examples through forward computation; • We design a momentum-based attention that
(3) the meta-gradients are applied to the original achieves consistent performance improve-
language model through attention to build an ICL ments, which shows the potential of our under-
model. As illustrated in Figure 1, ICL and explicit standing of meta-optimization to aid in future
finetuning share a dual view of gradient descent model designing.
based optimization. The only difference is that 2 Background
ICL produces meta-gradients through forward com-
putation, while finetuning computes gradients by 2.1 In-Context Learning with GPT
back-propagation. Therefore, it is reasonable to un- In this paper, we focus on ICL for classifica-
derstand ICL as some kind of implicit finetuning. tion tasks using GPT (Brown et al., 2020). A
In order to provide empirical evidence to sup- GPT model is stacked with L identical Trans-
port our understanding, we conduct comprehensive former (Vaswani et al., 2017) decoder layers where
experiments based on real tasks. On six classifi- each layer consists of an attention module and a
cation tasks, we compare the model predictions, feed-forward network. For a classification task,
attention outputs, and attention scores of pretrained given a query input text x and a candidate an-
GPT models in the ICL and finetuning settings. swer set Y = {y1 , y2 , . . . , ym }, we need to pre-
As expected, the behavior of ICL is highly sim- dict a label ŷ conditional on n demonstration
ilar to explicit finetuning at all of the prediction examples C = {(x01 , y10 ), (x02 , y20 ), . . . , (x0n , yn0 )},
level, the representation level, and the attention be- where (x0i , yi0 ) is an input-label pair different from
havior level. These results are strong evidence to the query one. Formally, given a GPT model M,
prove the reasonability of our understanding that we first compute the probability of each answer yj :
ICL performs implicit finetuning.
Further, we attempt to take advantage of our PM (yj | C, x). (1)
understanding of meta-optimization for model de-
Since the label space is restricted for classifica-
signing. To be specific, we design a momentum-
tion, we predict the final answer ŷ by selecting
based attention, which regards the attention val-
the answer with the highest probability from the
ues as meta-gradients and applies the momentum
candidate answer set Y :
mechanism to them. Experiments on both lan-
guage modeling and in-context learning show that ŷ = yarg maxj PM (yj |C,x) . (2)
our momentum-based attention consistently outper-
forms vanilla attention, which supports our under- In practice, we usually use a pre-defined template
standing of meta-optimization again from another to format the demonstrations and prepend them
aspect. We note that beyond this preliminary ap- before the query input. Let T (·) be the function
plication, our understanding of meta-optimization that formats an example, e.g.:
may have more potential to be used to aid in model T (x, y) = Sentence: x. Sentiment: y. (3)
designing, which is worth investigating in the fu-
ture. The contextual model input I is organized like
Our contributions are summarized as follows:
T (x01 , y10 ) T (x02 , y20 ) ... T (x0n , yn0 ) T (x, _). (4)
• We figure out a dual form between Trans- Feeding this contextual input into M, the probabil-
former attention and gradient descent based ity of an answer yj is computed as
optimization, and explain language models as
meta-optimizers. lj = M(I) · eyj , (5)
PM (yj | C, x) = softmax(lj ), (6)
• We build connections between ICL and ex-
plicit finetuning and propose to understand where M(I) denotes the output hidden state at the
ICL as a kind of implicit finetuning. last token position; eyj denotes the word embed-
ding of yj ; and lj is the logit corresponding to the
• We provide several lines of empirical evidence j-th answer.
2.2 Dual Form Between Gradient Descent query vector. In the ICL setting, the attention result
Based Optimization and Attention of a head is formulated as
The idea in this paper to explain language models FICL (q) = Attn(V, K, q)
as meta-optimizers is inspired by Aizerman et al. T
0 (WK [X 0 ; X]) q (10)
(1964); Irie et al. (2022). They present that linear =WV [X ; X] softmax √ ,
layers optimized by gradient descent have a dual
form of linear attention. Let W0 , ∆W ∈ Rdout ×din 0
where WQ , WK , WV ∈ Rd ×d are the projection
be the initialized parameter matrix and the update matrices for computing the√attention queries, keys,
matrix, respectively, and x ∈ Rdin be the input rep- and values, respectively; d denotes the scaling
resentation. A linear layer optimized by gradient factor; X denotes the input representations of query
descent can be formulated as tokens before t; X 0 denotes the input represen-
F(x) = (W0 + ∆W ) x. (7) tations of the demonstration tokens; and [X 0 ; X]
denotes the matrix concatenation. For ease of qual-
In the back-propagation algorithm, ∆W is com- itative analysis, we approximate the standard atten-
puted by accumulating the outer products of the tion to a relaxed linear attention by removing the
historic input representations x0Ti ∈ R
din and the softmax operation and the scaling factor:
gradients ei ∈ R out of their corresponding outputs:
FICL (q) = Attn(V, K, q)
ei ⊗ x0T
∆W = i . (8) ≈ WV [X 0 ; X] WK [X 0 ; X] q
i 0 T
= WV X (WK X) q + WV X WK X 0 q
Combing Equation (7) and Equation (8), we can de-
= FeICL (q).
rive the dual form between gradient descent based (11)
optimization and linear attention: We define WZSL = WV X (WK X) as the ini- T

F(x) = (W0 + ∆W ) x
tialized parameters to be updated since WZSL q is
=W0 x + ∆W x the attention result in the Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL)
X  setting, where no demonstrations are given. Fol-
=W0 x + ei ⊗ x0T
i x
i (9) lowing the reverse direction of Equation (9), we
X   derive a dual form of the Transformer attention:
=W0 x + ei x0T
i x
i T
0  FeICL (q) = WZSL q + WV X 0 WK X 0 q
=W0 x + LinearAttn E, X , x ,
=WZSL q + LinearAttn WV X , WK X 0 , q
where LinearAttn(V, K, q) denotes the linear at-
=WZSL q + WV x0i WK x0i q
tention operation, where we regard the historic out- i
X  (12)
put gradients E as values, the historic inputs X 0 as
=WZSL q + WV x0i ⊗ WK x0i q
keys, and the current input x as the query. i
=WZSL q + ∆WICL q
3 In-Context Learning (ICL) Performs = (WZSL + ∆WICL ) q.
Implicit Finetuning
As shown in the above equations, the attention to
We first qualitatively analyze the Transformer atten- the demonstration tokens is equivalent to parameter
tion under a relaxed linear attention form to figure updates ∆WICL that take effect on WZSL . In addi-
out a dual form between it and gradient descent tion, By analogy with Equation (9), we can regard
based optimization. Then, we compare ICL with WV X 0 as some meta-gradients, which are used to
explicit finetuning and build connections between compute the update matrix ∆WICL .
these two optimization forms. Based on these theo- In summary, we explain ICL as a process of
retical findings, we propose to understand ICL as a meta-optimization: (1) a Transformer-based pre-
kind of implicit finetuning. trained language model serves as a meta-optimizer;
(2) it produces meta-gradients according to the
3.1 Transformer Attention as demonstration examples through forward computa-
Meta-Optimization tion; (3) through attention, the meta-gradients are
Let x ∈ Rd be the input representation of a query applied to the original language model to build an
token t, and q = WQ x ∈ Rd be the attention ICL model.
3.2 Comparing ICL with Finetuning Dataset # Valid. Examples # Labels
In order to compare the meta-optimization of ICL CB 56 3
with explicit optimization, we design a specific fine- SST2 872 2
tuning setting as a baseline for comparison. Con- SST5 1101 5
sidering that ICL directly takes effect on only the Subj 2000 2
attention keys and values, our finetuning setting MR 1066 2
also updates only the parameters for the key and AGNews 7600 4
value projection. Also in the relaxed linear atten-
tion form, the attention result of a finetuned head Table 1: Statistics of six classification datasets.
is formulated as
FeFT (q) = (WV + ∆WV )XX T (WK + ∆WK )T q same order of training examples and train only one
= (WZSL + ∆WFT ) q,
epoch, so we can also guarantee that the subsequent
where ∆WK and ∆WV denote the parameter up- examples have no effect on the preceding ones.
dates to WK and WV , respectively, which are ac- Both Aim at Attention Compared with zero-
quired by back-propagation from some training shot learning, the direct effect of ICL and our fine-
objectives; and ∆WFT is the updates to WZSL in- tuning are both restricted to the computation of
troduced by finetuning. attention keys and values. For ICL, the model pa-
For a more fair comparison with ICL, we further rameters are unchanged and it encodes demonstra-
restrict the finetuning setting as follows: (1) we tion information into additional keys and values
specify the training examples as the demonstration to change the attention behavior. For finetuning,
examples for ICL; (2) we train each example for due to our restriction, the training information can
only one step in the same order as demonstrated for be introduced to only the projection matrices for
ICL; (3) we format each training example with the attention keys and values as well.
same template used for ICL T (x0i , yi0 ) and use the Considering all of these common properties be-
causal language modeling objective for finetuning. tween ICL and finetuning, we think it is reasonable
Comparing ICL and this finetuning setting, we to understand ICL as a kind of implicit finetuning.
find that ICL has many properties in common with In the rest of this paper, we compare ICL and fine-
finetuning. We organize these common properties tuning empirically from multiple aspects to provide
from the following four aspects. quantitative results to support this understanding.
Both Perform Gradient Descent Comparing
Equation (12) and Equation (13), we find that both 4 Experiments
ICL and finetuning introduce updates (∆WICL v.s. 4.1 Tasks and Datasets
∆WFT ) to WZSL , which can both be regarded as
We compare ICL and finetuning based on six
gradient descent. The only difference is that ICL
datasets spanning three classification tasks. SST-
produces meta-gradients by forward computation
2 (Socher et al., 2013), SST-5 (Socher et al., 2013),
while finetuning acquires real gradients by back-
MR (Pang and Lee, 2005) and Subj (Pang and Lee,
2004) are four datasets for sentiment classification;
Same Training Information The meta- AGNews (Zhang et al., 2015) is a topic classifi-
gradients of ICL are produced according to cation dataset; and CB (de Marneffe et al., 2019)
the demonstration examples. The gradients of is used for natural language inference. The statis-
finetuning are also derived from the same training tics of the validation examples and label types are
examples. That is to say, ICL and finetuning share summarized in Table 1.
the same source of training information.
4.2 Experimental Settings
Same Causal Order of Training Examples
In our experiments, we use two GPT-like pretrained
ICL and our finetuning setting share the same
language models with 1.3B and 2.7B model param-
causal order of training examples. ICL uses
eters, respectively, which are released by fairseq1 .
decoder-only Transformers so the subsequent to-
In the rest of this paper, we call them GPT 1.3B and
kens in the demonstrations will not affect the pre-
ceding ones. For our finetuning setting, we use the
GPT 2.7B for short. All experiments are conducted Model Task ZSL FT ICL
on NVIDIA V100 GPUs with 32 GB memory.
CB 37.5 57.1 57.1
For each task, we use the same template to for-
SST2 70.5 73.5 92.7
mat examples for Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL), ICL,
SST5 39.3 42.0 45.0
and finetuning. Details of the templates used for GPT 1.3B
Subj 72.6 78.8 90.0
each task are provided in Appendix A. The answer
MR 65.9 68.2 89.0
prediction processes for ZSL and finetuning are the
AGNews 46.3 53.7 79.2
same with ICL as described in Section 2.1, except
that they do not have demonstration examples. CB 42.9 60.7 55.4
For ICL, we fix the number of demonstration SST2 71.4 91.2 95.0
examples to 32 and tune the random seed for each SST5 35.9 46.6 46.5
GPT 2.7B
task to find a set of demonstration examples that Subj 75.2 85.6 90.3
achieves the best validation performance. For fine- MR 60.9 78.8 91.3
tuning, we use the same demonstration examples AGNews 39.8 66.6 80.3
for ICL as the training examples and use SGD as
the optimizer. For a fair comparison, we fine-tune Table 2: Validation accuracy in the ZSL, finetuning,
the model for only one epoch and the training exam- and ICL settings on six classification datasets.
ples are provided in the same order as demonstrated
for ICL. We tune the learning rate for finetuning is more inclined to update the attention output
and select the one that achieves the best validation representation in the same direction as finetuning.
performance. Details of the search range and se-
lected value for the random seeds and learning rates Similarity of Attention Map (SimAM) This
are shown in Appendix B. metric measures the similarity of the attention be-
havior of ICL and finetuning. For a query example,
4.3 Metrics let mX denote the attention weights before soft-
We design three metrics to measure the similarity max of the last token at the h-th attention head in
between ICL and finetuning at three different levels: the l-th attention layer in the X setting. For ICL,
the prediction level, the representation level, and we omit the attention to the demonstration tokens
the attention behavior level. and only monitor the attention weights to the query
input. We compute the cosine between mICL and
Recall to Finetuning Predictions (Rec2FTP) (l,h)
mFT and then average the similarity across the
At the prediction level, this metric measures ICL attention heads to get the SimAM score at each
can cover how much behavior of finetuning. We layer. A higher SimAM score indicates that the
first count NFT , the number of query examples that attention weights that ICL and finetuning pay to
finetuning can predict correctly but ZSL cannot. the query tokens are more similar.
Then, among these examples, we count Nboth , the
number that ICL can also predict correctly. Finally, 4.4 Results
we compute the Rec2FTP score as NNboth FT
. A higher Accuracy We first show the validation accuracy
Rec2FTP score suggests that ICL covers more be- in the ZSL, ICL, and finetuning settings on six
havior of finetuning at the prediction level. classification datasets in Table 2. Compared with
Similarity of Attention Output Updates ZSL, ICL and finetuning both achieve considerable
(SimAOU) This metric measures the similarity improvements, which means the optimizations they
between the effects that ICL and finetuning have make are both helpful to these downstream tasks.
on ZSL at the representation level. For a query In addition, we find that ICL is better at few-shot
(l) scenarios than finetuning.
example, let hX denote the output representation
of the last token at the l-th attention layer in the X Rec2FTP We show the Rec2FTP scores for two
setting. The updates of ICL and finetuning com- GPT models on six datasets in Table 3. As shown
(l) (l) (l) (l)
pared with ZSL are hICL − hZSL and hFT − hZSL , in the table, on average, ICL can correctly predict
respectively. We compute the cosine between 87.64% of the examples that finetuning can cor-
these two updates to get the SimAOU score at the rect from ZSL. These results indicate that at the
l-th layer. A higher SimAOU score means ICL prediction level, ICL can cover most of the correct
Model Task Rec2FTP SimAOU Random SimAOU SimAM ZSL SimAM
CB 91.67 0.189 0.004 0.386 0.152
SST2 86.32 0.128 0.003 0.608 0.555
SST5 70.16 0.173 0.004 0.430 0.391
GPT 1.3B
Subj 84.39 0.070 0.004 0.504 0.378
MR 92.14 0.188 0.003 0.513 0.398
AGNews 85.41 0.155 0.003 0.536 0.152
CB 100.00 0.184 -0.001 0.362 0.228
SST2 93.87 0.113 0.003 0.687 0.687
SST5 74.32 0.142 0.001 0.411 0.380
GPT 2.7B
Subj 90.46 0.100 0.004 0.375 0.346
MR 95.44 0.120 0.001 0.346 0.314
AGNews 87.48 0.210 -0.003 0.305 0.172

Table 3: Rec2FTP, SimAOU, and SimAM scores on six classification datasets. The demonstrated SimAOU and
SimAM scores are averaged across examples and layers. For comparison, we also show two baseline metrics for
SimAOU and SimAM, respectively. On all of these datasets, ICL tends to perform similar behavior to finetuning
at the prediction, representation, and attention behavior levels.

GPT 1.3B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
GPT 2.7B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Figure 2: Statistics of the SimAOU scores at different layers. The yellow lines denote medians.

behavior of finetuning. for SimAM, ZSL SimAM computes the similarity

between ICL attention weights and ZSL attention
SimAOU We present the SimAOU scores aver-
weights. Comparing these two metrics, we also
aged across examples and layers for two GPT mod-
observe that compared with ZSL, ICL is more in-
els on six datasets in Table 3. For comparison, we
clined to generate attention weights similar to those
also provide a baseline metric (Random SimAOU)
of finetuning. Again, at the attention behavior level,
that computes the similarity between ICL updates
we prove that ICL behaves similarly to finetuning.
and randomly generated updates. From the table,
we find that ICL updates are much more similar to
5 Discussions
finetuning updates than to random updates, which
means at the representation level, ICL tends to 5.1 Similarity at Different Layers
change the attention results in the same direction
In order to investigate the similarity between ICL
as finetuning changes.
and finetuning more thoroughly, we look into the
SimAM Table 3 also demonstrates the SimAM SimAOU and SimAM scores at different layers.
scores averaged across examples and layers for two We randomly sample 50 validation examples from
GPT models on six datasets. As a baseline metric each dataset and draw box plots for SimAOU and
1.0 GPT 1.3B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1.0 GPT 2.7B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Figure 3: Statistics of the SimAM scores at different layers. The yellow lines denote medians.

SimAM in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. where η is a hyper-parameter, and vi is the i-th
From the figures, we find that both SimAOU and attention value vector. We assume that introducing
SimAM are fluctuated at lower layers, and tend momentum into attention will help capture long
to be steadily larger at higher layers. This phe- dependency and thus lead to faster convergence
nomenon suggests that the meta-optimization made and better performance.
by ICL has forward accumulated effects, so with
more accumulation, ICL will behave more simi- Experiments on Language Modeling First, we
larly to finetuning at higher layers. evaluate the effect of momentum-based attention
on language modeling. We train two GPT models
5.2 Mapping Between Optimization with 350M parameters from scratch, where one is
Algorithm and Transformer Architecture the vanilla Transformer, and another applies mo-
Gradient Descent mentum to attention. We evaluate the perplexity
(GD) Attention of these two models on the training set and three
validation sets with input lengths of 256, 512, and
1024, respectively. The results are shown in Ta-
ble 4. We find that on all of the validation sets,
GD with Momentum applying momentum to attention introduces a con-
Momentum Attention sistent perplexity improvement compared with the
We have figured out the dual form between vanilla Transformer.
Transformer attention and gradient descent based
optimization. Inspired by this dual view, we inves- Experiments on In-Context Learning We also
tigate whether we can utilize momentum (Polyak, evaluate the in-context learning ability of the above
1964; Sutskever et al., 2013), a widely used tech- language models to verify the effectiveness of the
nique for improving optimization algorithms, to momentum-based attention on downstream tasks.
improve Transformer attention. We consider six datasets for sentiment analysis
(SST5 (Socher et al., 2013), IMDB (Maas et al.,
Method As stated in Section 3.1, the attention 2011), MR (Pang and Lee, 2005)), natural language
values serve as some kind of meta-gradients. By inference (CB (de Marneffe et al., 2019)), and
analogy with momentum SGD that averages gradi- multi-choice selection (ARC-E (Clark et al., 2018),
ents among timestamps, we try to apply Exponen- PIQA (Bisk et al., 2020)). For all these datasets,
tial Moving Average (EMA) (Hunter, 1986) to the we use 32 examples as demonstrations. As shown
attention values to build momentum-based atten- in Table 5, compared with the vanilla Transformer,
tion: using momentum-based attention achieves consis-
MoAttn(V, K, qt ) = Attn(V, K, qt ) + EMA(V ) tently higher accuracy in all the tasks.
K T qt X t−i The performance improvements on both lan-
= V softmax( √ ) + η vi ,
d i=1
guage modeling and in-context learning prove that
Model Train1024 Valid256 Valid512 Valid1024
Transformer 17.61 19.50 16.87 15.14
TransformerMoAttn 17.55 19.37 16.73 15.02

Table 4: Perplexity on the training set and validation sets with different input lengths for language modeling.
Applying momentum to attention introduces a consistent perplexity improvement compared with the vanilla Trans-


Transformer 25.3 64.0 61.2 43.9 48.2 68.7 51.9
TransformerMoAttn 27.4 70.3 64.8 46.8 50.0 69.0 54.7

Table 5: Accuracy on six in-context learning tasks. Introducing momentum into attention improves the accuracy
of the vanilla Transformer by 2.8 on average.

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6 Conclusion
Tom Brown, Benjamin Mann, Nick Ryder, Melanie
In this paper, we aim to explain the working mech- Subbiah, Jared D Kaplan, Prafulla Dhariwal,
Arvind Neelakantan, Pranav Shyam, Girish Sastry,
anism of GPT-based ICL. Theoretically, we figure
Amanda Askell, Sandhini Agarwal, Ariel Herbert-
out a dual form of ICL and propose to understand Voss, Gretchen Krueger, Tom Henighan, Rewon
ICL as a process of meta-optimization. Further, Child, Aditya Ramesh, Daniel Ziegler, Jeffrey Wu,
we build connections between ICL and a specific Clemens Winter, Chris Hesse, Mark Chen, Eric
finetuning setting and find that it is reasonable to Sigler, Mateusz Litwin, Scott Gray, Benjamin Chess,
Jack Clark, Christopher Berner, Sam McCandlish,
regard ICL as a kind of implicit finetuning. Empir- Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, and Dario Amodei.
ically, in order to support our understanding that 2020. Language models are few-shot learners. In
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Dataset Template Candidate Answer Set
CB {Premise} { True, False, Neither }
Question: {Hypothesis} True, False, or Nei-
Answer: {Label}
SST-2 Sentence: {Sentence} { Negative, Positive }
Label: {Label}
SST-5 Sentence: {Sentence} { terrible, bad, neutral, good, great }
Label: {Label}
Subj Input: {Sentence} { objective, subjective }
Type: {Label}
MR Review: {Sentence} { Negative, Positive }
Sentiment: {Label}
AGNews Classify the news articles into the categories { World, Sports, Business, Technology }
of World, Sports, Business, and Technology.
News: {Sentence}
Type: {Label}

Table 6: Formatting templates and candidate answer sets for six classification datasets.

Hyper-parameter Dataset GPT 1.3B GPT 2.7B

CB 3 3
SST2 2 7
SST5 5 5
Random Seed
Subj 4 4
MR 5 1
AGNews 3 3
CB 0.100 0.090
SST2 0.020 0.007
SST5 0.006 0.003
Learning Rate
Subj 0.003 0.002
MR 0.010 0.001
AGNews 0.200 0.060

Table 7: Selected random seeds and learning rates for two GPT models on six classification datasets.

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