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Seat No.

Repubtic of the Philippines



l{l:G l S'l'F:R ED EI.EC'f RICAL, ENGINEERINC Licensure Examination
'luesday. April 9, 1997 8:00 AM -4:00 PM


item by sha<ling
lN-$1-BUqIQ1y: Sclecr the correct answer for each of the fotlowing qucstions. Mark oJrly onq anqwer for each
;il-d- to the letter of your choicc on the answor ihiot providod. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED'
Use pencil no. I only.


l. A current of 5 amperes flows through a scries circuit consisting of a lO-ohm resistor and an unknown oapacitor across.a
source of 450 vohs, 50 hertz. What is the value of the capacitivc reactaoce?
fil X.=9t.86ohms B. Xc=39.19ohms C. Xc= 154.45ohms D. Xc= 184.00ohms

2. /+ chart speed ofa recording instrument is 25 mm/sec. One cycle of the signal being recorded extends ovcr 5 mm. What is
the frequency of the signal?
A. 20 cycles pcr sec B. 2 cyclcs pcr sec C. 50 cycles Per sec
@s wctes per s€c

3. flsix-pole, 3 phase AC gencrator has72 sloe, th€ coil span is 12, what is the pirch factor.

f) B. o.e3e c. o.e8s D. 0.e66

t,. A coaxial cable has l0-mm diameter inside conductor and a metallic sheath with an inside diameter of 20 mm. lf the
rnsulatingmedium hasadielectricconstant,K=2an<Iapermittivityof l.l13 x 10'10 , what is the capacitance between the
conglgctor and the shield per km?
S) t.too+mfd/km B.0.8036mwkrn C.0.0803mfd/km D.o.Mo3mftUkm
t 5, Of the various methods of utitizing thc heat from the sur; one appears to be most efficient so far. Which one is this?
A. Self*ontained collec'tor B. mirror and tracking system
C. Direct application of lenses D. Flat plate collector

6. A single phase transformor is ratcd 4,160 V primary and 250 volts secondarlr. It has t,5000 turns in the primary and
voltage regulation of 8%. What should be the number of tunrs in the secondary winding?
A.88turns B.92tums @eOnrn. D.86turns

7 . A germanium diode which has an offset voltage of 0.2 V and an incrementat resistance of 20 ohms, is connected in series
with a 10,000 ohm resistor across a 100 VDC souroe. What is the currsnt?
A. 9.98 mA B. 10.0 mA C. 9.78 mA @e.eo mn
8. A self-excited four-pole AC generator, 12.5 KVA, 60 Ha was reinstalled after it was rewound. When tested at 1,200 rpm
the voltagB would not build up. What could be the most like$ rcason?
&B. 'nr ficld winding circuiris open
The direction of rotation is reversed
C. The speed is low
D. 'lhe armature winding terminal connecrion is reversed
9. flwire catties a current. i = 3 cos 314 t amperes. What is the average current over 5 seconds?
{3$ zeroampere B. 1.5 A C. 3.0A D. 0.523 A
10. Laminated iron is used in'AC magnctic circuis for the following reasons. Which is thc best answer?
A. To increase the rate of hcat dissipation B. To make thc assembly of the devicc easicr
C. To reduce pcrmeability ffi To reduce eddy currcnts

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