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Chapter 2


This chapter discusses the research design, data sources, instrumentation and

data collection, data analysis, statistical tools and categorization of data.

Research Design

This study will use of descriptive research design. Descriptive research design

can involve collections of numerical information such as scores on a test or it describe

categories of information. Descriptive research involves gathering data that describe

events and organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection(Glass &

Hopkins, 1984).Descriptive research are aimed at finding out “what is”, so observational

and survey methods are frequently used to collect descriptive data(Borg & Gall, 1989).

Survey method is one of the types of descriptive research. Researchers will

select a sample of respondent in one population and prepare a questionnaire to gather

data on them. Survey is a type of data gathering method that is utilized to collect,

analyze, and interpret the different news of respondents.

Researchers will administer questionnaires and interviews to a sample of

research participants in order to collect data for their descriptive studies. This type of

research called survey research leads to knowledge of opinions, attitudes and practices.

Such knowledge has helped in shaping educational policies and initiatives

to change existing conditions.

This study will use descriptive research method because it seeks to determine

the promotional strategies of canteen concessionaires in Aringay National High School

as perceived by the student-consumers.

Data Sources

Locale and Population of the Study

This study will be conducted at Aringay National High School, Municipality of

Aringay Province of La Union, during the School Year 2019-2020.

The study will involve fifty (50) randomly picked and identified from students in

different grade levels in Aringay National High School.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researchers used a constructed mixed-questionnaire as the main data

gathering tool for this study. The said questionnaire was composed of two (2) parts


Part I, was a Likert questionnaire which focused on the promotional strategies

used by the canteen concessionaires in promoting their products;

Part II, was a Likert questionnaire also which gave attention on the level of

patronage to student-consumers in buying products from the canteen concessionaires.

Validity and Reliability

To guarantee that the items in the questionnaire contained the necessary

information to be analyzed, the instrument will pass through validation. The

questionnaire will be validated by three experts who know about the study.

To ensure the reliability of the instrument, pre-testing will be done among fifteen

(15) randomly selected students in Aringay National High School. After the pre-testing,

papers will be collected to determine the reliability coefficient. The Cronbach’s Alpha

Reliability Analysis will be used to analyze reliability of the researcher-constructed

questionnaire along the perception of the test subjects on the promotional strategies

used by canteen concessionaires.

The Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Analysis is a test for internal consistency.

Since, Cronbach’s Alpha can be interpreted as a correlation coefficient; it ranges in

value 0 to 1. Alpha values ranging from 0.70 or higher are considered acceptable.

Those items that do not meet acceptable standards have to be revised to fit into the

context of the study before the questionnaire is administered in its final form.

Data Analysis

The data gathered will be organized, tallied, and presented in tables to ensure

accuracy and order, and for systematic analysis of the processed data.

Statistical Tools
In order to come up with a valid and reliable analysis and interpretation of the

data gathered. The researchers will make use of frequency counts, percentages, and

weighted means and ranking. These statistical techniques were used to present the

statistics of the study. It also made use of coefficient correlations to identify significant

relationships between identified variables.

To guarantee that the items in the questionnaire contained the necessary information to

be analyzed, the instrument will pass through validation. The questionnaire will be

validated by three experts who know about the study and one English teacher for the

correction of grammars.

To ensure the reliability of the instrument, pre-testing will be done among fifteen

(15) randomly selected students in Aringay National High School. After the pre-testing,

papers will be collected to determine the reliability coefficient. The Cronbach’s Alpha

Reliability Analysis will be used to analyze reliability of the researcher-constructed

questionnaire along the perception of the test subjects on the promotional strategies

used by canteen concessionaires.

The Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Analysis is a test for internal consistency.

Since, Cronbach’s Alpha can be interpreted as a correlation coefficient; it ranges in

value 0 to 1. Alpha values ranging from 0.70 or higher are considered acceptable.

Those items that do not meet acceptable standards have to be revised to fit into the

context of the study before the questionnaire is administered in its final form.

Categorization of Data
The promotional strategies used by canteen concessionaires will be interpreted

using the following values:

Numerical Values Statistical Values Descriptive Rating (DR)

5 4.21-5.00 Very Highly Patronized(VHP)

4 3.41-4.20 Highly Patronized (HP)

3 2.61-3.40 Moderately Patronized(MP)

2 1.81-2.60 Slightly Patronized (SP)

1 1.00-1.80 Not Patronized (NP)

The level of patronage of student-consumers in buying foods will be measured

and interpreted using the following values:

Numerical Values Statistical Values Descriptive Rating (DR)

5 4.21-5.00 Very Highly Patronized(VHP)

4 3.41-4.20 Highly Patronized (HP)

3 2.61-3.40 Moderately Patronized(MP)

2 1.81-2.60 Slightly Patronized (SP)

1 1.00-1.80 Not Patronized (NP)

The significant relationship between the promotional strategies used by canteen

concessionaires and the level of patronage of student-consumers will be treated with

the coefficient correlation with alpha-value at 0.05 degree of correlation.

All computations will be done by the researchers through MS Excel, and

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS statistic Application) to ensure

the accuracy of the calculations.

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