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Name: Sherilly G.

Course, Year & Section: BSBA 2C
Subject: Understanding the Self
Lesson1: Learning to Be a Better Person
Helping is always a part of our day as we go about our daily lives. It feels nice
to help others, even if it is just a simple help. It typically leads to a better mood and
less stress. Pro-social behaviors strengthen social connections, psychological well-
being, and physical health. Part of my daily activities is helping my younger siblings to
finish their modules. With this simple help, this will be considered a pro-social
behavior. I also help my friends if they have financial problems. As long as I have
extra money, I’ll let them borrow it. Sometimes I do remind them also to eat their
meals on time, always keep safe, and take their medicine if they’re not feeling well.
Those are some pro-social behaviors that I show to them. I want them to know and
feel that I am concerned about them. These behaviors that I acquire help me to
realize that helping is very important to me and to the people around me. It makes
me think that if I am put in their situation where I will need their help also, I am now
assured that I have friends and family to call. Pro-social behaviors help me be a good
role model for young people like me. I’ll let them know that helping and sharing are
two of the most important characteristics that a person should possess. Helping is a
sign that we have a good mentality. We should never get tired of doing little things
for others, sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.

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