Wanbejuri 2019

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An Improved Resampling Scheme for Particle

Filtering in Inertial Navigation System

Wan Mohd Yaakob Wan Bejuri1,3(&), Mohd Murtadha Mohamad1,

Raja Zahilah Raja Mohd Radzi1, and Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh2
School of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Next Tech PLT., Skudai, Malaysia
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology,
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Durian Tunggal, Malaysia

Abstract. The particle filter provides numerical approximation to the nonlinear

filtering problem in inertial navigation system. In the heterogeneous environ-
ment, reliable state estimation is the critical issue. The state estimation will
increase the positioning error in the overall system. To address such problem,
the sequential implementation resampling (SIR) considers cause and environ-
ment for every specific resampling task decision in particle filtering. However,
by only considering the cause and environment in a specific situation, SIR
cannot generate reliable state estimation during their process. This paper pro-
poses an improved resampling scheme to particle filtering for different sample
impoverishment environment. Adaptations relating to noise measurement and
number of particles need to be made to the resampling scheme to make the
resampling more intelligent, reliable and robust. Simulation results show that
proposed resampling scheme achieved improved performance in term of posi-
tioning error in inertial navigation system In conclusion, the proposed scheme of
sequential implementation resampling proves to be valuable solution for dif-
ferent sample impoverishment environment.

Keywords: Resampling  Particle filter 

Inertial navigation system and indoor positioning

1 Introduction

Nowadays, current technologies gain ground (such as: [1]). This includes also location
determination technologies [2]. The knowledge of location position in a shopping mall
is a common requirement for many people during shopping activities [3–5]. Consid-
erable research and development has taken place over the recent years with regards to
Location-Based Services (LBS), which can now be supplemented and expanded with
the help of ubiquitous methods, and perhaps even replaced in the future.
The retrieved positioning data however must be analysed, manipulated, and inter-
preted before it can be used for computer processing purposes. There are many examples
of area that requires this task including; target tracking [6–10], pollution monitoring [11,
12], communications [13, 14], audio engineering [15, 16], finance [17, 18] and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

N. T. Nguyen et al. (Eds.): ACIIDS 2019, LNAI 11432, pp. 555–563, 2019.
556 W. M. Y. Wan Bejuri et al.

econometrics [19, 20] to list but a few (more examples can be found in [21–23]). It is,
however, often the case that by the time these data are observed or obtained, they are
‘contaminated’ by the presence of ‘noise’, which makes it difficult to analyse the true
data and retrieve relevant information. This raises important questions about the
inferences and conclusions that can be drawn from the data. The practice of particle
filtering attempts to understand and answer these questions. The main aim of this
method is to smooth or approximate data or particles to allow the data to be smoothly
read by the end user. Without smoothing method, the filtering output might be incon-
sistent and difficult to recognized. A typical problem arising in particle filtering is the
different kinds of measurement noise and interference that inherent in the environment.
Thus, the particle filter often uses a resampling algorithm to suppress noise interference.
In the ubiquitous computing environment, the particle filter is required to process data or
particles from different kinds (in term of specification) of sensor or real time platform.
This can lead to the corrupted data or particles being retrieved, and this interruption
effects the particles’ value (for example; particle weight or particle state) or numbers
(particle sample size). However, using resampling algorithm solution in particle filter
just considering the environment in a specific case, which fails to generate reliable
positioning accuracy. The work in this paper is aimed at reducing the positioning error
during particle filtering process as it may interfere navigation process in mobile devices.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents the basic concepts related to
location-aware shopping assistance and puts forward the proposed method. Section 3
presents the experiment setup and the details of the preliminary results. In conclusion, a
discussion and the future direction of the project are provided in Sect. 5.

2 Particle Filter in Inertial Navigation System

This section discusses the fundamental of particle filtering in inertial navigation system.
The concept of inertial navigation system (refer Fig. 1 for fundamental inertial navi-
gation system architecture) is regards to positioning determination across all environ-
ments [24–30]. Usually, it requires multi-sensor approach, augmenting standalone
positioning with other signals, motion sensors, and environmental features [31–33].
This may be enhanced by using three-dimensional (3D) mapping, context awareness
and cooperation between users. The navigation process of the inertial navigation
system will be determined and processed by CPU by lookup the recorded positioning
data which stored in database. In the system, the particle filter is used to optimize the
inertial data sensed by the sensor, to help the system to determine positioning and
navigation information correctly. Initially, the data (or particle) that obtained by sensor
will be processed by particle filter (in CPU). The process of particle filtering will be
executed by two (2) main components; which are sequential import sampling (SIS) and
resampling. First, the obtained particles will be propagated and computed (weight) by
SIS. In this part, the new particle set ~x0:t will be assigned according to time; the
importance weight will be evaluated; and the importance weight will be normalised.
Then, the particles will be processed by resampling component. Here, the particles will
be replaced with new particles according to the importance weight which is in detail,
An Improved Resampling Scheme for Particle Filtering 557

the low weighted particles will be discarded and replaced with new particles. Finally,
the process of resampling will move on to the SIS, and this process continues
repeatedly until the particle process reaches the determined time. In the following
section, we will discuss about improved resampling scheme proposed in this paper.

Fig. 1. Implementation of particle filter in inertial navigation system architecture

3 Adaptive Sequential Implementation Resampling

Previous section has discussed the basic concept of resampling scheme in inertial
positioning architecture system. In this section, we will discuss the proposed resam-
pling scheme. To restate, our aim is to propose a new sequential implementation
resampling, based on the adaptation of noise measurement and particle number. This
proposed scheme handles various sample impoverishment phenomenon and unbalance
resampling’s memory. The proposed resampling scheme can be seen in Fig. 2. In our
proposed method, there are three (3) types of situation that will be focused, which are;
the situation during inertial-based mobile IPS system using internal inertial sensor,
using external inertial sensor and real time application.
The justification is, these situations are causing sample impoverishment for posi-
tioning determination. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of adaptive noise and particle
based special strategies resampling. Initially, the system will receive the inertial data
signal from sensor. At first, the noise will be measured. If the noise measurement is
high, the algorithm will perform roughening resampling. If the noise measurement is
low, the particle number will be measured. Finally, the algorithm will perform modified
resampling (if the particle is high) or variable resampling (if the particle is low). Next
section will discuss the special strategies resampling algorithm that will be employed
and manipulated in our proposed method.
558 W. M. Y. Wan Bejuri et al.

Fig. 2. Flowchart of adaptive sequential implementation resampling scheme

An Improved Resampling Scheme for Particle Filtering 559

4 Performance Evaluation

Previous section has discussed about the adaptive sequential implementation resam-
pling. In this section, the performance result of proposed method implementation in
case study will be discussed. The case study is referring to car positioning application
[34]. Basically, the digital road map is used to constrain the possible positions, where a
dead reckoning of wheel speeds is the main external input to the algorithm. By
matching the driven path to a road map, a vague initial position (order of kilometers)
can be improved to a meter unit accuracy. To perform this, the experiment has been
conducted by using MATLAB simulation. The data initially obtained in the field before
simulated in the MATLAB environment (see Fig. 3 for view of during data collection
process). The data of car speed has been obtained by using wheel speed sensors in ABS
which is available as standard components in the test car (Volvo V40). From this, yaw
rate and speed information are computed, as described in [22].

Fig. 3. View of IMU data collection task

Therefore, the velocity vector is considered available as an input signal, and the
motion model is thus appropriate. The initial position is either marked by the driver or
given from a different system, where crude position information is available today [16]
or GPS. The initial area should cover an area not extending more than a couple of
kilometers to limit the number of particles to a realizable number. With infinite memory
and computation time, no initialization would be necessary. The car positioning with
map matching has been implemented in a car, and the particle filter runs in real time
with sampling frequency 2 Hz on a modern laptop with a commercial digital road map.
560 W. M. Y. Wan Bejuri et al.

The driven path consists of a number of 90 turns. Initially, the particles are spread
uniformly over all admissible positions, that is, on the roads, covering an area of about
1 km. This principle can be used as a supplement to, or even replacement for, a global
positioning system (GPS). In this case study the proposed method is used to operate as
resampling in the particle filter. The result of predicted value can be seen in Figs. 4 and
5. Generally, it shown that the value prediction is a near to true value, but after 50 time

Car X PosiƟon

0 50 100 150 200
Time Step
True Value Predicted Value

Fig. 4. Predicted value of X position



Car Y PosiƟon




0 50 100 150 200
Time Step

True Value Predicted Value

Fig. 5. Predicted value of Y position

An Improved Resampling Scheme for Particle Filtering 561

step, the predicted value seems far more than true value. This is because the nature of
dead reckoning based positioning, that generating accumulated error. As a final result,
the proposed method can achieve RMSE of 8.8857 m.

5 Conclusion and Future Works

This paper discussed the problem and solutions regarding the development of a
resampling scheme for particle filter, specifically in terms of its unreliable state esti-
mation, since this may lead to large positioning error in inertial navigation system. To
perform resampling scheme for particle filter, the improvement of sequential imple-
mentation resampling scheme in particle filter during inertial-based location determi-
nation is carried out. Towards this end, an adaptation of sequential implementation
resampling scheme for particle filtering has been proposed. The final result shows that
the large positioning error by achieving RMSE of 8.8857 m. For future works, a
continuation of experiments to ascertain the extent to which the approach can be more
ubiquitous in other environments will be carried out, using these results combined with
other mobile sensors, e.g. cameras. This part will undoubtedly be undertaken by the
next researcher.

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