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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

College of Teacher Education

Office of the Laboratory Schools

Reflection Portfolio
Technology for Teaching and Learning

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ISO 9001:2015
Quirino Blvd., Brgy. Tamag, Vigan City, 2700 Ilocos Sur REGISTERED
Certificate. No. SCP000580Q
Email: Telephone # (077) 674-0789
Technology Collaborative Tools in the Digital World
Now that we are on 21st century, we are considered
as part of digital world where people in this generation is
attracted on this new way of living. Incorporating
technology in our lives gives so much impact positively that
makes our lives easier and makes us a competitive person.
That is why, learners become consumers of technology
collaborative tools for the reason of they are born with
technology. In simpler words, it is their comfort zone which
allow them to be more productive and creative when using technology. Mainly on
technology collaborative tools, this allow teachers and learners connect even though they
are not situated on the same place. Those reasons are some of the many factors that
encourages teachers to integrate technology to teaching and learning process.

As a learner, all I can say is technology

collaborative tools are efficient when I am gaining
new knowledge or information and when I am
improving my skills because the distance is never
become the problem; it i s proven when pandemic
happened to us, even though we are not physically
present in a classroom, the technology collaborative
tools still provide us help and allow us to teach and
learn. Wherever we are at that time, still we learned a lot and discovered new way of
teaching and learning.

My feelings towards having technology

collaborative apps it is I am grateful that school
allow this and it has been normalized which help us
to access and collaborate which saves time and
other expenses. An example of technology
collaborative apps that I frequently use is google
meet and google drive. I used Google meet in order
to meet my classmates and collaborate with them
to make a project which is efficient because we are able to connect without travelling which
save us time and transportation expenses. Also, the google drive also help me to store my
files and my fellow students or my teachers can access it whenever they want and it is
always available and editable. All in all, collaborative tools encourage learners to think
creatively and help them to communicate their ideas by technology.

ISO 9001:2015
Quirino Blvd., Brgy. Tamag, Vigan City, 2700 Ilocos Sur REGISTERED
Certificate. No. SCP000580Q
Email: Telephone # (077) 674-0789
of Learners
Community of learners is where
the students collaborate or
communicate to one another in order
to accomplish a goal. In my experience
being with the community of learners, I am able to interact or communicate with both
academic, social, and emotional aspect. Community of learners is indeed beneficial because
it is a big help to students to learn a thing even though it is informal. I will also add that in
using community of learners, students must always be a digital and media literate.

Having or being part of community of learners such as Facebook, TikTok, and

YouTube had an impact for me as a student and as a netizen. It is an entertaining
community and together with that is I can learn new things and improve my skills. I
remember when I am having a hard time in solving calculus, I just searched a page on
Facebook then I posted my concern, my fellow netizen who are also interested in
mathematics helps me about the problem; and since I joined that page, my knowledge
about math expands because the members there are also mathematics lover and willing to
interact or communicate.

Indeed, community of learners is for creating a comfortable and entertaining

atmosphere. Additionally, you can help other people to learn from you and also, you can
learn from them and improve your skills. It will also provide interesting information for
leaners to learn and expand their knowledge, and most importantly, build meaningful

ISO 9001:2015
Quirino Blvd., Brgy. Tamag, Vigan City, 2700 Ilocos Sur REGISTERED
Certificate. No. SCP000580Q
Email: Telephone # (077) 674-0789
Many people desire to live in a
technologically advanced world, including
students, instructors, and people who work from
home. Some students may find this to be useful
for their daily life on personal or academic. This
encourages kids to think creatively and help them
see more fantastic ideas. But when using internet,
we must always consider to have a proper
etiquette which is now called as “netiquette”.
Since digital world in this generation is so wide
that it is composed of beneficial things and also
things that can harm you, we must know or aware
the proper mindset and actions that will be do while we are engaging on internet.

Netiquette reminds me the actions that gen z always forgot, kids in this generation is
so comfortable in using internet to the point they do not already think before they click;
they forgot to behave properly when using internet specifically in social media.

Netiquette is so important to avoid conflict in internet and cyberbullying, because

base on my observation netizens easily judged a person base on what they only see in social
media which is wrong. That is why as long as possible I do not over share when using
internet and if ever, I come across a wrong content I just ignored those or report it. All in all,
netiquette or online etiquette will guide us on having appropriate and polite online conduct.
I am also encouraging every netizens to have netiquette since these guidelines are crucial
because they encourage effective communication, guard against misunderstandings, and
show us what is appropriate in social situations when working and cooperating online.

ISO 9001:2015
Quirino Blvd., Brgy. Tamag, Vigan City, 2700 Ilocos Sur REGISTERED
Certificate. No. SCP000580Q
Email: Telephone # (077) 674-0789

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