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Kelompok BusComm

1. Julio
2. Andrew
3. Maestro
4. Melisa
5. Misi
6. Virjin
 General Topic: Business Meeting With Colleagues
“Making Strategi E-CRM”
 Select (Who do we target)
o Target market
- Segmentation
1. Geografis
2. Demografis
 Where Do We Reach Them?
 Customer Acquisition
- Bagaiaman meningkatkan kemungkinan mengklik
 Retain
- Bagaimana mempertahankan strategi E-CRM
 Role Play
 Chair Person (President)
 Secretary (Melisa)
 Timekeeper (Maestro)
 Members 2 (Julio)
 Members 3 (Andrew)
 Members 4 (Misi)

 Penjelasan awal meeting tentang apa (audio)

(Smntra penjelasan smua ba cerita)
 Secretary: Attention please, we’re going to start our meeting, so for everyone keep your
phone silent. Thank you
 Chairperson:
- Welcoming members
Good morning everyone thank you very much for being here on time
- Before start, make sure all members have the copy of meeting agenda
- Check the power point presentation (jadi ada ppt yang nnti chairperson mo
pake for diskusi deng member)
- Asking if there anyone know purpose of the meeting
 Member 4: explain the purpose of the meeting agenda
 Chairperson:
- Explain the detail of the meeting agenda
- explain increasing sale from June until November and our target market
- Moving for the first topic of the agenda – segmentation (based on
- Asking the members if will be good to expand the market?
 Member 2: giving opinion – expand the market plan into overseas so that can get more
 Chairperson: Asking what country that we’ll export our product?
 Member 2: giving opinion – export our product in …. With some reason
 Member 3: giving opinion – in what country … with some reason also
 Chairperson:
- giving opinion about that countries
- moving to the next topic – segmentation (based on demografis – ex. Age)
- asking if we should to add new market target
 Member 4: tambah misalnya. Umur sekian sampai sekian bisa jadi trg punya target
market baru
 Chairperson: giving opinion about the demografis
 Timekeeper: giving opinion
 Member 4: saying agree with timekeeper opinion
 Chairperson:
- appreciate their opinion
- move to the next topic – how to reach them
- saying social media that we use to reach our customers (tunjukan data
jumlah pengguna sosmed)
 Member 3: advertise our product using instagram advertising (explain how)
 Timekeeper: advertise our product using fb advertising (explain how)
 Member 2: giving opinion – create a website

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