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Test 1. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
11. I __________ not sure about that.
A. do B. have C. am D. shall
12. She came into the room while they __________ television.
A. watched B. have watched C. are watching D. were watching
13. I __________ a headache since yesterday.
A. had B. was having C. have had D. would have
14. The teacher __________ into the room.
A. has still come B. has already come C. has yet come D. has recently come
15. "Did you get any mail?" - ''No, I haven't got a letter __________."
A. a long time before B. since a long time C. for a long time D. a long time
16. He __________ you a lot of money, doesn't he?
A. owes B. is owing C. has owned D. doesn't owe
17. He __________ book the tickets, but he had no time to call at the cinema.
A. would B. will C. is going to D. was going to
18. When he failed to meet us, we __________ without him.
A. left B. would leave C. was leaving D. has left
19. Peter has been trying for an hour, but his car still __________ start.
A. won't B. wouldn't C. didn't D. hasn't
20. This is the second time that you have been here, __________?
A. isn't it B. haven't you C. don't you D. isn't this
Test 2. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. When the telephone rang, she __________ a letter.
A. wrote B. is writing C. was written D. was writing
2. You've heard she isn't coming to the party, __________?
A. is she B. haven't you C. hasn't she D. are you
3. It's an hour since he __________ so he must be at the office now
A. is leaving B. was leaving C. has left D. left
4. Most students __________ hard for the last few weeks.
A. were working B. worked C. have working D. have been working
5. He __________ up his mind yet.
A. didn't make B. hasn't made C. wasn't make D. wasn't making
6. One third of the oranges __________ spoilt.
A. is B. are C. has been D. was
7. When __________ the car, you'll agree with me about it.
A. you saw B. you've seen C. you would see D. you will see
8. The baby __________ non-stop for the past two hours.
A. cried B. was crying C. is crying D. has been crying
9. The entrance examination __________ in July.
A. begin B. has begun C. begins D. shall begin
10. The girl weeps whenever she __________ such a story.
A. hears B. has heard C. will hear D. heard
11. As soon as __________ another apartment, we __________.
A. we're finding - will move B. we found – moved
C. we'd find - move D. we find - would move
12. It was a long time __________ I lived here.
A. that B. ago C. since D. ago that
13. My teacher arrived after I __________ for him for ten minutes.
A. was waiting B. have waited C. had waited D. waited
14. I __________ to visit Australia some time in the future.
A. like B. would like C. will like D. am liking
15. This is the first time I __________ to play badminton.
A. have tried B. am trying C. was trying D. would be trying
16. She __________ here but she doesn't work here now.
A. has worked B. had worked C. used to work D. used to working
17. The man said he __________ the thieves go into the bank.
A. sees B. was seeing C. has seen D. had seen
18. He __________ in the restaurant when she came in.
A. sat B. has sat C. has been sitting D. was sitting
19. We're working hard, so the job __________ by tomorrow evening.
A. is done B. has been done C. will be done D. would be done
20. Jack went out, but he __________ anyone where he was going.
A. doesn't tell B. not told C. wasn't telling . D. didn't tell
Test 3. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. London __________ the capital of United Kingdom.
A. is B. was C. will be D. is being
2. Someone __________ at the door. Can you near it?
A. knocks B. is knocking C. will knock D. was knocking
3. What are you cooking in that saucepan? It __________ good.
A. smells B. is smelling C. smelled D. has smelled
4. When he was questioned by the police, the thief __________ the truth.
A. doesn't tell B. not told C. was telling D. didn't tell
5. Hearing a noise, I __________ outside.
A. went B. will go C. was going D. has gone
6. Your friend won't be here for long, __________?
A. do they B. will they C. would they D. shall they
7. I used to swim in this river when I __________ young.
A. am B. was C. will be D. have been
8. We __________ the bus at the same stop every day.
A. get off B. are getting off C. got off D. have got off
9. __________ "Congratulations!" to Nam? He's won a scholarship to study abroad.
A. Do you say B. Did you say C. Have you said D. Were you saying
10. We reached the house after we __________ for almost an hour.
A. cycled B. were cycling C. have been cycled D. had been cycling
11. I __________ my pencil. May I borrow one of yours?
A. broke B. have broken C. was breaking D. had broken
12. Who will look after your baby while you __________?
A. are shopping B. will shop C. were working D. have shopped
13. When you get up tomorrow morning, the sun __________.
A. shine B. is shining C. will shine D. will be shining
14. The strike __________ on for over two months now.
A. went B. was going C. has been going D. had gone
15. The patient __________ in the emergency room for almost an hour before a doctor finally treated her.
A. is waiting B. was waiting C. has waited D. had been waiting
16. When she was in college, Julia __________ home at least once a week.
A. writes B. wrote C. was writing D. would write
17. While Mary was cleaning the apartment, her husband __________ TV.
A. watched B. was watching C. would watch D. has watched
18. We __________ Uncle Tom at the airport tomorrow afternoon.
A. are meeting B. going to meet C. have met D. would meet
19. It is not likely that he __________ successful.
A. is B. will be C. has been D. was
20. In the last five months, he __________ only three letters to his parents.
A. has written B. wrote C. would write D. had written
Test 4. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. "Hurry up! We're waiting for you. What's taking you so long?"
"I __________ for an important phone call. Go ahead and leave without me."
A. wait B. will wait C. am waiting D. have waited
2. "Laura is going to be a famous someday. She __________ in three movies already."
"I'm sure she'll be a star."
A. has been appearing B. had appeared C. has appeared D. appeared
3. "Where is Mary?" "She __________ "
A. is in her room studying B. in her room is studying
C. studies in her room D. has in her room studied
4. "Hello? Alice? This is Jeff. How are you?"
"Jeff? What a coincidence! I __________ about you when the phone rang."
A. was just thinking B. just thought C. have just been thinking D. was just thought
5. "What __________ about the new simplified tax law?"
"It's more confusing than the old one."
A. are you thinking B. do you think C. have you thought D. have you been thinking
6. "When is Mr. Fields planning to retire?"
"Soon, I think. He __________ here for a long time. He'll probably retire either next year or the year after that."
A. worked B. had been working C. has been working D. is working
7. "Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?"
"I __________ a delicious dessert for dinner tonight."
A. make B. will make C. am going to make D. will have make
8. "Let's go! What's taking you so long?"
"I'll be there as soon as I __________ my keys."
A. found B. will find C. find D. am finding
9. I've been in this city for a long time. I __________ here sixteen years ago.
A. have come B. was coming C. came D. had come
10. While I __________ TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor.
A. watch B. watched C. was watching D. am watching
11. Fish were among the earliest forms of life. Fish __________ on earth for ages and ages.
A. existed B. are existing C. exist D. have existed
12. The phone __________ constantly since Jack announced his candidacy for president this morning.
A. has been ringing B. rang C. had rung D. had been ringing
13. The earth __________ on the sun for its heat and light.
A. is depend B. depending C. has depend D. depends
14. I don't feel good. I __________ home from work tomorrow.
A. am staying B. stay C. will have stayed D. stayed

15. Today there are weather satellites that beam down information about the earth's atmosphere. In the last two
decades, space exploration __________ great contributions to weather forecasting.
A. is making B. has made C. made D. makes
16. On July 20th, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong __________ down onto the moon, the first person ever to set foot
on another celestial body.
A. was stepping B. stepped C. has stepped D. was step
17. The plane's departure was delayed because of mechanical difficulties. When the weary passengers finally
boarded the aircraft, many were annoyed and irritable because they ______ in the airport for three and a half hours.
A. are waiting B. were waiting C. have been waiting D. had been waiting
18. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach ______ anymore.
A. doesn't exist B. isn't going to exist C. isn't existing D. won't be existing
19. Homestead High School's football team _________ a championship until last season, when the new coach led
them to take first place in their league.
A. has never won B. is never winning C. had never been winning D. had never won
20. To be able to qualify as an interpreter, many years of intensive language study are required for non-native
speakers. By the end of this year, Trung _________ English for five years, but he will still need more training and
experience before he masters the language.
A. will be studying B. has studied C. will have been studying D. has been studying
Test 5. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. "May I speak to Dr. Shell, please?"
"I'm sorry, he _________ a patient at the moment. Can I help you?"
A. is seeing B. sees C. has been seeing D. was seeing
2. "When are you going to ask your boss for a raise?"
"I _________ to her twice already! I don't think she wants to give me one."
A. have talked B. have been talking C. was talking D. had talked
3. "Do you think Tom will want something to eat after he gets here?"
"I hope not. It's probably be after midnight, and we _________."
A. are sleeping B. will be sleeping C. have been sleeping D. be sleeping
4. Paul, could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes _________ for at least thirty minutes."
A. are boiling B. boiling C. have been boiling D. were boiling
5. "Is it true that spaghetti didn't originate in Italy?"
"Yes. The Chinese _________ spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo brought it back to Italy."
A. have been making B. have made C. had been making D. make
6. "I once saw a turtle that had wings. The turtle flew into the air to catch insects."
"Stop kidding. I _________ you."
A. don't believe B. am not believing C. didn't believe D. wasn't believing
7. "Could someone help me lift the lawnmower into the pickup truck?"
"I'm not busy. I _________ you."
A. help B. will help C. am going to help D. am helping
8. My family loves this house. It _________ the family home ever since my grandfather built it 60 years ago.
A. was B. has been C. is D. will be
9. Here's an interesting statistic: On a typical day, the average person _________ about 48,000 words. How many
words did you speak today?
A. spoke B. was speaking C. speaks D. is speaking
10. I know you feel bad now, Tommy, but try to put it out of your mind. By the time you're an adult, you
_________ all about it.
A. forget B. will have forgotten C. will be forgetting D. forgot
11. It's against the law to kill the black rhinoceros. They _________ extinct.
A. became B. have become C. become D. are becoming
12. After ten unhappy years, Julia finally quit her job. She _________ along with her boss for a long time before
she finally decided to look for a new position.
A. hadn't been getting B. isn't getting C. didn't get D. hasn't been getting
13. The National Hurricane Center is closely watching a strong hurricane over the Atlantic Ocean. When it
________ the coast of Texas sometime tomorrow afternoon, it will bring with it great destructive force.
A. reaches B. will reach C. is reaching D. reaching
14. At one time, huge prehistoric reptiles dominated the earth. This Age of Dinosaurs _________ much longer than
the present Age of Mammals has lasted to date.
A. lasted B. was lasting C. has lasted D. had lasted
15. Jim, why don't you take some time off? You _________ too hard lately. Take a short vacation.
A. worked B. work C. were working D. have been working
16. Next summer when the tourists arrive, they _________ many new shops and restaurants in the area where the
old run-down waterfront properties used to stand.
A. will found B. will be finding C. will have found D. will find
17. A minor earthquake occurred at 2.00 a.m. on April 19th. Most of the people in the village _________ at the time
and didn't even know it had occurred until the next morning.
A. slept B. had slept C. were sleeping D. sleep
18. The little girl started to cry. She _________ her old doll, and no one was able to find it for her.
A. has lost B. had lost C. was losing D. was lost
19. According to research reports, people usually _________ in their sleep 25 to 30 times each night.
A. turn B. are turning C. have turned D. turned
20. Phong's eyes burned and his shoulders ached. He _________ at the computer for five straight hours. Finally, he
took a break.
A. is sitting B. has been sitting C. was sitting D. had been sitting
Test 6. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. She had to do the shopping for her neighbour, _________?
A. didn't she B. hadn't she C. does she D. isn't she
2. He daren't _________ his boss for a rise now.
A. asking B. be asking C. to ask D. ask
3. By the time Bernard's daughter graduates, he _________.
A. has retired B. will retire C. will be retiring D. will have retired
4. How long _________ to your family?
A. does the property belong B. has the property belonged
C. is the property belonging D. has the property been belonging
5. The noise was so loud that we all _________ ear-protector.
A. must wear B. have to wear C. should wear D. had to wear
6. This time next year _________ chief translator to the French UN delegation.
A. he is B. he'll be being C. he'll be D. he's being
7. You _________. You've made your point clearly enough already.
A. needn't continue B. mustn't continue C. don't have continue D. won't continue
8. Let's get the house cleared up before he _________.
A. is arriving B. arrives C. will arrive D. arrived
9. Since 1997 my department's work _________ considerably.
A. was built up B. have built up C. is built up D. has built up
10. The bill _________, so I didn't need to do it.
A. was already paid B. has already been paid
C. had already been paid D. would already been paid
11. It's 4 p.m. John _________ in Ho Chi Minh by now.
A. would have arrived B. should have arrived C. is arriving D. will be arriving
12. Nobody from Amanda since she _________ to the Seychelles.
A. heard - went B. has heard - went C. heard - has gone D. has heard - has gone
13. I don't understand what _________ for.
A. are you waiting B. you are waiting C. will you be waiting D. you will be waiting
14. _________ my pencil? I left it here somewhere.
A. Do anyone see B. Did anyone see C. Is anyone seeing D. Has anyone seen
15. When he didn't arrive by 6.00, I knew that he _________ the bus.
A. missed B. has missed C. had missed D. would miss
16. _________ away this weekend? Or have you run out of money?
A. Do you go B. Are you going C. Will you gone D. Shall you be going
17. What do you think you _________ in ten years' time?
A. will do B. will be doing C. will have done D. will have been doing
18. Will you let me know the minute you _________ the news?
A. hear B. will hear C. will be hearing D. heard
19. That's definitely the last time that I _________ you any money!
A. lent B. have lent C. will lend D. am lending
20. What's the matter? Have you hurt your ankle? How _________ it?
A. have you done B. were you doing C. would you do D. did you do
Test 7. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes (A, B, C, or D).
1. Next week when there will be a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher.
2. Do you know how many teachers does our school have?
3. That's my sister over there. She stands near the window.
4. Mr. Ba rides his bicycle to work at the moment.
5. You and your sister went to the cinema last night, weren't you?
6. Did you and your family at Jane's birthday party yesterday evening?
7. I not wrote to you before the exam because I was too busy.
8. I bought some warm boots because I would go skiing.
9. The marathon runner has been running for almost two hours when he collapsed to the pavement.
10. In a few years' time we shall all live in houses heated by solar energy.
11. What do you do this Saturday evening? Would you like to go out?
12. We were at home having our anniversary dinner when my uncle was calling to congratulate us last night.
13. Mark took many trips to Asia since he started his own import-export business.
14. The children had been playing ball for the last two hours, but they don't seem to be tired yet.
15. Up to now Michael wrote five novels and over sixteen short stories.
16. I am polishing this table all the morning but she isn't satisfied with it yet.
17. The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to submit the proposal.
18. With his father's guidance, Mozart begun playing the clavier at the age of three and composing when he was
five. A B C D
19. As soon as he will graduate, he's going to return to his hometown.
20. Mr. Davy was just getting off the plane when he feels a sharp pain in his chess.
Test 8. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes (A, B, C, or D).
1. After taking the medication, the patient becomes drowsy and more manageable.
2. By the time I return. to my hometown, I am away from home for more than five years.
3. Tom wants to get married, but he doesn't meet the right person yet.
4. By the end of the 21st century, scientists have discovered the cure for the common cold
5. I saw that movie three times, and now I want to see it again.
6. Last night I have had dinner with two friends. I have known both of them for a longtime.
7. My brother wants me to change the job and I am thinking he is right.
8. So far this week the teachers are giving us a lot of homework every day.
9. There are more than 40 presidents of the United States since it became a country.
10. By the time he left the office, he have attended three meetings.
11. He will go to lunch at noon and has a sandwich and a bowl of soup.
12. We are waiting for Mike for the last two hours, but he stilt hasn't arrived.
13. The apartment was hot when I got home, so I was turning on the air conditioner.
14. By the time Phong arrived to help, we have already finished moving everything.
15. We have lived since ten years, but we are going to move again soon.
16. Last Sunday while Sandy cleaned out the attic, she found her mother's wedding dress.
17. The hunter slowly raised his rifle and shoot at the deer, but he missed.
18. Paul hid his money because he was afraid it would be stolen while he was being away.
19. Tim has trouble with his car, so he has to take the bus to work three days.
20. I think you have asked me five or six questions since we have begun this exercise.

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