DLP For Demo (English 2) .April Manalo

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Detailed Lesson Plan

At the end of the lessons, the students should be able to:
a. Recognize the common noun and proper noun.
b. Use capital letter properly.
c. Appreciate the use of a common noun and proper noun in our daily life.
a. Topic: Common Noun and Proper Noun
b. References: English for a Brighter World 3 (page 13-14)
c. Materials: Cartolina, Visual, flash cards, marker
d. Value Focus: Appreciation and Understanding

Teacher’s Activity Student Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start, let’s all stand and pray. Our father…..Amen

Good morning class!

You may now take your seats. Good morning, Ma’am

2. Checking for Attendance Good morning classmates

Class who are absent today?

Class secretary reports
3. Health Protocols
Okay class always remember our health protocol.
Keep our hands clean. Wear a mask indoors, and outdoors
when physical distancing isn’t possible. Cover coughs and
sneezes when not wearing a mask.
B. Learning Activities
1. Review
To check if you still remember what you have learned
yesterday, let us answer this activity.
You’re going to identify nouns and place the words in
their proper column.

Persons Places Things Animals Ideas/

girl Philippines ball dog Christmas
Mrs. school Huawei pig holiday
Sophia market pencil Milkfish party
teacher Buenavista Sunflower cow Mother’s

Using these flashcards, I want you to place it on their

respective columns if you believe that this word is a name
of person, place, things, animals and ideas/events.
(Teacher calling students to answer)
Very Good, thank you so much class! The words are closely related to
each other.
Now class, what did you notice with our activity? The words are types of nouns.
Noun is the name of persons,
place, things, animals, and
Any idea what is the meaning of Noun? events.

Today we will learn about recognizing proper nouns and

common nouns. Proper noun and common noun

What will be your lesson for today?

Very Good!
2. Motivation
Okay so before we start our discussion let us all stand and
sing the “Fruit Salad Song”.

3. Presentation
Now class let us know the types/kinds of nouns. Everyone
please read.
(The teacher will present a table)

food Menudo
student Nathan
flower Sampaguita
country Philippines

The words written in the first column are called common

The words in the second column are called proper noun.

4. Discussion
The words in the first column are called common nouns.
It refers to the name of person, place, things, animals, and
events in general. While the words in the second column are
called proper nouns. It is the name of person, place,
things, animals and events in particular.
5. Guided Practice Gumamela
Let’s have an activity. Look at this word on the board. Sampaguita
What is this word? Rose
Flower is a common noun. Can you give a proper noun for Philippines, Korea, China,
flower? Thailand, America

Next word is country.

What proper noun can you give for the word country?

Now to know if you really recognize the proper noun and

common nouns Let us answer this activity.

1. Alisha is my friend.
Directions: Recognize proper noun and common noun.
2. I have a pet dog named
Circle the proper noun and box the common noun in the
following sentences.
3. Christmas is my favorite

1. Alisha is my friend. holiday of the year.

2. I have a pet dog named Kisses. 4. She loves to eat

3. Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. chocolates especially

4. She loves to eat chocolates especially Cadbury. Cadbury.

5. My favorite dip is Jufran. 5. My favorite dip is


(The teacher will call pupils to answer the activity)

6. Independent Practice
Pupils will do the activity and
Group Activities
present their work after.
It seems like you already know the common noun and
proper nouns. I will give your group an activity to work on.

Group 1: Happy Group

Recognize common noun and proper noun. Color the
common nouns red and the proper nouns yellow .

Bear Brand pencil Tagpi

teacher Carmela milk

New Year Mongol cat

Group 2: Jolly Group

Recognize common noun and proper noun. Write C- if the
noun is a common noun and P- if it is a proper noun.
Ms. Manalo

Group 3: Smiley Group

Recognize common noun and proper noun. Give an
example of proper noun for each common noun.
Common Noun Proper Noun
country We learned about nouns.

boy The two types of nouns that we

subject discussed today are proper noun

province and common noun.

We recognize these nouns.

7. Generalization
What have you learned today?
What are the two types of nouns that we discussed today?
I can recognize the proper
nouns in my things by looking
at the particular name like
What did you do with these nouns?
Easywrite for my paper,

8. Application Mongol for my pencil, Kiddy

Read the situation and answer the questions that follow. for my crayon.

You are cleaning your bag and you arrange the things
in school that you are using. How are you going to
recognize the proper noun on these things? What are the
common nouns for these?

That’s great. Well done class! I can see that you really
understand our discussion for today.

Recognize the noun if it is common or proper noun and sort it into the correct boxes by writing
them down.

Common Nouns Proper Nouns

Spiderman movie teacher Florida

fireworks Pepsi airport lake
Japan popcorn Tyrone ring


Recognize whether each noun is common or proper noun. Write C if the noun is a common
noun and P if it is a proper noun.

1. flower 6. Japan
2. Linda 7. Monday
3. Vista Mall 8. Adidas
4. Muning 9. hero
5. car 10. subject

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