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DAV Public Schools

Revision Sheet
Class-I Subject – ICT Session-‘2021-22

Name: ____________________ Sec: ___ Roll No. __

I. Choose the correct option.

1. Computer can be seen in

a. School b. Office c. Bank d. All

2. It is the brain of computer.

a. Mouse b. Monitor c. Keyboard d. CPU

3. It looks like a T.V.
a. Keyboard b. CPU c. Mouse d. Monitor
4. It is used to type words and numbers.

a. Mouse b. Monitor c. Keyboard d. CPU

5. It is a pointing device.

a. Keyboard b. CPU c. Mouse d. Monitor

6. Which part of computer is also the name of an

a. Monitor b. Mouse c. Keyboard d. CPU

7. A computer can

a. do big calculations b. imagine

c. think on their own d. feel emotions
8. We should not ____ in computer room.

a. make noise b. run c. eat d. all of these

9. Which one of the following is a CPU?

a. b.

c. d.
10. Always touch the computer with ___ hands

a. dirty b. dry c. wet d. all of these

11. It is also known as Visual Display Unit (VDU).
a. Keyboard
b. CPU
c. Mouse

d. Monitor
12. It stores data.

a. Mouse b. CPU c. Monitor d. Keyboard

II. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False.

1. Mouse is used to type on the computer. F
2. CPU stores data. T
3. Monitor is a pointing device. T
4. A computer gets tired. F
5. You can work faster than a computer. F
6. Keyboard is the brain of the computer. F

III. Fill in the missing letter.

1. MO U SE
4. C P U

IV. Match the following.

1. Monitor a.

2. CPU b.

3. Mouse c.

4. Keyboard d.

5. Computer e.
V. Fill in the blanks using the help box.
wet, three, electronic, think, pictures,

1. Computer is an electronic machine.

2. We can draw pictures on computer.
3. Computers cannot think on their own.
4. Do not touch the computer with wet hands.
5. A Mouse has three buttons

VI. Name the pictures.

a. Mouse

b. CPU

c. Monitor

d. Computer

e. Keyboard
VII. Complete the steps to switch on the computer.
CPU, main, Monitor, plug, Press

Step 1. Switch on the main plug.

Step 2. Press the ON button of CPU.
Step 3. Press the ON button of Monitor.

VIII. Draw any one part of computer and write the


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