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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Nagsangalan, Vigan City


Project SIRIB (Strategic Interventions for Reading Improvement and Basic Literacy
SY 2022-2023
Reading is an encompassing endeavor that leads to a set of skills needed to succeed in all areas of the learning process. Holistic
reading ability includes a variety of skills needed for a learner to thrive across learning areas in different learning tasks. Reading
proficiency essential to different human activities, from following simple instructions to communicating transactions or complex
information in different means. Hence, reading is a non-negotiable skill in all learning areas.

Furthermore, the ability to read is vital to learning. One who is handicapped in reading is deprived of a wonderful medium of
learning since access to knowledge in the various disciplines is made possible through reading. It is always the mandate of the school
to produce quality students who could not only read but could also perform well academically. However, common problems such as
non-readers or students under frustration level in reading is still present.

It is also noted that the Philippines ranked lowest among the 79 countries in the 2018 Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) which included reading test among other academic tasks. The Department of Education capitalizes on intensified
reading programs to ensure the quality of learners that schools yield. Thus, the agency has conceived, initiated, and enhanced
reading programs cascaded to the school level to provide enrichment tasks to advanced readers and remediation programs to
struggling readers.
Considering this perennial problem and in support to the Department of Education’s intensified campaign on reading
proficiency to bridge literacy gaps among learners, Vigan National High School East is in full support to the reading programs initiated
by the Schools Division of Vigan City such as “Every Child A Reader Program” (ECARP), “Bawat Bata Bumabasa” (3Bs), “Reading First
for Region One Program”, “The Basic Education Learning Recovery Plan” (BELRP), and “Project READ – Reading Empowerment,
Acceleration, and Development.
The school therefore designed its Project SIRIB (Strategic Interventions for Reading Improvement and Basic Literacy), a literacy
program for both English and Filipino languages. This school’s reading program is premeditated to create communities of learners
among students in VNHSE with a focus on improving students’ reading performance, both in word recognition and comprehension.
Through this program, students’ reading strengths and emerging reading difficulties were identified and addressed which will
contribute to the student’s academic performance.
The language teachers first conducted an informal reading assessment (Diagnostic Test) through their English classes to
observe the reading abilities of the learners and identify students with reading difficulties. Furthermore, a formal reading assessment
was done through the Phil-IRI. The result of the conducted school-based reading assessments (Phil-IRI) for Grade 7-10 learners reflect
the need for intensified reading program. Out of 574 learners who took the reading assessment, only 98 learners were considered
“independent readers”. Additionally, 236 learners were tagged “instructional readers”. Moreover, 218 learners were categorized as
“frustration readers”. Unfortunately, 22 students were found as “nonreaders”. Clearly, the school needs an intensified reading
program to enhance the skills of independent readers, scaffold the needs of instructional readers, remedy the deficiency of frustration
readers, and develop basic reading skills among non-readers.


Below is the result of the Pretest Phil-IRI (Philippine Informal Reading Inventory) for the Grades 7 – 10 learners which was
conducted last September 23, 2022.


Level of Non-Readers Frustration Level Instructional Level Independent Level
Tested No. % No. % No. % No. %
Grade Male 66 8 12.12 % 36 54.55 % 15 22.73 % 7 10.61 %
7 Female 61 1 1.64 % 31 50.82 % 14 22.95 % 15 24.59 %
Grade Male 94 4 4.26 % 37 39.36 % 40 42.55 % 13 13.82 %
8 Female 65 3 4.62 % 31 47.69 % 19 29.23 % 12 18.46 %
Grade Male 91 4 4.40 % 43 47.25 % 36 39.56 % 8 8.79 %
9 Female 52 2 3.85 % 20 38.46 % 15 28. 85 % 15 28.85 %
Grade Male 91 0 0% 12 13.19 % 67 73.63 % 12 13.19 %
10 Female 54 0 0% 8 14.81 % 30 55.56 % 16 29.63 %
MALE 342 16 4.68 % 128 37.43 % 158 46.20 % 40 11.70 %
FEMALE 232 6 2.59 % 90 38.79 % 78 33.62 % 58 25.00 %
TOTAL 574 22 3.83 % 218 37.98 % 236 41.11 % 98 17.07 %
Table 1: Reading Levels of Grades 7-10 Learners in English
Table 1 shows the reading level of Grades 7-10 learners in English as a result of the conducted Phil-IRI or the Pre-Test Reading
Assessment. There are a total of 574 assessed learners, 342 are males and 232 are females. A total of 22 learners (nine Grade 7, seven
Grade 8, and 6 Grade 9) emerged as non-readers, while 218 (37.98%), 236 (41.11%), and 98 (17.07%) are categorized as Frustration,
Instructional, and Independent Readers respectively.

The general objective of the Project SIRIB are as follows:
1. To categorize learners according to reading levels for literacy enhancement.
2. To provide specialized reading intervention to learners of different reading levels.
3. To improve students’ reading performance, both in word recognition and comprehension.
4. To develop basic reading skills of non-readers.
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Nagsangalan, Vigan City


Project SIRIB (Strategic Interventions for Reading Improvement and Basic Literacy)
SY 2022-2023
Acquisition of literacy skills (reading and writing) is the most important educational attainment because it constitutes the
foundation on which the acquisition of knowledge in multiple domains in school and throughout life. As such, it is important that
students are equipped with this skill, predominantly on reading for it pre-identifies the students’ success of knowledge procurement in
developing wider range of skills. Generally, it helps learners make sense not only of the world around them but also people, building
social-emotional skills and increase self-confidence. (
Since, it is believed that reading as well as language competency are both the means and the end to educational achievement
(Jordan, 2011), Botha et. Al (2008) state that language competence affects students’ performance in all subjects. If students’ reading
competencies are poor, then their writing competencies and their comprehension levels would also be poor (Botha, et. al, 2008).
Unfortunately, based on teachers’ observation and data from various reading assessments, there are still learners who struggle in
reading and has low reading fluency.
On the report published by, World Bank report presented that 9 out of 10 children in the Philippines as late
primary age are not proficient in reading. “The report, “The State of Global Learning Poverty: 2022 Update,” sent many online
communities into a frenzy. There has been a learning crisis in low-and-middle-income countries even before Covid-19 pandemic. In
the Philippines that already sorry state of public education was exacerbated by more than two years of remote learning… The literacy
problem is a drop in the bucket of crumbling basic education system that has been in crisis for decades.”
As a response to this present problem, the Department of Education (DepEd) is intensifying its campaign on reading proficiency
with the unveiling of “Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa” (3Bs) to bridge literacy gaps among learners. Vigan National High School East
is in full support of the reading initiatives started by the Schools Division of Vigan City, such as the "Every Child A Reader Program"
(ECARP), "Bawat Bata Bumabasa" (3Bs), "Reading First for Region One Program," "The Basic Education Learning Recovery Plan"
(BELRP), and "Project R," in light of this ongoing issue.
As a result, the school created Project SIRIB (Strategic Interventions for Reading Improvement and Basic Literacy), a literacy
program that is available in both English and Filipino. The reading curriculum at this school is intentionally designed to foster
learning communities among students in VNHSE with an emphasis on raising students' reading proficiency in both word recognition
and comprehension. This program helped pupils identify their reading strengths and emerging reading issues, which will improve their
academic achievement.


Level of Mastery Frequency Percentage

0-15 0 0%
16-30 25 30%
31-45 51 62%
46-60 7 8%
61-75 0 0%

TOTAL 83 100%
Table 1. Performance of Grade 11 Students during the First Periodical Exam in Oral Communication

The table 1 shows the performance of Grade 11 students during the First Periodical Exam. It can be gleaned from the table that
25 among the 83 students or 30% of them garnered low scores. Hence, we can assume that these learners are struggling as reflected
to their scores. Moreover, 51 among the 83 students or 62% scored 31-45, whom assumed to be on the instructional level. While 7
among the 83 students or 8% of them scored 46-60 whom assumed to be on independent level.
The general objective of the Project SIRIB are as follows:
1. To diagnose learners based on their reading levels.
2. To create remedial reading intervention appropriate to the learners’ needs.
3. To improve learners’ reading performance from fluency to comprehension.
4. To develop basic reading skills of non-readers.

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