Ankush Karasi It Practical

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Assistant Professor 00524501722

Q1-Creating a folder of your name at the Desktop then save the word
files in that folder.
Rename the saved files in your folder to any new name and then move
(cut) them to the desktop.
Ans: Step1:- Right click on the desktop and then go to new.

Step2:- Then click on FOLDER and a new folder will be created on your desktop.

Step3: Then rename the folder as you wish.

Q2-Create a folder of your name on Desktop and create 5

Subfolders inside that folder.
Ans:Step1:- Create a folder on the desktop and rename it .

Step2:- Right click on the screen and go to new then click on the folder.

Step 3:- Hold the new folder and merge it with the new folder .Continue it till u get the number
of folder you require.

Q3-Check the System Hardware Configuration (like RAM

Size, O.S. Name, Processor name and Motherboard Name ) of
your computer.
Ans:-Step1:- Go to start button and search for properties and then click on properties.

Step2:-Then you get all the information about your PC.

Q4-Write a paragraph in MS-Word and use Formatting Features
like Bold, Italic and Underline. The Font Type should be Arial
and Font size should be 12 points. Set the page margins
(Bottom, Top, Left and Right ) to 1.25’’.
Ans:Step 1 –Open word and write a paragraph.

STEP-2 select text that you want to bold then press ctrl+B. ctrl+I

for italics and ctrl+u for underline

STEP-3 Select the text and click on Arial.

STEP-4 Select the text and adjust the font size according to your usage.

STEP-5 To edit page margins, click on page layout, then click on custom margins.

STEP-6 After that, you can edit whatever margin you want.

Q5-Inserting Picture in Ms-Word and Adjust Brightness and Contrast of the picture.
Ans: Step 1-Go to MS-Word and click on insert. Then click on pictures and insert any image you like.

Step 2 – Under format tab click on corrections. There you can adjust the brightness and contrast of
your image.

Q6-Create a three page document in MS Word and use the
Header And Footer. Header should contain the Title Name in
the middle. Footer should contain the page no at left side.
Ans: Step1:- Go to word and go to insert and click on HEADER AND FOOTER.

Step2:-Then select the way you want to add the page number and heading.

Q7-Create A Book Index In Ms-Word using Bullets and
Numbering (use any book index as source).
Ans:- The bool index can be made in the MS-WORD by using numbering and bullets in the
home .The sample of same is shown below:

Q8-Create a Table In Ms-Word document, the table should

contain student database like name, address, course and mobile
number. Change the border of the table.
Ans:Step1:-Open word and go to insert and then click on insert table.

Step2:-Select the number of rows and columns you want to insert.

Step3:-Fill the fields as required.

Step4:-You can also change the border of the table.

Create a letter in Ms-Word and use Mail-Merge feature to

add recepients.
Ans:-Step1:- Open word and go to Mailings and then click on start mailing.

Step2:-Then type the letter common you want to send to all.

Step3:-Then go to select recipients and click on new list.

Step4:-Then type the recepients list and merge it in your common letter.

Step 5:- And then preview the result and you are done.

Q10: Create a worksheet in Ms Excel and store the

database of students containing student name, roll no,
marks of 3 subjects and calculate the Percentage Of Each
Ans:-Open excel and start the work by using number of columns and rows you require.

Q11: Create a worksheet In MS-Excel, store the temperature of
different cities for last 5 months and calculate the highest and
lowest and average temperature of each city.


Q12: Create a database in MS-Excel and apply the Sort and Filtering over the data.

Ans: step 1 write some text in ms excel

Step 2 In insert tab, click on Sort and Filter

Q13: Create a Ms-Excel Workbook with password to open the

workbook and password protected sheets.
Ans: step 1 click on file, protect workbook, encrypt with password.

Step 2 set a password of your choice. The next time you open the workbook, it will need the
password to open.

Q14: Create a worksheet In MS-Excel, store the temperature of different cities for last 5 months and
calculate the highest and lowest and average temperature of each city.

Ans: step 1 select the data then click on auto sum.

Q16: Short note on main features of MS-
Ans:-Microsoft Word is one of the most popular software programs in the world, used by
millions of office workers, students and home users to create, read and edit documents. Many
people don't use all the features of MS Word because not all of them are necessary for every
user. It can be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic features and characteristics of MS
Word, even if you don't need them all immediately, in case they ever come in handy.

Key Features of MS Word

Key features of the program include the ability to enter and format text, the ability to save
and print documents, compatibility with older versions of Word and other software, support
for cloud or local use and collaboration features. Newer versions of Word contain features
that aren't present in older versions, so if there's a feature you want that's not available in the
version you're using, you may want to upgrade your Word software if your computer supports

Working With Text and Styles

Microsoft Word is a word processor, which means that it's designed primarily for text-based
documents. These can be business reports, student papers, informal notes from a call or a
lecture, or letters to friends and relatives. In Word, you type text and see roughly how it will
appear on someone else's computer screen or on paper. You can change the font, color, size
and other style settings for text using Word's built-in options. To style multiple sections of
text the same way, such as to consistently style headings in a certain way, you can create
styles that group multiple formatting options into one setting.

Saving and Printing

After you create a document in Word, you usually want to save it for later access, send to
someone, print it out, or any combination of these uses. With Word, you can save a document
in a variety of formats for compatibility with other software. You can save the document
locally on your computer or, if you're using a recent version, to a Microsoft-supported cloud
system so you and others can access it remotely.
You can also print documents using most modern printers, adjusting settings such as whether
to print in color or black and white, whether to print on both sides of the paper and what size
and shape of paper you want to use.

Q17:-Key features of MS-EXCEL.

Ans:-Features of Microsoft Excel

1. Add Header and Footer
MS Excel allows us to keep header and footer in our spreadsheet document.

2. Find and Replace Command

MS Excel allows us to find the needed data (text and numbers) in the workbook and also
replace the existing data with a new one.

3. Password Protection
It allows user to protect their workbooks by using password from unauthorized access to their

4. Data Filtering
Filtering is a quick and easy way to find and work with a subset of data in a range. A filtered
range displays only the rows that meet the criteria you specify for a column. MS Excel provides
two commands for filtering ranges:
• AutoFilter; which includes filter by selection, for simple criteria
• Advanced Filter; for more complex criteria

5. Data Sorting
Data sorting is the process of arranging data in some logical order. MS Excel allows us to sort
data either in ascending or descending order.

6. Built in formulae
MS Excel has got many built- in formulae for sum, average, minimum, etc. We can use
those formulae as per our needs.

7. Create different charts (Pivot Table Report)

MS Excel allows us to create different charts such as bar graph, pie- charts, line
graphs, etc. This helps us to analyze and compare data very easily.

8. Automatically edits the result

MS Excel automatically edits the result if any changes are made in any of the cell.

9. Formula Auditing
Using formula auditing we can graphically display or trace the relationships between
cells and formulas with blue arrows. We can trace the precedents (the cells that
provide data to a specific cell) or the dependents (the cells that depend on the value
in a specific cell).


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